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It's a big day here at AbyssalBrews. Actually it's a massive, humongous, extremely above average sized day. I would say I was being hyperbolic, but I am so excited to finally get this into your hands. We are FINALLY ready to launch the digital home for our content, the Kraken's Katalogue.

We have been working diligently on this project for over a year now and it involved a lot of hurdles, learning, failing, restarting, learning, failing more, and restarting again to finally get to this point. Following a successful beta test over the last month and successful alpha tests since fall, we are now ready to welcome everyone to the Katalogue.

What is the Katalogue?

The Katalogue is a website that houses all of our magic items, creatures, player options, and more. It is filterable, visually pleasing, and offers all versions of our items no matter which system you use. You'll be able to link your Patreon account to the Katalogue and find tier appropriate downloads of all of the things mentioned above.

Who has access to the Katalogue?

This is a perk for patrons of any tier. If you have an active subscription to our Patreon, you can use the Katalogue.

How do I access the Katalogue?

We tried to make this as simple as possible. Head to https://katalogue.abyssalbrew.com and click on the "Link My Patreon" button near the top. You'll be asked to either log into Patreon or be presented with an authorization page if you're already logged in. Click "Allow" and that's it. You now have access. If you need a bit more of a walkthrough, watch the video at the top of this post.

What's next for the Katalogue?

First, I'm going to give myself a bit of a break to focus on other things I've been neglecting to get this launched. After that, we've created a roadmap of features that we would like to add including more filtering options, better default system selection preferences, and more. I'll keep you updated as we go along.

Finally, I would like to offer a huge thank you for all of your continued support. Without that, we never could have made AbyssalBrews as successful as it has been and we never could have gotten this thing off the ground.

If you enjoyed the music in the Katalogue Overview video above, then I recommend you check out McRoMusic. Sean is a good friend of ours and makes amazing track for your games. I use them at my own table all the time!

We aren't taking our foot off the gas this year. We have so much more to bring you, but I'm so excited to finally get the Kraken's Katalogue in your hands.

If you need support, feel free to message us here, or if you want a faster reply, find us on our Discord.

Let's get Kraken!

Fernando & Matthew


Dan Gragert

Mind blown. This is so well laid out and runs beautifully. Great job!