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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Closing the door behind him, letting Ros through, they both walked inside, with Jon following close behind her, towards the living room. All the way admiring her stunning figure, not being able to take his eyes off her, she had come wearing a small black leather mini skirt, which nicely marked her wide round ass and showed off her toned milky legs, accompanied by a black lace top, which exposed part of her belly and the top of her breasts, revealing ample cleavage. Finally, they stopped in the middle of the living room, Ros standing admiring his apartment for a few seconds, before turning to face him.

With a big, flirtatious smile, Ros began to walk towards him, until her breasts were pressed against his torso, her hands roamed over his biceps, no doubt enjoying the sensation of rubbing and feeling the strong muscles, she continued until her hands rested on his shoulders wrapping around his neck, her fingers playing with his curls at the back of his head.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long, baby," she said, pouting exaggeratedly and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, "I wanted to look my prettiest for you."

Jon moved his hands over her waist, rubbing in circles, the exposed skin of her belly with his thumbs.

"You look beautiful and ready to eat, love" he told her, with a wolfish grin, "And I'm sure the view will only get better when you take off these nice, thin garments."

Ros's smile grew, and she wrapped her arms completely around his neck, leaning him down for a heated kiss, their tongues flicking around each other. Jon moved his hands from her hips, until he gripped her ass tightly, drawing her against him hard, rubbing his growing erection against her. Making her moan into his mouth, biting his lower lip as she pulled back, but not separating from him, Ros moved to his neck, biting, and sucking on his flesh.

"You have a nice place" she commented casually, though he couldn't see her he was sure she had a smile on her face.

" Aye, it's quite nice" he replied trying to stifle his moans, at the pleasurable sensation of her lush body rubbing against him.

"Why don't you show me the bedroom" she whispered seductively.

He didn't need to hear more, with a grunt Jon lifted her into his arms, making her let out an amused squeal and wrap his legs around his waist, as Jon led them upstairs to his bedroom.


Both were already kissing each other needily, before they crossed the door of his room, Ros was already starting to undress him, but Jon stopped her.

"Wait, Ros" he said, pulling her down from his arms and placing her on her feet. She looked a little confused and disappointed to no longer be with his arms, making him let out an amused laugh, and giving him a peck over her plump lips.

"We need to 'work', before we put get to the fun," he told her, gesturing with his head, towards the video cameras that surrounded the large bed.

Ros watched the cameras, spread around the room and it took a couple of seconds for her brain to connect the dots. Jon watched the moment she remembered what they were really here for, her mouth comically forming an 'o' and then letting out a laugh.

"I forgot about that" she said, still laughing.

"Go get comfortable on the bed, I'll get everything ready" he instructed, sending her off with a playful spank.

Turning on all the video cameras, and giving it the final adjustments, he moved to the main camera which was positioned directly in front of the bed. Where now a Ros was sitting on the edge, cross-legged, watching him work with an unperturbed smile on her face.

"You said you'd seen my videos before, right?" he asked her, to which she nodded. "So, you know how this goes."

"You'll ask me some questions, then I'll get naked and finally you'll join me for a fuck" she asked with a smile, looking for confirmation.

"Aye, the usual" he answered her, as he grabbed the camera and pulled it off his tripod holding it in his hand.

"Ready?" he asked her, to which she nodded again enthusiastically. Jon turned the camera pointing it directly over his face and pressed the red button, starting to record.

"Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of 'Wolf's Lair'" Jon spoke confidently and fluently, "and as always, today I'm joined by a very special guest, who I'm sure you will all love."

Turning the camera to point at Ros, he said to her. "Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone, love."

Ros smiled brightly and greeted the camera cheerfully, waving her hand.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ros, and I'm 22 years old, and just like my handsome host I'm originally from the north."

"The best redheads are always from the North" Jon muttered, before saying aloud. "Tell me why you decided to leave the north, and come to Kings Landing?"

