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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Ashara Dayne had fallen in love at a very young age, she let herself be charmed by sweet words and beautiful promises from a man older than her. She even went on to marry the man and everything was perfect for the first few years, her husband was caring and loving making her feel like the luckiest woman in the world. But as time went by the flame of her marriage faded, her husband showed less and less interest in her, especially after she got pregnant, and her body suffered the consequences. But despite all that, she did not give up, she loved her husband and wanted to show her love and affection for him. So, she tried everything to reignite the flame of their marriage, without much success unfortunately, no matter what she tried, she could not get his attention. And everything ended up going down the drain in her last attempt to revive her marriage, Ashara had planned to make a surprise visit to her husband at work, she had made up and dressed to impress, only to find him making out with one of her co-workers when she opened the door to his office.

Noticing her presence, her husband tried to approach her and explain that it was not what it seemed. But she no longer had any desire to listen to him or see him, his very presence made her sick. Ashara cried inconsolably on her bed, the bed they shared as husband and wife. Now it was all over, he had taken care of it. A few hours later, she heard the door to her room open and felt the bed sink beside her, he tried to put his hand on her shoulder, but she pulled away not wanting to feel his touch again. Then he started talking, trying to defend himself and begging her for forgiveness, when he finished mentioning every excuse he could think of, Ashara stood up and wiped the tears from her cheeks and staring at him with red eyes, she asked him for a divorce. Her husband seeing her like this only nodded defeatedly and muttering a final 'I'm sorry’ and left.

What followed were some of the most difficult years for her, especially for her poor daughter who did not understand why overnight her father was no longer living with them. Ashara spent those years only focusing on her daughter and nothing else. Fortunately, time seemed to be able to heal everything, and little by little she overcame her divorce and climbed out of the pit of depression she was in. Largely due to her daughter, but also with the help of one of her oldest friends, Elia. Who introduced her to something that would change her life forever, the world of Fitness. Ashara would never have thought that a change in diet and regular exercise would change her life in such a way, not only physically but also mentally. Though of course she was more amazed by her physical change, not being able to help but look at herself in the mirror many more times than she had ever done before in her life.

She had developed an athletically slender figure but still retained her curves, she had long toned legs, her thighs were thick and shapely but still retained their softness. She still had wide hips due to her pregnancy, but she no longer had so much fat on her stomach thanks to her diet, her butt had regained its firmness and plumpness, which undoubtedly showed beautifully through the leggings she wore most of the time. Her breasts were large and full always straining her sports tops to the limit, and although they were no longer as perky as they used to be, they were far from being considered saggy.

There was no doubt that in her early thirties she was living a second youth, and as if that wasn't enough with a new look came new opportunities as well. In one of her casual and recurring conversations with Elia, after finishing her exercise routine, she mentioned how apparently her daughter and good sister had apparently revealed themselves to her parents and left home.

"My gods, are they okay?" Ashara asked worriedly, she had only met Dany and Rhae a couple of times, but she knew for a fact that they were both very sweet girls.

"Yes, they are doing very well indeed. Thanks to their Only Followers" Elia told her calming her down but leaving her with more questions.

" Only Followers?" Ashara asked her friend, curious to know what she was referring to.

"It's an online platform, which has become very popular lately. Especially, with young girls, they upload content and people pay to watch it" Elia explained.

"What kind of content?" Ashara asked softly.

"It can vary really, it can be anything from a sexy photo or even a top-less one, or even go as far as explicit videos" Elia said letting out a sigh.

Ashara let out a gasp, as she raised a hand to cover her mouth before quickly asking, "And Dany and Rhae have done that?"

"No, no nothing like that," her friend quickly calmed her down, "They just take slightly sultry pictures, but nothing explicit."

Ashara nodded and continued to listen to her friend.

"Though that doesn't do much to appease Rhaegar and Aerys' anger. But there wasn't much they could do, they are both of age now and I don't think they would resign, especially with the amount of money they were earning”.

"What do you mean how much are they earning?" Ashara asked him.

"Almost a million golden dragons a month" her friend's answer almost made Ashara choke on her drink, and she coughed trying to catch her breath as she accepted the handkerchief Elia held out to her.

"A month? How is that even possible" Ashara asked in disbelief, Elia shrugged, also not having the slightest clue on how social media worked.

After the conversation she had with Elia, Ashara couldn't get the whole Only Followers thing out of her mind, so driven by her curiosity she started to do some digging. The first thing that came to her mind was to check Dany and Rhae's profiles. And Elia was right, most of the photos the girls uploaded were locked and you had to pay several gold dragons to access them. And the prices were not cheap at all, so picking a few photos at random Ashara paid to access them. The photos of Daenerys were of an almost professional standard, like those of a supermodel posing for a major magazine, dressed in sexy black lingerie Daenerys posed erotically and gave a very sensual look to the camera, no doubt she knew what she was being.

Rhaenys's photos were simpler, but no less sexy for that, she usually posed in clothes that seemed to be one or two sizes too small for her, that made her curvaceous figure stand out very well, the naughtiest photo she saw of her was when she posed topless in front of the camera, only using her slender arm to cover her large breasts.

