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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


After taking a bath together, where Jon fucked Ros again, leaning her against the cold glass of his shower and after treating her to breakfast. Jon walked Ros to the door, saying goodbye with a lingering kiss and agreeing that they would definitely work together again, even after all the action they had the night before and, in the morning, Ros rubbed his weary cock through his jeans, as she purred seductively to him not to keep her waiting too long. With a smile Jon promised her he wouldn’t and sent her on her way with a final spank and squeeze to that delicious ass of hers.

Finally, Jon alone started his daily routine, having already had a shower and a healthy breakfast, he got ready to go to the Gym. After finishing his workout, he took a quick shower at the Gym and went back to his apartment. To eat his second meal of the day, which consisted mostly of rice, chicken, and vegetables. Jon followed a strict diet and exercise regimen to maintain his good physique and endurance to be able to withstand women like Ros.

After finishing his meal, he got to work. Picking up the cameras and putting the tripods in place, he took the cameras to his desk and set them next to his laptop, plugging them in to transfer the videos to his laptop. Finishing transferring all the videos to his laptop the only thing left to do was editing, it wasn't a difficult job it just took time, picking the best shots and angles from his video recording with Ros and putting them together into a single video. It took nearly three hours, but it was finally done, and Jon was very happy with the video, undoubtedly one of the best he had ever made. Uploading the file to his OF site, along with an interesting title and short description, Jon let the file upload.

Changing into some sports clothes and sneakers, and grabbing a protein bar, Jon went out to do his daily cardio, running for a good forty-five minutes, finally returning home for another quick shower, after that he did his stretching and finally had his last meal for the day, while relaxing by watching a TV show.

When he finished eating, he turned off the TV and went back to his laptop, as he expected the video had already finished uploading, and it had already been published. He also saw that it had excellent feedback from his fans, in the short time it had been posted, satisfied he closed his laptop and went to bed, declaring that it had been a good day.


It had only been a week since Jon posted the video he made with Ros on his OF site, and it exceeded all his expectations. The video had not only doubled and tripled the views of his previous videos and was still growing. It had also become one of the most viewed videos on the platform, gaining him an incredible two hundred thousand new subscribers and placing him fourteenth in the Westeros ranking, surpassing Val, who had sent him a message congratulating him and suggesting that they should do a collaboration together again and that he should invite her new redhead friend, just thinking about the idea of having Val and Ros together was enough to make Jon's cock jump in excitement.

'That's a great idea. We'll definitely be doing it' Jon replied to Val.

But that was not the most surprising of all, besides Val had received several messages from very popular and beautiful women, willing to work with him. But the one that stood out the most was the message he had received from Arianne Martell herself. Jon had to go into her profile and make sure that it was really her and not someone pretending to be her, and to Jon's immense joy it was the real Arianne Martell.

Like Val, Arianne also congratulated him on his growing popularity on the platform and that she was very impressed with his 'skills'. And that she would be more than happy to work with him, which was why she was inviting him to Sun's Spear, so they could get to know each other. She ended the message by saying that she hoped to receive a positive response from him.

Jon did not have to think twice to accept Arianne Martell's invitation to make a video with her. He quickly took out his bag and began to pack his things, ready to head to Dorne. Leaving his apartment he took a cab to Kings Landing airport, and caught the first plane to Sun's Spear, it was a quick trip less than two hours. Jon spent his time admiring the mostly desert landscape of Dorne from his window and exchanged a couple of messages with Arianne during the flight, messaging her as soon as he landed, and she sent him the address of the hotel where she was staying. He took a cab outside the airport, telling the driver the address, and set off for his Dornish princess.

Dorne was certainly an interesting country, it was the first time he had come here, and he couldn't help but admire its streets and people, especially its women, it was said that the only thing better than Dornish wine was their women.

'Nothing better than a Dornish girl, after a fight' that was the saying wasn't it, or at least it used to be.

