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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon had already been awake for a few minutes, but with no intention of moving. He was currently sandwiched between the two women who had made his last two weeks into the most memorable of his life. He had certainly extended this visit to Dorne far longer than he had anticipated.

But he didn't regret it in the least, one of the best trips he had ever made without a doubt, and all thanks to Arianne Martell and of course her sweet and mischievous cousin Tyene. Who both were still sleeping peacefully and soundly, while using him as a pillow, resting their arms on his chest and intertwining their legs with his. Seemingly still exhausted after their incredible night, Jon couldn't help but let his chest swell with masculine pride at being able to not only keep up with these incredibly insatiable Dornish women but leave them nearly swooning with pleasure.

Of course, they hadn't forgotten the reason he had come here in the first place, and over the course of these two weeks, he had recorded a fair amount of videos, along with the beautiful Martell cousins. Although most of the time they got carried away and just fucked for the pleasure of it, completely forgetting to turn on the cameras. And even sometimes one of the cousins wanted to monopolize him and have him exclusively for themselves, although really most of the time the three of them ended up having fun together.

Some of those videos they recorded they had already posted, and as they had intended, they went incredibly viral within hours of posting them. Much more viral than they had anticipated, so much so that Arianne managed to break Daenerys' record of accumulating more than one million subscribers in less than twenty-four hours. Dethroning for the first time one of the Targaryen and getting dangerously close to Daenerys. Arianne was a little disappointed at not reaching her goal of surpassing her, but still very satisfied with what they had accomplished and happy to break her record, and very confident that it would only be a matter of time before she surpassed her and took the top spot for herself.

As a result of the success they had achieved, Arianne had been practically inseparable from him, if they didn't spend their day fucking like the world was going to end tomorrow. She would take him all over Dorne, from her museums, where she would personally explain the history of her country with great pride and passion, even telling him her favourite story, which was about when the former King of the North and the Dornish Princess, who met at Dragonstone, and had a hot and steamy affair, before the King married the Dragon Queen, but even then it is said that the King and Queen, visited Dorne quite often.

But that was not all, Arianne pleasantly surprised him with a wonderful gift, it was an expensive and luxurious watch, bathed with the purest of Lannister gold. It was certainly an extravagance that Jon hesitated to accept, but Ari insisted, not taking a no for an answer. She then instructed him to read the inscription with an amused smile. Jon turned the watch and read the words aloud.

‘To the man with the best cock in the Seven Kingdoms.’

Jon couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle, then hugged her and gave her a kiss thanking her for the gift.

"I didn't know you held me in such high regard" he remembers telling her.

"I'm just being truthful" she told him, indicating that she wanted him to keep the watch and every time he wore it, he would think of her.

Jon accepted her gift and promised to give her something the next time he came to visit, Arianne's response was to rub and squeeze his cock through his pants, while whispering seductively that this was all she wanted from him, then kissing him deeply, though she later added that his tongue would also be much appreciated.

Later that day Jon thanked her for her gift in the way she desired. Eating her pussy until he made her orgasm three times and then fucking her in the ass and making her reach a fourth and final orgasm, certainly one of his best nights in Dorne.

Another thing she loved about Dorne was its beaches, especially for the presence and vision that was Tyene and Ari in their tiny two-piece bikinis. Especially when both seductive women surrounded him to sensually rub his body in suntan lotion, of course Jon returned the favour, making Ari and Tyene lie on their stomachs on their beach blankets.

Jon put a good amount of suntan lotion on his hands, before approaching the girls thinking about who to start with first. Deciding on Tyene, he approached her and started from the lower half, starting with her slender, creamy legs, working his way up her smooth thighs and finally to her nice perky ass. Jon took his time caressing her firm buttocks, making her let out slight sounds of satisfaction. If it were up to him, he could spend the rest of the day massaging her, but he had to remind himself that they were still on a public beach, so he had to force himself to finally work his way up her back and finish with her arms.

Satisfied with his work he turned to Arianne, placing more suntan lotion over his palms, starting the same way he did with Tyene, beginning with her silky legs, working his way up her thick, smooth thighs, eager to get to that round, wide ass of hers, which swallowed her tiny thong with ease. Jon took much longer than necessary massaging and rubbing Arianne's incredible ass, making her moan erotically.

Jon was pulled out of his pleasurable memories when he felt Arianne begin to move, turning his head towards her he watched as she slowly began to open her eyes and give him a bright smile as she saw him already awake.

"Good morning" he greeted her, returning her smile.