After that she kept visiting several profiles of the most popular women on this platform, the content varied greatly, from women who uploaded very explicit videos like the Dornish girl or even the Tyrell girl who uploaded the kind of pictures that any girl would upload to her Westergram, the only difference was of course the incredible and beautiful appearance of the woman.

Having seen enough, Ashara put her phone aside as she sat still in her chair, deep in thought. Internally debating whether it was really a good idea or if she was even capable of doing what she was thinking of doing.




I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. She thought before finally making up her mind.

Picking up her phone again and going to the site, she pressed the option to register. The steps were relatively simple just asking her for basic information, after a few minutes she got to the last step which was to upload a picture of herself. She hadn't really prepared any, so she started looking through her gallery and all the photos she found were of her daughter or the two of them posing together. Letting out a defeated sigh she started to think about what she could do, until she saw the other option that said, 'use camera'.

She lowered her gaze in order to analyse her appearance, as she was at home, she was only wearing simple and comfortable clothes, a simple white top with the top buttons undone for her comfort, and at the same time showing a generous cleavage and accompanied by some small blue shorts, completed her homely look. Debating again whether it was a good idea or not, and finally decided to do it, she wasn't going to back down now.

Putting the camera on selfie mode and putting on her best smile, she took the picture. She thought about whether she should button up her shirt, but there was nothing wrong with showing a little cleavage now and then. Examining the photo, she decided it looked good enough and selected it to be the first photo she would upload to her OF.

After she finished creating her profile and uploading the photo, Ashara was so nervous that she put down her phone and didn't look at it again until the next day. After a day had passed Ashara finally built up enough courage to see how she did. In her mind she had thought of all the possible scenarios that could happen, from a couple of people subscribing to it, to mockery of why a lady her age would try to join this type of site, or the one that terrified her the most, was being completely ignored.

With a deep breath she unlocked her cell phone, never in her wildest dreams would she have expected what she saw when she logged into her OF account, hundreds of reactions and comments to her impromptu photo she had posted, most of the comments were praising her and her beauty, most of them asking and hoping to see more of her. She hadn't set a price for people to subscribe to it, but it had already earned her some money in the form of 'tips' people had given her. A tear of emotion slid down her cheek at such a reaction, so she decided to thank them by uploading another photo. And what better outfit than the gym clothes she was wearing, this time it was a full body mirror selfie, she bent her hips a little to reveal her shapely butt. She uploaded the photo along with a message thanking her for the comments.

Ashara continued to take pictures and even on some occasions videos of herself working out, which was a favourite of her audience along with when she visited the beach and took some bikini shots. Her account was growing at a rapid pace, and although people sometimes begged for her to show more and were willing to pay to see the more 'intimate' side of her, she never did. She had set her limits and the most skin she would get to show on the internet, would be when she was wearing a bikini, and they would have to settle for that. But that not being as explicit as the other girls, was no impediment for her to continue growing, as she positioned herself in the top four of the Westeros ranking.

The only bad experience she had doing this was when her ex-husband found out about her new 'job' and confronted her about it. But she quickly dismissed him by pointing out that he was no longer anyone to tell her what she could or could not do, and he even had the nerve to try to win her back. She scoffed at the idea, unlike her it seemed that the years had not been sitting very well on her ex-husband, a considerable amount of fat sat on his belly which forced his shirt to stretch, she could see the signs of balding starting to show in his hair and he had decided to grow a hideous moustache.

Ashara reminded him that the only reason she would even let him into her house, or why she would even let him speak to her was because of her daughter, and furthermore Ashara mentioned to him that she was now much more successful than him and definitely much more beautiful. She would have to be insane to even consider going back to someone like him. She knew she was being mean and very hurtful by saying those words, but it also felt great to give him back a little of the pain he made her suffer, plus her life was so great now and the last thing she needed was to go back to the way it was before.

Thanks to the OF, she had earned a lot of money and was able to move into a much nicer and more spacious house with her daughter, on her vacations she travelled and enjoyed life together with Allyria. Everything seemed perfect, except for her love life. Since her divorce she hadn't really been in a relationship, she had tried dating, but never felt any kind of physical or emotional attraction with anyone. And the one time she decided to invite a man into her bed, just to relieve the itch she was feeling, it ended terribly, the man only cared about his own pleasure, and it was over long before she could even enjoy herself a little. From then on there was no one else.

She kept trying to meet someone special, but most of the men who approached her were either too confident and arrogant for their own good or older men with surely a penchant for having the best things and just saw her as another pretty accessory to have. She would have wished for average men to approach her, but they were always overwhelmed by her looks.

After many failed dates and disappointments Ashara resigned herself to her fate, perhaps it was too greedy of her, to want to have it all. She already had success and the love of her adorable daughter, so she tried to settle for that. Most of the time she slept next to Allyria as her bed felt too big for her alone, but the worst was when she went off to spend the day with her father.

