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I've spent some time this morning to put a front page for my WP Guru site together. My intention was to avoid having a separate "about page" and put a condensed version of what I do on that site, together with some information about me. I've also added some usage tips for new visitors. What do you think? Have I missed anything? Any glaring spelling mistakes I've overlooked?

These things always take way longer than I anticipate. I had two instances of Unreal Engine running in the background, because this was going to take "perhaps a few minutes", and I had intended to do some 3D work. I've only realised by the heat underneath my desk that it took me a good 4 hours!

While fiddling, I took a look at my podcast feed presentation, added some Spotify Embed boxes here and there, tidied up some menus and CSS formatting, played around with columns and Gutenberg blocks... but I feel great about it, and it's all coming together. 

I feel like I'm close to release here - give this temporary version the once-over and let me know your thoughts.



Brian Cramer

I really like the layout of the new site, Jay. I'd like to take a closer look at it later when I'm on a computer, but even on mobile I can see that it explains its purpose up front now, and sells itself better. Nicely done.

Jay Versluis

Thanks Brian! I might add some more images to the front page in due course, perhaps a few of those fashionable logos and things that make it more personal. Let me know if you find anything, I might put it live later this week and start converting my other website.