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Nobody's ever asked but I thought I would show the commission process that we use for Lenex, from start to finish. I will not go into all of the little things like recruiting/finding commissioners etc,.

In this case, I have permission to use Admiral Sabree's dragon-love comic. It started with me asking them, "What do you want?" One of the hardest parts of commissioning art, for either side, is knowing what the commissioner wants. Sometimes they have a great idea but they haven't thought about how it would look 'on paper', they just know that there are parts they want. So breaking it down into specific images can be very helpful. In this situation, they asked for this:

  • The idea itself, the male being (Xyandier) and female (Telitaya).
  • Panel 1 would Start with the two sharing a close kiss nuzzling one another passionately.
  • Panel 2 would follow with the male laying back on the bed while his female companion grabs his package. His cock on full display  
  • Panel 3, She cuts his nuts out of his scrotum. Him moaning.
  • Leading to panel 4. Where she is tugging on his exposed nuts, pulling on them firmly and holding them in her hands now.
  • Panel 5 would have him looking at her lustfully, (essentially a headshot) panting with dialog. "I'm ready, do it."
  • Potential Panel 6. Close-up of his balls as she jams her thumbs into each respective nut. Causing them to tremble and strain in her grasp.
  • Panel 7. A not close-up of the two as she's digging her thumbs into his nuts as he's crying out in pleasure and pain. Shooting his load. (Just a note that his nuts aren't being popped.)

Going from this, we discussed the lay out. Many of Lenex's comments are 6 panels to start, but if there are many small detailed panels it can go up to 10, and we recently had one that was 4, so there's flexibility.

In this situation, panel five really seemed to be central to the whole comic idea. Since the first and last big panels would have somewhat similar pictures, of the two dragons together, the  idea of having a central 'heart' panel made sense, and that panel really showed the heart. You could see that happening at any point between the other small panels, since the dragons loved each other and are checking for limits/consent with each other affectionately.

So, with that in mind, I made an amazing story board (as you see above). Yes, I'm not a very good artist. The point of the story board isn't to be something to fap to, it's to give very rough informational concepts to the customer and the artist. The commissioner liked this, they just needed one emphasis - in the last panel, no boobs. So I added that in (see the first panel) and passed it on to Lenex. 

Again, it's not meant to be erotic at this stage, it's meant to give Lenex a loose framework and all of the actions/emotions that he needs to make something beautiful with it.

Lenex then created a linework mockup. This is basically the storyboard, converted into art. Check above for the black & white linework. Lenexwants follows the storyboard as much or little as they want - the center panel, for example, is completely different than what i had framed it as, and looks MUCH more reasonable. However, the nut-probing frame in the lower center right, that is almost the same. Now it looks like art, but it's still very rough.

This is sent to the commissioner and any adjustments that they are looking for are taken care of. This is where 'failed' panels, or missing information can be tweaked and added in. Sometimes there is an aspect of a character that wasn't visible in the refs given that needs to be adjusted, etc. In this situation, they were very happy with it. Because the commissioner also wanted a story to go with it, I then started discussing with them the contents of the story; sometimes a story is a verbatim take on the comic, and sometimes they riff off of each other. In this context it was a verbatim of the comic, so the story adds context and depth to the interactions there. 

Meanwhile, Lenexwants has permission to go ahead and finish it. The final pic is posted above - there is always a chance for the commissioner to do final tweaks then. Once they're happy with it, we discuss wether it should be posted or not, and wether it should be linked to them or not. 

Pretty standard, I Think! What do you think?




Certainly turned out well!

Fergus Wyrm

I like the prototype drawing x3 I do the same thing