One of those lonely nights, Ashara couldn't manage to fall asleep, so she decided to lose time on her phone. She watched some silly videos on the internet until she got bored and decided to check the OF page, scrolling through the page she found the most popular videos of the week and was surprised to see that the most popular one was of a male model. There were very few men on the platform and the vast majority were not that popular. So just out of curiosity she decided to give it a look, the video started with a beautiful stunning redhead sitting on a large bed, looking at the camera or more specifically to the person behind the camera.

A loud, masculine voice with a strong northern accent would ask her random questions and the redhead would answer with a wide smile. Ashara already had an inkling of where this was going, but for some reason she decided not to close the video. She was curious to see what a man who had become so popular in OF looked like, and she certainly wasn't disappointed, when she saw him.

The man was gorgeous, dark-haired with deep grey eyes and a neatly trimmed beard covering his jaw, certainly a magnet for female attention. She paid much more attention when the redhead began to eagerly undress him, revealing a muscular and toned body. Ashara's anticipation quickly increased when she saw the woman kneel before the man and slowly pull down his pants, revealing the large bulge forming in his boxers. With a big smile the girl, finally pulled down his boxers releasing a huge spear of wet flesh that shot out, hitting her in the chin. Ashara couldn't take her eyes away, she had only been with two men and neither had been this big, not even close. He was probably twice the size of her ex-husband and much thicker.

Ashara continued to watch as the redhead began to eagerly suck the man's cock, as if it were her favourite candy. At some point as she watched this man dominate the girl and force his huge cock down her throat, without realizing it her hands began to run over her body until she reached her breasts and began to massage them. Unable to stop watching the video, biting her lip, she slipped a hand under her tiny shorts and ran a finger over her already wet pussy. Letting out a moan at the touch, she fiddled with her clit for a few moments before sliding two fingers slowly into her depths. Her eyes glanced at the man, and she imagined what it would feel like to be in the woman's position.

There was no doubt that the girl was enjoying it, her moans as the man fucked her mingled with Ashara's. When Ashara's fingers touched her most sensitive area, she let out a loud gasp her hips jerked hard, and her feet flexed. Letting out a loud 'Fuck' Ashara climaxed, wetting the bedclothes beneath her.

Trying to catch her breath, Ashara watched as the man was still fucking the woman. Grabbing some tissues from her bedside table, she wiped herself clean and noticed how the video was still going on for another twenty minutes.


That's when her obsession with Jon Snow began, she subscribed to his OF profile and watched all the videos he had posted, always ending with her masturbating as she watched Jon dominate all the women, he was making them experience orgasm after orgasm. She was sure that all those women would always remember the night they shared with Jon, the way he kissed them, the way he held them as he fucked them into oblivion and ending with him filling them with his virile seed. Ashara even bought herself a dildo of a similar size to Jon, but every time she used it only made her crave even more to feel the real thing.

Jon's last videos were the most exciting to watch and certainly his most popular, he had grown popular enough to make videos next to the beautiful Arianne who was the one ahead of her and the last one was next to the Lannister girl. Ashara watched morbidly as Jon ravaged the poor girl with his huge cock. She could no longer ignore this desire that burned inside her, the desire she felt for this man. She wanted him, she needed him it had been so long and only he could satisfy her. In an act of bravery and recklessness she sent Jon a message through her OF profile, saying she wanted to meet him. Ashara realized her mistake a few hours later when Jon replied telling her that he would be more than happy to meet with her, asking if she wished to meet him at his home or hers. Ashara's heart hammered in her chest with excitement and nerves, she couldn't believe that she had really been so reckless to have done this, but she could no longer take it back and if she was sincere, she didn't want to. She told him if he could come to her house and gave him her address and a date where Allyria would spend the whole day with her father.


Myrcella lay under a soothing stream of warm water, as she felt strong, caring hands slowly and carefully cleanse every part of her body. She felt his hands on her head, massaging her scalp with the help of a generous amount of shampoo. Myrcella lets out a pleasant moan at the pleasurable sensation of being cared for in this way, finishing with her hair. She feels his hands begin to move down her body, and using a soapy sponge Jon begins to caress her entire body. Starting from her face and then moving to her neck, her excitement was beginning to grow as the sponge slowly traces circles around her erect nipples, but to her disappointment it doesn't stay there long and continues its path to her stomach. Her anticipation grows as his hands begin to approach the sensitive place between her legs, but he only teases her, barely brushing against her femininity, but never touching where she needed him most.

Myrcella reaches one hand back, until she reaches her target and wraps her nimble fingers around it. She begins to pump and tease him, hoping he will push her against the cold glass and fuck her silly again. But Jon doesn't see seat before her and evades her womanhood in favour of rubbing her legs together.

"Please Jon. I need you, so much" Myrcella begged him desperately.

"What is it, my little princess. What is it that you desire" Jon asked teasingly, running his hands over her stomach again, so close to where she needed him most.

"Your cock" she said and reached behind her to grab the back of his neck. Turning her head and rising on her tiptoes, she pushed him down and pressed her lips against him.

Parting her lips, Jon spun her toward him and grasping her tight buttocks, lifted her up with extreme ease. Myrcella let out a shriek of surprise and instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around him. Supporting her weight with one arm, Jon extended the other and placed his cock at her soaking wet entrance and let it slowly drop over her entire length.

