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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


After a long and exhausting day at the hospital, Daenerys was more than ready for a restful and reconciliatory sleep. She stood in front of her mirror removing the light makeup she had worn during the day and adjusting her hair as she listened to her girlfriend Sansa who was already lying on her bed telling her about her day as a teacher at the kindergarten.

Finishing getting ready, she got up and headed to bed ready to join Sansa, but stopped when she saw her next door neighbour Margaery through her window, a delighted smile formed on her face at the sight of her friend and at the same time she raised her hand ready to greet her and wish her goodnight, but her smile abruptly died and she froze in place when she saw that Margaery was not alone. And she was not in the company of her girlfriend Arianne, she was accompanied by a man, a man Daenerys had never seen before and just like Margaery he was also half naked. But that was not the worst of it, her friend and neighbour of many years was kissing passionately with this unknown man, Daenerys could not believe what she was seeing. They had known Margaery and Arianne for many years they were a very lovely couple and deeply in love with each other, they had gone out together on double dates. He couldn't believe Margaery would betray Arianne like this.




Daenerys snapped out of her shock when she heard Sansa shout her name and turned to her.

"Are you all right? You look like you just saw a ghost." Sansa asked her sounding concerned, seeing her pale face.

"I... ehh..." She stumbled over her words as her eyes flicked between her girlfriend and what was happening in the house next door.

"Dany, what's going on?" Sansa asked her again.

"It's Margaery, she... she's with a man, they're kissing." Daenerys said with great sorrow to her girlfriend.

"What!!!" Sansa shouted outraged and in disbelief, as she quickly jumped out of bed and ran to join her so she could see the scene with her own eyes. Letting out a gasp and covering her mouth with one hand as she witnessed the sight before her, while at the same time they both watched as Margaery began to descend upon the man with a huge smile on her face as she left a trail of kisses in her path until she ended up kneeling in front of him and began to unbuckle his belt.

"Oh, my Gods" Sansa murmured in horror, not knowing how to react, "What should we do?" she asked Dany, completely at a loss as to what to do or say.

"We should tell Ari, she doesn't deserve this she’s, our friend. She deserves better-"Daenerys was cut off in mid-sentence as they both witnessed something only out of a sexual fantasy.

Arianne her friend Arianne, Margaery's girlfriend materialized out of nowhere in the middle of the scene, wearing sexy lingerie and looking completely undisturbed as she watched her girlfriend on her knees in front of a man. Quite the opposite, she had a smile on her face, as she hugged the man from behind and left loving kisses on his shoulders.

At the same time, they also watched as Margaery finally pulled down the man's pants and boxers and released the biggest and thickest cock, they had both ever seen. Sansa and Daenerys' eyes widened almost comically as they watched the scene unfold in front of them, Arianne hugged the strange man from behind, crushing her large breasts against his back as she continued to lay loving kisses down his shoulders until she reached his neck, while Margaery held the man's cock over her face as she looked up at him with a sensual and eager smile and just as her girlfriend placed loving kisses over the base of his shaft and licked him erotically. Until she finally opened her lips wide and slipped it inside her warm, wet mouth, and began to suck him lustfully.

Daenerys and Sansa were so focused on watching the erotic scene, that they did not notice that someone had already noticed their presence.


Jon let out a pleasurable grunt as he felt Margaery's warm mouth wrap around his cock, while Arianne hugged him from behind pressing her breasts against his back as she stood on her tiptoes to leave loving kisses all over his neck.

Fuck, Ari and Marge never disappointed, it was never a boring night with them.

Ever since Ari invited him to join her and her girlfriend into their bed, his life had become more pleasurable and adventurous. Jon visited them regularly and it had definitely become one of his favourite pastimes, and how could he not when he had a girl as beautiful and refined as Margaery on her knees before him sucking his cock so eagerly and a lush exotic beauty like Arianne biting and grinding herself against him.

