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Malaysia Airlines planes crash in Ukraine and off the coast of Malaysia cause the airline company to go bankrupt...


Peter Paget, who worked for British Intelligence, writes in his book "Secret Life of a Spook" about MH370. (page 285): I refrase; People in the Maldives saw the plane head south. A person who called a relative on board after the disappearence got no answer but as location: the US base at Diego Garcia. (Meaning some phone made it there :-) He talks also about Freescale taking a new very special microchip with them to be produced in China. The chip would enable the government to snoop on anyone who has wifi enabled domestic equipment. So the chip stayed in American hands... Great book by the way!


The book is from 1016. Many more revelations in it. Very credible. I enjoyed it tremendously.


Sorry> 2016.


I wonder if there was an extraction by a et ship or earth copy of one?


Need more magnesium to get rid of leg cramping


excellent work!


Great work. Sucks that the plane might have been taken out because of someone/someone's being on the plane. I feel bad for everyone on that plane as they would've been "collateral damage."


How to explain that holding pattern that the plane executed early on? Lot of questions about the event but impossible to answer with no wreakage retrieval.


RV is very limiting, It would have been good if a movement task was ask for, to look at the pilots. Other RV teams have done this already. They saw everybody onboard falling asleep. One of the pilots looks like he is doing something he should not , and it looks like he purposely did something. This does not mean a nefarious situation was the cause. This could still be a accident. However, RV is like looking in a peep hole, it takes a lot of looks to make a confident conclusions. I'm thinking this might not be a accident, if you take both the crypto and farsight , it seems that it was not a accidental malfunction of the plane. I recommend people look at the Farsight RV team of the same target. https://youtu.be/wy8_1mEEytU


With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent


Mh370 became mh17. The donbass rebels saw bodies with advanced decay with Asian passports on that plane. A rothschild false flag against putin and the Eurasian ideology indeed