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This went well last time, so let's try it again!

I have a few potential designs for this month's Patreon print, and thought I'd let you all vote on which one will be the final design! Same rules as last time, the two winners will be the May/June prints.

Here are your contestants:

"The Krusty The Clown Show"

"Stay Away From Death Mountain"


"Do You Find Something Comical About My Appearance?"

And there we have it! Vote for your favourite and hopefully we can all agree when the poll closes at the weekend. Thanks for your patronage!

(Next time we do this I might throw in some non-Simpsons prints, because I like doing them too, we'll see if you guys are interested in that.)



They are all brilliant!


I hope Dr. Colossus shows up again! This was a tough competition for him.