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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Cersei was disappointed, very disappointed and the worst thing about this feeling is that just as betrayal can only come from a friend, disappointment can only come from someone you have previously put your trust and faith into. And how could she not put all her trust in her perfect princess, in her sweet daughter, Myrcella. Since she was just a child, she had been such a refined and well-mannered little girl, she had inherited all her beauty and grace, a girl more than worthy to bear the Lannister name.

At least until now...

Cersei remembers the time Myrcella came to ask her permission to join a website called Only Followers, she didn't know what it was about, so she started to do some research. And what she found she didn't like at all, and she didn't want her sweet princess to be involved in such vulgar sites.

But Myrcella had a knack for always getting what she wanted, she knew exactly what to say to convince her and she knew that, among all her children, she was her favorite and she always used that to her advantage. She promised her that she would never do anything that would bring shame to the Lannister name and that she could trust her, stressing that she had never let her down before. And that she was not joining this page on a mere whim or fancy, she had a goal in mind which was to surpass the Targaryen girl, who having given up modeling because she most certainly knew she could not compete against her. She decided to join this site and as she was the first renowned model to join the OF world, she quickly took the first place. And that was not fair at all, her daughter had exclaimed, and then declared with extreme self-assurance that wherever she went she was to be recognized as the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros. So, she would join this page, overthrow the Targaryen girl at her own game and be crowned the hottest and most popular woman on the Continent, after her beloved mother of course.

At that time Cersei could not deny her wish to her beloved daughter and once again she ended up getting what she wanted, no doubt a gift she had inherited from her. Cersei ended up giving in and let her have her fun, after all every girl wants to be the most beautiful and the most popular of them all and Myrcella being her daughter and a Lannister, was easily something she could achieve and would even go so far as to claim it was her birthright.

The months passed without incident, Cersei periodically visited her daughter's profile to moderate the kind of content she uploaded and as she promised her, the content she uploaded was the classic kind of photos that any supermodel would take for a magazine. Every time Cersei looked at her daughter, she couldn't be prouder, she was certainly in the prime of her youth, her green eyes sparkled, and her hair was as golden as the gold that made them so rich. She was not surprised when she saw that she had already reached the top five, she was sure that it was only a matter of time before she reached the top one and was crowned the most beautiful, after all she was a Lannister and Lannister’s are destined to always win.

But all the confidence and pride she had towards her daughter abruptly collapsed the last time she checked her OF profile, more specifically her latest post. It wasn't one of her classic photo shoots where she showed off her beauty to the world, or even her more daring photos that she sometimes posed alone in sexy lingerie, showing off her perfect, slender body. No, her last post was not any kind of photograph, it was a full-length video that even though Myrcella had put a high price to access it, it already had thousands and thousands of views, and Cersei was sure why. The title of the video alone was so scandalous and outrageous that Cersei was terrified to watch the video itself.

‘Watch me as my Boyfriend fucks me with his Big Hard Cock, and cums all over my pretty little face'.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, she didn't want to believe it. How her sweet, innocent Myrcella could post something so impudent. Having to check it out for herself, and praying to the seven that it was a hoax or that her OF account had been hacked, she opened the video. And all her fears were confirmed when she saw the scene before her, there was Myrcella, there was no doubt that it was her, she was dressed in white lingerie in the company of a man she had never seen before and who was also dressed only in his boxers, only the difference in size between them was morbid, despite knowing what would happen and no longer needing to see more, she did not close the video and stayed to watch the whole thing. From the moment her daughter kissed the man and mounted him, showing that she was the one in control, until a few minutes later Myrcella quickly lost all control and let herself be dominated by this man, and not only that. Myrcella began to beg and plead to this man who she found out his name was 'Jon' due to her daughter's constant moaning, to fuck her harder while at the same time the camera focused on where Jon was penetrating her, showing how Myrcella's little pussy was stretching morbidly to receive Jon's big fat cock. What made her most angry came at the end of the video, she saw her princess, a Lannister woman kneel before a mere commoner and look up at him with loving, adoring eyes, as she let him cum all over her beautiful face, staining her golden curls and covering her with his seed. And her daughter's only reaction was to open her mouth and stick out her tongue to receive it all as if she were an ordinary whore and she topped it off when she kept sucking his cock even with her face covered in cum, obediently cleaning his cock as this man dismissively patted her on her head, while calling her his 'kitten'.

