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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Oh, how he had missed this feeling, how he had even been able to start his days, without the feeling of waking up next to a beautiful, warm woman by his side. And especially Ashara Dayne, who seemed to be the type who liked to cuddle. The woman was hugging him as if she had spent too many nights by herself or fearful that he was going to disappear in the middle of the night. Who could do that, especially when he felt her soft curves all over him, she had draped one leg over his, her large breasts mashed against his ribs as she wrapped a slender arm around his chest and rested her head on his torso allowing him to feel her calm breathing.

Jon reached out a hand to move some of her hair behind her ear, allowing him to see her beautiful face. Jon contemplated for a while this beautiful, sweet woman who for some reason had chosen him to warm her bed, when surely, she could get any guy she wanted. If he had been in front of a heart tree, no doubt he would have gotten down on his knees to thank the gods for making him such a lucky bastard.

Jon not being able to keep his hands still for long, in the presence of this woman, he began to rub her back gently, sometimes reaching down far enough to give that wonderful ass of hers a good squeeze. Slowly, Ashara began to let out pleasurable sounds and settled even more against him, causing his hard morning erection to jerk in excitement. Jon laid soft kisses across her forehead as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Rise and shine, Ash" She ignored him, so he tried again, "Time to get up" he said accompanied by a firm squeeze to her ass.

Jon delighted in watching on as a grown woman puckered her eyebrows prettily and whined, as she shifted on the bed, hiding her face in the side of his neck as she asked him for five more minutes of rest. But that wasn't all, being almost practically on top of him, as she moved her thigh bumped against his erection, but she didn't stop there. Ashara began rubbing her thick thigh against his hard cock, teasing him for several seconds until Jon had enough and spun them both around abruptly, eliciting a surprised squeal from her followed by an amused giggle.

"Is this the way you wake a lady up in the mornings, Jon Snow?" she said trying to feign annoyance.

"So, I'm supposed to believe you were asleep?" Jon asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, I was asleep." she said, as she continued to feign innocence. "I was enjoying a pleasant slumber, until a barbaric Northerner attacked me."

"Hmm, if I remember correctly, it was you who invited this `Northern barbarian' into your bed." he told her, as he captured her arms and lifted them above her head and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "And you certainly didn't complain when I attacked you last night."

Completely at his mercy, Ashara let out a slight moan as she felt him rub his hard cock against her already wet slit, lubricating his length with her juices.

"You act so demure, my lady. But you're already dripping for me. Were you that desperate for my cock?" Jon asked her, teasing her as he continued to rub himself against her.

Ashara didn't answer him, so Jon held the grip on her arms using only one hand and extends the other to her large tits and squeezed them roughly and possessively, causing the soft flesh to bulge between his fingers and making her let out a loud gasp. He was sure his fingers were pressing hard enough to leave a mark.

"What a lusty woman, teasing me with this lustful body" Jon said, leaning down to kiss her jaw and neck.

Still keeping a tight grip on her arms, he worked his way down over her until he reached her breast. Jon licked his lips and opened his mouth, sealing his lips around Ashara's left breast and began to kiss and lick the hard, the thick nipple.

Taking the full nipple in his mouth, he sucked hard on it as he lifted his head and stretched her breast upward until the nipple slipped from his mouth with a loud pop. Ashara's breast jiggled as it fell back onto her chest, her nipple protruding red and swollen from his attentions. Jon repeated the process with the other, leaving both nubs swollen and red, glistening with his saliva.

Ashara's moans and groans only rose in pitch at the treatment she was receiving, her hands struggled trying to free herself and her hips jerked against his erection trying to find some relief.

"Jon, please." She began to beg.

Jon smiled at that, but he wasn't going to make it easy for her now, "You have to be honest, Ash," he told her, "Tell me what you want."

"I want you. I want your cock." She finally said.

Jon released her hands and hooked his hands under her waist and rolled them onto his back. Ashara let out a squeal again as Jon spun them around once more, this time with her sitting on his hips and with her hands on his chest. Jon laughed at the look of surprise and confusion on her face at the sudden change.