Finally, he arrived at his destination, it was a luxury hotel paradise called 'The Water Gardens', he took out his phone and wrote to Arianne, telling her that he was already at the entrance. He didn't have to wait long for her to come out to greet him. As soon as Jon saw her, he couldn't help but stare at her body, Arianne Martell was a short but very curvaceous woman, and the tight dress she wore only made her seductive hourglass figure stand out even more.

Jon quickly approached her, and Arianne met him in the middle, greeting him with an affectionate embrace as if they were old friends, then kissing him on both cheeks as she looked up at him with a bright, seductive smile. Jon rested his hands on her slender hips, and examined her beautiful face closely, from her full lips, upturned nose, and bewitching chocolate eyes.

"I'm so pleased to finally meet you, Jon," Arianne said, her silky voice coming out with a slight Dornish accent, which made her sound unfairly hot.

"I'm happy to meet you too" Jon replied with a smile, staring at her, with a promising gleam in his eyes, "And I can't wait, to get to know each other even more deeply."

Arianne bit her lip at his words and pressed herself even tighter against him, crushing her soft, round breasts against his strong chest.

"Oh, we definitely will, Jon Snow" Arianne said, as she began to run her hands down his body "I've been following your work for a while now, I'm looking forward to being under the care of your gifted hands or tongue."

"I promise I'll take good care of you" Jon assured her, resting his forehead on hers.

Arianne wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips inches away from his, as she whispered softly "I've never been with a Northerner, they say they can get a bit wild."

"I've never tasted a Dornish girl, they say they are even sweeter than their wine" Jon said.

They both leaned forward slowly, as soon as Jon felt her soft lips brush his, a voice interrupted them.

"If you two are planning on fucking out here, should I bring the camera?"

They both broke apart and turned towards where the voice came from, Jon was surprised to see a pretty woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, looking at them with an amused smile.

"It's extremely rude to interrupt a couple in an intimate moment, Tyene" Arianne said trying to sound angry.

"It was getting too intimate, even for you, dear cousin" the blonde girl shot back, not even minding Arianne's anger, as she walked over to them.

She was wearing a simpler summer dress, exposing her soft milky thighs, she had wide hips and a perky ass, accompanied with a medium sized bust.

With a sigh Arianne stepped a little away from him and introduced them. "Jon this is my cousin, Tyene Sand. Tyene this is our guest I told you about, Jon Snow."

Still keeping one arm around Arianne's waist, he reached out the other to greet Tyene. She stared at him for a few seconds, until turning to her cousin and saying.

"He's much prettier in person" Tyene said, making them both laugh.

"You're right, I wonder if other things will also be more impressive than they look on camera" Arianne purred seductively, as she gave him a smile and began to rub a finger over his chest, Jon found himself smiling back.

"We should go inside, unlike my cousin. I like to get to know the man at least a little, before I let him put his tongue in my mouth" Tyene said looking at Arianne before she began to walk inside.

Jon was confused by what she meant, but before he could delve into that, an Arianne who taking advantage of the fact that they were on their own again, using unexpected strength for such a small body, she pulled him down, sealing his lips with hers, into a deep, heated kiss. Jon took a second to snap out of his surprise and kiss her back. Soon they were kissing aggressively, Jon moved his hands from her hips down to squeeze her round ass hard, almost lifting her off the ground as he pulled her to him. Arianne stifled a moan into his mouth, they kept kissing each other passionately for several seconds, before they finally broke apart, Arianne biting his lower lip as she slowly pulled back.

They both smiled at each other with their faces only inches from each other, Jon still having his arms around her. Arianne moved her hands from his shoulders until she was holding his face, she leaned into him again, giving him several pecks on the lips before separating completely.

"Come on, we should catch up with Tyene. Before I decide to drag you to my room and have you all to myself" she told him, while taking his hand and pulling him inside.


Arianne led him, towards the hotel restaurant, where Tyene was already waiting for them. They joined her, with Jon sitting in the middle, Arianne to his right and Tyene to his left.

"What took you guys so long" Tyene asked them, staring at them with a knowing smirk.

"We had to send Jon's luggage, up to my rooms" Arianne replied, as she took a sip from her glass of water.