"Morning" She replied cheerfully, before lifting an arm and wrapping it around his neck and leaning him towards her, so she could press her lips against his. Their lips moved slowly and sensually at first, but Ari was quick to draw the kiss deeper. As her other hand began to move down on him, until finally reaching his cock and holding it in her slender, soft fingers, making him grunt against her mouth. Ari wasted no time and began aggressively rubbing his cock getting him hard quickly, while still keeping her lips on his.

"So early in the morning and already so eager for my cock" Jon asked her teasingly, after parting from her sinful lips.

"I think I'm in love with your cock" she said, as she lowered her gaze to his now fully erect cock.

"You're going to make me jealous" Jon replied playfully.

Ari smiled at him, leaning down to give him one last kiss on the lips, before she began to descend on him. Until she reached her target and settled between his legs, Arianne watched him with sparkling eyes, practically glowing with lust as she ran her tongue from base to tip. Making his cock jerk as her soft, wet tongue ran along the underside of his length. When she reached the tip of his cock, she grabbed it by the base and held it pointing upward, her fleshy pink lips positioned over the head.

"Don't worry, I think you're cute too" That was the last thing she said, before opening her mouth and descending on his cock, taking half of his length into her hot mouth, sucking him lightly as her tongue ran along the large vein at the bottom of his cock.

Jon hissed in pleasure, tilting his head back laying it back on the pillow, Arianne began to bob her head on his cock, while stroking the lower half of his shaft with her hand. Watching as her breasts hung over her, Jon couldn't help but lean over and grab one of her plump breasts, as Arianne sucked and stroked his throbbing cock. The soft but firm flesh filled his hand, as he squeezed and touched it. Running his fingers over the soft olive skin, reaching his stiff nipple he gently rolled it between his fingers, causing Arianne to moan around its thickness.

It wasn't long before loud sucking noises and moans from Arianne, awakened Tyene. Who looked at them with a not impressed at all look on her face.

"You guys don't get tired of fucking" She asked in a sleepy voice, as she rubbed her eyes.

Arianne let go of his cock with a loud and wet pop, but without stopping rubbing it as she responded to her cousin.

"Can you blame me" She asked her, before quickly returning to sucking his cock.

Tyene shrugged, turning her attention to him, greeting him with a smile as Ari did, she leaned in to greet him with a kiss, unlike the one she had with Ari, this one was much slower and more loving. Jon didn't know if there was a better way to start the day than with a beautiful brunette sucking his cock and an equally beautiful blonde kissing him tenderly. Unfortunately, Tyene pulled away from him too quickly.

"Unlike my dear cousin, I'm still a little sore from last night. So I'm going to take a warm, relaxing shower" She said, giving him one last kiss goodbye before getting out of bed.

Before she could completely pull away from him, Jon gave that fine ass of hers a hard spank, making her squeal and jump in surprise. Tyene playfully bumped his shoulder and tortured him, wiggling her hips exaggeratedly all the way to the bathroom, making that tight ass of hers quiver with every step, giving him a smile over her shoulder before entering the bathroom.

Feeling overly turned on by Tyene's teasing, and knowing very well that Arianne was sucking him with slow, long licks just to tease him. Jon lowered his hands to her hair and squeezed it hard, sending a shiver down Arianne's spine. Holding her by her hair, he slowly pushed her down his cock, forcing his considerable length down her throat. Jon pushed his hips upward as she reached the bottom, pressing her nose against his pelvis.

"You wanted this, didn't you little slut?" Jon asked her.

Arianne could only moan with his cock still stretching her lips as she rubbed his muscular thighs. Jon pulled roughly on her hair, separating her from his cock.

"Answer me, you fucking cock sucking slut" Jon demanded, his voice coming out husky and deep, as he gave her a firm slap, which only made the slutty bitch moan.

"Yes, please. Daddy, feed me your cock. Fuck my mouth" Arianne begged him, giving him a burning look that made his cock throb.

Using his firm grip on her hair, he slid his cock down her throat again, much faster this time. Arianne lowered a hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy as she continued to take his length over and over again. Jon set a fast pace, his hands squeezing her hair even tighter, almost on the verge of pain, and beginning to push her head down. Drool fell from Arianne's mouth and dripped down his shaft to his balls. Pulling her away again to give her a few seconds to catch her breath, Arianne breathed heavily as Jon brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Fuck, I love your mouth" Jon told her, as he reached down and gently caressed her cheek. Ari smiled in pride at his words and kissed his palm lovingly.