Jon ran his hands through her hair, bringing her mouth to his for a passionate kiss, his tongue sliding inside her mouth. Jon wrapped his arms around her, sliding them down her smooth, bare back to caress her fleshy cheeks. Ashara moaned into his mouth as she pressed her hips against his hard cock. Jon broke away from the kiss and smiled down at her as he felt her lean against his erection.

"Ride me, Ash. I want to watch you take my cock" Jon told her as he lightly slapped her ass.

Ashara rose up and gasped in anticipation as she held his cock and aimed it at her entrance. They both moaned in unison as she slowly lowered herself down, plunging his cock into her suffocating depths. When she rested in his lap with the entirety of his length buried in her, Ashara felt bold and leaning back against his chest, she lifted her knees to plant her feet on the bed. Using her athletic, toned legs, sculpted by years of exercise, Ashara rose up the length of him, her taut lips clinging to his shaft.

"Ohhhh, that feels so good" Ashara said, as she lowered herself onto his hard cock. "You're so big, I feel so full with you inside me, Jon."

Jon let out a pleased grunt, as he kept his arms around her waist, but let her set the pace. This was one of the things she loved about Jon, having seen most of his videos she knew he was usually the one in charge in the bedroom, but he also had no problem relinquishing that control and letting a girl have her fun. And she was certainly having her fun, there was something special about riding a man like Jon, being the one in control of the rhythm and movement, while he looked at her like she was a goddess.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Jon's hands slide down her stomach to cup her breasts, cradling and massaging them, using his thumbs to run over her hard, swollen nipples.

He really loves my tits. Ashara thought amused.

Ashara used her strong legs to lift herself up until only the head of his cock remained inside her, to quickly fall back down on him creating a loud, wet smack each time his wide, round ass slapped against his thighs. Ashara let out a sensual moan, each time she rose up and back down, again and again. Always rising up until his cock was almost out of her, and then dropping down on top of him. She loved the feeling of him filling her so completely, over and over again.

Although it felt wonderful to her, she knew it wasn't enough for Jon to finish, and she wanted to please him. So, giving up depth for speed, she stopped rising so high, only taking half his length as she rose and began to move faster. Jon moved his hands to her hips to help her move, pushing his hips up as she lowered. Resting her hands on his chest, Ashara bounced on his cock quickly, her tits bouncing in rhythm with his movements.

Jon lifted her knees behind her and planted them on the mattress, with a tight grip on her hips he began to pound her harder and faster. His breathing became heavier, and his lunges became more desperate as he rapidly approached his peak.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum Ash." He said.

"In me, cum inside me. I want to feel it." Ashara screamed, nearing her own orgasm.

With a deep grunt, Jon lifted his hips frantically in short, jerky movements and with one last thrust, buried himself as deep in her as he could. Ashara moaned and pressed herself against him, feeling his cock swell and throb inside her as he filled her with numerous spurts of his hot, virile seed, the sensation was enough to bring her to her own climax. With a loud, final cry, Ashara collapsed onto his chest, flexing her muscles around him, doing her best to squeeze out every last drop. Jon gave a final grunt of satisfaction as he finished cumming and wrapped his arms around her as they both caught their breath.

Ashara placed soft kisses on his muscular chest before lifting her head and leaning into him so she could kiss him slowly and languidly. It wasn't long before Jon was hard again.


Jon had pulled them out of bed and hugging her from behind, had her walk to her window which looked directly out onto the street, any passerby passing by at that moment would only have to look up and be blessed with a view of a completely naked Ashara Dayne, with an ecstatic expression on her face and her big tits bouncing as Jon fucked her from behind.

"You're squeezing me so hard Ash; don't tell me it turns you on that anyone can see you like this" Jon growled in her ear in a deep voice as he thrust his hips forward.

His shaft plunged into her hot wet pussy, her walls hugging him tightly each time his girth spread her open. Ashara tried to stifle her moans fearful that if she made any noise, everyone might see her being impaled by a man much younger than her. So, as she bit her lip trying to stifle her moans, her eyes scanned the street, relieved that it was early morning and there was almost no one outside.

