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Decals can be used to project additional details onto existing objects. Say a tattoo on a character, some graffiti on a wall, or a logo on someone's t-shirt. Traditionally you'd have to extract the texture file, amend it outside of DAZ Studio and then bring it back , hoping it works. Any change would require another trip to the texture editing app. A decal on the other hand is an independent object that's easy to size and move and can be thrown onto a variety of objects without having to touch their textures.

Iray decals are a tad tricky to get going, but I hope I've explained everything you need to know here. I'll also throw in how to handle transparent logos and how to make your own transparency maps in Photoshop.



(No title)


Jay Versluis

I'm glad you like it! I've been meaning to do more DAZ videos, but haven't been in the mood for them lately. Said mood is slowly coming back though, so I'm making a few more while the iron is hot so to speak. Interesting about iClone and their implementations of decals. I find that in 3D there's often the same concept with various types of implementations, or the same implementation with different names, like Ray Tracing (Unity) and Line Casting (Unreal). Have a look if and how iClone have implemented the Iray Section Node. Do they have that? I thought that was a neat trick.

Babka Yoshka

Thank you very much! I did not know about this technique