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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Myrcella Lannister could not believe what she was seeing. She was pacing back and forth across her room, trying to figure out how all this was possible. How Arianne Martell had managed to not only surpass Rhaenys Targaryen and take the number two spot in the OF ranking, but also break Daenerys' record by acquiring over a million subscribers in less than a day. With a single video, Arianne had achieved what she had craved so desperately, she couldn't understand it, she couldn't accept it. An explicit video of her, together with another woman and Jon Snow, the man who had also gained too much popularity lately.

But still she couldn't accept it, how someone as vulgar and simple as Arianne Martell could reach the Top two, when she was still stuck in the Top five, behind Ashara Dayne, who was another vulgar Dornish woman, with cow tits.

She was Myrcella Lannister, her aristocratic beauty should overshadow women like Ashara and Arianne and even Rhaenys, the only one who could compare to her would be Daenerys with her Valyrian heritage. It also never crossed her mind to lower herself to Arianne's level by making any kind of explicit content. If Daenerys Targaryen didn't need to do that to be in the number one spot. Then neither would she need to turn to such methods, which were far beneath her name.

Though that didn't quell her anger at the fact that she had been stuck in the number five spot for quite some time. And women like Ashara and especially now Arianne, was far ahead of her. She was a Lannister, her family had existed since the old days, royal blood ran through her veins. Her beauty could only be described as perfect and graceful. Her hair was a bright golden blonde, her eyes were a sparkling emerald that resembled precious stones, her porcelain skin was soft and smooth with no imperfections upon it. Her figure was slender with the right proportions. But none of that mattered to the rabble, who wouldn't know how to appreciate true beauty, even if it was right in front of them.

Damn pigs, they see a pair of fat tits and a fat ass, and they lose their minds.

She could no longer tolerate this insult, she would take the place she deserved, she wouldn't settle for anything less. No matter what it would cost, hell the consequences, if she needed to expose herself to make it happen, then so be it. She could play their game and she could do it far better than them, she was more beautiful than any Dornish woman, and what better way to prove it than by stealing their new boy toy. A grim smile formed on her face at the thought, by the time she was done with Jon Snow, she would have him eating out of her hand. Surely, he already knew about her, as popular as she was. And when he saw that she had invited him to collaborate with her, he would come running without any hesitation, eager for the great opportunity, probably falling in love with her. And if he was obedient and docile enough maybe she could keep him as her pet, he was pretty enough, at least for a Northerner.

She laughed to herself, at the thought that she was really going to let a brutish Northerner get his hands on her, it was a laughable idea, though she also remembered another detail. Without a doubt one of the things that stood out most about Jon Snow, was his impressive manhood, she remembers how her eyes widened comically at the sight of him and being amazed at how those vulgar women let the barbaric man have his way with them, treating them as if they were nothing more than common whores. Though she also remembers the feeling of wondering how it would feel to let him treat her the same way. Her legs grew weak, and she felt a sudden warmth rise in her belly at the thought of what it would feel like to have Jon Snow inside her.

Myrcella quickly shook her head and dismissed such thoughts; she would be the one in charge. She would not act like a common whore for a man, much less a northerner, no matter that he was the most beautiful northerner she had ever seen, with his deep grey eyes and a neatly trimmed beard covering his sharp jaw. His body was muscular and toned, with defined abs and broad arms. Nothing like the description his mother gave him about northern men who always said they were seals filled with fat to withstand the harsh cold. But Jon didn't seem to have a single ounce of fat on his body, but none of that was enough for her to act like a vixen for him, she would never kneel before him like Arianne had, of course not. She was a Lannister, a lioness of the Rock, she would kneel to no one.


Jon had just gotten out of the shower and was now lying in his very spacious bed, he had returned to Kings Landing a few hours ago and was already missing his girls. His bed felt cold and lonely without their presence, he had become accustomed to going to bed and waking up every day with two women on each arm. No doubt a feeling he would miss, his phone alarm rang abruptly, snapping him out of his brooding. Grabbing his phone from his nightstand and unlocking the screen, he perked up when he saw what it was a message from Ari.