Just as Jon bottomed out on her, she saw one of her neighbours come out of his house in his sportswear. A choked groan left her lips as she watched him do his stretches before starting his morning run.

"Jon, there's someone outside." Ashara managed to say in the face of gasps, only to be completely ignored.

Jon kept moving his hips, slowly backing up and then slamming them forward rapidly, making her body sway with each powerful thrust. Her walls fluttered around his shaft and her body trembled slightly as she prayed her neighbour wouldn't raise his gaze towards them, thankfully when he finished his stretches he continued on his way and walked away, completely oblivious to what was happening only a few meters away from him.

Grabbing her by the hips, Jon planted his feet and began to accelerate into her hammering his stiff cock into her slit at a furious pace. His hips bouncing on her fantastic ass with a loud clap, each time they connected. A cry of surprise escaped her lips at the sudden change of pace. His quick, powerful thrusts forced her forward until her face and breasts were pressed against the cold glass.

It was at that moment that she saw two of her gossipier neighbours returning from their shopping, but she wasn't the only one who had noticed them. With a dark smile that she couldn't see, Jon reached up with one hand and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back roughly. Causing her back to arch and thrusting her tits into the air as he pounded her furiously. Ashara raised one of her hands to cover her mouth, desperately trying to muffle her shriek as she climaxed. Jon grunted in her ear as she clenched and spasmed around his length, drenching his shaft with her arousal.

Despite having reached her climax, Jon continued to pound into her at a brutal pace, she could feel his excitement building as her walls trembled around him. Groaning, Jon slammed his throbbing cock deep into her tight pussy and cummed, filling her with more of his hot seed, splashing against her walls and filling her core to the brim.

Ashara let out a moan of satisfaction as Jon coated her walls. Moaning, she leaned back against him, confident that Jon wouldn't let her fall because she wasn't sure she's capable of holding herself up.

She didn't know if her neighbours had seen her or not. But she really didn't care, what was the worst they could say, that she now had a young lover who gave her the best orgasms of her life.


After their intense copulation, Ashara now relaxed alongside Jon under the stream of warm water falling over them, Jon hugging her from behind as he caressed the soft skin of her tight stomach. Until he moved one hand from her stomach and used it to push her wet hair aside so he could kiss her neck softly. Ashara sighed and leaned back against him, bending one arm behind her to run her fingers through his curls, her long nails lightly scraping his scalp.

"This is nice." Ashara said, loving the feeling of having a man hold her and pamper her.

Turning her head, she pressed her soft, full lips against his in a passionate kiss, wanting to convey to him how grateful she was to him. As his lips and tongues moved in rhythm with hers, she felt his hands slide down her stomach and over her ribs to cup her soft breasts, massaging and squeezing the soft flesh. Ashara moaned deeply and broke the kiss to lean her head back and rest it on his shoulder. Jon placed his lips on her exposed neck, kissing and sucking the delicate skin as he pressed her bare back against his chest. Ashara leaned her head back with a moan as he attacked her neck again.

She felt one of Jon's hands leave her breast and begin to slide over her, running his fingers through the small strip of short hair over her hot, wet femininity. Ashara hissed through her teeth and pressed herself more firmly against him, trapping his hard member between the cheeks of her toned, thick ass. Grabbing a lock of his hair, she tugged lightly on it. Inhaling sharply through her nose she wiggled her hips, trying to tease him as well.

"Jon!" She moaned.

"I love it when you beg me." Jon whispered hoarsely in her ear.

Gripping one of her breasts firmly, the soft, warm tit filled his hand perfectly, sliding the other down cupping her slit. A moan escaped Ashara as she jerked against his hand, coating his palm with her arousal. Sliding his fingers between her tight, wet lips and slowly, he moved them from bottom to top, moving it lightly over her clit at the end. Panting slightly, Ashara reached behind her and grabbed his hair while her other hand gripped his arms, desperate for something to hold on to.