Myrcella threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream as her tight walls fluttered wildly around his length. Keeping a tight grip on her ass, Jon bounced her on his cock as she clung to him with her life while letting out loud moans in his ear.


When they got out of the shower, Jon had to carry her princess style because she seriously doubted, she would be able to stand up on her own. When he deposited her on the bed, she tried to cling to him to join her, but he shook his head and pulled away, kissing the cute little pout she made.

"I have to go now" he told her, but seeing that she only had a towel he stopped before asking her "Uhm, where can I get my clothes?"

"Hand me some of my robes" Myrcella told him, pointing to her huge closet.

When Jon opened the closet, it seemed as if it had doubled in size, he would have had great trouble finding anything in there. But fortunately, everything was very well organized, taking a thin pink robe he handed it to Myrcella. When she finished putting on her robe, she extended her hands towards him looking at him expectantly, Jon raised an eyebrow in question mode.

" Carry me, after all it's your fault I can't walk." she told him with a smile.

"I didn't hear any complaints," he told her, as he took her in his arms again.

He carried her to the door and as he had both arms occupied, Myrcella opened it for him and he heard her let out an outraged scream when she saw that her bodyguard was still standing there, as she had ordered him to.

"Sandor, what are you doing here? You were listening to us all this time, you creep!" she yelled at him. Jon watched as the man just stood there and took her scolding, surely not for the first time. "Go and wait outside" Myrcella yelled at him for the last time, ordering him again as if he were literally a dog, but the man obeyed and left without a word.

They must really pay him well.

"Helena!" Myrcella shouted again and quickly a maid came running over.

"Yes, Miss Myrcella?" the maid spoke, bowing.

"Jon has to leave. Fetch his clothes" Myrcella commanded, and the maid bowed again before running off to do her bidding.

She set Myrcella back down on the bed and only seconds later the maid came with her clothes. Jon thanked her and dismissed her, closing the door behind her. Taking his clothes out of the bag, noticing that they had been washed, he began to change.

Myrcella settled back on a pillow as she enjoyed the show. Analysing him in detail, Myrcella understood why she loved Jon so much, he was just like her. They had both been carved perfectly by the gods, they were the epitome of beauty. That was why they fit so well together, she was the perfect example of feminine grace and beauty, and Jon was that of masculinity, strong and handsome. They were destined to be together.

"Jon" Myrcella called his name.

"Hmm" Jon made a sound of acknowledgement, as he finished putting on his shirt.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" she said, a little nervously, but equally hopeful.

Jon stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her. "What?"

"If you become my groom, you would be part of my family, you would be a Lannister. You would live like a King, you would have anything you desire, cars, watches, luxury hotels. Everything would be yours; I would be yours" Myrcella said.

Jon slowly approached her and undid the knot of her robe, revealing her nakedness and rubbed his calloused hands over her delicate skin, until he reached her already wet slit.

She was always wet for him.

"Oh, but my sweet Cella, I thought you were already mine," he told her as he inserted two fingers into her and kissed her pale, delicate throat. "I thought this pretty pussy, was already mine, or was I wrong? He asked lightly tugging her earlobe with his teeth.

"Yes, it is yours Jon. Only yours" Myrcella exhaled, with a shaky breath as she gasped slightly. "But I want you to be mine."

"Oh, how greedy my little Cella. Just as greedy as this little cunt, it's squeezing me so hard. I fucked you just a little while ago and already it's hungry for more" Jon teased, as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy and brought them to his lips, submissively Myrcella licked and sucked them tasting her own juices.

"You are such a good girl, Myrcella. But right now, I don't have the desire to belong to anyone and you're going to have to accept that. But don't worry, I'll be sure to visit you and fuck this greedy pussy, as much as you want until it's dripping with my cum" he told her as he resumed fucking her using his fingers. He rubbed his palm against her sensitive clit, as he slid three fingers between her wet lips.

"Oh Gods" Myrcella moaned, pushing her pussy against his hand as she gasped wildly.

Jon pumped his fingers faster and harder as he leaned over her and kissed her passionately, their tongues sliding sensuously around each other. Myrcella's body straightened and her head fell back, her eyes closed and mouth open in a silent scream as she cummed. Her juices again soaked the bed beneath her and his fingers, Jon brought his fingers to his lips and tasted her sweet, delicious nectar as he watched her gasp for breath from her orgasm. Leaning over her he gave her one last kiss and lovingly caressed her soft body.

"Sleep well, my little princess. I will see you soon" Jon said goodbye.

Myrcella watched Jon leave and close the door behind him as she mentally decided to herself that somehow, she would make him hers. No matter what it cost or what she had to do, she would marry Jon Snow, they would be the perfect Westeros couple. She would give him beautiful babies with dark curls and grey eyes, she would be the perfect refined wife for him in public. And in the bedroom, she would be his personal little whore, willing to do anything to satisfy any of his needs.