It wasn't completely a lie, as Arianne had indeed done exactly that, but it had only taken her two seconds, instructing the bellboy to send his luggage to the corresponding room and she did it on her way here. But not wanting to tell Tyene that the reason they were delayed was because of their long make-out session, Jon decided it was best to change the subject.

"Arianne said your name was Tyene Sand, are you by any chance related to Nymeria Sand as well?" he asked her.

"Yes, she's my sister" Tyene replied, turning her attention to him. "And before you ask, no. I do not have an OF."

"May I ask, why?" Jon asked, curious about the way she said it.

"Unlike my cousin and sister. I don't have any interest in that sort of thing" she said, before elaborating "Don't get me wrong, I'm not any sort of prude or anything like that. I like to have as much fun as Ari or Nymeria. I'm just not obsessed with the Targaryen's or competing to prove who has the most number of followers on a website" she finished her statement by giving her cousin a pointed look.

Arianna snorted at that, refuting Tyene. "I am not obsessed with the Targaryen’s, and you know it, I love our beloved cousin Rhaenys".

"You know which Targaryen I was talking about," Tyene told her, causing Arianne to roll her eyes.

"I'm not obsessed with Daenerys" Arianne said, her voice sounding a little outraged. "I simply believe that I have a better body than her and that I'm more beautiful than her, and it's only natural to believe that I deserve to be ranked #1. Don't you think so, Jon?" she asked turning to him.

"Wait, wait. Rhaenys Targaryen is also your cousin?" Jon asked in surprise, still trying to process everything. But he quickly regretted it when he noticed the frown on Arianne's face.

"I think you're very beautiful and have a stunning body. You deserve more," Jon rushed to say, fortunately that seemed to appease her.

"Thank you, and yes Rhaenys is my other cousin. Tyene and Nymeria are my Uncle Oberyn's daughters and Rhaenys is my Aunt Elia's daughter" she explained. "We keep a close and friendly relationship with Rhaenys, she spent a lot of her childhood time in Sunspear, and even now we see each other very often."

"And what about Daenerys Targaryen?" Jon dared to ask.

"We've met," Arianne replied curtly and making a slight grimace, Jon knew better than to insist. But that didn't apply to Tyene, who cheerfully began to talk and tell him everything.

"Daenerys is Aunt Elia's husband's little sister. She used to visit Sun's Spear quite a bit, too. In fact, Ari and she got along quite well, but they were both too competitive and proud, always ending up arguing and fighting over the smallest things." Tyene said to Jon, as Arianne acted as if she could hear her, "This OF thing, it's just another competition for them. Our dear Ari here, plans to use you, well use both of us in this case, to dethrone the Dragon Queen."

"Use is an ugly word, Tyene" Arianne told her, "Jon and I, are going to help each other, while having fun doing it. I don't see anything wrong with that."

Jon really didn't care, if Arianne had ulterior motives for inviting him here, you could say he was using her as well. She was much more popular than he was, and he would benefit greatly from filming with her. Aside from that he also agreed with what she said, he would certainly have a lot of fun recording with someone like Arianne Martell.

"So Tyene, if you're not interested in any of this, why are you here?" Jon asked her.

"Like I said, I like to have fun too, Jon Snow. And Arianne isn't the only one who's seen your videos" Tyene replied with a mischievous smile and a wink. "Ever since we were little, Ari and I, we've been the closest, we shared everything and that hasn't changed, so it wouldn't be the first time we've shared a man."

Jon swallowed hard, at her words.  Taking a swig of his drink and managing to say.

"That's good to know."

"You see Jon, at first I was planning on having you all to myself, but when I told my dear cousin about my intentions, she begged me so she could join us too" Arianne murmured to him, loud enough for Tyene to hear as well.

"I didn't beg, don't go around telling lies" Tyene spat annoyed, making Arianne laugh in amusement.

"I'm happy, that you decided to join us Tyene" Jon told her with an honest smile and placing his hand on hers.