"I worked as a dancer at a nightclub in Winter town. I was very popular there, so they decided to offer me to work in the capital, and I accept" she said, always with a big smile on her face.

"Oh, now I understand how you were so good at shaking, that ass of yours" Jon said amused, "Why don't you give our audience a demonstration, of your moves!"

An excited Ros stood up and turned around, leaning forward as she rested her arms on the bed, sticking out and showing her ass towards the camera. Ros began to slowly wiggle her ass, until she began to shake and jiggle it erotically towards the camera.

Ros sensually wiggled for several seconds, and Jon made sure to record every movement, of his sexy dancer. Finally, Ros stopped and turned around again, sitting back down on the bed.

"Wow! That was amazing, I have no doubt, why you were so popular" Jon congratulated her.

"Thank you" Ros said.

"So, you have a very interesting job Ros, and I can tell you are a woman who likes to have fun" Jon continued speaking, "I'm sure my followers are already in love with you. So, tell me, how did you find out about me?"

"Several of my friends have their own OF accounts, and one of them told me about you. And when I saw you through my phone screen. You could say it was love at first sight" she told him with sparkling eyes.

"You're going to make me blush, Ros" Jon said amusedly, making them both laugh, "So out of curiosity. What do you like about me?"

"What's not to like? She said, as she stood up and approached him, taking him by the hand, bringing him over and sitting him next to her on the bed. Sitting down on his lap, she practically ripped off his shirt, causing the buttons to pop out all over the place and removing the clothing that was in her way, she ran her hands from his muscular biceps, up his firm torso to his chiselled abs.

"This amazing body of yours, looks like you were sculpted by hand, honey" she said with a flirtatious smile, as she leaned down to kiss his pec.

Ros licked her way from his chest, down his neck, until she reached his face, resting her forehead on his, she wrapped one arm around his neck, while the other rubbed it against his beard.

"You're so handsome it seems unfair" she told him before kissing him fiercely. It took Jon a second to kiss her back, their lips moving together, and their tongues danced around each other as his hands moved to rest on her waist. He felt Ros moan into his mouth, as she leaned over him, starting to move her round ass over his growing erection, causing him to stifle a growl into her mouth.

When they broke apart, both of them flushed and panting, their lips slightly swollen, Ros continued to rub her ass against him, as she continued her speech.

"The way you fuck, you have no idea how wet it gets me. The countless times I've fingered myself watching your videos" Ros moaned sensually against his ear, making his cock twitch,

"You don't know how much I wish I was those lucky sluts, to be the one moaning your name, to feel that big fat cock of yours, filling and stretching my tight wet cunt."

Jon let out a deep, guttural moan, as he lifted her dress and gripped her wide ass cheeks hard. The pillowy, soft flesh filling his palms.

Fuck, this woman was a menace.

"And of course, my favourite part of you. That huge cock of yours, as your followers called it the famous 'long claw'" she said amused, then asked excitedly "Is it really eight inches?"

"You say you've seen my videos. Can't you tell, from that?" he asked.

"The camera can be a little deceiving" she replied.

"Then why don't you see for yourself."

With a bright smile, Ros slowly and sensually lowered herself off his lap, until she was kneeling in front of him, as she began to work on his belt, opening his pants. Jon stood up to make it easier for her to pull down his pants, when his pants fell down, they revealed his already hard cock forming a tent in his boxers. Ros rested her hands on his muscular legs, and buried her face against his boner, grinding herself against it, kissing it and giving it a playful nibble through his underwear.

Pulling away with one last kiss to his stiff cock, Ros grabbed the waistband of his boxers, and began to slowly pull them down, revealing inch after inch of his cock, until she reached the head, when Ros pulled his boxers all the way down. His hard cock popped out, almost hitting her on the chin.

Ros gazed with sparkling, eager eyes at his impressive length. Licking her lips she reached out, to wrap her hand around his cock with her soft tiny hand, her fingers barely able to close around his girth.

