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Hi Everyone,

Lots of hits this week - even one dating back to the 2017 data Edward was getting in his ominous feelings session about COVID.  We also have some hits relating to the FTX debacle.  Often the data for future events is subtle and can be hard to interpret until the event comes to pass.   You'll see here all four remote viewers had data showing the downfall of FTX but didn't get the words "FTX" in their sessions.

Sneak peak: We've got a great Woo-woo mystery session coming up tomorrow!

Have a wonderful weekend,





First I give credit to our remote viewers that many events have been captured especially the FTX debacle. However strictly speaking, I would absolutely not classify Nyiam's remote view on market crash as a hit for FTX event. I remember he clearly mentioned for that picture that the stock market and the crash is due to scarcity of resources along with escalation of war from the newscaster and it certainly did not describe a crypto event. Many of us are waiting for the 'ultimate crash event" as hinted by the Physical silver session and the past 2 months of viewing and bunching of all of those not yet happened predictions all with FTX is not accurate


Nyiam could have seen beyond 2022 and is warning us now. Like are we ready by December? no, but if warned months to years ahead, we can prepare for this epic collapse of traditional systems, like Globalization ending




Hi Jamie, could this be Nyiam's Pentagon related November news? $2.1 trillion missing in current audit. Are we at the eve of another 9/11 type event? I hope we are not. https://militarymonitoring.com/pentagon-fails-to-account-for-over-2-1-trillion-in-assets/


BREAKING: Black Friday was *BAD* | Massive Deflation Coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaYpKm7ez04


New hit: Mauna Loa eruption today 11/28/22