When Margaery gave him a particularly strong suck and Arianne bit his neck, Jon couldn't help but tilt his head back in pleasure and let out a deep growl. But as he made that move, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Two people, more specifically two women, a redhead and a blonde were watching them through their window. The girls seemed to be watching Margaery sucking his cock so hypnotically that they hadn't even noticed that Jon had noticed their presence.

With a smile he turned to face Ari and leaned into her catching her lips in a deep kiss, she quickly kissed him back, her lips moving against his.

"We have a pair of voyeurs" Jon told her with an amused grin, as he broke their kiss and rested his forehead on hers.

Arianne furrowed her eyebrows and looked a little confused at his words, so Jon moved his eyebrows and his eyes making her an indication where to look. Arianne leaned to her side so she could see past him and to where he had pointed her, Jon watched as her eyes widened and her mouth formed a cute 'O' at the sight of her spectators as she moved away from him and over to the window.

Jon turned his head towards the window as well and watched as the girls now did realize they had been caught looking. He watched as the redhead's face turned a shade almost like her hair, as the blonde seemed to try to look anywhere but at them, also the sudden change in the room caused Margaery to pull her succulent lips away from his cock.

"Sansa... Dany, hi girls" Arianne greeted as if the situation was completely normal and as if the girls hadn't seen them fucking just a few seconds ago, " Um, sorry about that, my bad. I forgot to close the curtains" she said as she playfully bumped her head.

"N- No, it's our fault. We shouldn't have stayed watching." The blonde was the one who responded, as the redhead hid her embarrassed face with her hands, "Hello Margaery" she awkwardly greeted Margaery who had stood up and also looked uncomfortable as she raised her hand to greet her friend.

The situation was getting too awkward for his liking so he decided to intervene, he approached Ari from behind and wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against his chest as he left a soft kiss down her shoulder and to the side of her face so he could whisper in her ear, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"

Arianne looked over her shoulder at him before turning back to her friends, "This is Jon, he's an old friend of mine, ah-"Arianne interrupted herself as she let out a slight moan as she still felt his raging erection rub against her crotch, but still continued to introduce them, "These are my friends and neighbours, the pretty blonde is Daenerys and the sweet and cute redhead is Sansa." She finished her sentence quickly so she could seal her lips and prevent any more gasps from escaping her.

" Hello, nice to meet you" Jon greeted them waving one hand towards them as he lowered the other to Arianne's panties and pushed them aside to gain direct access to her wet entrance. Her friends couldn't see exactly what was going on below Arianne's waist, but from her reactions he was sure they could get a pretty good idea.

"Jon... not here, not in front of my friends" Arianne begged him, but she was contradicting herself with her words as she moved her hips and rubbed herself against his cock. Until finally he thrust inside her, forcing her to raise a hand to cover her mouth and stifle a loud moan.

" Is he really...?" Sansa asked Daenerys incredulously as they watched her friend squirm and cover her mouth with one hand while the man whose name seemed to be Jon stood behind her and moved his hips slowly with a pleased smile on his face, "Yes, I think he is." Daenerys replied.

Jon never took his gaze from the eyes of the girls in front of him as he thrust into Arianne's tight warm depths, "I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I hope I didn't disturb your sleep" Jon spoke normally as if he wasn't fucking her friend in front of them, "Don't you think so Ari, don't you think you owe your friends a sincere apology?"

"I'm s-sorry, f-for the in- inconvenience" Arianne managed to say between gasps.

"It's alright, have fun ehm... I mean good night." Daenerys said hurriedly as she moved to finally close the curtains, while trying to avoid the man's deep gaze, but not quite succeeding, as the last thing she saw were those dark grey eyes staring at her, sending a beam of excitement down her spine.

Jon let out a disappointed sigh as he saw that Arianne's pretty friends had finally closed their curtain bringing the show to an end.

"You're so mean." He heard Arianne say as she looked over his head, Jon smiled at her and grabbed her throat as he made her arch up and push her ass towards him, "I didn't see any attempt to stop me, on the contrary, you think I didn't notice you rubbing against my cock."