"Thank you, and I am honoured to participate in this threesome, that is destined to overthrow the evil Dragon Queen" she said in a sarcastic voice as she looked at Arianne, making them both laugh.

"If you keep that up, I'm going to make you hold the camera while Jon and I have fun" Arianne said, trying to sound stern, but she also had a slight smile on her face.

No doubt they are close. Jon thought, reaching out his other hand, and holding Arianne's hand, before turning to Tyene and asking. "Do you think we know each other well enough now, to be intimate Tyene?"

"You've barely told us anything about yourself, Jon," she said to him.

"I was raised up north, came to Kings Landing for a better job opportunity, only to get involved in a shitty job. A friend of mine introduced me to the OF world, I became popular and rich because of my face and cock, I guess that would pretty much cover it all”.

"Sounds good" she told him, before leaning in and kissing him, surprising him the same way Arianne did. Tyene kissed him slowly and passionately, their tongues sliding and dancing around each other, for brief seconds before finally breaking apart.

"Now we're even" An amused Tyene said to Arianne, enjoying teasing her cousin.

"That's it, you'll hold the camera. Come on Jon" Arianne said, as she stood up and grabbed Jon's hand and pulled him along with her. An amused Jon allowed himself to be pulled along, only to offer his other hand to Tyene, who took it gladly and the three of them headed for Arianne's rooms.


Arianne's rooms were obviously the hotel suites. Using her card to open the door, the three of them walked in, into the luxurious and spacious room, decorated in a Dornish theme with different shades of brown to amber colours, in the middle was a large white bed, surrounded by numerous video cameras.

"Jon, can you be a dear and set everything up, while Tyene and I get ready for you" Arianne said to him, as she took Tyene by the hand and led her towards the bathroom.

"Of course," he replied, and listened as she shouted a 'thank you' to him before closing the door.

The video cameras were now mostly set up and positioned in the right places, Jon only had to check that they were working perfectly, having done that. He proceeded to undress until he was only in his boxers, sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting for his beautiful ladies, his knees were jumping with excitement, it had been a while since he had a threesome, and this was to be one with Arianne Martell and her cousin Tyene who was just as beautiful as her, if she had OF, Jon was certain she would be in the Top Ten, her lovely and 'innocent' face, accompanied by a sinful body, would make her very popular without a doubt.

Hearing a door open brought him out of his thoughts, Jon turned his gaze towards the bathroom door and was blessed by a glorious sight. Arianne and Tyene, wearing erotic lingerie sets, Arianne wore a black bra and panty set, with matching garters and stockings that contrasted perfectly with her olive skin. She had reason to say she had a perfect body, from her thick smooth thighs, wide hips, slender waist and topped it off with her huge shapely bust. Her long black hair fell freely over her almost reaching her waist, her lips were covered in a dark red makeup, which only highlighted her sensual smile, while she was also ogling him, Jon was sure that he was in front of a succubus that would not let him rest, until she sucked every last drop of semen he could produce.

What a bliss. Jon thought before turning his attention to the other woman in the room.

If Arianne looked like a she-devil ready to plunge him into all sorts of perversions, Tyene looked like a sweet but very sensual angel, with her long golden hair, bright blue eyes, pretty heart-shaped face and succulent red lips, her skin was immaculately pale. Looking even more delectable in her white lace lingerie, though not as curvaceous as Arianne, therefore, no less sexy. Her breasts were medium but very perky, with a flat belly and slim waist, thick thighs, and a well-shaped ass.

Arianne was the first to approach him, trotting merrily making her tits bounce, until finally sitting on his lap. Her wide ass settled over his thigh, Jon quickly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him, enjoying the sensation of having her in his arms. Arianne also wrapped her arms around him, quickly drawing him in for a heated kiss, which Jon eagerly returned. But as if having a Dornish goddess in his arms wasn't enough, a second one joined them, Tyene sat on his other leg, and quickly snatched him from Arianne's sinful lips, to melt them against her soft ones. He continued to make out with Tyene as he felt Arianne move to his neck, and begin to kiss his flesh, biting down hard and then soothing the pain using her tongue. Her hands didn't stay still either, running down his torso all the way down his abs until she reached his cock and began rubbing his growing erection through his boxers.

