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Happy New Year!

I hope next year is a much, MUCH better year for everyone. My best of wishes for your goals, health, everything! And hope you have fun with friends, family, by yourself, etc. Just make sure to stay safe ^^

When I started this account, I never thought I would be nearing 90 patrons, much less getting close to a 100. So I deeply thank everyone, to the ones that have stayed with me from the begining, to the new ones that have joined throughout the journey, and even the ones that have left. THank you very much for your support, and helping me believe in myself to be able to reach some goals I never throught I would reach, and keep moving forward for newer goals. And I'm just freaking happy that you guys like my content. haha

Have fun, wish you the best again, and stay safe. ^^



You have a great 2021, best wishes from me!


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! …and I won't further risk jinxing anything 😅

Sleta Giant

Happy new year to you as well my friend !i hope you had a great christmas ! keep the amazing work ! also take care of you!


THank you very much! Hope you did too, and of course~ Take good care of yourself too ^^