Jon tugged on her hard, red nipples with one hand while the other circled her clit provocatively. Her hips circled and jerked as she desperately tried to get him to touch her where she needed him most, but he countered her every step of the way. A smile stretched his lips as she let out a frustrated, needy moan as she squirmed in place. Laughing and commiserating on her, Jon finally relented and slid three fingers into her dripping entrance and rested his palm against her throbbing clit. Making her whole body shudder with pleasure, her hips jerked against his hand.

Jon thrust his fingers in and out of her as he roughly rubbed his palm against her sensitive nub. As Ashara moaned and gasped, his lips continued to suck on the side of her neck, leaving a large purple mark. His rigid erection still trapped between her bulging, toned cheeks, throbbing with need as he ground his hips against her bubbling ass.

When brief, gasping grunts escaped her open lips, Jon knew she was getting close. As her hips bumped against his hand, he quickened the motion of his fingers and plunged them deeper into her quivering core. Gripping her breast tightly, he suddenly bit down on her neck as he pressed his fingertips against the top of her walls, rubbing her G-spot hard. Ashara's body began to tremble, and her face crumpled into a grimace of pleasure as she opened her mouth to let out a short, sharp cry. Jon moved his hands from her chest to her waist as her legs began to tremble and give way beneath her. Holding her up, he continued to touch her roughly as she writhed. A surge of arousal drenched his hand and caused a loud, wet sucking sound to come from between her legs.

"Oh, Gods Jon!" Ashara cried out, her body still jerking from her orgasm.

After a few moments Ashara finally calmed down and turned in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. As she embraced him, she felt his cock grind against her stomach, Ashara gave him an enticing smile and depositing one last kiss on his lips, she began to descend on him, running her hands over his shapely body.

She felt a deep thrill as she saw the lustful, loving look in his eyes as he watched her kneel before him. After being ignored by her ex-husband for so long, it was exciting to have a man show how attracted he was to her. Taking his erection in her hand, she began to stroke his considerable length slowly, marvelling at how hard he was for her. Sticking out her tongue she ran it along the underside of his length, tracing the long thick vein with her wet appendage. Jon moaned at the sensation, and she smiled sexily at him. Focusing on the swollen head, she swirled her tongue around his sensitive glans, leaving it glistening with her saliva.

Deciding she had teased him enough, Ashara opened her mouth and took him inside, making him hiss with pleasure. Ashara moaned sensuously around his shaft as she languidly bobbed her head, worshipping his length as she took more and more of him into her throat. Her plump red lips stretched around his girth, closing her eyes she savoured the sensation of his hot, hard member filling her mouth. With each gasp, moan, or deep breath she drew from him, she made her own arousal rise to greater heights, driving her to take it deeper.

When she finally felt him hit the back of her throat, she stopped and opened her eyes to look at him, when their eyes met, she took a deep breath through her nose and pushed forward. She felt his neck swell to accommodate his size as she drove him into the tight confines of her throat, her lips descending closer and closer to the base of his shaft. Reaching down to sink her nose into his pelvis, resting her hands on his strong thighs as she stared up at him. Her eyes shone with pride and love at the sight of his face full of pleasure as she felt his member throbbing in her throat.

She strained to hold herself there for a few seconds, gently jerking her head sideways as her throat convulsed around his shaft. She pulled back slowly, dragging her fleshy lips all over his shaft and sucking hard all the way to the tip, finally releasing it with a loud pop. Taking a long, much needed breath, but not neglecting him for a second as she planted loving kisses on the swollen head as she caught her breath.

Ashara wrapped her lips around him again and began to move her head this time much faster, moving down his length inches at a time. Once again taking his full length, she bobbed up and down rapidly several times before bringing him to the base and shaking her head as she held him there for as long as she could. When finally, air became a problem, she would pull away from him quickly and breathe desperately as she used one of her hands to stroke him furiously and using the other to rub herself, her arousal soaking her fingers even though he had already made her cum just a short while ago.

"Use me, Jon. I'm yours." She demanded huskily, "Fuck my mouth honey."

Ashara pushed her fingers back into his depths as she felt Jon's grip on her hair tighten and drive half of his length into her mouth in one thrust. Ashara moaned wildly around his girth as she felt Jon push her down, forcing her to take the entirety of his entire length back into her throat, her fingers rapidly moving in and out of her aroused slit.