"This is the biggest cock I've ever seen" she murmured, sounding genuinely impressed.

Holding his cock from the tip, she lifts it up making it point to the roof, as she begins to place loving kisses to the underside of his cock. Finally dropping his cock onto her face, with his balls resting against her chin and the head of his cock, ending a little above her forehead, with an amused smile Ros began to slap his cock against her face.

Before finally placing it in her mouth, taking in the first few inches of his cock, her plump lips stretched around his thickness. Beginning to bob her head up and down, managing to swallow a little over half his length, his head hitting the back of her throat making her gag. Ros slowly pulled back, expertly using her tongue to lick the underside of his cock, and sucking hard before releasing his cock, with a loud, wet pop.

"Fuck baby, I love sucking your cock" she said, before leaning back down again to catch his cock in her sinful lips. Jon ran his hands through her long reddish silky hair, pulling it into a ponytail to get a better view of her eager blowjob.

Jon let her have her fun for several seconds, moaning each time she moved her head up and down his length, her tongue caressing the bottom of his cock, each time taking him deeper and deeper until she got her lips to wrap around the base of his shaft. Ros kept her eyes on his as the head of his cock settled deep in her throat, finally pulling back again, making sure to suck hard as she released his shaft.

" Bloody hell, Ros" Jon exclaimed loudly, causing Ros to giggle. Grabbing her under the arms, he helped her to her feet and gave her a brief but heated kiss, before saying. "I think you're overdressed, love."

He helps Ros to undress, beginning by removing her top, lifting it over her head, leaving her with her sexy black lace bra, which made her large breasts stand up even more. Jon wraps an arm around her slender waist and begins to descend on her, leaving a trail of kisses down her body, starting at her neck, to her collarbone, all the way down to her breasts. Quickly unclipping her bra, releasing her turgid tits, Jon cupped them in his hand, beginning to play with them, loving them, squeezing them, and leaning down to take the hard nipple in his mouth, sucking on them and smearing it with his tongue.

After he finished playing with her breasts, he lowered his hands down to cup her big ass, unzipping her miniskirt letting the little piece of clothing fall around her feet and now leaving her with only her matching little black panties. Still with one hand around her waist, Jon began to move backwards until he sat back down on the bed, pulling her along with him. Leaning to his left, so the camera could see him, as he began to play with Ros's ass, massaging and squeezing her pale meat.

"This is the life people, this is my life" he said playfully, as he looked at the camera and leaned over to kiss one of Ros's ass cheeks, making them both laugh.

Ros playing along, began to wiggle her bottom towards the camera, making Jon can't help but spank her hard, making her squeal and hold her by the waist, as he began to pull her tiny panties down her creamy legs, leaving her alone in her black high heels.

With a flirtatious smile, Ros turned around looking at the camera, as she sat on his lap, trapping his raging boner in her full ass cheeks and begin to wiggle her butt on him, massaging his cock.

Jon leaned back, propping himself up on his arms as he enjoyed the best, lap dance of his life. Ros sensually swivelled her hips back and forth or shaking them to the sides, Jon stifled a deep groan at the pleasurable sensation his cock was experiencing. Ros looked over her shoulder at him with a devious smile, no doubt enjoying herself, teasing him.

Not being able to have that, he grabbed a handful of her reddish hair and pulled her to him. Pressing her back against his chest as he whispered harshly in her ear.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard and you're going to enjoy it, like the good little whore you are."

But that only put an excited smile on Ros's face, "How about you fuck my mouth, first" she casually suggested.

They both quickly got up, Jon turning her towards him to draw her into a short, hungry kiss, as Ros climbed onto the bed. Lying on her stomach, as she rested on her elbows. Jon moved over to her and placed one hand on her head, while using the other to hold his throbbing cock, rubbing it against her lips and face, leaving a small trail of precum fluid on her cheek.

Tightening her grip on his reddish mane, he made her lift her head a little higher, so that she could look up at him straight in the eyes as he commanded her.