"I miss you already, can't sleep without my favorite pillow" she wrote, causing a smile to form on his face.

"I miss you too baby. I wish I could be there with you" Jon wrote back.

"Tell me, what would you do to me if you were with me? What dirty things, would you do to poor little me" Ari wrote back to him.

Jon chuckled lightly at Ari's ability, to turn things quickly sexual without letting obstacles like the hundreds of miles of distance that separated them get in their way. He only had to think for a few seconds to start typing his response.


Twenty minutes later Jon came back out of the bathroom, he had chatted with Ari for a few minutes before they decided to make a videocall and it ended with both watching each other through their screens as the other masturbated, saying the most obscene and lewd things they planned to do to each other. Watching in fascination as Ari cum dripping all over her bed and even splashing a little on her camera, Jon followed closely behind her. He had never been interested in anything like long distance sex, but Arianne certainly made everything much more erotic than it was properly meant to be. Especially when she purred seductively at him, that she wished she was with him so she could lick up every drop of cum he'd expelled, her lascivious promise made his cock throb again.

In the end, he had to force himself to say goodbye to her before he soiled himself again. But before doing so he promised her that he would visit her soon, but she surprised him by saying that, maybe she would be the one to come visit him and sooner than expected. She also mentioned that apparently her cousin Rhaenys had asked her about him, which piqued Jon's interest and he wanted to ask her more about it, but Ari simply gave him a devious smile and sent him a blown kiss before hanging up the call.

Since Ari mentioned Rhaenys she had been in his thoughts, reflecting on how popular he had become, to the point of catching the attention of the Targaryen’s or at least one of them. Just as he finished that thought his phone rang again, his eyebrows rose as he read the name of the person who had texted him, he hadn't expected at all that Myrcella Lannister would contact him and his surprise only grew when he opened the message and read it.

It was an invitation to do a collaboration with her, but the way she put it sounded more like Jon had won the favor of some kind of Queen and it didn't even seem as if he had the option to decline her invitation. While it was amusing to read the pompous message, if it was anyone else, he would have rejected it instantly no doubt not wanting to work with someone like that. But this was Myrcella Lannister, not only was she in the top 5 of the OF ranking of Westeros, but it was also well known that she never made any kind of explicit content, no doubt it would be a sensation if he made a video with her. So, he ended up accepting, receiving a reply just a few seconds after sending his message, simply with the time and address to the place where he had to show up.

With nothing more to ask or say, Jon put his phone aside, returning to let himself be carried away by his thoughts, which this time revolved around Myrcella Lannister. Even before she had OF, she was already very well known as a very beautiful and popular model, but what stood out the most about her was her name. A Lannister, a very well-known surname throughout Westeros, very commonly associated with wealth, status, and gold lots, and lots of gold. The best known among all its members was undoubtedly Myrcella's own mother, Cersei Lannister the current head of the Lannister family and owner of all the companies that carried the Lannister name. Also, one of the richest people in Westeros, Jon always saw her on the cover of some magazine about how to 'become rich as a Lannister' or about 'female empowerment'.

A very well-known and influential family, no doubt at that. Enough for Jon to have second thoughts if it was smart to record an explicit video with their daughter and then upload it to the internet. But he really didn't want to break his streak of good luck, for some reason the most beautiful and popular women in Westeros, were lusting for him and he wasn't going to turn them down.

Fortune favors the brave, right?


Jon arrived at the address Myrcella gave him and checking his watch he saw he was right on time. Getting out of his car, he approached the huge and luxurious apartment building, which was surely one of many, that the Lannister’s owned. And his suspicions were confirmed when he saw, 'Lannister Building' printed in large, golden letters just above the entrance. Walking inside he was greeted by the doorman who questioned the reason for his visit, Jon told him he was a guest of Myrcella, the man made a quick call to confirm his story and as soon as he hung up, he told him that he was free to come in and to enjoy his visit. Jon replied with a smile as he told him that he planned to do so, just before the elevator doors closed.