Jon bobbed her head up and down, forcing her to take him to the base again and again, the harder he used her, the louder she moaned. Jon drove his throbbing erection in and out of her throat, loud splashes left her battered throat as she drooled all over his shaft. Her walls fluttered excitedly around her fingers as her lungs burned from lack of air. Separating her from his cock, Jon gave her a brief moment to inhale a handful of panting, desperate breaths before he forced her back, his stiff cock mercilessly invading her spasming throat.

Ashara felt his legs begin to tremble and his hands clenched almost painfully in her hair as he neared his climax. In disbelief, Ashara felt her length swell even more stretching her ravaged throat even further. Furiously rubbing her clit, she teetered on the edge of her own climax as Jon began to move his hips, his heavy saliva-covered balls slapping wetly against her chin. Until suddenly, his hands tightened in her hair and her body tensed as he thrust his hips forward, burying his length as deep as possible in her throat. As she felt him pulse, shooting his seed straight into her stomach, a thunderous climax crashed over her again.

A gurgling moan managed to escape her stretched lips as he cummed hard. Her nose ached from being pressed hard against his pelvis, her lungs burned from lack of air, her scalp ached from his tight grip, but Ashara loved every second of it. To be able to satisfy her man in this way was what she always wanted to be able to do and it made her orgasm reach new heights. Jon's orgasm ended long before hers, and he had to pull her quivering body forcefully out of his spent length.

Ashara gasped loudly for air as she felt Jon pull her to her feet, holding her firmly as her climax ripped through her. Her body shuddered and jerked spasmodically as she held her orgasm, her thighs completely drenched in her fluids. Jon held her during in his strong arms throughout as she gradually calmed down.

They stood in the shower for a while longer, letting the water cleanse them again, Jon brushing her wet hair away from her forehead and kissing her on the forehead. Ashara moaned and melted against him.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked softly.

"Hmm, never been better." She murmured with a smile and lifted her head to kiss him softly on the lips.

It was Jon who pulled them out of the shower and also who took care of drying them off, finally carrying her to the bed, where he gently deposited her before laying down next to her. Ashara quickly went to his side and snuggled back against him, both lay there sleeplessly simply enjoying the quiet of the moment and each other's presence. Until the moment was interrupted by the loud growl Jon's stomach made, causing Ashara to giggle amusedly.

"I think that's my cue to leave" Jon said as he prepared to get up.

"Wait, I can make something for you." She offered quickly, causing Jon to pause.

"You're going to cook for me?" he asked her.

"Only if you want me to," she said more shyly this time, nervously running her fingers across his chest.

"Of course, I'd love that" Jon answered her.

Ashara's smile brightened and she pecked him several times on the lips and said, "Give me five minutes" before she hurriedly gets up and began to put on her clothes. Jon lay there as he enjoyed the view, Ashara put on some nice sexy black panties along with a matching bra. But the most fun and hypnotic thing to watch was when he saw her struggle to pull her tight jeans up past her ample ass, it took several jumps and struggles, but she finally managed it and finished the simple sexy homey look with a simple white top, "It won't take long" was the last thing she said to him before heading out the door.

Jon only waited a few minutes before deciding to go downstairs, halfway down he was hit by the smell of frying bacon which made his stomach growl again. Heading down to the kitchen where he saw an Ashara moving through her pantry as she noticed his presence and said over her shoulder with a smile. "It'll be ready in a minute, have a seat."

She had put on a cute pink apron that somehow made her look sexier, so instead of sitting down he decided to approach her and hug her from behind and pulling her to his chest, making her let out a squeal of surprise.

"Jon, I'm cooking here." She groaned, but still maintained her amused smile.

"I think I want to try dessert first." Jon said hoarsely, as he kissed her neck. Making her gasp slightly but instinctively tilting her head to give him more room.

As Jon moved his hands under her top and caressed her belly slowly moving up until he was just below her breasts, but before he could reach one of the best tits he had ever had the pleasure of being able to get his hands on. Ashara slapped his wandering hands, making him pull back and say as she looked at him with a stern look over her shoulder.