"Open wide," he said, his voice coming out deep and husky.

Obediently, Ros opened her mouth and eagerly received his cock into her mouth. Using both hands to hold herself up, she was completely helpless before Jon and let him fuck her face. With long, deep thrusts, he forced his intimidating length all the way down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. After several thrusts he finally pulled back giving her a breather, long thick strands of saliva connected his cock to her mouth, when he saw that her breathing was settling down again, he pushed his cock back into her mouth and straight down her throat.

Ros choked hard around his cock, now using now both hands to hold her head firmly, as he thrust his hips back and forth, pushing his fat cock in and out of her ravaged throat. Shoving his hips forward, he stayed buried in her throat, stifling moans of pleasure as he felt her throat vibrate around the head of his cock. He held there for several seconds, until he felt her begin to push her head back trying to free herself from his grip. Letting her pull back, Ros coughed and breathed heavily, as she tried to catch her breath.

Jon ran a hand gently across her cheek, lifting her face up to him to see her condition, her pink lips were swollen and battered, with long strands of saliva spilling down her chin, her eyes were full of tears, causing her black eye makeup to leak, creating a dark tear.

Such a pretty, and needy, whore. Jon thought as he watched her, rubbing herself lovingly against the palm of his hand.

Changing his gentle manner to a rougher one, he grabbed her shoulders and rolled her over on the bed, laying her face up, her head hanging over the edge of the bed. Jon towered over her, resting one hand on the mattress, while using the other to hold his cock and aim it directly into her mouth and into her throat. The further he pushed his shaft down her throat, he could see her neck bulge to accommodate his massive length. Bringing one leg up on the mattress, beside her head to get a better angle, and moving his hand to her big, perky tits, squeezing them roughly and using them as leverage, as he brutally fucked her throat again.

Setting a hard, savage pace from the start, panting heavily from the effort, as he fucked her throat the same way he would fuck her pussy. Making her let out loud, wet gagging sounds, each time he thrust rapidly forward. Fortunately for Ros, this time it didn't last long, the obscene sounds coming out of her, plus the sensation of her throat engulfing his shaft and the depravity that everyone would watch, how to properly fuck a slut, brought him over the edge quickly. With a final grunt, Jon buried himself deep in her throat one last time, his balls resting on her nose, as he let out spurts of hot cum directly into her stomach, Jon felt Ros's throat spasm around his shaft, milking him for every last drop, when his climax finally came to an end, he pulled out of her throat, letting her breathe.

Ros shifted, sitting up in a more comfortable position. Jon turned and walked over to his bedside table, taking some wet towels and hands them to Ros so she can clean herself.

She takes them with a thank you, wiping the saliva and traces of semen from her face as well as her makeup, when she was done, she looked much better. She handed the wipes back to Jon and he discarded them to the side, then walked back over to her.

"You were perfect, love," he told her sincerely, as he gave her a tender kiss, "you took my cock so well, I think you deserve a reward."

She smiled broadly at that, only to let out a squeal as Jon pushed her down onto the bed, and holding her by the waist, he pulled her to the edge of the bed, kneeling before her, his face level with her femininity, running his hands down her toned, smooth thighs he placed them on her shoulders and plunged into her.

Using his tongue expertly, he flicked it between her lips, for a few seconds, then pushed inside her entrance. Making her moan and claw at the sheets, Jon stretched out his hands massaging her round breasts and teasing her nipples, capturing them between his fingers and pinching them hard.

"Oh, my gods, Jon. No one's ever kissed me like that" Ros gasped loudly.

Jon formed a smile, even though his face was buried in her pussy, he was aware and proud of his natural ability to go down on a woman, he had driven many a woman crazy just using his skillful tongue. And proof of this was the large puddle of arousal that Ros dripped on his beard.

Wanting to finish her off quickly, he pushed his tongue deep between her lips, releasing one of her breasts, moved one hand down to her clit, and began rubbing it quickly and aggressively, making Ros writhe in pleasure.