As he guessed Myrcella had the penthouse, so he had to wait for the elevator to reach the top floor of the huge building. With a slight dinging sound, the elevator signaled him that he reached his destination and the doors opened, he walked to the only room on the entire floor and knocked on the door.

He waited patiently, a little anxious to meet Myrcella, maybe the one who sent him the message was an assistant or something. Maybe she was too shy to do it herself, matching her delicate and sweet figure. At that moment the doors opened, revealing two adult women with a rather stern face and not the sweet blonde he was expecting, and before he could even utter a word, they grabbed him by the arms and quickly led him inside. They sat him in a hairdresser's chair and covered him with a cape and began to groom him very quickly and professionally. One began cutting his hair and trimming his beard, while the other began working on his fingernails and even his toenails. Jon didn't know what the heck was going on and wondered if he was in the wrong room. When he wanted to ask a question, the only response he got was from the woman cutting his hair, sternly telling him not to move.

So, Jon kept quiet and let the women finish their work, it only took them a couple of minutes and finally took off the cloak and let him stand up. He asked them what this was all about. But the only answer he got was that he needed to take a shower, Jon was ready to go and apparently, they noticed that.

"These are Miss Myrcella's orders, and if you wish to meet with her. You must obey" One of them spoke.

Jon let out a defeated sigh and headed for the bathroom they indicated, undressed, and took a quick shower. As he came out, he saw that they had taken his clothes and simply left him with a black robe and pair of boxers that were his least favorite brand, 'Kevan Lannister'.

Coming out of the bathroom, this time there was only a woman waiting for him and she led him back to the chair, where she began to dry and comb his hair.

Well at least she was good at what she was doing. Jon thought, as he saw how he looked in the mirror, glad that they hadn't cut his hair too much. At that moment he also saw another reflection in the mirror, a beautiful young blonde girl stood behind him, as she stared back at him.

"Is he ready?" Jon heard her ask.

A few seconds after the question, the woman stopped working on him, leaving the blow dryer and comb on the desk. As she turned to the girl and replied.

"Yes, Miss Myrcella. Your guest is ready for you."

"Good, you may leave" the girl spoke, and the woman obeyed, bowing formally before retiring.

"A warning would have been nice" Jon told her, as he dramatically turned his chair so he could finally face Myrcella Lannister.

Myrcella completely ignored his words, more focused on analyzing and judging his appearance and when she couldn't see him completely because he was sitting down, she ordered him to stand.

Jon let out a tired snort again, but he did as she asked and stood up, Myrcella approached him, apparently wanting to analyze him further. So, Jon decided to do the same to her, noting that he wasn't the only one who was appropriately groomed.

Myrcella had been made up and styled to perfection, nothing overdone just enough to highlight her already pristine beauty. Dressed only in a tiny, thin white silk robe, which was tied at her waist level with a knot, the robe left her toned, milky legs exposed.

"You look decent" Myrcella spoke drawing his attention back to her face.

"You really think so? For a moment there I thought they had cut off more than they should" Jon spoke sarcastically, as he grabbed a lock of her now not-so-long hair.

Myrcella rolled her eyes at his mockery and began to pace as she told him, "If you're going to stand with me, you have to look your best as possible. A Lannister won't settle for less."

"And that's why I have to wear Lannister underwear too? I don't know how the men of the rock are built, but it feels a little tight in the crotch" Jon said amused as he followed her closely, trying to get some reaction out of her, but she just kept ignoring him. So, he decided to keep teasing her some more, "Oh and by the way, I never got to thank you for the 'honor' of allowing a lowly Northerner like me the opportunity to be able to fuck such a refined lady as yourself."

That seemed to do the trick, Myrcella stopped in her tracks and turned sharply towards him, an indignant expression on her face as she said. "I didn't bring you here so you can have fun, Snow" she remarked the name as she placed an accusing finger on his chest, "The only reason you're here, is because you're OF's most popular male model. But that doesn't mean I'll let you use me like the other common bitches you usually deal with. I'm a Lannister, I'm going to the one who's going to use you and discard you. And you better start acting like an obedient little wolf, or I'll get someone else, understood?"