Arianne gave him a cheeky grin and stuck her tongue out teasingly, Jon couldn't help but lean in and capture her lips in a messy kiss, before holding her by the waist and lifting her easily and moving them towards the bed, with Margaery quickly joining them. Even with both beautiful women beside him kissing him and worshipping his cock, he found it hard to stop thinking about the two intriguing and beautiful women next door.


Daenerys and Sansa had moved towards their bed and lay in complete silence, both still trying to process everything they had just witnessed, until finally Sansa decided to break the silence.

"I didn't know Arianne and Margaery did that sort of thing." She said a little awkwardly.

"Hmm, me neither." She answered him, then added with a slight smile, "although Arianne has always been too sexually open."

"Yes, she is, isn't she?" Sansa replied also amused, though the smiles died quickly due even to the awkwardness of the situation, "what surprises me is how she managed to convince Margaery."

"Maybe it didn't take much convincing" Dany shot back, her mind quickly returning to how happy she looked kneeling in front of the man, Sansa's mind went to the same place.

"Are all men like that?" Sansa asked him softly, sounding a little embarrassed.

"Like what? Perverted, shameless and arrogant" Daenerys answered her, trying to sound angry and indignant, but Sansa could see the slight smile on her face, "Yes, most of them."

Sansa smiled in amusement at his sudden outburst, "No, I was referring more to the size..." she managed to say, as she felt her face flush again.

"Yes, he seemed quite tall" Daenerys answered her evasively, amused at the sight of her struggle.

"Dany! You know I'm talking about his cock." As soon as the word left her mouth, Sansa put a hand to her mouth, as if she couldn't believe what she had just said.

Daenerys let out an amused laugh and tried to defend herself from Sansa's playful jabs, "See what you make me say." Her girlfriend whined cutely.

"You know I've only been with two guys before you Sans, it's not like I was an expert on male anatomy either." She told him, before adding, "although I'm sure he's above average. I think it's unnecessarily large."

"Marge and Ari looked like they were having fun." Sansa muttered loud enough for Daenerys to hear.

Daenerys rolled onto her side to lie on her side facing Sansa as she rested her head on her arm, "I've never seen you so interested in a guy" she told her.

Sansa did the same and rolled onto her side to face her as well, "you remember some while ago we talked about trying new things in the bedroom to try to spicy things up" Sansa told her.

Daenerys knew where Sansa was headed, they had met when they were both very young, Sansa had been eighteen and she had been nineteen. They became friends and from there things escalated very quickly until they became a couple. Their relationship was incredible from the start, she had never felt the kind of connection she felt with Sansa with a boy or a girl before her. Sansa confessed to her that although she was attracted to boys, she had never had a relationship with one, but she had been with a girl before her. Daenerys also told him about her past, that she had been with two boys and that they both turned out to be terrible boyfriends and after those terrible experiences and aware that she had always been kind of attracted to people of her own gender, she decided to start dating girls and although none of them turned into a relationship as serious as the one she had with Sansa, she quite enjoyed the experience, until she finally met her.

And not only did they work very well outside the bedroom, but they were also very compatible inside the sheets. Their sex life was pretty amazing and fulfilling until it wasn't. And Daenerys knew it wasn't really the fault of either of them, it was more of a scheduling conflict and her being exhausted from her work. Between Sansa's job and their long days in residence at the Kings Landing hospital, they were simply too tired and exhausted to think about sex.

And as Sansa had mentioned, they had tried new things to make their sex life more exciting, from role playing, to sex toys, and even going so far as to try using a strapon on Sansa, which ended very badly, with neither of them really enjoying the experience. And from there they simply stopped trying and went on with their monotonous lives, until now Sansa brought the conversation back and she knew very well what was on her mind.

"Do you want us to invite someone into our bed, a guy?" she asked her, not believing that, of all people Sansa would be the one to be suggesting something like this.

"It seems to work very well for Ari and Marge" Sansa told her, a little defensively. Then to let out a tired sigh and take her hand, "when was the last time, we fucked each other into exhaustion due to orgasms and not lack of sleep?"

