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Eddie certainly feels like the "lesser" of the police characters, doesn't he? There are less jokes centred around him, that I can think of. But he's the first to speak, so he's first here. He doesn't even have a surname, as far as I can tell.

The first thing that comes to mind about Eddie is that he's...not human?

(From season 12's "Worst Episode Ever".)

What does this mean? I never really understood this joke. It seems like a pretty major revelation that one of Springfield's finest is not human. Is the entire police force an alien species sent so infiltrate humanity's ranks? No, of course not. That's stupid.

The other popular theory about Eddie is that he's Ralph's real father. Personally I think this is not and never was the show's intention, and that Eddie/Ralph's similar hairstyle is just a result of similarly designed characters appearing throughout the early seasons. Remember, Ralph is barely a character at this point, and his parentage has not been mentioned at all, so it's unlikely this kind of lore was at the forefront of the producer's minds when defining how Eddie looked. But hey, what do I know? Feel free to bring it up next time your Simpsons nerd friends are exchanging useless trivia.

Why yes, I have spent too much time thinking about this.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.




I think Lou's saying if Eddie WASN'T affected, he wouldn't be human. I think. I've been thinking about this since you posted this tbh

David Cooper

Truly, I appreciate you putting more thought into this. As a community we can crack this joke.