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I have not forgotten about this story, someday I will update it and you guys will be the first to be able to read it.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


It was an average, dull day on the wall, and that was a good thing. But everything would change abruptly when Satin rushed into his solar informing him of riders approaching. Well, there goes peace and quiet.

Finishing putting on his gloves, Jon walked to the yard. Where a small group of men awaited him, dressed in quality leathers, and polished armour.

Someone important sent them.

His suspicions were confirmed when one stepped forward and unrolled a scroll with the royal seal on it. The man announced in a loud, clear voice.

"Your Grace, King Tommen Baratheon, the first. Invite the Lord Commander No. 998 of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow, to Kings Landing so that he may be honored and rewarded for his deeds and accomplishments in defending the wall and protecting the realm of men in the name of His Grace, the King."

Everyone in the yard, fell silent and stunned at the messenger's words, unperturbed by the atmosphere around him, the man rolled up the scroll and pocketed it. He began to walk towards him and pulled out a letter, which also bore the royal seal, and handed it to him, Jon took it, but before releasing the letter the man spoke, this time low enough only for him to hear the following words.

"King's orders."

With nothing more to say and having accomplished his mission, they withdrew. Jon looked at the sealed letter in his hand and saw that everyone was looking at him expectantly, to which he barked loudly snapping them out of their stupor.

"What are you doing wasting time, get back to work."

The courtyard came alive again, with all the recruits returning to their duties, the training swords clashed, and orders were shouted again, he pocketed the letter and returned to his plot, still unaware of what in seven hells had just happened.

Returning to his solar, Jon read the letter and was surprised by its content, the king mentioned again the same thing that his messenger said, inviting him to Kings Landing, to commemorate him for his services and blah blah blah. But the interesting part was when he asked or rather demanded Satin's presence, he had suspicions that it was bullshit that a southern king would be interested in commemorating, much less inviting a bastard to Kings Landing, and this confirmed it, there was more at play, that he needed to find out before making a decision.

Jon called Satin over, asking him to take a seat and handed over the letter, he watched his face change as he read, until finally finishing it and looking down looking a little embarrassed.

"Anything you want to tell me Satin" he asked him, trying not to sound so stern.

Satin proceeded to tell him the whole truth, apparently, he had lied to everybody when he said he was born and raised in a whorehouse in Old Town, when he actually came from Kings Landing. Where he had met the King and apparently had become very close to him, but everyone knew there were no secrets in the Red Keep, and when the Queen's grandmother, Olenna Tyrell, found out about their secret relationship, she plotted to send him to the wall.

"I thought, that would be the end of it, and I would never see him again. I never imagined he'd come this far to see me again." Satin said softly, with a blush on his face.

Jon left the boy to his fantasies and began to think about their situation. No doubt this cleared up a lot of things, why a southern King, suddenly decided to take an interest in the wall, and invite the Lord commander, to Kings landing. It was all bullshit, he just wanted to reunite with his lover. And Jon had no interest in being part of all that, he had more important things to do, especially with the latest reports he was receiving from beyond the wall. He could refuse the invitation, the guard and thus his lord commander owed no allegiance to any Lord or King. But he also knew it was unwise to refuse a King, could he get anything out of this? If he reunited the King with his lover and got on his good side. He could earn a favour from the crown, after all he said he was going to be rewarded. And the guard had not been properly maintained for over a hundred years. He knew what the right decision was.

"Satin" he spoke loudly, snapping the boy out of his musings.

"Yes, Lord Commander," he said quickly, standing up straight.

Standing up, he walked to his side and said, "Get ready, we are heading to Kings Landing."


"It seems your husband, found a way to reunite with his lover" Margaery heard her grandmother say.

"My lord husband has invited, the lord commander to honour him for his actions in defending the wall," she said.

Making her grandmother snort derisively, "The only reason your husband, invited that northerner, was so he could bring him his pretty lover boy. And make him bite the pillow."

"Grandmother!" Margaery exclaimed scolding her, "He's my husband and your King."

"a King should bed his wife, not man-whores" her grandmother said, "it's been a year, how many times has he shared your bed?"

His silence answered her question.

"A Queen's most important duty is to produce heirs, and the more time passes the rumours will only increase, and you will be the one to blame" Margaery felt her grandmother's hand on hers. "I will not allow that to happen, if the King cannot fulfil his duties, find a man who can."

"You are asking me to commit adultery and bear a bastard with another man" she said, not being able to believe what her grandmother was asking of her.

"If the king can have a lover, so can the queen. And any child that comes out of that union will be the queen's son, a prince and heir to the Iron Throne" Her grandmother assured her, "And your husband will have to accept that."


Margaery was heading towards the throne room, her grandmother's words echoing in her mind, since that day. Taking a lover, bearing a child with him.