Jon put a big, fake smile on his face as he replied with exaggerated decorum and an impolite bow. "I am at your command, Miss Myrcella."

He saw her put on a smirk, as she reached out to condescendingly pat his head, "Good boy. If you keep this up, maybe you'll earn a reward, and I might keep you. I like obedient little puppies."

He kept his smile, until she turned and kept walking.

Jon was glad he had accepted the invitation. He was definitely going to enjoy ruining the little lioness. And best of all, everyone would see, how he would make a Lannister his bitch or better said his kitty.

Finally, they arrived at what Jon assumed was her room, which like the rest of the house, was exceedingly spacious and luxurious. Decorated in shades of white and pink, furnished and with what appeared to be real fur decorating the floor and of course a huge bed in the center. This time he was not surprised when he saw a lot of people working and moving around the room making sure everything was in place and ready for the arrival of their mistress. Jon saw what looked like professional level video cameras and even lighting panels scattered around the room.

One of the workers approached Myrcella and bowing began to speak, "Everything is ready for you, Miss Myrcella."

"Good, everyone leaves. now!" she exclaimed, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Now, before we can begin a few things you should keep in mind" Myrcella spoke, approaching him again. This time using a tone as sweet as it was spellbinding, enough to convince any lesser man to do anything for her. But Jon noticed the slight warning tone as she uttered the following words, "For no reason can you make me look bad. So, no things like pulling my hair, being too rough or even calling me names, and if you come near my ass, I will kill you or rather Sandor will kill you."

Jon didn't know what exactly she was referring to, until he saw her gaze turn to his left and he followed her gaze, startled and recoiling a bit when he saw a giant of a man standing next to him. The fellow was as tall as he was ugly, with a large burn scar covered the left side of his face.

"This is my bodyguard; he'll be standing right outside the door. In case I ever need him, or you do something that displeases me. I'll call out his name and he'll take care of you, won't you, Sandor?"

The man's only response was an angry growl much like that of a rabid hound, Jon deduced that he would be angry too if he had to put up with someone like Myrcella all day.

"Did you understand?" this time she directed the question towards him, Jon nodded trying to ignore the man who was still staring at him.

"Good, go and wait outside Sandor" she ordered him, the same way someone would do with their dog.

The man let out an annoyed grunt again, but obeyed and withdrew, closing the door behind him.

They must pay him very well. Jon thought with amusement.

Now they were completely alone and having warned him that she would not be the same as his other sluts, he began to undo the knot of her robe and let it fall to her feet, revealing the sexy white lace lingerie she wore underneath. She rejoiced to see the hungry look on Jon's face.

Surely, he had never seen a woman as beautiful and graceful as she was.

Myrcella also undid the knot of Jon's robe and pushed it off his broad shoulders, letting it fall. Now only in his boxers, Myrcella couldn't help but run down his very well-built figure, comparing it to the only other man she had ever been with. Though Trystane had been a good-looking man, tall and lean. He couldn't compare one bit to Jon, though she had enjoyed his soft, loving hands, she much preferred the feel of Jon's rough, large hands wrapped around her as she pressed her soft body against his hard body. Myrcella ran her hands over the solid muscles of his back, he was also much taller than Trystane, towering by a little more than a head above her. But it was a problem he easily solved, when he lifted her off the ground as if she weighed nothing, making her gasp and tighten her arms and legs around him.

They leaned into each other slowly, until their lips met in the middle. The kiss was light and gentle, but quickly ignited a fire inside Myrcella, she ran her fingers through his dark curls as she moved her lips against his. Feeling Jon slide his tongue into her mouth, sliding it along the length of her mouth and eliciting a moan from her. Even in the midst of their kiss, she felt Jon begin to move, holding her in his strong arms, until he laid her gently on her bed.

Jon settled between her legs, pressing his solid erection against her crotch, making them both moan at the friction. Jon never parted from her lips, they continued to kiss passionately, as they both rubbed their hips against each other. She felt Jon run his hands down her sides, his thumbs brushing over the underside of her breasts, gently caressing them through her bra. She made no move to stop him, so he ventured his hand higher, cupping her modest breast lightly. Myrcella moaned into his mouth and arched her back to try to push her soft breasts against his hand. Jon took that as permission and began massaging her breast, causing her nipples to begin to harden against his palm.