"Cum for me Ros, show them what a good whore you are" he told her, before diving back into her.

Moving up to her clit, he wrapped his lips around the sensitive pearl and sucked it hard, while moving his fingers towards her entrance, to take up the place his tongue had left. Ros moaned noisily, as she felt her pussy close around his fingers, her hips and legs jerking wildly on his shoulders, as Ros reached for his peak and thrust her hips against his face.

Her body tensed as, with a stifled scream, Ros released vast amounts of arousal against his face that coated his lips and beard. Finally, Ros went limp on the mattress as she gasped heavily. Jon dropped her legs from his shoulders, but not before dropping a few kisses down the inside of her milky thighs.

Jon pulled back, as he savoured and licked the loving juices, which she had spilled over his face, getting up and moving to grab the wet towels he cleaned himself, and drank some of his mineral water, hydrating himself a bit. He was sure it was going to be a long day and they were just getting started, setting his bottle aside, he approached Ros again.

"Ready for more?" he asked her with a smirk on his face, as he stood in front of her, his cock already returning to his full mast. Ros's gaze moved from his cock, up to his face and wagging her finger beckoned him to come to her.

Climbing onto the bed, he positioned himself behind her, holding her by the waist with one hand and grasping her length with the other, he pushed the head of his cock into her excited, dripping entrance. Ros let out a little moan and ducked her head, but Jon was having none of it, moving his hand to her red mane, and pulling it back tightly, causing her head to lift up so that she was staring into the camera, as he thrust into her.

"We have to make sure everyone can see clearly, how good you can take this cock" Jon said huskily in her ear, as he thrust his hips forward.

His shaft finally sinking into her hot wet pussy, her velvety walls pleasantly massaging his cock. Ros let out a slutty moan, as she felt him filling her. Staring into the camera, her eyes misty in lust, as she rocked forward each time Jon thrust his hips against her plump round ass, making her large breasts bounce wildly, as she lurched forward. Her mouth never seemed able to close to the constant stream of moans and whimpers that escaped from her, each time Jon pounded deep into her.

"You like getting fucked hard, while being recorded don't you?" Jon asked her amused, as he felt her pussy squeeze him like a tourniquet, "It turns you on that everyone can see what a slut you are."

When Ros just moaned lamely and didn't answer him, Jon raised his hand and smacked one of her ass cheeks hard. The loud slap echoed throughout the room as his palm impacted her flesh, leaving a pink handprint of his hand impressed on her pale skin, causing Ros to let out a loud squeal.

"Answer me" Jon demanded, pulling her roughly by her hair, causing her head to bend back, forcing her to look at him as he towered over her.

"Yessssss, I love it I love it daddy, please keep fucking me" She cried out her voice full of lust and need, as she pushed her hips back.

With a grin , Jon unexpectedly pulled away from her, taking his cock out of her warm embrace. Making Ros moan out in disappointment, as she felt his presence leave her. Jon pulled back, until he was lying comfortably against the pillows at the head of the bed.

Ros crawled towards him, until she was level with his cock, which was fully erect and glistening with the combination of her juices, unable to help herself. Ros leaned over his cock, taking it into her mouth, worshipping and sucking the reddish, swollen head with her tongue. Jon moaned deeply as Ros slowly began to wiggle the head faster, bobbing up and down his length, finally breaking away giving the tip of his cock one last hard suck. She looked up at him as she left smooches on the tip of his cock, taking it by its hair separating it from his shaft, he said to her.

"Ride my cock."

Ros quickly obeyed moving closer to him, to swing a leg over him, and sit astride his waist, but before she could do so Jon stopped her.

"No, not like that" he told her, causing her to look at him in confusion, before explaining, "The other way around, I want to see that ass bounce."

Ros smiled at him and turned, turning her back to him and riding him backwards, Jon leaned back fully on the pillows, resting his head on his arms, as he watched Ros take his erection in her hand and position it under her entrance, before slowly descending on him, making them both moan.