She remembered the first time she met Tommen, she thought he was going to be the perfect husband, he was young, handsome and of the blood of Kings. Together they would rule Westeros, for fifty years, like King Jaehaerys did. Their wedding was the biggest event celebrated in Westeros since the tournament of Harrenhal, everything was perfect until their wedding night. Tommen did not take her that night, the marriage was not consummated. It didn't take her long to figure out what was going on, she didn't have the parts that her husband seemed to like, she tried to be understanding and even suggested different ways for them to perform the act. But Tommen closed himself off and pushed her away. Things got worse when her grandmother discovered that Tommen had taken a lover and decided to send him away, which did not help her situation at all. Tommen became bitter and resentful towards her, apparently her grandmother had underestimated the feelings that her husband had developed towards his lover.

And now she had found a way to bring him back, and Margaery was sure that this time she would not let him be taken from him. The king valued his lover more than he valued his own wife.

Her grandmother was right, if he had the right to have a lover, so did she. She was the queen, and she would do her duty to the kingdom and produce an heir. With that thought she entered the throne room.


She entered just in time to see the doors open to let in a small group of men, all dressed in black. A few gasps were heard as the nobles noticed a large beast, walking beside the man leading the retinue. A direwolf, it was said that they had not been seen for over a hundred years on this side of the wall.

And this one was very peculiar, his fur as white as snow and his eyes were a bloody red. But the man who walked beside her, also caught her attention, especially when he greeted her husband, without bowing or kneeling.

"Your Grace," he spoke, his voice deep and with a thick northern accent.

Murmurs began to break out around her, the nobles, the ladies of the court were outraged to see this pagan northerner, who would not bow to their King. But she tried to remember her lessons about the North. The Night's Watch was an organization unlike any other in Westeros, they pay no taxes, they do not interfere in any conflict always remaining neutral, they do not serve any Lord or King.

The King stood and quieting the murmurs with a wave of his hands, began to descend the steps of the throne.

Jon watched him descend until he was standing in front of him, he was younger than he expected, and he could see his gaze linger for a few seconds on Satin, who was standing to his right, then return to him and begin to speak.

"Welcome to Kings Landing, Lord Commander" he proclaimed in a firm and confident voice, "I am happy, that you have decided to accept my invitation. The bards sing great tales of your exploits in it north."

Jon was surprised to hear that the bards he had sent to attract more people to join the Watch had spread to the south. But he doubted it was as popular as the King claimed, as not many came to be recruited.

"It is an honour, to be summoned by the King. I could not refuse such invitation," he replied.

"Oh, you will be properly honored and rewarded my Lord. Tonight, a feast will be held in honour of Jon Snow. And to the thousands of brave men, who gave their lives for the protection of the Realm" the King exclaimed loudly, creating a small roar that spread throughout the throne room.

All this, just so he can fuck Satin. Jon thought amused. At least he mentioned a reward, he would lose a good squire, but at least he would get the support the guard needed.

"You honour me and the watch, beyond words, My King." Jon told him.

"It is the right thing to do, long ago the men of the night watch should have been recognized and honored for their sacrifices to the kingdom" He King said shaking her hand, "Now, I know you must be exhausted from your journey, you will be shown to your roo-"

The King was abruptly interrupted, by a woman who appeared as silently as ghost would.

"My King, you seem to have forgotten to introduce me to our guest," the pretty woman spoke, her voice was melodious and sweet, as she looked at him with her large brown eyes.

She also noticed that the King's face turned sour, but he quickly pulled himself together, "My apologies my Queen. Lord Commander this is my wife, Margaery Tyrell. Margaery this is Jon Snow."

The queen extended a delicate hand towards him, as she looked at him with an expectant smile.

Jon took her hand and leaned down to kiss the back of it.

"My queen," he said to her, as he stared at her.

Margaery looked at the man in front of her and definitely liked what she saw that he was practically the opposite of her husband, only added to his attractiveness. He stood a head taller than Tommen; his hands were big and rough. Dark features contrasted against his pale skin, a scar crossed his left eye making him look dangerous and a thick beard covered his sharp jaw.

Looks like I've found my stud and provided by none other than her own husband, how thoughtful. She thought.

"I will personally see to it, to show the Lord Commander to his chambers, if you don't mind my dear husband" the queen said, moving towards Jon and wrapping his muscular arm with her hands, she led him into the castle, without waiting for her husband's response.


Jon was surprised that the queen herself, had offered to show him to his chambers, they both walked in silence and not long after Jon sensed the presence of someone else, a knight dressed in white armour and cloak followed close behind them.

"That's my brother Loras. Don't worry about him, he won't bother us" the queen told him, with a mischievous smile.

He didn't know what to make of her words or her attitude towards him, so he just nodded. They walked on in silence, until the queen spoke again.

"You know why you came to Kings Landing, my Lord" she asked.

"I came at the King's invitation" he replied, dryly. "To be honoured and rewarded for my actions in defending the wall."

The queen let out a singsong laugh at his words, "yes, that was the excuse my dear husband used to bring you all the way here, did you actually believe that?"