Jon moved his hand back up to her hair and pulled her to him, pressing his lips against hers in a demanding kiss, before lowering her head again to his cock. Pressing her head against his lips, Ari opened her mouth and extended her tongue eager to receive him. Jon began slowly, driving his cock into her throat, holding it at the base for a moment. Arianne closed her eyes as Jon began to move his head in an ever-increasing pace up and down his throbbing shaft. It wasn't long before Jon's hips began to move in rhythm with her head and he really began to fuck her throat.

Jon grunted with each thrust as he held her head in place, holding her halfway up his shaft as he pushed the rest of his cock in and out of her throat. Loud, wet sounds escaped her throat as Jon's thick cock pushed into her throat. Her eyes began to tear up as her nose bumped against his pelvis again and again. Arianne moaned loudly, loving Jon's rough treatment, no other man could dominate her like this. His strong hands held her by her hair as he moved his hips rapidly, thrusting his huge, thick cock deep into her throat, using her for his own pleasure. And she loved every second of it, especially when Jon gave her his prize, she heard him grunt and give one last deep thrust, finally shooting his cum straight down her throat.

After Jon's orgasm ended, the grip on her head relaxed allowing her to move. But she had no interest in moving away from his cock, instead continuing to suck his half-hard cock, again bobbing her head down and up in short, quick movements. It wasn't long before Jon was hard in her mouth again. Arianne finally pulled away when his cock was fully erect again, but not before giving the swollen head one last kiss.

This time it was Arianne who approached him, kissing him hungrily on the lips as she lay on top of him, her big tits flattened against his chest. Jon took her firm, round breasts, in his hands and leaned down so he could take one hard nipple in his mouth. Jon sucked and juiced on her tits for several seconds, while Arianne continued to stroke his cock.

"If you like my breasts so much, I'm sure you'll love this" Arianne told him with a promising smile, as she gave him one last kiss. And she began to descend on him, rubbing her large breasts over his body all the way down, holding her breasts, she wrapped them around his stiff length.

Jon moaned as her soft breasts wrapped around his hard cock, covering him with her soft, warm flesh. Arianne began to move her tits up and down his shaft using her hands, but her position made it uncomfortable for her to move. Placing his hands on her, he squeezed her tits around his cock tighter and began to push her hips upward as she held still.

Arianne lowered her gaze, down into the valley of cleavage between her breasts watching Jon's cock slide between them, the head protruding from the middle each time he pushed up. Parting her lips, she let a long string of saliva fall from her mouth, covering the head of his cock. As Jon continued to push between her breasts, her saliva dripped down to cover the length of his shaft. The wetness reduced the friction and increased his pleasure as he fucked her big, gorgeous tits. Wanting to increase his pleasure even more, Arianne tucked her chin in and opened her mouth, letting the head of his cock push between her plump pink lips, each time he pushed up and out of her cleavage. She flicked and swirled her tongue around the swollen head of his cock, teasing him and bringing him closer and closer to a second climax.

Jon groaned deeply, as he felt the combination of her breasts massaging his cock and her talented tongue worshipping the head. But wanting to finish this time inside her, he suddenly pulled away from Arianne and lifted her onto the bed roughly making her let out an amused squeal at his effusiveness as he laid her on her back.

Jon towered over her, grabbing her legs and pulled them over his shoulders, bending her in half, as he leaned over her and slammed his hard cock against her spindly, and already wet pussy. Arianne let out a loud, deep moan, as Jon finally filled her, setting a rough pace as he pursued his own end, relentlessly pounding his cock against her.

Unexpectedly Arianne was the first to reach her climax, screaming and clutching her biceps as she cum around his cock. Her body tensed and jerked beneath him as he continued to fuck her. Jon extended her orgasm for several seconds before he finally cummed, shoving himself balls-deep into her spasming pussy as he filled her with several loads of cum. Finally, Jon dropped down on top of her, kissing her slowly and deeply as they both came down from their peaks. After a few seconds, Jon moved to the side and Arianne followed, settling into his side as she circled her finger over his chest and brought one leg up over his.

It was at that moment that they heard the bathroom door open, revealing a freshly bathed Tyene covered only by a mid-sized towel, which exposed almost the entirety of her milky thighs, she saw them with a smile and spoke.

"The shower is free. If you are interested in starting your day. Unless you are planning on staying in bed all day" she told them, as she dropped her towel to begin dressing.

Arianne moved to her side, sitting up and stretching her arms above her head, a thing that made her breasts stand out almost hypnotically. She giggled at the way Jon was looking at her and took his hand, forcing him out of bed.