But first she had to get him away from those other sluts around him and what better way than with the proof of the video they shot together. Where Jon made her his, with a smile I wish I could see Arianne's face when she sees how perfect they looked together.


It had been a few days since his visit to Myrcella, and he still couldn't get Myrcella's proposal out of his mind, not in whether to consider being her boyfriend, but rather to have a serious relationship. Jon began to remember that he had not been in a 'serious' relationship since his first girlfriend.

He met Ygritte at a concert in the north, Jon was sixteen at the time and she had been older, although Jon didn't know it then. He was quickly attracted to the mysterious redhead, with her numerous tattoos and piercings, she was the one who kissed him first and from there things escalated quickly She was the first woman to have her pussy eaten by him, with her commenting that he had a natural knack for it, then she took her virginity by riding him very aggressively. Ygritte was undoubtedly a wild cat in bed, she taught him how women liked a hard hand and rough treatment, even if they denied it at first. She demanded that he pull her hair when he fucked her from behind or spank her hard. Jon became quite attached to her and everything was up to her, but over time Ygritte's attitude changed for the worse.

Jon couldn't talk to any other girl because Ygritte would always burst out in a jealous rage, or even go out with his mates. Things got worse and worse, they argued constantly until Jon decided to break up with her. Obviously, she didn't take it well, and Jon had to run away while Ygritte threw any object, she could reach at him.

From then on, Jon kept things casual and tried not to get involved in any serious relationship, he didn't want to make the same mistake. After being with a few girls, that's when he met Val and quickly became closer to her, the sex was great, and they got along very well. But Jon was afraid that their relationship would be ruined if they became boyfriend and girlfriend like he did with Ygritte, so he always kept everything casual, until she left, and he was left alone again. Until he decided to come to Kings Landing, he reconnected with Val, but she didn't seem to have any interest in being romantically with him, although she did seem to be interested in having casual sex. And since he started with the OF, it had been just sex with the other girls as well.

He really didn't know what she was complaining about, he was sure any man in Westeros would trade places with him. He was handsome, he had an enviable physique, he was rich, he slept with the most beautiful women in the country, he had the perfect life.

So why do I feel so lonely...

Jon shook those thoughts off quickly, if he started to dive into those kinds of thoughts he would never get out of that pit. His life was fine, he could worry about settling down later. If he was lonely, he could get a dog, that would help.

He rubbed his face with his hands letting out a sigh, fortunately the sound of his phone beeping gave him something else to think about. Taking it out of his pocket and unlocking the screen, he could see who it was, and a big smile formed on his face as he read the name of the woman who had texted him.

The others take me and here he was, complaining about his life. How could anyone complain when Ashara Dayne invited him to meet with her.

Jon didn't hesitate to respond that he would be happy to meet with her, asking her if she wished to do so at his home or hers. She was quick to respond, sending him her address and the date she wanted to meet. Jon's mood took a one hundred and eighty turn, he was now eager and excited for his new date with one of the most beautiful women in Westeros and certainly one of his favourites.

Ashara Dayne was what many men would consider a perfect wife, always appearing in her pictures with a kind and sweet smile on her face, she had a natural homely and maternal aura and all that topped it all off with her voluptuous body. He remembers perfectly how she looked in a bikini, her lightly tanned skin, full, round breasts that strained the thin fabric of her bra. Thick, supple thighs and a firm, thick ass.

Fuck he was already getting hard, just thinking about that woman.

Taking a deep breath Jon tried to calm himself, but his thoughts betrayed him, wondering what kind of sounds she would make, what kind of face she would make when he made her orgasm. It was the first time Jon wished he didn't have to record any videos, a woman like Ashara was special, he wished he could have her to himself, be the only one who could see that side of her. To be the only one who could hear those wonderful moans or the way she would make her scream his name.

"Fuck!" he shouted in the solitude of his apartment; he was already hard. But that wasn't what bothered him as much as the fact that the only reason he would ever get to fuck a woman like Ashara was because of the OF. Letting out a defeated sigh, he pulled out his phone again and began unbuckling his belt. As he went into Ashara's profile and looking at one of his favourite pictures of her, and started rubbing his cock, all too eager to have her in front of him.


Ashara was pacing nervously through the living room of her house; she was terrified at the thought that Jon might reject her when she confessed to him that she couldn't record a video with him. After much thought she was now sure that she couldn't do it, she couldn't record herself having sex and then upload it to the internet. She would die of embarrassment if she did, but she still wanted to be with Jon, but she wasn't sure he would agree. Now he was possibly the most popular man in Westeros, beautiful women demanded his attention, and she was just a single mother, she was being selfish, but she couldn't go back, she would be honest and what happened would depend on Jon. That was her last thought before she heard the doorbell ring, with a last breath she approached the door and opened it, as she put a smile on her face to greet her guest.

Jon stopped and turned off his bike when he finally reached his destination, getting off the bike he observed the nice and quiet neighbourhood as he approached Ashara's house. It was a nice two-story house, with a large, nicely decorated garden. Jon walked down the stone path until he reached the door, putting a charming smile on his face he reached for the bell and rang it. Only seconds later the door opened, and he was greeted by the vision that was Ashara Dayne.