Cersei closed her laptop so hard she almost broke it and tried to ignore the wet feeling she felt in her panties, as she pressed the key on her intercom that allowed her to speak to her assistant.

"Melara!" her scream comes out louder than usual.

"Yes, Mrs. Lannister." her assistant quickly responds.

"Contact Myrcella, tell her to come to my office early tomorrow morning, I need to speak with her urgently." she speaks flatly through the intercom.

"At once, Mrs. Lannister." her assistant responds.

Pressing the button once more she quickly adds, "And tell her to remove that embarrassing and humiliating video from her OF page immediately!"

She stops pressing the button and leans back against her chair, while using her fingers to rub the sides of her forehead. He had no idea what Myrcella could have gotten into her head to have done something like this, but there would be severe consequences. Their family name was at stake and there was nothing more important to a Lannister than his family legacy and their legacy would not be to be seen as mere dumb whores, especially to a lowly Northerner.


Myrcella walked through the great passages of the Lannister manor, her long pointed heels echoed against the marble floor, Sandor walked behind her like a good watchdog even though they were inside the Lannister estate, and no one would dare harm her here. Finally, she reached the large and very well decorated doors of her mother's office, which formerly belonged to her grandfather Tywin. She opened the doors and entered the office with Sandor closing the doors behind her and standing guard outside.

Her mother was seated behind the large, antique desk, where all the heads of the Lannister family had sat for centuries. A huge hand-painted picture of herself towered behind her, and many more of the old and most prominent members of the Lannister family decorated the rest of the room. Myrcella walked up to her mother until she stood beside her who seemed to be concentrating on writing something, who did not even look up at her, yet Myrcella leaned over to give her a light kiss on the cheek as she greeted her.

"Good morning, Mother." Myrcella said in a courteous voice, before sitting down in one of the chairs in front of her.

As she expected her mother's attitude was cold and distant, but Myrcella had already prepared herself for the worst, she would not regret uploading her video with Jon reminding all the other sluts that Jon belonged to her and no one else.

"What are you, Myrcella?" her mother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, her voice sounding strangely toneless.

"I am your daughter." She answered her confidently.

"Yes, you are. And what does that make you?" her mother asked again.

"In a Lannister" She quickly replied again.

"Then you have not forgotten, that is good. As a Lannister you inherited the beauty and fortune that comes with our family name, I myself raised you to be a perfect Miss, worthy to bear the Lannister name." her mother said, finally looking up at her and putting aside her pen. "And because despite having everything and with everything I've taught you, you decided to throw it all away, to go and film yourself while you let a nobody Northerner fuck you and act like his cheap whore." Her mother spat angrily.

"Mother!" Myrcella shouted indignantly, not being able to believe that her mother would speak to her in such a way, calling her a whore.

"When you told me you would join that page, you gave me your word that you would do nothing that would bring shame to our name, Myrcella. That you would only show yourself to the world as the worthy and beautiful Lannister princess that you are. But instead, you decided to go and videotape yourself, fucking a filthy Northerner and act like a slut, and shame yourself before the whole world." her mother reproached her again.

"I didn't act like a cheap slut, and Jon is not at all a filth or a nobody. He is an exceptional man and my man, and I am his perfect princess, and as the proper lady that I am, I know how to please my man, and that is exactly what I did" Myrcella said as she stood up and stared at her mother, "I am a Lannister, and I always get what I want. That was what you taught me, mother."

"This man" Her mother said with rejection and disbelief. "He's your boyfriend?"

"Ehm, well..." Myrcella stumbled a bit over her words before finally confessing. "No, he's not," but quickly and confidently add later. "But he will be, and so will he be the man I marry and together we will have many beautiful and perfect Lannister children with black curls and green eyes or golden curls and grey eyes."

Her mother let out a disappointed sigh as she rested her head on her arm and rubbed her face, "So, this means you lowered yourself and let yourself be humiliated by a man, who is not even your boyfriend and uploaded it on the internet for the whole world to see."

Myrcella crossed her arms over her chest, as she defensively stated, "You always say, the lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep."

