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After countless hours of tweaking code and fiddling with WordPress, I'm happy to release the new design of my second website into the wild. All core features are implemented and I'm happy to do the rest over time. There's probably something I've forgotten, or a link that's not quite working. 

Like before, I've retained the look and feel of the previous TwentyThirteen design, focussing on a plain presentation with good typography, readability and - most importantly - discoverability of content. As I was tweaking I found a nice masonry presentation feature for articles, so I've implemented that together with long lists. I might go back to my WP Guru site and add that feature there as well.

This whole project gave me a good insight into many of the newer WordPress features that have been gradually added since version 5.0 (aka The Gutenberg Disaster). Now, 5 versions later, it's actually quite good! 

Let me know what you think of the new design! Can you find your way around? Is there something missing that's super obvious to you, but not to me?




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