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Here's a picture featuring Kaeya from Genshi Impact. The idea was suggested by TPoN.

"Since it’s getting closer to Christmas, maybe the crew in Mondstadt decide to hold a Christmas party, using Dilucs tavern to hold the celebration! Due to some carelessness though, some of the drinks ended up being enchanted by some magic, which Kaeya happens to drink, getting him drunk and growing him huge!"

Mondstat was brimming with Christmas spirit, its inhabitants decorating the streets and houses with lights, looking for gifts for their loved ones, everyone was preparing for the holidays. And the local bar wasn't going to fall behind!

With the help of Diluc, who gladly accepted to help them out, the bartender and him decided to hold a Christmas party! After some time preparing, everything was ready, decorations, food, drinks, all that was left is open the doors and let people enjoy themselves!

The party seemed quite lively, everyone enjoying their time celebrating together. Both Kaeya and Venti decided to join in as well. They greeted Diluc on their way in, while he nodded back, with a glare that screamed "Don't cause any trouble..." Both Diluc and Venti waved back, smiling back to reassure Diluc that they were up to nothing bad.

Once both boys settled on the second floor, they decided to order their drinks. Venti just asked for his "usual", while Kaeya, seeing how they brought quite the variety, decided to just to say "Surprise me!" THe bartender nodded back at them, and went to prepare their drinks. Once he got Venti's drink ready, he started brewing the drink for Kaeya. Since he's  a regular, he's tasted most of the selection of drinks they offer, so the bartender really wanted to surprise him.

While thebartender was busy brewing the drink, Aether was right at the counter having a nice chat with the rest of his party. They just got back from a huge fight against a very challenging ice flower creature, Aether distributing the loot between the party members. One of the most valuable items he got was a vial that contained a bright, cyan liquid inside of it, he wanted to bring it to Albedo to see if he knew what it was. Careless, he left the vial on the counter while talking to others, and the moment he did, he put it right next to the drinks the bartender was using to brew Kaeya's drink...and without noticing, the bartender took the vial, and poured its contents into the brew...

The bartender brought both drinks to Kaeya and Venti's table, a whole bottle of each of their drinks, and handed them out, bowing towards them, hoping they enjoy their drinks. Venti just loved drinking his "usual", but Kaeya's eyes opened widely the moment he had a taste of the drink from the glass he served himself. "You have my congratulations~" Kaeya said towards the bartender, who satisfyingly nodded once again, and left both boys to enjoy themselves.

Kaeya kept on drinking servings of his drink...one, two...he shrugged it off, and just decided to drink straight out of the bottle. THe taste of the drink had a really strong, yet tasty kick to it that he's never tasted before...which made it quite addicting. He kept on chugging the bottle's contents, seeming like the contents never ran out...which was what was going on! The contents of the vial, somehow, was making sure to keep the bottle full no matter how much of its contents were pouring out!

He was drinking so much, that his body was starting to react to the overload of liquid pouring down Kaeya's throat, which was visibly bobbing with each, big gulp. Kaeya's buttons were starting to open up, revealing his bloated belly, which looked like a small  water ballon, audibly sloshing with each gulp, Venti noticing this. But that wasn't the only thing that was changing from Venti's point of view. Somehow, Kaeya's arms looked a bit more developed, and the buttons on his chest area were looking pretty tight...then it was obvious, his body was growing bigger overall! His already athletic arms developing into a couple of weapons that could scare any Hilichurl that got in his way, his shirt's buttons flying off after Kaeya's pecs bounced out of the confinement of his clothes, revealing a couple of round and thick orbs of muscle. His pants were starting to complain, visibly and audibly tearing up as his legs started to grow bigger, slowly yet steadily filling them up.

Venti was really confuse at what was going on...but for some reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off Kaeya. Kaeya, noticing the attention, grabbed Venti with his strong arms,and brought him close to his pecs. "Enjoying the show, little guy? Then come closer to enjoy it even further~" Kaeya said teasingly, already seeming to start to getting drunk...but also, somehow noticing what was going on, without being surprised or bothered by this? Ventis wasn't sure if it was just because he was drunk, or because Kaeya had experience with this...one thing was for sure, is that there was no way to escape from Kaeya's grasp, his massive arms growing even bigger the more Kaeya drank...So might as well just enjoy it. Venti just went ahead and grabbed his bottle, joining in the drinking fun with Kaeya.

Kaeya kept on drinking and growing, his body outgrowing his clothes and ripping them into shreds, only leaving him in obscenely tight undies. His body was becoming so heavy, that the chair tht he was sitting on collapsed onder his weight, his massive butt plopping down the floor, making the whole building shake...but that didn't stop him from drinking more. The people around paralyzed in shock and confusion at what was going on...and some others enjoying the show a little too much.

That crashing sound was enough to call Diluc, seeing how the ceilingof the first floor was denting outwards, like something really massive and heavy was about to fall through the ceiling. He quickly ran up the second floor to see what was going on...only to find a massive, growing, drunk Kaeya covering most of the floor of the second floor with his sheer size, spreading his limbs outwards, making himself as comfy as he could,even if it meant to just crush any furniture that was around him, and laying one of his feet on top of the table of one of the customers. Diluc had no idea what to say at this sight...until Kaeya noticed his presence "C'mon, Diluc...Come join the fun~" Kaeya said while raising his bottle, along with Venti who was all drunkily cheery in Kaeya's arms. That was enough to fluster Diluc even further, making him cover his face to attempt to hide his nosebleed...

How long will it take to stopthe drunk Kaeya before he outgrows the whole bar...and city??

Hope you like it!



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