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A massive thirty one page, 14.5K story for Sigil. Do you like the cover art? I made it myself! 🐯

This may be slightly edited before posted elsewhere, but this is the final version. 

A group of werewolves have delighted in the pleasures of the flesh for too long, and the local village decides to take measures in their own hands. How will they resolve these lascivious, gluttonous, murderous wolves? A flip of a coin, of course. 

Heads? You lose your head! And Tails? You lose your ... balls! To do this, me and the commissioner actually used a system involving a deck of cards and flipping coins to determine the order of each wolf as well as their fate. It was a lot of fun, and I want to do it again.

This was a very fun commission but I do want to put some spoilers in the other text file below. You don't want any spoilers, just know that it gets VERY messy and that some of the werewolves do not survive. However, I still think it's a happy ending. :)



Thank you so, so much! You have outdone yourself! I look forward to more from you as soon as possible!