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I have exciting news: I've been able to build a whole Unreal Engine project I've been tinkering with over the last few days. What's even more exciting is that I can share it with you here :-)

It features Unreal Guy in a mysterious island setting, faced with a countdown timer and a multitude of purple objects to collect. Can he do it before the time runs out?

The project followed Mathew Wadstein's excellent Unreal tutorial series about creating a minimal viable product. It brings together all basic concepts from which an interactive experience can be derived. I've added some other magic of my own. Here's a full list of features:

  • a button that opens a door (Blueprint relationship)
  • several HUDs (graphic overlays)
  • a countdown timer
  • a score counter
  • a menu system (start/pause/success/game over)
  • an intro video
  • music and sound effects
  • interactive water (UIWP - free for this month, value $349)

This project gives me a starting point for further refinement. I've learnt so much from putting this together, and I can't wait to share the principles with you soon.

How to play

The attached version is for Windows 64-bit systems. UnZIP using 7-zip, then start the MVP.exe file. Windows may prevent you from running it. Should this happen, select "show more" and "run anyway". 

Both controller and keyboard/mouse navigation is supported.

  • WASD - navigation
  • P or ESC - bring up the Pause Menu
  • collect all purple objects before the time runs out
  • you can't die or drown (or swim)
  • don't walk off the outer edge of the game world

Why 7-zip?

The upload limit here on Patreon is 512MB, and my regular Windows ZIP file was a little too large. 7-zip uses better compression, which made the file small enough to upload here.

My original plan was to share the build on Gumroad, but although their upload limit is 16GB, they don't allow that for free products. I've made the .ZIP available over there but had to set a $1 minimum price. I'll see if I can find larger free storage alternatives for future versions (itch.io perhaps). 

Have fun, and let me know what you think!

Edit: More Download Options

I've been tinkering a little more and found a way to make larger downloads available for free via GitHub! Here's the repo that contains build releases only, so if I add features and upload new versions they can all live there. I've also made a free Ko-fi product that pulls in the direct download link. Try it out and see if it works!



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