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Wolf of Wall Street was based on which generation again?




Let us know how the appointment goes. I hope you find relief!


I had dizziness for a while and was on Antivert for it due to a viral infection of my inner ear. Years later, I had the same, but the doctor said that he thought one of the celia hairs was floating around in the cochlear assyembly. Both can cause dizziness. In the 2nd case a cure comes from moving your head while lying down to the left or right while hanging your neck off the end of the bed. I've also had back problems stemming from my power lifting days. L5, S1 nerve (sciattica).


Hey Jeff and Dick. I have a similar neck issue. Can you share your chiropractor's contact information? My email address swlouie222@gmail.com


the PCR test you got in the hospital is the issue


Like the cilia in your eyes and ears, the little hairs that line the cells in the nose help you interpret the world around you. These tiny hairs wave back and forth, pulling in odor molecules and sending them to the brain for processing. Cilia also aid in moving dust and mucous out of your body, sweeping them from your nose down through the throat and the rest of the GI tract, where they can be flushed out of your system.


To be honest I don't believe nor Trust Bitcoin most of these crypto companies is like having a Chuck E Cheese Coins will be phased out in the near future, all their doing is tricking ppl to invest in crypto and pull the rug from under them and go broke, the central banks and the gov is the ones behind and running the cryptos, Bitcoin is run by a Black Site in Diego Garcia in British Indian Ocean Territory, Diego Garcia’s Secret Bitcoin Laundering Operation https://fundedjustice.blogspot.com/2017/12/diego-garcias-secret-bitcoin-laundering.html


Bitcoin isn't run by them lol just like HSBC wasn't running the cartels even tho they laundered their cartel money.


MIT was task to create a cryptocurrency back in the obamas day due to 2008 Financial Crisis, and Federal Reserve is developing a CBDC at MIT and The Boston Federal Reserve, All these banks branches here in USA are holding companies our funds are held at New York Fed/Treasury, Fractional Reserve Banking itself is Money Laundering. How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/03/us-bank-mexico-drug-gangs


For a digital ID carbon credit system to work without meaningful holes the means of production will have to be seized (effectively communism) and the internet will have to be locked up in such a way that access is impossible without permission and that all online activity can be tracked. I'm a programmer here to tell you that currently while most people passively accept the encroaching technocracy because they aren't tech literate, it is still impossible to completely block access to the internet. What this will do is cause black markets to emerge which thrive on ToR and privacy crypto's/blockchains that rely on ZK snarks, ZK starks, (zero knowledge proofs), etc. I don't think that the centralized WEF technocracy will survive the coming backlash and revolution that comes from everyone realizing that their life savings have been stolen. The fact that we still have our guns and know what's coming is a gigantic problem for them.


Most cryptos are garbage we know that. BTC is fine. Buy silver if you don't trust it, should have some diversification anyway.


I don't think bitcoin was started by government with the intention to enslave. Governments operate by peering over the shoulders of innovators and leeching onto them like parasites. People who are attracted to gov positions generally lack originality and creativity which bitcoin code shows in spades. I studied the bitcoin source code in early 2017 and found nothing that could indicate central control (the code is open source and you can run it on your own computer (node) and compile the code for yourself to be sure). However, I do think that entities like Blockstream have infiltrated bitcoin enough to steer or stifle development and shape it as a tool for Wall St to escape the coming collapse while ignoring other use cases (as a medium of exchange or unit of account). They understand the properties of money as defined by Aristotle, so they inhibited the medium of exchange property by declaring it a stock and subjecting it to capital gains tax. Also the lack of privacy on the base layer made it vulnerable to chain analytics which destroys the fungibility of bitcoin (each unit doesn't have the same value). Also RBF (replace by fee) created an auction environment causing fees to skyrocket making it impractical for buying small ticket items like coffee). Small block sizes make the RBF feature worse. On top of that bitcoin scaling issues that came to a head in 2017 with a block size increase were stifled due to "fears of centralization" and latency issues which come with increased block sizes. When blocks are too large, the publisher of the coinbase block will have a distinct advantage if the propagation time is too long during mining (causing mining centralization and potential for censorship of transactions). But it would make sense to scale block size up with the relative average increase of bandwidth in internet connections this past 14 years. They haven't done that and instead opted for 2nd layer such as LN - Lightning Network which is rumored to have a back door for chain analytics - I don't know if that's true, but I wouldn't be surprised). The ossification of the bitcoin protocol is worrisome, but I think it will still have a number of years before there are problems with security (due to diminishing block rewards every 4 yrs - as long as prices go up at a pace to make up for the reduction of the coinbase reward this will not be a problem). Right now it is ideally situated to be an international settlement layer between nations where accountability of the publics money can be reassured. The problem here is that government doesn't want to be accountable and would prefer to use privacy tech while you live in a fish bowl completely surveilled. It should be the reverse. But what if nation states go away as Dick says? The government hates bitcoin because they can't generate the 95% consensus needed to change the code so that they can print it like the FED does and hand it out to all their friends. This they can't do, so instead they infiltrate centralized exchanges and probably create digital promises without submitting to blockchain truth. I have no proof of this, but this is why Trace Mayer started the "proof of keys" movement where everyone withdraws their crypto from exchanges creating a "run on the banks".


Drop a link to me for me to contact I tell you what I know and what one of my friends been trying to do since 2016-2017 in regards to the blockchain stuff, I been to 2 blockchain groups in New Jersey years ago and 1 Virtual Visit a Blockchain Group hosted on Zoom i NYC at the time last year.


Hi Dick: I had vertigo for several decades on and off and it was decapacitating. So I so understand what you are going through. I found this video from a doctor who gave a set of exercises to cure it...and it worked! It hasn't come back for over 10 years, and if I get symptoms and do this--it never manifests again. Here is the video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQR6b7CAiqk. I sure hope this helps you Dick. You are so loved and appreciated.


I think you are right, what they will do is an escalation, where you can not enter the internet, use a bank, nothing, without verifying who are you are first, and that "end game" will be implants (which will first be sold to the public as "health sensors"). When that occurs, it's full on "mark the beast" type system and there will be billions who will throw away their paper fortune and not submit to this. Rebuild again, and then all you need is Mother Earth and the Sun to team up, and send some CME solar flares, to turn off this "end game" technocracy, disabling all the servers and even the manufacturers who make the tech, so no new inventions. Amish will thrive during this time of renovation and rebuilding, I plan to be walking distance from fresh water and farm land before this. I pray Dick and all the remote viewers start learning how to farm and save seeds


Ok where is Jeff’s house? Just a state and region.


Ya, Looked into FTX last year and saw Alameda was involved . Did not look ok good to me. Glad my coins are off exchanges. They were not running it the dems were. OMG Trying to find a Chiropractor myself they all are sheet now.