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Dick, Michael and Marty just had a long and intense research and discussion meeting about the new IMF digital currency that is rolling out soon. Our friend found the documentation “hidden” in plain site on the Internet.

Tomorrow, (Sunday) the three of them will record a segment that could be the most important segment ever published here on Cryptoviewing. They will explain the new global plan for digital money.

At Cryptoviewing, we’ve been saying it is our mission to document the switch from fiat money to the new digital financial system. We are pretty sure this is about to happen, and we now understand how that is going to roll out, what it means for the dollar, what it means for governments, and what it means for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.

Dick says “This is the ‘Oh my God moment.’”

We will publish the blockbuster new segment Sunday night.

Stay tuned.



Hey, I get it, you get what you pay for. But, the way it was portrayed, it looked like this was going to be available to everyone. So, ya we are very disappointed. Specially if it’s this important.


Click bait!


Wow! Nice way to lose subscribers. If this was so important, you'd let everyone know. How can you sleep?


Hi everyone, We wanted to let you know this important segment is coming so you have the chance to upgrade if you like this type of content. We have many segments with important info like this at the Visionary and Founders tiers! All of our "Conversations with Friends" content has been at this Visionary and Founder tiers. All the best, Jamie


Was this conveyed at the beginning?


Cheesy— low class click bait in my opinion — I thought more of this group - disappointed


Next time, include in the post that the video will only be available to the higher tiers. When I read the post I thought the video would be for all members and was looking forward to it ... only to be disappointed to learn I don't qualify to watch it. Lame.


Lame excuse. If you don’t release it, I think we need to send a message by canceling. Since it’s about the money, that would be an appropriate response.


I enjoy the crypto remote view people and look forward to their monthly sessions. Can’t blame them all for this decision. Maybe they need the money badly or something. I’ve been a member for a long time and will remain a member. Disappointed for sure.


I dont understand what you are saying Jamie. “We wanted to let you know this important segment is coming.” It Is coming or has already been published?


So at the end of the day, this huge important piece has been published at the two highest tier levels. That’s fine by me. I don’t appreciate that this wasn’t made clear in the initial announcement. Not a big deal other than it’s purely annoying. All that said, I’m sure it all added up to a bunch of drawn out talk about what everybody already knows since it’s all over YouTube.


Whoa....really bad decision here folks...bad blood when you do things like this...not appreciated by your patrons who have been here for a while. Why announce that and pull the rug. Very bad decision. Definitely won't be leveling up with something like this. Release it those you promised it to or I will be saying adios. Didn't expect that sort if thing from you all.


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


Bad move on your account, tacky. I still think your team is very good , but this was a screw-up on your part. Try harder next time.


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


DICK SAID IN HIS OWN WORDS (at the very first seconds of Friday segment with Marty) THE FRIDAY WAS MEANT TO BE A A QUICK UPDATE (as other times) AND THE FULL, THE WEEKLY WILL BE ON SUNDAY...Dick Allgire's WORDS... THAT'S WHY NOBODY HERE WAS CONFUSED, Dick SAID THAT. But then YOU decided otherwise... We will not even have the FULL update... It was too good to even bypass the words of Dick Allgire....This is the saddest episode with Cryptoviewing... Nobody here was expecting an out of tier update and Words should be honored!!!


Three-year subscriber, very disappointed tonight. This announcement was the OMG moment, and we need to pay more to view it. Maybe don’t send us lower plebs the notification next time.