"None of that, Sir. No dessert for boys who don't know how to behave," she told him firmly, "Now take a seat and wait for me to serve you. And if you finish all your food, maybe there will be dessert," she finished her statement by thrusting her hips back, grinding her ass against his growing erection.

Jon let out a deep not-so-satisfied grunt but obeyed, withdrawing his hands away from her and giving her a kiss on the cheek before going to sit down in the dining room.

A minute later Ashara served him a plate full of eggs, bacon, sausage, and bread. Definitely a dish worth breaking his diet for, Jon quickly began to sink his teeth into the appetizing meal as Ashara poured his coffee and finally joined him at the table. She had prepared a similar dish to his for herself, only without sausage and replacing the bacon with avocado. They both ate in comfortable silence, enjoying their breakfast, Jon was the first to finish and sipped his coffee while he waited for Ashara to finish her meal. Both having finished their meal; Jon took it upon himself to pick up the dishes leaving them in the dishwasher to then return to Ashara.

"Thank you, that was delicious," he told her, bringing his face close to hers.

"I'm glad you liked it" she replied, placing her palm on his cheek, and pulling him in for a kiss. Still with their lips sealed, Jon lifted her up and placed her on the table, settling between her legs, Ashara helped him remove his shirt over his head and as she lowered her hands to his belt, already starting to unbuckle it, but stopping abruptly when they heard the doorbell ring.

"Ignore it" Jon told her, as he kissed her neck, but the doorbell rang again.

"Sorry, I'll be right back" she told him, giving him a kiss, and got off the table to fix herself up a bit, as she went to open the door.

Jon let out an annoyed sigh as Ashara walked away from him, leaving him alone in the dining room half naked. Lost in thought, he didn't notice someone approaching him until he heard a tiny voice ask, "Who are you?".

Surprised, Jon turned to notice a small version of Ashara, probably no more than six or seven years old, looking at him with innocent and curious purple eyes identical to her mother's. Jon didn't know how to react and stood completely still until the little girl ran out, screaming.

"Mom, there's a naked man in our dining room!"

Jon quickly rearranged his pants and put on his shirt, as he followed the girl wanting to clear up any misunderstanding. Fully dressed, Jon walked out into the living room to find Ashara standing next to the little girl and an old dude.

"Allyria, this man is a friend of mine. His name is Jon" Ashara tried to explain to her daughter.

"Why was he half naked in the dining room?" her daughter asked.

"Ehh, because he was helping me with something and we got sweaty, h- he got sweaty and had to change. Now why don't you go to your room and change, and I'll make you your breakfast, okay?"

Allyria nodded and walked over to the dude and said goodbye calling him 'dad', and said goodbye to him as well, before shooting off to the second floor. Leaving the three adults alone now, Jon now understood better why the guy was glaring at him, he was Ashara's ex-husband. So, without giving the guy much thought he walked over to Ashara and ignored him completely.

"Sorry about that, I completely forgot they were coming early" Ashara told him.

"That's okay, thanks for the food it was delicious. Especially the dessert" Jon told her with a wink, making her blush and smile prettily, "I'll see you soon, I still owe you a date."

"I'd love that" Ashara said, leaning in for a light kiss, but Jon wasn't having any of that.

Wrapping his arm around her waist he pressed her against him and kissed her passionately on the lips. Ashara squealed in surprise, standing still for a moment in shock, before she relaxed and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jon moved his hands down from her hips to grip her ass tightly, causing Ashara to let out a pleasurable moan into his mouth, parting her lips just enough for him to slide his tongue inside.

They continued kissing for several seconds until finally the need to breathe became too hard to ignore. When they finally broke apart, Ashara was a little flushed and puffy-lipped, but smiling brightly, looking so happy she couldn't help but smile back.

"See you soon" he said goodbye, giving her a final peck on the lips.

Moving on to the guy, Jon simply put a hand on his shoulder and said goodbye to him saying. "Nice to meet you, buddy."


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