Moving down from her lips, Jon began to descend upon her, kissing her chin, neck and collarbone, his trimmed beard leaving a pleasurable burn upon her delicate skin on his path. Reaching the level of her breasts, Jon slid his hands down her back, unclasping her white bra and removed it, exposing her pale, perky breasts, her light pink nipples hard from his attentions. Myrcella let out a moan as Jon leaned down to kiss, suck, and nibble on her breasts. When he finished playing with her tits, he continued to descend on her, leaving another kiss on her stomach until he reached his destination, where he kissed her panties directly on her lips. Myrcella jerked her hips, desperate for more contact. Grabbing the waistband of her panties, he pulled them down her long, toned legs and tossed them to the floor.

The familiar scent of a woman's arousal filled the room. The heady, musky aroma caused Jon to let out a deep grunt of satisfaction and made his cock throb eager for attention. Myrcella's pussy was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful he had ever seen, completely bald, with pink lips that were already completely bathed in sweet, delicious nectar. Licking his lips in anticipation, Jon wasted no time in plunging into Myrcella's bare, moist cunt. Pressing light kisses into her clenching pussy, flicking his tongue out, he licked from the bottom of her slit all the way up. Stopping just before reaching her needy clit. He heard Myrcella let out a deep moan and wiggled her hips, desperate for more stimulation. Placing her hands on the inside of her thighs, she held her legs wide open. Jon kept his mouth hovering millimeters above her sensitive clit, his warm breath bathing it with each breath. Myrcella tried again to move her hips, desperate for contact, but his hands held her still.

"Tell me what you want, Cella," he told her as he moved toward her clit, only to turn at the last second and kiss the inner sides of her thighs.

Myrcella let out a desperate moan as he kept kissing her inner sides, repeatedly. But never where she needed him most.

"Lick me, please" she spoke softly, but loud enough for him to hear her needy, sweet plea, making it impossible for him to refuse her.

Jon descended his lips on her, right over her throbbing, needy clit.

"Yessssss" Myrcella cried out, throwing her head back in ecstasy.

The moment his lips touched her clit, Jon attacked it relentlessly with his tongue. Sucking hard for a few seconds before pulling back to flick it rapidly with his tongue, which flicked wildly from all angles, then he took it into his mouth and sucked it even harder. Even going so far as to use his teeth, scraping them gently over the swollen, sensitive nub as his tongue pressed and teased it. Myrcella writhed and gasped wildly in pleasure on the bed, her eyes turning white.

"Cum for me, Cella," Jon demanded seductively.

That was all she needed to hear for her body to tense, as her muscles flexed, the tendons in her neck jumped as they tightened, and her breathing hitched and then stopped. Still keeping his mouth on her pussy, he released one of her legs and used his hand to rub her clit furiously with his fingertips. A long, vibrating moan came from her throat as he brought her to a powerful climax. Myrcella soaked his face, and the bedclothes, beneath them as she collapsed on the bed, panting heavily. Jon stood up and removed his boxers, his raging cock bouncing freely the moment it was released.

Myrcella who was still recovering from her powerful orgasm, felt the bed sag and opening her eyes saw Jon towering over her. Lowering her gaze, her eyes widened as she saw that he had removed his underwear, and his intimidating cock was pointing directly at her vulnerable entrance. She gasped as Jon rubbed his cock against her, her lips opening to embrace and lubricate his length, eager to receive him. But before he could enter her, Myrcella regained her senses and pulled back quickly, moving as far away from his cock as possible.

"Don't think you're being too clever, Snow. I told you I'd be the one to lead, now lie down and you better not try any more tricks, or I'll kick you out of here" Myrcella spoke, trying to put strength in her voice.

Jon was disappointed that she had not yet surrendered to him, but he did not despair, he knew it was only a matter of time. So, following her instructions he moved to lie down at the head of the bed, resting his head on his hands relaxedly. Myrcella slowly moved towards him, while watching his cock and looking like she didn't know exactly what to do.

