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Here's a picture featuring Inosuke from Demon Slayer. The idea was suggested by Chartias.

"Inosuke (kimetsu no yaiba) growing while eating (meanwhile tanjirou and zenitsu (zenitsu ya buff, referring to his previous sketch) observing how the previous one mentioned eats and grows.)"

This is a sequel to this sketch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2020-1-37528156

After going through the confusion of how Zenitsu grew all of a sudden, everyone's throughts were interrupted by a deep and ominous growl that resonated throughtout the whole room. The growling coming from none other than Inosuke, specifically his stomach. Tanjiro figured out it was just him being hungry for breakfast, but that was stilly weirdly loud for Inosuke's usual hungry stomach growls. Deciding to leave Zenitsu's changes for later investigation, the three boys headed over to the dining room of the Inn.

Both Tanjiro and and Zenitsu decided to order the signature bowl of noodles from the inn. Meanwhile, Inosuke went ahead and just ordered a bunch of meat. Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu were used to Inosuke's hunger, but today, he ordered muuuuch more food than the usual portions he eats. Once the food arrived, Inosuke dove right into the meat, and started tearing the rich meat from its bones. The meat was cooked to perfection, the meat basically melting into Inosukes mouth, leaving a flavorful feeling in his mouth. This made it much easier for Inosuke to just bite and swallow his food.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu were trying to enjoy their meal, but they could keep their eyes off Inosuke. Inosuke, with his mask off to make it easier to eat, was already on his fifth plate of meat, eating his prey in a feral way, well, even more feral than usual. He has eaten so much, that Inosuke's toned abs started to bloat up. He was being such a messy eater, that remains of meat were flying off on both the other boys. They tried to tell him to calm down, but he just growled back at them and kept one eating, and demanding for even more servings.

It was then when it happened...Inosuke started to grow in size as well! It wasn't too noticeable at first, mainly on his abdomen area, but now it seemed that each piece of meat that got to his mouth, added some more mass and size to his body, pulsing bigger with each bite. In a matter of seconds, he easily reached Zenitsu's already big size...and kept growing bigger! His built much bulkier than the sleepy, blond boy's, he kept on inching upwards and outwards while devouring his food, doubling Zenitsu's size pretty quickly. He was growing so big, that his head hit the ceiling of the living room...but that didn't distract him from eating his meal. The hosts were a little too scared of Inosuke, so they just followed his demands for more food, and kept on bringing more the moment he cleaned his plates, adding more and more size to the intimidating youth. 

It seems that the curse that was put on Zenitsu is contagious...how much bigger will Inosuke get? And is someone else going to get the curse? Who knows~

Hope you like it!
