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Greetings everyone,

Alrighty, well July is in the books and it was a busy one here at AB as we get ready to take some vacations and get away a bit before the fall settles in. Worry not though, we've been busy because we've been working ahead and making sure that content is all prepped and ready. You won't see any interruptions of releases or anything like that. In fact if all goes to plan, you won't really even know we're on vacation! Anyways, that's all in the future but for now we have items and stuff to talk about!

Our new magic item releases for July:

Concussive Crown

Ramming yourself head first into your problems is a tough way to solve things, but at least with this helmet you might have a bit of protection.

Release Post 

Bartuk's Booster

Those goblins are always creating solutions in search of a problem and this time is no different. That said, I could see the use here if you get away in time.

Release Post


Up, up, and away you'll go with this convenient saddle made to fit any mount. You'll be soaring the skies in no time. Just make sure you inform your companion before.

Release Post


Ready to get wet this summer? Well this thing will definitely get that job done, and it just might send someone flying across the room!

Release Post 

One More Thing:

One More Thing: Battering Ram

This agent of chaos is little more than an alchemically enhanced beast of burden, but it will certainly put a dent in your castle walls.

Release Post

I hope you all are having an amazing summer and with just a few short weeks left of it, I hope you can enjoy the time and get some moments to commune with the great outdoors. I know I'm excited to touch some grass.

Wrap Ups for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Onward and upward!

- Fernando & Matthew



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