So, Jon being the gentleman he was decided to offer her his help.

"Do you need help?" He asked her, with a smile on his face. Which made her snap.

"Shut up, I know what I'm doing" she yelled at him, which only made his smile grow.

Myrcella climbed on top of him, straddling his hips and hovering her bald cleft over his swollen head. Spitting on her palm and reaching beneath her, she wrapped her thick shaft with her delicate, long fingers in a light grip. As she quickly began to quickly rub his shaft, lubricating it as much as possible, Jon moaned slightly at the pleasurable sensation.

"Why is your stupid cock so big" she whined as she continued to rub him.

"I don't usually get complaints" Jon told her, earning a murderous look from her, "I can help you, if you want" he offered, as he moved his hands to run them over her soft thighs.

"Keep your hands to yourself" she warned him, digging her nails into his chest, using the hand she held on to his chest. It didn't really hurt, but he moved his hands away so as not to upset her any further.

Finally, she seemed satisfied with the lubrication and this time supporting herself on both hands, she began to slowly descend on his cock. Pressing her weight down on him, his cock parted her pussy lips as she lowered. Myrcella bit her lower lip and moaned as his big fat cock slowly slid inside her. Jon could feel her velvety smooth walls stretch around his girth as she sank inch after inch of his shaft into his core. Once she reached about halfway down his length, Myrcella stopped abruptly as she gasped slightly.

"You're doing so good, Cella. You take me so well honey" Jon told her encouragingly as he ran his hands up her milky thighs again. This time finding no rejection, so he continued them up her sides, until he was holding her pretty face.

Myrcella began to work her hips, moving up and down on his shaft, gradually taking more and more of him each time she descended. After a couple of minutes, she finally managed to get his entire length inside her, moaning deeply as she felt him bottom out.

Myrcella wasn't the only one overwhelmed with pleasure, Jon had to fight his own orgasm. Her walls were so tight it felt like she was deliberately squeezing him. Lowering his hands he went back to holding her beautiful breasts, which, even if they couldn't fill his hands they were perfect for toying with. Especially her hard pink nipples, eliciting a louder moan from her lips. Jon continued to move his hands down and using his thumb began rubbing her clit, making her walls flutter around his cock as if they were trying to squeeze it even harder.

"Fuck, you're so fucking tight Cella. It feels like you've never taken a cock" Jon told her, as he applied more pressure on her clit.

"Shu- Shut up. I'm not a virgin, it’s just that your stu... stupid cock is so fucking b- big" Myrcella said between moans, not stopping bouncing on his cock, not for a moment.

Jon smiled, thinking she had become quite fond of his cock, but held back the comment. Preferring to respond by thrusting his hips into her every time she let herself fall on him.
Creating a loud, wet snapping sound each time their hips met. Her moans turned into short, high-pitched grunts. Their movements became shorter and shorter, but quicker. He moved his hands to her hips, keeping a tight grip, holding her as her movements became erratic. It was only a matter of seconds before she felt her pussy spasm around his cock, she stopped moving up and down to bury herself as deep as possible, as she climaxed.

Arching her back erotically, she let out a loud cry as she threw her head back. Finally, her body relaxed, and she collapsed bonelessly on top of him, still trembling and breathing hard.
Jon wrapped his arms around her and ran his fingers up and down the soft skin of her back and left several kisses down her neck and shoulders, making her mewl at the pleasurable sensation and soothing her at the same time.

"Are you ready for round two?" Jon whispered in her ear. Causing Myrcella to raise her gaze to him, looking at him with a cute expression somewhere between confusion and disbelief.

Leaving her no time to react Jon rolled them both over, leaving him on top of her, and rolled his hips back. Pulling out of her tight walls she hugged his cock as if trying to keep him in. Holding onto both hands on the sides of his head, Jon looked down at his delicious prey beneath him and moving one hand, grasped his throbbing cock that was still bathed in her juices. Guiding it to her dripping entrance, he ran the head up and down between her lips, teasing her.