Gods she was even more beautiful in person.

Jon approached her and took her hand so he could place a tender kiss on her knuckles as he stared at her. Falling quickly under the spell of those violet eyes, and that only increased when he saw her cheeks take on a slight pink blush, which made her look even prettier.

How could a woman this sexy, be so cute at the same time.

The spell was broken when Ashara withdrew her hand and they both stood there looking at each other a little uncomfortable and not knowing what to do.

"It's good to finally meet you, Jon" Ashara spoke softly, the nervousness showing in her voice.

"Yes yes, of course. It's good to meet you too" Jon answered her, trying to speak without stumbling.

"Would you like anything? I have sodas, juices" Ashara offered him. "Ah don't think I have beer”.

"Water would be fine" Jon answered her with a smile.

Ashara went to the kitchen to pour him a glass of water, as she motioned for him to take a seat in the dining room. Handing him the glass of water, Jon thanked her with a nod and a smile. Ashara took a seat across from him, still feeling very nervous. A little relieved that Jon didn't seem affected by it.

"You have a loving home" he heard her comment, as she took a sip of her water. "Oh, yes. Thank you" she replied. "Though not as beautiful as its owner" he then added. Making her let out a small laugh and thanking him again.

"Hmm, you're laughing. That's good" He commented.

"Yeah, sorry I'm a little nervous" she said. Then she felt Jon's hand rest on hers. "Hey, it's natural to feel nervous. I was too the first time I did something like this, believe it or not."

Gods, he was sweeter than she thought. She had to be honest and tell him the truth.

"Uhm, there's something I have to tell you “She spoke lightly. "I don't want to shoot any videos with you..."

"Ohh, well that's a little disappointing" Jon said with a forced smile, as he scratched his head unsure of what to do next.

When Ashara saw his face quickly decline and to pull his hand away from her, she knew she had chosen her words very poorly, and quickly tried to correct herself, "No no no, not in that way. Yes, I want to be with you, I just don't want to shoot a video."

Now Jon was confused, "I'm sorry, I'm not following you."

Ashara let out a snort of disappointment for herself, she was a grown woman by the gods. That was when she felt Jon's hand on her again, and she raised her gaze to Jon who was giving her an encouraging smile as he said. "Speak with confidence, Ash."

Ashara nodded and pulling herself together, she spoke with sincerity and this time being direct. "I want to be with you, I want to have sex with you. But I don't want to make a video of it, I don't think I can expose myself that way. And I'll understand if you don't want to do it."

"So, if I'm getting it right. Do you want to have sex with me, just for the pleasure of it?" Jon asked her, looking for confirmation.

Ashara nodded prettily, as she covered her face with her hands to hide her redness.

"Don't you want to increase your popularity in the OF?" he asked.

This time Ashara shook her head as she said, "I have no interest in that, I'm fine like this."

"Why not just tell me from the beginning? We could have gone on a date; I would have taken you somewhere nice" Jon told her.

"I was afraid you might turn me down" she confessed. Which only brought a smile to Jon's face as he told her, "I don't think there is any man in Westeros who would be able to turn you down, Ash."

Jon stood up and taking her hand again led her to his sitting room, and taking a seat pulled her to sit sideways on his lap. making her let out a cute squeak, but she quickly settled on top of him. Jon lifted his hands up to hold her beautiful face, as he lovingly rubbed her cheek with his thumb and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. Ashara placed her hand over his as she slowly leaned forward.

He felt her warm breath on his face as he brushed his lips against hers softly. He circled her hip with his other hand and pulled her body closer to his. He felt Ashara's breath rise with excitement as he kissed her soft, full lips, his fingers coming up to grasp the hair at the back of her head as he pressed her body firmly against his when he felt her kiss him back greedily. His tongue slipped between her lips, the kiss was slow and languid, his tongue caressing hers as he felt her hands run up and down his back. They kissed for a long moment, before they finally broke apart and their foreheads touched. Ashara kept her eyes closed and her mouth partially open as she took a deep breath, only for moments later a smile to form on her face and opening her eyes she looked at him with great love and lust.

Rising from her position, Ashara swung a leg over him and sat on his lap. Resting her arms on his shoulders and leaning forward she pressed her lips against his again in a searing, tongue-filled kiss. Jon rested his hands on her hips as they kissed, Jon slid his hands just below the back of her shirt and lightly caressed her bare back with his fingertips. He felt her moan into his mouth and leaned over him, pressing her round ass hard against his growing erection.

When Ashara pulled away again, they were both flushed and panting with slightly swollen lips. She smiled at him for a moment before biting her lip as her expression became serious and determined. Grabbing the hem of her shirt she pulled it off, pulling it up over her head, exposing the crimson bra underneath, without pausing she reached behind her back and unclasped the bra. Letting her large, full tits decorated with light brown nipples bounce freely as soon as she removed the bra. Jon couldn't help but lean forward and take one of her excited nipples between his lips, making her moan and arch her back pushing her breasts against his mouth.