"This is not an opinion, Myrcella!" her mother shouted back, also standing up and towering over her, Myrcella could not remember ever seeing her so angry before. "This is a fact; everyone saw you act like a bitch for that worthless man."

"Don't call him that" Myrcella yelled at her mother, shocking her and herself, but she wasn't going to back down now, "Jon is handsome, strong and a successful man with many talents. He may not have a big name, but these are not the old days anymore, mother. Old names don't mean anything anymore."

Cersei could not believe the way Myrcella was speaking to her, she had never contradicted her, much less raised her voice to her. Perhaps she had overly conceited her, but she would see to it that she corrected that right now.

Cersei took a deep, calming breath, as she sat back down, and spoke in a firm, authoritative voice, "You will immediately close your OF account, I want you to have nothing more to do with that page. And more importantly, you will stay away from that man, and I don't want you to see him eve-"

Cersei was abruptly cut off by her daughter, "You can't force me to stay away from Jon, I love him. We love each other."

Slamming her hands on the desk, Cersei raised her voice again, "Enough young lady, your insolence has gone too far, I am your mother and you will do as I say if you want to keep your lifestyle" she threatened her, and had to suppress the slight smile, when she saw the look of fear on her daughter's face at the danger of losing her luxurious life, "Don't forget who pays for your expenses, Myrcella. Your apartment, your car and credit cards, I can take all that away from you if I wish."

That would be enough. Cersei thought, Myrcella had enjoyed the comforts and extravagance of being a Lannister for as long as she could remember, she wouldn't last a day on her own without the money she provided. But her smile quickly disappeared when she heard her daughter's reply.

"Well, I don't care!" Myrcella stated firmly, "I'm sure Jon can take very good care of me, and any needs I have" Saying that her daughter stood up and left, ignoring her calls.

Cersei leaned back on her large chair, as she massaged her forehead feeling defeated that she had let things get out of control, while wondering how in seven hells it was far less stressful to run a multi-million-dollar company than it was to control her teenage daughter.

At what point did her sweet, perfect princess become so rebellious?

Though she had a pretty good idea who was the cause of it all of this, that man had corrupted her sweet Myrcella, and she would not have it. Cersei opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out her tablet, unlocking the screen and showing her the last page she had been viewing. It was Jon Snows OF profile, more specifically one of his videos she had been watching last night, it was one where Jon was fucking a redhead silly, and just like her daughter, she let this man treat her like she was no better than a common whore and of course she also ended up loving every second of it. Cersei was not proud to admit, that at some point in the night she had ended up slipping her fingers under her panties and masturbating while watching the various videos of the man fucking different women and even the one where he fucked her own daughter.

After watching several of his videos, she could understand why her daughter had let herself be charmed by this man, even though he was just another Snow.

If she looked beyond his name, she found a very handsome man, despite being a Northerner. Cersei always thought they were the worst kind of men, coarse, ugly and miserable just like their horrible, desolate country. But this one seemed somehow to be the exception. In addition to his good looks, he seemed to be very experienced and skilled at dominating and pleasing women, it was only to be expected that her poor, inexperienced Myrcella had easily fallen at his feet.

Cersei had always enjoyed the company of young lovers, even when married, and she always preferred an exact type of man. Tall, blond-haired, light-eyed men with slender but shapely physiques. Her favourites were of those who possessed some Valyrian characteristic, but those were very hard to come by. But there was something about Jon Snow that attracted her even though he was very different from the type of man she was most attracted to, though he was tall, everything else couldn't be more different. He had dark features, broad shoulders and arms, a thick beard and even his hair was curly and not straight. But the part that most exceeded her expectations and what most caught her attention about him, was his thick and huge cock that he used to dominate and drive any woman crazy with pleasure, her beloved Myrcella included. Undoubtedly a rare and very appetizing specimen, it had been a while since she had taken a young lover to be able to de-stress from her duties, especially since she inherited her father's company, she had not had time to have fun and she certainly needed it.

And even more so after all the stress her own daughter had caused her with her tantrum and insolence towards her. And what better way to teach her a lesson than to snatch her precious man from her and turn him into her own personal plaything. After all Cersei was sure it was just a childish crush that would quickly pass when she found something else to catch her eye. Besides, it was apparent that her daughter could not keep up with Jon, and it was understandable with her lack of experience, but unlike her daughter, Cercei knew very well how to train and subdue men like Jon Snow into submission. After all her previous lovers not only shared her physical resemblance, but they were all totally submissive towards her, who were grateful and honoured to be the object of her amusement and pleasure and only when she felt totally satisfied did she reward them for their good behaviour, letting them experience her climax sometimes even if she was feeling gracious she would take them into her mouth or let them finish inside her.