"As tempting as that sounds, I need a shower" Arianne said, as she led Jon by the hand towards the bathroom, feeling his gaze on her ass the whole way.

It took Tyene a couple of minutes to finish changing and getting ready to finally get out, and she wasn't surprised when she began to hear the distinct sound of flesh slapping flesh accompanied by her cousin's moans. Turning her head in disbelief, she left the room as she muttered amusedly to herself. Sex maniacs


Daenerys Targaryen always lived the way she wanted, everything always going the way she wanted and always getting what she wanted. She was born into a wealthy family, her father being Aerys Targaryen founder and CEO of Targaryen Enterprises. Her father wanted her like her brothers to join the family business, but she never had any interest in joining her father's company. Even when he threatened to disinherit her, Daenerys struck out on her own. Well aware of her exotic and ethereal beauty, with her platinum blonde hair, bright purple eyes and perfect curves. She attracted the attention of numerous modeling companies that practically fought to be able to sign her.

Her popularity as a model grew rapidly, gaining millions of followers on her Westergram account, thanks to that she was able to live very comfortably. But Daenerys wanted more, she deserved more, and the opportunity she was waiting for finally presented itself to her. OF an online platform by way of subscription, where all the profits would go directly to her, being one of the most popular models her salary was very good, but she had always been aware that the big companies, took big chunks of her money for themselves as well as her representative, with this page she didn't need any company or any representative, just herself and a camera. And when she announced her OF page through her Westergram it was a sensation.

She broke records in subscribed users, and it took her less than a month to reach the top 1, from there she had been unstoppable and unreachable. The 'Dragon Queen', the only Queen, that's how it had always been, and that's how it would always be. Or so she thought it would be, until she checked her cell phone this morning, only to see how Arianne Martell, had broken her record of one million subscribers acquired in less than a day, surpassing Rhaenys and threatening her reign.

And the reason she had accomplished this feat was a man, Jon Snow. She didn't know him and saw that just like her he had become too popular in too short a time, and when she saw the video, he made with Arianne she understood why. The man was undoubtedly impressive, he not only had a graceful appearance, but a magnificent body with broad shoulders and very well-defined muscles, which flexed very impressively every time he dominated Arianne, something that made Daenerys bite her lip. But what stood out most about the man, was the huge thick cock that protruded proudly from between his legs, she watched almost in trance as Arianne and Tyene knelt to worship and suck his impressive manhood, causing Daenerys to start rubbing her thighs unconsciously, only coming out of her trance when a soft moan escaped from her, noticing that she had unconsciously started rubbing herself as well, watching the scene.

She dropped her phone and tossed it aside, trying to calm herself and ignoring the wetness she felt in her core, standing up she decided she needed to take a shower and start getting ready for her photo shoot. As she reassured herself that no matter what Arianne tried, she would never be able to top her.


Rhaenys Targaryen looked with surprise and amusement at the video Ari had posted, the video with which she had managed to pass her in the OF rankings, although she really couldn't care less about the leaderboard. Unlike Ari and Dany, she was only interested in living comfortably and having fun.

Though now she was more interested in the northern specimen her beloved cousin had managed to get her hands on. And no doubt getting as much out of him as possible, she thought amusedly as she watched Ari roll her eyes as Jon fucked her aggressively, no doubt her cousin had found an interesting playmate.

Biting her lip anxiously she texted Ari, "Can you introduce me to your new friend?"

After texting Rhaenys set her phone aside, waiting for her cousin's reply, unable to wait to also play with Jon Snow.


Ashara Dayne, writhed and moaned as she watched Jon Snow fuck Arianne Martell and her cousin so vigorously, imagining she was the one he was fucking. She clamped her vibrator over her pussy, rapidly approaching her orgasm, as she watched Jon increase the pace of his thrusts, bringing the beautiful Dornish girl back to another new orgasm.

Ashara reached her orgasm at the same time as the Martell girl, both trembling and moaning loudly, as she recovered from her orgasm Ashara watched as the beautiful blonde knelt before Jon and took him in her mouth, to begin sucking him eagerly until he emptied his load directly down her throat.

I wish I was on my knees before him too...

She had been watching Jon's videos for a while now, a little nervous about contacting him, but she could no longer ignore her desire for the man. She needed him, she needed him to fuck her until she forgot her own name, it had been so long since she'd had a man, she couldn't wait any longer. She wanted Jon Snow, and she would have him.


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