"Too long to remember" Daenerys answered him with a sad smile, as she gave her hand a squeeze.

"I love you Dany, and I want to enjoy sex with you again" Sansa told her meaningfully.

"And inviting someone else do you think is the answer" Daenerys asked her not so sure.

"I don't know, but I want to try. I want us to try." She said as she squeezed her hand back, "And... it really turned me on quite a bit to see Margaery and Arianne with that man" she confessed, as she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.

"Sansa!" Daenerys said exaggeratedly in amusement, before she turned into a flirtatious smile and stretched a hand and rubbed her toned thigh through the thin fabric of her pyjamas, "Tell me what you like, Sans" she whispered in her ear, as she lay closer to her.

"It turned me on watching Margaery kneel before that man and suck his cock so desperately, I liked watching him fuck Ari without caring that we could see them" Sansa admitted.

Daenerys moaned in pleasure as she listened to her kinky girlfriend's confessions, as her hands moved down her long legs and slid inside her pyjamas already finding her hot and wet.

"My My, Sansa you are dripping too much" Daenerys whispered deep in her ear, as she gave her earlobe a light nibble. "You got so excited just watching them? I don't know if I should feel jealous."

Sansa's gasps only rose in volume as she felt Daenerys' slick fingers brush against her pussy, "I imagined it was you he was fucking" Sansa confessed amidst a moan.

Daenerys stopped dead in her tracks not expecting that, but strangely she was not at all displeased with the idea, "That's what you want Sans, you want me to watch that man fuck me with that big fat cock of his? You want to see me on my knees just like Margaery and suck his big, delicious cock?"

Sansa let out a deep moan and jerked against Daenerys' hand as she imagined those scenarios. At the same time Daenerys inserted her middle finger between her tight, wet lips and slowly ran it all the way up, moving it lightly over her clit at the end. Sansa could take no more and leaned into her, capturing her lips in a desperate kiss.

Daenerys kissed her back as passionately as Sansa kissed her, as she slid her other hand unbuttoned her girlfriend's pyjama shirt, until it was off, leaving Sansa's pale, beautiful breasts on display. Daenerys tugged on one of her hard pink nipples with one hand while the other circled her clit provocatively.

"Dany" Sansa moaned erotically as they broke away from the kiss.

But before she could reach her orgasm Daenerys stopped her actions and moved to be on top of Sansa but didn't keep her waiting for long. He began by kissing the side of her neck and moved down her throat, to her collarbone, her shoulder and over her breasts.

Sansa's breath was cut off as Daenerys' lips reached down to her belly and up her legs. Her gorgeous girlfriend was worshipping every part of her body with loving kisses, starting at the front of her leg up to her knee and all the way down her inner thigh, kissing her milky smooth skin. Sansa let out a whimpering moan as Daenerys avoided her pussy and instead kissed the inside of her left thigh, then did the same with her right.

Sansa was about to beg Daenerys to give her the relief she so desperately needed, to plead for her to lick her where she really needed it. But, before she could do any of that, Daenerys stepped forward and gave her what she so desperately needed, feeling her pussy being licked and kissed directly.

Daenerys was pleased to hear the loud moan that made Sansa release, as she moved her tongue up and down her pussy lips with a slow, deft firmness. Sansa writhed wildly on the bed, signalling to her how close she was to her orgasm. He felt her long, toned legs close around her head, and her long, slender fingers close around her silver mane as Sansa began to hump against her face.

Sansa felt a spiral of heat grow rapidly in her core, each flick of Daenerys' tongue pushing her closer and closer to her peak. Her breathing quickened and steady moans escaped her lips as her pleasure increased. With her hips still moving against her girlfriend's face, Sansa reached the most powerful orgasm she had experienced in several months, her back arched impossibly as her orgasm exploded through her body.

"Oh Gods! Dany!" Sansa screamed in the midst of her orgasm.

The powerful climax left her breathless, and she felt herself soaking Daenerys' beautiful face, her wet hips smearing her release all over her face. Her whole-body temple and her legs trembled uncontrollably.