Ros let out a deep moan, as she leaned forward, resting on her legs, and began to bounce up and down on his cock. Jon had a wonderful view of her big round ass, rippling each time they bounced against his thighs. At times Ros would roll and gyrate her hips slowly on his cock, as she sensually ran her hands all over his body, from her buttocks spreading them apart with her hands, so that Jon could see how his girth spread her tight cunt open, to her puckered hole winking tantalizingly at him, then running her hands up her waist to cup her breasts, pulling and squeezing her nipples making her let out a deep, guttural moan, as she played with herself.

No longer able to hold his hands still, he grabbed her by the waist. Making her bounce more rhythmically on his cock, penetrating her deeper each time he pushed her down. Ros moaned as she rocked her hips and released one of her breasts, to slide her hand down to her clit and begin to rub the hard knob.

Although the sight and stimulation were pleasurable, Jon could not fuck her thoroughly in this position. So, using his grip on her, he pulled her to him, so that her back rested against his chest, causing his cock to escape her, but not for long. Moving his arms under her knees, lifting them up until he brought them together behind her head, putting her in a full nelson as he easily lifted her up and dropped her back down onto his cock.

"Oh, my gods" Ros murmured in surprise, finding herself completely helpless in her new position.

Jon stretched her tight walls again, with his huge cock, making Ros moan loudly as she writhed uselessly in his arms. Jon set a brutal pace, penetrating her with his throbbing cock at a blistering speed, fucking her vulnerable pussy without any mercy, but from the lewd moans escaping from her, he could easily tell she was enjoying it. Jon had no doubt that she loved being used and dominated by him.

It didn't take long for Jon to feel her walls fluttering around him, as he also felt his own climax rapidly approaching. But he didn't want to finish before she did, so watching as her arms hung loosely at her sides, he ordered her.

"Touch yourself."

Ros complied, stretching out her hand and began to furiously stroke her clit, as he continued to violently thrust his cock inside her tight cunt. Ros didn't last long after that, moaning loudly and began to quiver as she screamed and climaxed loudly, her juices shooting from her lips, soaking the entire bed, as her walls tightened around his shaft, bringing him to his own end, with a few last erratic thrusts he cum inside her.

He shot long, numerous streams of thick cum, which splattered against her walls, filling her pussy to the brim. When her powerful orgasm finally ended, Jon released her by dropping her legs to a natural position and let her fall onto his chest, both of them panting heavily, trying to catch their breath. Jon wrapped his arms around her waist and left a tender kiss on the top of her head, making her melt deeper into his embrace as she rested her arms on his.

"That was amazing, love. You were amazing" Jon complimented her with a smile.

"I could say the same about you, surely all women deserve to spend a night with the 'white wolf'" she said amused, making them both laugh.

"Come on we need to say goodbye and we can have more fun in the shower" he told her, patting her on the thigh so he could get up.

With Ros rolling to the side, letting out a small stream of cum that escaped from her pussy, Jon gave her one last playful spank and stood up, reaching over to the camera and taking it off the tripod so he could record himself one final time.

"I hope you all enjoyed it, I certainly did" he said, as he started to approach Ros, and pointing the camera at her. "No doubt you will be seeing more of Ros, I had an incredible time with her, and I will definitely be having her over again."

Ros smiled at the camera and leaned over him again, holding his spent cock and taking it into her mouth, making him hiss as he felt her sucking on his sensitive head.

"And she's also a very insatiable slut. And I fucking love that" Jon added with a grin, and Ros hummed in affirmation, sending pleasurable vibrations through her throat, which forced him to stifle a moan, Ros bobbing up and down on his cock until she was fully hard again and finally breaking away with a loud pop, and lifting her gaze to him with a smile.

"Maybe we can still record some more" she said, looking up at him hopefully.

Jon let out an amused snort, but he put the camera back in place.

It would certainly be a long day.


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