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Here's a sequence featuring Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. The idea was suggested by magicwizz29.

"Jack Frost came to visit a house and found some milk and cookies left out for "santa". Jack had a long night visiting other houses and was really hungry. He figured nobody would notice if he ate some cookies and had some milk. Because it wasn't meant for him, some kind of christmas magic teaches him a lesson to not steal and makes Jack grow HUGE destroying the house. The leftover rubble (including Christmas decorations) cover his privates and his foot has destroyed the house next door."

1. It was a normal Christmas night for Jack, who got used to help out Santa to deliver gifts. He was more than happy to help out, and he also has a lot of fun travelling all over the world. But travelling and lifting around a bunch of gifts does build up an appetite...

After leaving his last gift for the night, exhausted, he was heading back to the Workshop to see how everyone was doing...but something stopped him from his tracks. He couldn't keep his eyes off a plate full of delicious cookies, and a big glass of milk, with a note that said "For Santa". He started to drool, and his belly started to growl. He couldn't resist any longer, he went right ahead and ate and drank everything! Leaving only a few crumbs on the plate.

He let out a satisfied burp, and patted his surprisingly big, bloated belly, those cookies were quite filling!...But something felt off. Jack's belly started to soundly growl, as if it was protesting for the consumed cookies. Jack started rubbing his belly, but was soon interrupted by a sudden flow of energy, which made his whole body jolt! The moment that happened, his body grey in size and muscle! His hoodie riding up his torso, revealing he his newly developed abs. It was like the cookies themselves knew that they were only for Santa, and were about to teach Jack a lesson or two for being a glutton...

2. The sudden change of weight and mass on his body made him lose balance, falling down to on his butt, making a loud "THUD" sound. From his point of view, he could see that not only his upper body was growing but also his lower body too. His legs were steadily filling up his tattered pants, and his feet were also expanding bigger, about double their original size. He was about to get up, but he felt a rush of energy again...

"FFWWOOOOOOMPH!" His body went, suddenly exploding in size, every nook and cranny of his body maxing out in sheer size, all his muscles filling up with power and mass, becoming round and smooth mounds of pure muscle. Strong enough to protect enyone from Nightmares...and well, strong enough to destroy a house it seems. His sudden growth left him stuck in the living room, filling it more and more every second that was passing...

3. Jack kept on growing in all directions, destroying walls and filling every room in the house...his head soon bursted into the second floor, where the one person that lived there was sleeping!...But he seemed to be quite the heavy sleeper, since no matter how much Jack was crushing and destroying the house and its furniture, he was still sleeping like a baby. Jack got a little relieved to see that the person is safe and sound...but once again, he felt an even bigger flow of energy....

"BOOOOOM" Went the house, exploding into pieces, the massive, and still growing Guardian of Fun finally freed from the shrinking prison that was that house. Jack couldd barely control his body from the sudden growth, but he did make sure to focus enough to keep the person that lived there safe, who conveniently, fell safely into Jack's massive, soft bulge...which was even comfier than any other bed, the little person moaning in joy from how comfy it was...and with the slight, musky scent.

Jack was so flustered about all this, seeing how the house (which looked more like the remains of a gingerbread house from his point of view) was completely destroyed...and how he was almost completely naked in public! Thank goodness the little kids are asleep at this hour, or else he would have to find a way to cover his obscenely huge body. Unfortunately, as careful as he tried to be, the sudden burst in size made his left foot destroy part of the neighbour's house...who was just taking out some milk out of the fridge, now in front of his destroyed kitchen, and Jack, behemoth sized sole, which looked like it could cover his whole house with one step.

"S-sorry about that, lil's guy..." Jack sheepishly apologized to the smaller person who, even though he looked more like a young adult, believed enough in Jack to the point he was able to see him. THe other little guy finally woke up from his heavy sleep, feeling a little shilly with the cold, night wind flowing on him...only to find himself in the big mound that was Jack's foot...And then see two, even more massive mounds that were Jack's pecs, towering over him! The visual was so fantastical, that he could have sworn that he was still dreaming...

Jack hopes that Santa didn't notice this accident, but that was wishful thinking, since Santa could see everything...and well, he was JUST flying around the area, and he could perfectly see the growing titan that was growing in the middle of a neighbourhood, who sported quite the familiar white hair he knew very much...I guess Santa will have to punish Jack by giving him more gifts to deliver...besides, might be easier for him to travel around and lift more gifts with his new size~

Hope you like it, and hope you had a wonderful Christmas!





BiscuitBox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 15:21:31 I'm not sure I've seen a pic from you before with the guy still all skinny at the start but with a big, bloated, stuffed gut. Very nice. <3
2020-12-29 22:10:29 I'm not sure I've seen a pic from you before with the guy still all skinny at the start but with a big, bloated, stuffed gut. Very nice. <3

I'm not sure I've seen a pic from you before with the guy still all skinny at the start but with a big, bloated, stuffed gut. Very nice. <3


They can look pretty cute like that! Tho yeah, haven't done that too often, might do it more often knowing that you and others like ittho ^^

magicwizz29 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 15:21:28 This was spectacular &lt;3 especially love the 3rd frame where Jack is as tall as the tree sitting down with his feet out
2020-12-30 21:05:23 This was spectacular <3 especially love the 3rd frame where Jack is as tall as the tree sitting down with his feet out

This was spectacular <3 especially love the 3rd frame where Jack is as tall as the tree sitting down with his feet out