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Hot off the cutting room floor: In this episode I'll show you everything I know about making good expressions with Genesis 3 and 8 in DAZ Studio. I'll talk about where to find them, how they work, how you can mix them with visemes and how to save your own.

I'll cover how to use the Puppeteer and Power Pose tools in more detail in another video. 

For Phil.


Introduction to Expressions in DAZ Studio

In this episode I'll show you everything I know about making good expressions with Genesis 3 and 8 in DAZ Studio. I'll talk about where to find them, how...


Dreamlab Studio

Great video Jay! I really wish DAZ would implement some preset options in the Pose Preset Save Options window. A selection of a few check boxes such as: Expression, Hands, Feet, Upper Body, Lower Body and Full body So you can easily check a box to quickly have the correct type of setting saved that you want. I save a lot of expression presets since I find each character in my project needs a special percentage amount and sometimes a blend of expressions to suit the character's model. If I could quickly check the "expression" box at the top and not have to drill down 10 different options it would be so much easier. :D I also love using the Puppeteer window to get those custom amounts of expressions. My method is to set a default "zero" expression dead center in the graph window. Then I usually create a ring/circle of different expressions such as laugh, smirk, sad, anger and on and on. Then I can just slide the Puppeteer 'dot' somewhere between the default and expression to quickly get the look I like. Save the preset and easily go make another. Ideally after a short time I'll have 20 or so expressions that I know work good on the character I'm using in my project. This may be way too much work for someone just using a character for one or two images but I may need to render 200 to 500 images of a character over the project's life so anything I can do to speed things up is very useful for me. :D

Jay Versluis

I do exactly the same thing! Great minds think alike. I've been considering splitting the expressions up into groups (like one circle for happy, another one for angry). It's nice to focus on the good aspects of DAZ Studio sometimes. As clunky as some areas of the software are, others are really good.

Dreamlab Studio

Interesting. I like that idea of having more options per 'circle'. Sometimes there may be 5 or 6 angry expressions you like.