Cersei licked her lips hungrily at the image of having Jon Snow on his knees before her worshipping her as if she were his queen, certainly an image that felt much more natural. Since at present she was the closest thing there was to a Queen and he was a mere peasant to someone like her, what greater honour than her allowing him to touch and worship her. Once she was done training him, she would make sure he stayed away from her Myrcella, after all Cersei Lannister did not like to share at all, even if it was her own daughter.


After parking and getting off his bike, Jon practically walked over whistling a happy melody with a smile imprinted on his face as he twirled his keys around his finger. His visit to Ashara had certainly left him in his best of moods.

Gods, what a woman... Thank the gods for Ashara Dayne.

No doubt he would keep his promise and ask her out on a proper date and then take her to the most luxurious hotel in Kings Landing and make up for all those years she was so negligently neglected. But as he was planning the perfect date with Ash, he was interrupted by a blond whirlwind who leapt towards him and hugged him, almost knocking him over in the process.

"Myrcella, what are you doing here?" Jon asked the woman, who was clinging tightly to him and had begun to cry uncontrollably. Seeing this Jon wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back trying to calm her down. "What happened, are you all right, did someone hurt you?"

Myrcella sniffed making her nose wrinkle prettily before she could speak, "My mother, she saw our video and got very angry, she yelled at me. She called me horrible things, she told me that I acted like a slut, she threatened to take all my belongings and leave me with nothing." She said as she started crying again.

Jon felt a little uncomfortable about being involved in all of this, but he tried to keep calming her down anyway, "Oh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry, Cella. If I had known that would happen to you, I wouldn't have made a video with you."

"It's not your fault, besides I don't regret making a video together with you. If I hadn't, I never would have met you." Myrcella spoke, while rubbing her face against his chest.

Fuck, she's really cute.

"Sorry for coming here unannounced, but I had no one else to turn to." She said, as she batted her eyelashes at him.

"Ehm, well. I guess you can stay for a few days." He said, not quite sure of his words, but sure that he was going to regret them.

Myrcella's expression changed abruptly, now a radiant smile graced her face as she cheerfully declared, "I knew you would take care of me, Jon" as she hugged him tighter.

"Well just for a couple of days, until your situation sorts itself out. Perhaps if I can talk to your mother..." he offered.

Myrcella raised her eyes to his, but still keeping her face buried in his chest, as she said, "Are you sure you want to talk to my mother? You know she saw all those things you did to me..." her face flushing prettily as she finished her words.

"Well, it was an idea. And if you put it that way, maybe it's not such a good one." He told her, realizing it wasn't the best of his ideas.

"Unless... you decide to take responsibility for the things you did to me and take me up on my offer. I can convince my mother to accept you as my husband and from there it would just be a matter of controlling the media. We'll make up something like they hacked my phone and posted a video that was supposed to be private. After all, no one has any say in the things a wife allows her husband to do to her." She finished with a knowing smile.

"Ehhh, no" Jon told her bluntly, "I told you Myrcella, I have no intention of being in a serious relationship, let alone getting married." No sooner had she finished those words than the image of a beautiful single mother, with vibrant violet eyes popped into his mind, but Jon quickly shook it off.

It's just fun. He repeated to himself.

"And now that I think about it, maybe it's not a good idea for you to stay with me either. You said your mom was mad about that video we made together; I don't think she's too keen on the idea of you staying with me either." He told her, trying to find a way out of this.

"I don't care what my mother might think now, she was the one who threatened to put me out on the street if I didn't stay away from you. And I wasn't going to give up our love, over mere threats." Myrcella said firmly, as she looked at him with loving eyes, "We are together now, and no one will be able to separate us."


Jon tried to think of the right words to get out of this, without pissing her off or making her think he didn't want her there, but he was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Myrcella's slippery hand begin to rub his cock through his pants.