Ashara clutched at the back of his head with her curls as he fiddled with her breasts. Jon took one nipple into his mouth until it was hard and swollen, while at the same time playing with the other, kneading it and squeezing the tender flesh between his hand.

"Fuck, I love your tits" Jon told her, something that put a big smile on Ashara's face, she wanted to please him, she wanted him to remember her. So, she leaned forward again, to kiss him softly, as she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.

Then she began to leave kisses on him as she slowly descended until she was kneeling between his legs, she began to unbuckle his belt while maintaining eye contact with him. Once she had them open, she pulled them down along with his boxers, freeing his intimidating cock. Ashara reached out her hands and began to slowly stroke it, her thumb rubbing the large vein at the bottom of his shaft.

"It's very impressive" Ashara commented fascinated despite having seen it before.

Opening her mouth, she wrapped her soft lips around his girth, Jon moaned as he felt the warm wet sensation of her mouth enveloping him. Ashara slowly began to try to descend further on him, using her tongue to caress his sensitive skin. She stopped when she managed to swallow a little more than half of his cock, its head brushing the back of her throat, she looked up at him as she paused. Extremely slowly, she began to pull back, dragging her soft, plump lips up his shaft, sucking hard enough to sink her cheeks. Until finally releasing him with a wet pop.

"Oh, you're so big. I don't think I can take all of you" she said, before giving a bright smile and a kiss to the swollen head of his cock and opening her mouth and descending back down his shaft soaked with her saliva.

Keeping her gaze on him, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed the top half of his cock. As Jon moaned, Ashara swirled her tongue around him and sucked hard again as she withdrew.
"Mhh, you don't know how much I've missed this" Ashara murmured sensually, as she bathed his cock in kisses.

"Fuck, you're so sexy Ash" Jon moaned, as he rubbed her head lovingly with his hand.

Since she couldn't deep throat him, Ashara opted for a different, but no less pleasurable approach. She stared at him as she made love to his cock, licking and sucking every inch she could comfortably reach. Her every action was geared to show him how much she loved having him in her mouth.

Jon ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp. The sight of this gorgeous mature woman giving him a sultry, smouldering look as his cock stretched her soft pink lips was one of the most alluring things he had ever seen.

Her deep violet eyes conveyed her smugness as she slowly trailed her lips along his shaft to his head, where Ashara bathed him with her soft tongue. As she parted from him, a long trickle of thick saliva extended from his glistening head to her lower lip. Ashara began to move her head in shorter, faster strokes, concentrating on the head as she worked both hands up and down his slippery shaft.

"I'm close" Jon warned her.

Ashara heard Jon's warning, but refused to pull away, keeping up her pace until she felt his cock swell against her tongue. With a final grunt, Jon came, spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum filling her mouth. She continued to stroke his shaft and suck the head as he pulsed against her tongue. He let out so much cum, she had to swallow twice before he finished. Pulling his sensitive cock out of her mouth, she licked the last weeping drop from his tip, smiling when she heard him hiss from overstimulation.

Jon collapsed onto the couch, as he tried to calm down from his intense orgasm. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Ashara was still kneeling before him. leaning into her, he captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss as he helped her to her feet and this time it was, she who was sitting on the couch. Finishing getting out of his pants and boots, he began to focus on her. Quickly removing her pants, Ashara eagerly lifted her hips so he could take them off, grabbing her red panties, the last remaining garment he slowly pulled them down off her thick smooth legs.

Jon had the wonderful sight of a completely naked Ashara Dayne, from her toned legs to her wide hips and broad bust. This time it was his turn to fall to his knees before her, he ran his hands down her wonderfully thick thighs and opened them, revealing her beautiful lips, glossy with arousal with a triangle of short curly hair above them.

Moving closer to his target, he watched as a small drop of her arousal trickled down her lips and between her full, round cheeks. He placed a small kiss on her inner thighs, right next to her drooling lips. He saw the look in Ashara's eyes, in how those beautiful violet eyes darkened with lust as she gasped in anticipation. Unable to hold back any longer, he kissed her lips, directly over her swollen, throbbing clit. Her wetness coated his lips, giving him a taste of her for the first time as she gasped and bridged her hips. He felt her fingers run through his curls, trying to push him forward, encouraging him to continue. Jon opened his mouth and plunged in, kissing, and sucking as his tongue attacked her clit, pressing hard and then flicking and swirling. He heard her let out a long, lewd moan that made his cock throb again as he worked furiously to please her.

Ashara wrapped her strong legs around his head, trapping him in place, as more of her arousal dripped into his mouth and chin, saturating him with her scent. Mingled with her gasps and moans, and the way she wildly ground her hips against his face, he knew she wouldn't last long. Wrapping his lips around her sensitive pearl, he sucked hard as he furiously flicked it back and forth with his tongue.

Her breathing became wild and irregular as her chest heaved and her stomach muscles spasmed from the intense pleasure. She felt her overexcited clit pulsing against Jon's tongue in time with her heartbeat. She let out a loud moan when she felt Jon's rough hand squeeze her soft breasts as he squeezed her hard, prominent nipple hard with his fingers.