Jon leaned over her, again whispering seductively in her ear, "So, what will it be my sweet Cella. Do you want me to go away and leave you like this. Or do you want me to stay and fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

Myrcella's eyes were clouded with lust and wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she said. "Fuck me Jon" just before she leaned him towards her to kiss him heatedly on the lips.

As soon as he felt her luscious lips touch his, Jon slammed his hips forward, thrusting his entire length of his cock into her sensitive pussy, her hips clapped noisily as they slapped her thighs and ass. Myrcella parted her lips as she threw her head back, her mouth open in a silent scream. Pain and pleasure overwhelmed her senses as his thick cock stretched and filled her tight channel.

"Oh, Gods!" she cried out, her nails clawing at his broad shoulders.

Jon slowly pulled away, pulling most of his length out of her. With a grunt of effort, he moved his hips forward again, plunging his cock deep into her again. Jon set a slow, brutal pace, pulling most of his cock out and then slamming back in.

Myrcella felt the entire bed shudder beneath her, and her body sink into the mattress with each of Jon's thrusts. Lifting her head, she saw where they were connected, Jon's girth forcing her tight lips to stretch around him, gripping his shaft each time he pulled out of her, eager to squeeze out every last drop of their delicious baby juice. Beams of pleasure coursed through her body as he shoved his cock inside her needy pussy, making her body tense with pleasure. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head with a moan as he filled and stretched her, bottoming out with each thrust.

Jon paused for a moment, moving his arms under her legs, he bent her knees over his strong biceps. Leaning over her, he bent his body and spread her open, her ass lifted off the mattress. With his arms supporting her weight, he now had a better angle to penetrate her even harder.
Myrcella held the sheets beneath her tightly, searching for something to hold on to. The sound of Jon's hips, grinding against her ass, accompanied by her moans, filled the room again.

Myrcella felt her walls tremble around him, her breath coming in short gasps as another climax began to build. She felt her pleasure increasing rapidly as his thick, throbbing cock filled her again and again. He only needed a little more to bring her over the edge.

"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Please, Jon make me cum, please make me fucking cum!" she screamed.

Pounding her harder, Jon held her by the hips as he increased the pace. His cock hammering in and out of her slit. Myrcella dug her nails into his shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin as she let out a high-pitched squeal. Her arousal soaked his cock again as she cummed, he felt her body tense in his arms. Using her legs, Myrcella pushed him away as the sensations became too overwhelming for her.

But he wasn't done with her yet, still recovering from her orgasm, Jon roughly grabbed her by the hair as he forced her off the bed alongside him and made her kneel in front of him. Holding her head, Jon pressed his glistening cock against her parted lips and pushed himself into her mouth. Myrcella moaned as he began to fuck her face before her orgasm ended, his cock bumping against the back of her mouth. Jon thrust his hips forward, forcing his thick head down her throat. Myrcella gagged hard as she felt the huge presence invading her throat, but Jon showed no mercy. Thrusting again and again, brutally fucking her throat as he desperately pursued his own climax. Myrcella's eyes began to water from the rough treatment and long strands of saliva dripped down her chin. When Jon felt his beak rapidly approaching, he fucked her throat with short, quick strokes as a wet sucking and gagging sound came from her mouth. Just before he cummed he pulled out of her abused mouth and jerked his shaft furiously. After a few strokes, he aimed straight at her face and shot several long, thick streams of cum all over her pretty face. When his orgasm was over, almost the entirety of Myrcella's face was covered in his cum, from her nose, her cheeks, over her eyelashes and lips.

"You've never looked prettier, my sweet Cella," Jon told her with a smile.

And he was pleasantly surprised when he saw that her only response was to give him a bright smile, as she took traces of his cum, from her face and brought it to her lips.
" Yummy" she said happily as she swallowed, and leaned down to his wasted cock, taking it back into her warm mouth, making him hiss in pleasure. Myrcella cleaned his cock with long licks and strong sucks on the head, trying to cup the last traces of his cum, keeping a pretty smile on her face.

Jon smiled back at her, as he reached down and gently patted her head. While her pretty kitty enjoyed her milk, which she had undoubtedly earned.


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