He felt Arianne, begin to descend on him, leaving a trail of kisses down his body, even taking his nipple in her mouth, biting it and running her tongue over it, before continuing on her course, kissing her way down his abs until she finally reached her target, Arianne held his already hard cock, and even with the fabric in her path, began kissing and giving a little suction on his head, which made Jon gasp and pull away from Tyene's lips, to see an eager Arianne already on her knees worshipping his cock.

"Wait, don't you think we should turn the camera on before we start" Jon hissed, at the pleasurable sensation he felt, even though his boxers.

"They're already on" Tyene whispered in his ear, before giving him one last smooch and joining her cousin.

Both women grabbed the sides of his boxers and pulled them down, Jon stood up for a second to make it easier for them. Releasing his length, that stood intimidatingly tall. Both women watched with impressed and glowing eyes at his erection.

" Such a big, angry cock. Northern men are definitely built differently" Arianne said with a large grin, as she reached out to wrap her soft fingers around the tip of his cock and begin rubbing it, "don't you think so, sweet cousin?"

" He's going to mess up our tight little pussies" Tyene said sounding excited at the idea, joining her cousin and began massaging the base of his length.

Jon trembled in his hands, seeing these two beautiful women on their knees before him. Using their delicate, smooth hands to worship his cock, stretching out his hands, he held Arianne and Tyene by their long hair, gripping them firmly as he pulled them closer to his cock, indicating to them what he wanted.

As always Arianne was the one to take the initiative, opening her lips and taking him into her mouth, enveloping his cock in the wet warmth of her mouth as her lips closed around his girth. Tyene was not far behind, moving her lips to the base of his shaft, leaving a trail of kisses and using her tongue to worship the underside of his cock. As Arianne bounced her head up and down on the top of his cock.

"Others take me" Jon moaned, overwhelmed by the sensations of having two women worshipping his cock.

Arianne managed to smile at him as she heard his moan, even as his girth stretched her lips. Keeping eye contact with him, she began to move her tongue expertly around the swollen head as she cupped his cheeks and sucked hard, until she released his cock with a loud pop, causing Jon to let out another moan. She placed one last kiss on the head, before letting Tyene take her place. Who eagerly began to rock back and forth on the tip of his cock, Arianne moved to the other side of his shaft, but not staying there for long, instead going straight down to his heavy balls, beginning to suck and fondle them, until she took one into her mouth.

Jon closed his eyes and leaned back his head, struggling against his peak, wanting to savour even more the sensation of having one woman sucking his cock, while the other worshipped his balls. And the feeling only got better when he felt Tyene lowering herself further onto his cock. The blonde girl choked and gagged as she tried to push his length down her throat, Jon tightened his grip on her hair and held her there, enjoying how her throat spasmed around the head of his shaft, after a few seconds he finally let her pull back, Tyene quickly pulled away from his cock, trying to catch her breath.

Arianne took advantage of Tyene's absence and pounced on his cock, swallowing him more easily until she was able to devour him to the very bottom, Jon groaned as he felt her nose pressing against his stomach. Arianne kept her eyes on him, looking up at him intently with her lips wrapped snugly around his base.

"Fucking hell" Jon growled, as he stood up and began to fuck her throat.

Holding her head still, he began to move his hips forward, driving his cock deep into her throat and causing Arianne to let out loud gags around his shaft, his thrusts were rough and erratic, making a huge herculean effort to delay his peak, pulling Arianne back. Gripping Tyene's golden hair, he drove his length into her throat, also fucking her roughly, Arianne began to touch herself, highly aroused by the way Jon was using both of them.