Ashara's moans only rose in pitch, and she felt her body tense as her legs tightened almost painfully around his head. A stream of juices gushed from her lips as he made her climax, her mouth filled with his sweet nectar as her whole body trembled around him. After several seconds her body finally began to relax, releasing him from his pleasurable but deadly grip. Jon pulled away from her dripping slit and began to move up her, depositing light kisses across her belly and stopping at her turgid breasts. He curled his lips around her breasts and sucked them gently, making her moan slightly as she stroked his hair tenderly. After giving her breasts a few more kisses, he finally made his way to her mouth.

Quickly Ashara cupped his cheeks and as he did, she kissed him deeply on the lips, her tongue sliding into his mouth and moving languidly against his, not caring a bit about tasting herself.
When he parted from her succulent lips, he had only one question for her.

"Where is your room?"

"First door, second floor" she answered him, before capturing his lips again and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Knowing all he required, Jon placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her up without much trouble. Her long, toned legs wrapped around him as he led them upward.

Ashara took advantage of the whole journey to tease him, licking and kissing his neck sensuously, mashing her large breasts against his torso and rubbing her wet pussy over his hard length. So, as soon as he entered the room, Jon didn't lead her towards her bed but pressed her back against the door making her let out a gasp, as he rubbed his cock against her hot wet pussy.

"So desperate, so needy for my cock" Jon told her, as he continued to tease her.

"Jon, please" She pleaded with him.

"What do you want, Ash? I want to hear you say it, I want to hear you beg for it."

"Jon, please fuck me. Fuck this pussy. Make it yours" Ashara begged him hoarsely, her eyes burning with lust.

She watched as Jon lined up against her entrance and pushed forward, plunging his entire length into her in one thrust. Ashara gasped and tightened her arms and legs around him as she kissed him desperately while jerking her hips into him and moaning into his mouth.
Jon began to thrust his cock in and out of her at a fast and steady pace. Ashara parted her lips from his and leaned her head back and let out a scream so loud that Jon was sure even her neighbours could hear her.

"You love this don't you? Tell me how much you love my cock" Jon said, panting as his fat cock stretched the tight, smooth walls of her pussy.

"Yes, I love it. You're so much bigger than my pathetic ex-husband" she moaned.

Jon didn't know she had been married, and judging by her tone there was no love between them. He really couldn't feel a bit sorry for the poor bastard, what kind of man puts aside a woman like Ashara Dayne. But fortunately, he was here, he would take very good care of her from now on. And he felt he was doing a good job when he heard her mewl so erotically and felt her nails dig into his shoulders as he began to penetrate her even harder, creating a wet slap every time their bodies collided.

"Ohhh, you're going to make me cum again Jon. I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!" she screamed, as she moved her hips into him each thrust.

It only took a few more thrusts, to feel her walls churning around his cock and her legs shaking as her arousal soaked his cock. Ashara sank her head into his neck biting down hard on his shoulder stifling his cries as her nails dug even deeper into his skin. Jon kept up his intense pace and continued to penetrate her during her powerful climax. When she finally came down from her peak and her muscles relaxed, the only thing keeping her from falling were his arms.

Jon lifted her up by her ass until his hard length escaped her tight depths, eliciting a disappointed groan from her. Carrying her, until he gently deposited her on the bed, Jon grabbed her by the hips and turned her upside down and then lifted her until she was on all fours. Her big round ass stuck out at him, he marvelled at how big and firm her cheeks were, grabbing them with his hands and kneading them. Using one hand, he grabbed his hard cock and placed it at her entrance, this time slowly sinking into her until her hips met his wonderful ass. Ashara moaned, her head bowed and her hands gripping the sheets tightly.

Gripping her wide hips, he pulled out more than half of her before thrusting back in, his hips slapping noisily against her ass, causing the round globes to jerk with the impact. Ashara screamed and collapsed onto his chest, her back arching beautifully with her ass still in the air. Again and again, Jon slammed his cock against her quivering center.

Feeling himself approaching his climax, Jon slammed into her at a brutal and frantic pace, causing Ashara to scream against the mattress as he made her climax once again. Burying his cock as deep as he could, he held himself there as he cummed, numerous hot spurts of sperm splashing hard, painting her walls white. When he finished cumming, there was a small stream of semen dripping around the base of his shaft. When he finally pulled out, Ashara collapsed onto the mattress, her body jerking occasionally as jolts of pleasure coursed through her body.

Jon wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as he laid them on their sides. His spent cock nestled between her cheeks as Jon showered her shoulder with soft, loving kisses, which made her mewl and she even felt her ass move against him again as if trying to get him hard again. Jon let out a tired laugh and caressed one of her breasts as he kissed her neck.

"Thank you" Jon heard her say.

"No, thank you Ash. You're perfect" Jon replied as he took her face and turned it towards him so he could give her a loving kiss.

When they parted Ashara could see the tender and affectionate smile directed at her, a happy smile stretched her swollen lips as her heart pounded. Ashara turned quickly and snuggled against him, wishing Jon never had to leave, her bed had never felt so comfortable before.


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