"Don't worry love, I will be the best housewife you could ever have, just like you will take care of me I promise to take very good care of you too. I can clean for you, I can cook for you and most important of all, I can satisfy any fantasy or desire you have, you can do anything you want with me, anything..." Myrcella finished her statement, giving his cock a firm squeeze and making him let out a deep groan.

Jon grabbed her hand and removed it from his cock, as Myrcella watched him with an amused smile, making him wonder how the hell she could go from being a virginal damsel in distress into a brazen seductress, no doubt he had to be careful of her or he would fall for her game.

"Myrcella, do you even know how to cook or clean? When was the last time you did either of those things?" Jon asked her questioningly, sceptical at her words and waiting for an honest answer.

"Ehh, well. I could learn, if that's what it would take." She offered eagerly.

But before they could continue their conversation, they were both interrupted as they heard a deep growl from behind them and turning around, they found Sandor Myrcella's bodyguard standing just right behind them. Making them both surprised that they hadn't heard the giant of a man approaching them. But apart from that, he was not alone another guy who seemed to be even taller than Sandor, with an even more intimidating and irritated face was standing next to him. Myrcella quickly ducked behind him, looking for protection as if he could offer any against the two gigantic men.

But that didn't seem to matter to Myrcella, as she began to shout still hiding behind him, "I'm not going back Sandor, my mother was quite clear about how she felt about my relationship with Jon."

Ignoring Myrcella's tantrum, the man focused his attention on Jon and asked, "Are you Jon Snow?"

"Aye, anything I can help with?" Jon replied.

"You have to come with us." This time it was the other bloke who spoke, his voice coming out much more menacing than Sandor's.

"No, I don't think I'm going to do that." Jon shot back.

The man didn't even bother with responding, he just started walking menacingly towards him, as if he was about to pick him up and drag him himself, something he probably wouldn't have much difficulty doing. Regardless, Jon braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, but before the man could get to him, Sandor stepped into his path blocking his way.

"The boss lady remarked that she wanted him unharmed." Sandor reminded the other man, in a firm, deep voice, as he stared him straight ahead.

Jon was surprised to see what appeared to be hatred between the two men working together, and just when he thought things would escalate again, the other man stepped back.

Sandor returned his attention to him and spoke, "Cersei Lannister wishes to speak with you, alone" he added, turning his gaze to a Myrcella who was still watching the entire exchange over his shoulder.

Jon let out a tired sigh, he knew that sooner or later he would get in trouble for fucking a rich princess. But maybe this wouldn't be a bad opportunity, if he could talk to Myrcella's mother, maybe he could find a way out of this, maybe she was planning to offer him a substantial amount of money to get him away from her daughter or something like that.

Or maybe knowing him, he would end up fucking Cercei Lannister too and she would end up madly in love with him.

Jon couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how ridiculous that sounded, it took him a few seconds to compose himself and give Sandor an answer.

"Alright, I'll go with you."

He felt Myrcella tug him by the arm drawing his attention, as she gave him a worried look, "I don't know if meeting with my mother is a good idea Jon, she can be a bit..."

Jon quickly dismissed her, turning to her he took her face in his hands as he said, "We're just going to talk, I'll be back in a little while. Why don't you stay at my place and wait for me." He said, handing her the keys.

Myrcella took the keys and nodded, as she stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a deep kiss. Jon wrapped his hands around her slender waist, pressing her tightly against him as he kissed her back. When they pulled away from each other, there was a confident smile on Myrcella's face.

"I will wait for you." She told him, before holding him by the shirt and adding. "My mother, she can be very intimidating and even come across as a bit unpleasant, but that's because she doesn't trust anyone who isn't part of our family. But if she considers you someone trustworthy, she can become very loving and very protective."

Jon doubted very much that he would go so far in a simple conversation that Cersei Lannister would come to consider him someone trustworthy, but he flashed Myrcella a smile all the same and nodded at her words. Myrcella pulled him back in for one last kiss, as she told him that she would be waiting for him with a surprise ready for him, Jon nodded and left following the two men. They led him to a huge black SUV that was waiting for them outside, the first to enter was the gigantic man who still didn't know his name, followed by him and finally Sandor, who closed the door.

The chauffeur sped off, and Jon felt a little anxious to meet Cersei Lannister, wondering if he would survive the encounter with the famous Lioness of the Rock.


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