Tyene moaned lewdly around his cock, as she lifted a hand to fondle his balls, Jon couldn't resist any longer, the vibrations in his throat driving him over the edge. Tyene could feel that and before he exploded, he pulled out of his cock, grabbing Arianne by the waist and pulling her close to her. They both began to masturbate his cock furiously, it took them only a few strokes, for Jon to finally reach his peak, with a loud gasp he shot several jets of hot cum directly onto their faces, both girls opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues to greedily receive all of it, when Jon finally finished his climax he saw the incredible work of art he had created, Tyene and Arianne were painted in white with his cum. They both looked at each other smiling before they began to collect the semen from each other's faces, using their tongues and fingers to finally end up kissing messily, sharing saliva and traces of his cum, Jon's cock never had a chance to soften at such a sight.

After several seconds, the girls finally broke apart, a string of saliva still connecting their lips for a few inches before breaking, Jon helped them to their feet, they had cleaned each other so well that there was no longer any trace of semen on their beautiful faces. Jon grabbed them by the ass cheeks and drew them towards him, leaning down to kiss one and then the other, both girls kissed him back, as her hands went back down to his cock.

"Go lie down on the bed" Jon told them, remarking his order with a light spank to each.

Both girls obeyed and walked to the bed, Jon following close behind. Standing behind Arianne, Jon held her by the waist as she climbed onto the bed, trapping her on her hands and knees, Jon began kissing her back, as he unclipped her bra, releasing her round, perfect caramel-coloured breasts, but he didn't stop there. Jon continued down to her full round ass, unable to help himself he raised one hand and slapped her ass, causing the cheek to ripple from the impact and Arianne to let out a loud squeal, Jon soothed the sore flesh, kissing it and giving it a playful bite, before grabbing the waistband of her panties and pulling them down her shapely legs. Jon could clearly smell her arousal and grabbing each cheek he pulled them apart, so he could give her needy womanhood a slow, teasing lick.

"Jooon! Please fuck me. I'm so wet for you" Arianne begged him, in a tone so sensual it made his cock throb.

"You want my cock that bad?" Jon asked teasingly, as he gave her another spank.

"Yes, please. I want it, give me that fat cock" Arianne begged again desperately.

Jon spanked her ass again, reddening her beautiful brown skin, and enjoying her pretty squeals.

"What a needy slut, but don't worry, I promised to take good care of you and I'm a man of my word" Jon said, before moving over and climbing onto the bed, joining them. Leaning back comfortably on the headboard, motioning with his hand to Arianne but for her to come closer to him, as Tyene lay down next to him, both of them watching as Arianne crawled over to him. Until climbing onto his hips, as she held his cock and moved it towards her entrance, before sitting on him, her warm pussy swallowing his entire length, making them both moan.

"Gods, you fill me up so good, Jon" Arianne moaned, as she rested her arms on his chest, still getting used to his length, but it didn't take her long, as she quickly began to work up and down on his hard cock.

The only reason he would tear his eyes away, from the amazing woman riding him, was for an equally amazing blonde demanding his attention, Tyene leaned into him, to seal her lips against him, as she drove her hand down to his lower parts. Jon didn't hesitate to give her what she wanted, quickly slipping his hand under her white panties, and inserting two fingers into her drooling pussy, making her stifle a moan into her mouth.

"I want to taste you" Jon told her, in a deep, lustful voice, as soon as their lips parted.

Tyene moved to kneel over his head, positioning herself in front of Arianne. Leaning down over his face, Jon grabbed the thin fabric of her panties and easily ripped them apart, exposing her bald slit, sticking his tongue out and flicking it between her lips, with the tip lashing her clit, as he held her by her waist.

"Fuck Jon! That feels so fucking good. Keep licking me, just like that!" Tyene moaned lewdly.

"Just wait till you try his cock" Arianne exclaimed as she continued to ride him wildly, " It's so fucking big!"

Jon moved his hands from her waist, until he grabbed a handful of Tyene's delightful ass, groping and massaging the soft flesh, while inserting his tongue inside her pussy. Feeling playful Jon spread her cheeks apart and ran a finger teasingly across her puckered hole. Making her gasp heavily Tyene bucked and jiggled her pussy against his face as he continued to tease her with his fingers. Jon moved his other hand down to her pussy, until he reached her clit and stimulated the sensitive pearl.