Collapsing on the bed limply, her legs continued to tremble as she pushed Daenerys' head away from her overly sensitive slit. With her eyes closed she enjoyed the bliss of a true orgasm, after months of drought. As she caught her breath, she felt Dany kiss her stomach, pausing for a few moments on her breasts, before finally reaching her lips again.

"That was perfect." Sansa told her, giving her a bright smile after parting from her lips.

"We're not done yet." Daenerys told her, causing her smile to grow to a more.

Daenerys began to undress removing her tiny shorts and thin white top, leaving her in all her naked glory. Despite having seen her naked hundreds of times, Sansa never tired of admiring how beautiful and sensual her girlfriend was, skin as white as snow, smooth and flawless. Bright purple eyes, her full, pink lips still had the sheen of her arousal on them. Her breasts were a little smaller than hers, but no less perfect, firm and large enough to fill her hand, decorated with pretty pink nipples that almost blended in with the surrounding skin. Her waist was slim and her hips wide giving way to one of the best butts she had ever seen, round and smooth, but still firm to the touch.

Sansa did the same and ended up pulling her pyjama pants down her long, milky legs, while it was her girlfriend's turn to admire her. From the first moment she met her she had been impressed by the beauty that was Sansa, she had witnessed the last traces of her childish features fade away to make way for a beautiful northern princess. Her reddish hair was long and straightened down to her hips, her blue eyes as deep as the ocean. They shared the same pale skin with an undoubtedly enviable glow. Her breasts grew large and firm without even the slightest hint of sagging on them, a slim waist and although her ass was not as muscular or as wide as hers, it was deliciously round with enough flexibility to make her want to sink her teeth into it.

Now with both of them being completely naked, Daenerys moved back closer to her girlfriend and used her hands to spread her long, toned supermodel legs apart. In order to bring their pussies together in a scissoring position, she began to move her hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy against Sansa's. Moans from both filled the room as both women stared into each other's eyes conveying all the love and affection they feel for each other. Sansa of course did not stay still, also beginning to move and sway her hips increasing the friction and her arousal. Their bodies fit together so perfectly, as they moved in tandem and found a delicious rhythm of rocking and rubbing. Each thought they would not see a more perfect and beautiful image than that of their girlfriend, eyes misty with pleasure, writhing and moaning as they fucked each other.

"I love you, Sansa" Daenerys cried out between gasps.

"I love you too Dany. You make me feel so good" Sansa answered her.

Daenerys held and lifted one of Sansa's long, creamy legs off the bed and held it in the air, opening it to give her more access and humping faster against it, rubbing their sex against her lovers with such vigour that their bodies shook the bed beneath them. Their bodies moved together, and their moans aligned as they both moved toward a powerful orgasm.

Daenerys watched as her girlfriend was the first to reach her peak. Her beautiful blue eyes closed, and she let out a powerful moan louder and deeper than her first as she felt her tremble against her. Daenerys needed no more stimulation than watching her lover reach her orgasm, to reach her own. She held Sansa's leg trying to hold on to something as she cummed, feeling a powerful surge of pleasure run through her body like she hadn't felt in a long time.

Sansa collapsed on the bed, as she felt her climax end still with her eyes closed as she gasped heavily for air. Raising her head, she saw that Daenerys was in a similar state, but they both kept the large grins on their faces, she couldn't remember the last time she had had multiple orgasms. Tonight, had been incredible, they had both been so turned on just watching their friends fuck that man. Now more than ever she knew she wanted to invite Jon into her bed and have many more nights like this, together with Dany.

Just as she finished that thought she felt Dany settle in next to her and she welcomed her with open arms both melting into a warm loving embrace as they slowly kissed. When they broke apart, they smiled happily at each other, "We should invite Ari and Marge over for tea tomorrow." She said to Dany.

"Definitely." Daenerys replied with a tired smile, they gave each other one last kiss and lay naked in each other's arms, to what would undoubtedly be the best sleep she would have in a long time.


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