Making her pant loudly and leaning forward and bracing herself on top of Arianne, both cousins hugged each other, as one bounced on his cock and the other was being devoured by him.

"Ohh, I'm close, Jon. Don't stop" Tyene screamed, her pussy dripping large amounts of arousal onto his face, as her legs jerked around his head. While at the same time Jon began thrusting his hips into Arianne.

The lewd moans of both girls filled the room, as Jon did everything, he could to please them at the same time. He felt Arianne's walls tighten around his rigid cock, as he licked and fingered Tyene. Only a few seconds passed, before he heard Tyene let out a loud moan and cum, all over his face.
Arianne followed close behind, bouncing wildly on his cock, until she reached her own orgasm, soaking his cock and balls with her excitement. Tyene leaned over her, capturing her lips and kissing her, both girls stifled their moans into each other's mouths, and didn't separate until they both came down from their orgasms. Arianne collapsed to the side, pulling out of his cock which was still painfully hard and glistening with her juices.

Jon grabbed Tyene by the waist again and moved her towards his cock, Tyene moved into a squatting position as she held his cock with one hand and alienated it towards her pussy, as she began to push herself down slowly, moaning loudly as his thick cock forced her walls to stretch. Keeping a grip on her hips, Jon helped support her weight as she descended on him, enjoying the sight of her pink lips stretching around his girth as she swallowed his whole length. Slowly Tyene began to move, lifting and letting herself fall on his shaft, her luscious heart-shaped ass impacted against his muscular thighs each time she let herself fall, creating an erotic slapping sound.

Wanting to fuck her more deeply, Jon lifted her legs and planted them on the mattress, and began to pound her much deeper, causing Tyene to start moaning louder and throw her head back, letting her golden mane fall on top of him.

Arianne watching the erotic scene, of how Jon fucked her cousin senseless, she began to move closer to them, until she was kneeling in front of them and having a magnificent view of how Jon's thick cock stretched Tyene's tight pussy. Leaning down where they connected, Arianne stuck out her tongue and gave Tyene a teasing lick, making her squirm before continuing down, until she buried her face in Jon's balls.

Jon hissed in pleasure and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of Tyene's hot walls massaging his cock, while at the same time Arianne played with his balls. His climax built up again quickly from the stimulation, as well as the sight and sound of these beautiful women. Jon gripped Tyene's hips tightly, surely leaving marks, and began to thrust his cock into her furiously chasing his peak.

"Cum Jon, cum as much as you want" Arianne told him, as she moved her hands to Tyene's breasts, pinching and squeezing her nipples, "Fill this slut up!"

He felt Tyene's walls tighten around him and heard her moan in a way that indicated she was close. The room filled with erotic sounds and heavy breathing, until finally Jon reached his climax, with a grunt he buried himself deep inside Tyene and his cock twisted and jerked, as he shot large amounts of cum into her. The warm sensation of being filled by Jon brought Tyene to her orgasm, she moaned heavily as she squirmed on his lap.

Arianne moved up to lick Tyene's pussy, wanting to collect every trace of cum that escaped from her. But she was pushed away by Tyene's hand far from her overly sensitive pussy. Tyene let herself fall onto Jon's chest, while still panting heavily and shaking from the aftermath of the powerful orgasm. Tyene turned to Jon and leaned into him for a passionate, deep kiss, Jon slipped his tongue into her mouth and fondled her. They only broke apart when Jon felt a wet, pleasurable sensation surround his still sensitive cock.

Jon and Tyene lowered their gaze to find a dark hair, bobbing up and down on Jon's semi-hard shaft.

"Look who's the one interrupting an intimate moment now" Tyene said teasingly to her cousin.
With a wet, noisy pop, Arianne released his cock to raise her gaze to Tyene, but not without ceasing to stroke him, trying to get him hard again.

"You got your creampie, I want mine too" Arianne told him, before returning to her task. Leaning forward, she took his entire cock into her mouth and sucked him hard, swirling her tongue around his cock. With such an eager blowjob it didn't take long for Jon to get hard again.

Arianne pulled away from his cock, looking proud of herself and gave him one last affectionate kiss to the tip, before moving over and positioning herself on her hands and knees. Presenting her wide ass to him, her drooling lips peeked tantalizingly between her soft thighs. Jon gave Tyene a quick kiss before moving and positioning himself behind Arianne, gripping her broad, puffy cheeks tightly, the soft skin moulding to the shape of his hand.

Jon lined up with her drooling entrance and sank into her with ease. Arianne moaned lewdly as she arched her back, Jon kept his grip on her cheeks and parted them, watching his cock move in and out of her tight depths. Enjoying the feel of her incredible squeezing heat, and watching himself thrust in and out of her, her lips hugging his girth tightly, as unwilling to let him go.
"Fuck! Such a slutty cunt" Jon growled, as he gave her another hard spank and increased the pace, going faster and faster with each thrust, making her ass cheeks ripple each time she slammed against his hips.

"Yes, yes yes yes " Arianne chanted each time he rammed into her.

Just as Arianne did, Tyene moved closer to them, sensually crawling up, until resting her head on the top of Arianne's big ass, staring at the spot where Jon buried himself in Arianne, sticking her tongue out sensually at him teasing him. Unable to resist he pulled his cock out of Arianne's sweet pussy, and drawing a moan of disappointment from her, he held Tyene's golden hair and thrust into her mouth.

Tyene moaned around his cock, as she could taste the combination of their fluids, sucking him hard and using her tongue to lick the underside of his cock, each time Jon pushed into her throat. After a few seconds, Jon pulled out of her mouth, but Tyene wouldn't let him go. Holding his cock with one hand, she spit on his cock smearing his shaft with her saliva, while looking up at him with a mischievous grin.

Moving towards Arianne, she used her hands to spread his buttocks, working her cheeks she let a long line of drool fall towards his puckered hole, and began to smear it around using her fingers, as she turned back to Jon.

"Put your cock right here. Ari loves to get fucked in the ass" she told him, it being the most erotic invitation he had ever received, and he wasn't about to turn it down.

Jon pressed the swollen head of his cock against her asshole, Arianne let out a very long, deep gasp, as Jon penetrated her rear entrance. Slowly and gently, he pushed forward, sliding inch after inch of his shaft into her spread butthole. When he finally inserted his entire length into her, Tyene gave him a brief but passionate kiss, before pulling away and telling him as she stared up at him with a lustful stare.

"Fuck her Jon, make her your slut."

Jon began to move at a steady pace, watching as his cock moved in and out of Arianne's tight hole. He moved his hands to her hips and pulled back until only the head was trapped in her tight ring. Jon slammed his hips roughly against her ass, making Arianne scream loudly in pleasure, her arms giving up and her face buried on the mattress as Arianne bit down on the sheets to stifle her loud moans and aching for something to hold on to. As Jon set a brutal pace, hammering her ass as fast as he could.

The sound of meat slapping against meat filled the room, accompanied by Arianne's muffled moans of pleasure, it was no surprise that Arianne quickly reached her climax. With a final groan her body went rigid, and her ass squeezed his cock tight, making it almost impossible to move, as Arianne shuddered uncontrollably as she cummed on the mattress.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my goooods" Arianne cried out at the peak of her orgasm.

Jon could no longer resist the pressure of her tight hole massaging his shaft. And with one last thrust he buried himself all the way into her arse, and Jon cummed one last time, filling her rear entrance with what little semen he had left. Exhausted he dropped down on top of Arianne, with Tyene joining him.

After a few minutes and finally catching their breath, they cuddled more comfortably, with Jon a in the middle and both girls pressed against him, resting their heads on his chest with their breasts pressed against his ribs, and intertwining their legs with his.

"We should go again?" Arianne suggested with a beaming smile. Making Jon look at her a little bit concerned.

"Don't worry. I'll let you rest, for a few minutes at least" she assured him, giving him a small peck on the lips, causing Tyene to giggle.

Dornish women, Jon thought shaking his head in disbelief. But with a wide smile on his face.


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