"Not really, no southern King has ever shown interest in the north, much less the wall, why would this King be any different" he said, turning to her to add "and my suspicions were confirmed when in a letter he demanded the presence of my squire."

"What a noble man, to make such a long journey, in order to reunite a King with his lover" she said amusedly, ending with a question, "unless you were planning to get something in return."

"Castle Black, it hasn't been properly maintained in over a hundred years, and the Night's Watch has the lowest number of recruits in its entire history. We could really use the crown's support," he said, seeing no point in hiding the truth from her.

"House Tyrell, is one of the richest and most abundant houses in Westeros, I'm sure a simple letter to my father, and I could provide you with all the resources and supplies you need" the queen told him.

"And I suppose you will want something in return for those resources and supplies?" he asked stopping, having already arrived at the door to his chambers.

"Well, of course, my lord. You get what you want, in exchange for me getting what I need" she said seductively, as she moved closer to him, her soft breasts pressing against his chest.

"And what does the queen need?" he asked her, unable to help but look at her revealing cleavage.

Margaery put her arms around the lord commander's shoulders, up to his neck and the bottom of his head, leaning him down and standing up on the tips of her toes. His lips only inches away, she could feel his heavy breath against her, and his strong hands moved to her waist.

"I need a man, my lord" she whispered seductively, biting his lower lip playfully "I need a man to take me, and give me his seed. So, I can do my duty to him kingdom and give birth to a beautiful, healthy heir."

Pulling away from him slightly, but not withdrawing, she lowered one of her hands and placed it over his crotch, beginning to rub his cock through his pants.

"And I want that man to be you, such a strong, virile man. Surely you would have no problem getting me pregnant?"

Jon stifled a groan; he didn't know how he ended up in this situation. With the queen rubbing his cock, telling him she wanted him to get her pregnant, in exchange for the help he needed for the wall. The whole situation was too fucking surreal.

"What say my lord, do we have a deal?" she asked him with a smile, giving his cock one last squeeze.

"What about the King" Jon reminded her.

"You don't have to worry about him, your only duty is to come inside me" she replied.

Taking her hand, he removed it from his cock and leaned down to kiss her. She stood still for a second, but recovered quickly and kissed him back, her lips were soft and her taste sweet. She let out a moan as his tongue invaded her mouth, they kissed for several seconds, until Jon pulled back, resting his forehead on hers, he said.

"We have a deal."

The queen smiled indulgently at him and pulled away from him, smoothing his dress and fixing her hair she left, with an exaggerated sway of her hips. Glancing in her direction Jon realized that he had completely forgotten about the presence of the royal guard, the queen sent one last flirty smile over her shoulder and left.

Shaking his head in disbelief he entered his room, still wondering what in seven hells he just got himself into.


The feast began in the evening, music and revelry filled the great hall. She sat at the high table, next to her husband and their guest Jon Snow. Her husband seemed in a good mood, chatting with the occasional lord who approached him, surely, he couldn't wait and decided to pay a visit to his lover, not that she cared now. When she herself planned to end the night with the lord commander in her bed.

When the rhythm of the music changed from a lively tune to a softer one, her husband stood up and offered her his hand. They walked hand in hand to the centre of the hall and began to dance with grace and elegance. Margaery was sure that to everyone's eyes they looked like the perfect couple, young, beautiful and in love, nothing could be further from the truth, as reflected in their conversation they had when no one else could hear them.

"You look very happy, my King" she told him, “As if you finally got back the toy that was taken from you".

Margaery felt him tense for a second and he looked at her with hard eyes and hissed angrily.

"I swear to the gods, Margaery. If you ever try-"

Margaery cut him off before he started to raise his voice, "don't worry my King, nothing will happen to your pretty little whore, you can even keep him if you want" she offered, making him squint his eyebrows in suspicion, "but I must inform you that I have decided to take a lover as well, and I must thank you for bringing him to me."

Tommen's eyes widened comically, at her words, and he looked over Margaery's head to Jon Snow, and back to his wife's smiling face.

"I am eager to let him fuck me to satiation, the red fortress has not been blessed with his queen's cries of pleasure for some time" she said mockingly, "I also plan to keep him at my side, until I grow fat with his child."

"Are you planning to pass a bastard as my heir" Tommen angrily remonstrated.

"Of course not, my King. any son I have will be a prince and your legitimate heir" she explained, "Unless you plan to tell everyone, that the King prefers the company of prostitutes, rather than his own wife, and that's why the queen had to turn to another man."

"Or you can consummate our marriage and take me as a husband would his wife, and I can give you an heir who is your own blood and seed" she offered, knowing he could not do it. And just as she suspected, Tommen kept silent and looked down. Margaery held his cheek lovingly and kissed him.

"Don't worry, my King. I am sure Jon will give me a healthy and strong heir. Though perhaps it will come out with gray eyes or dark curls" she whispered amusedly to him, pulling away and finishing her dance.

The people begin to applaud their King and Queen, Margaery returns to her seat, but Tommen remains still in the middle of the hall, recomposing himself they take a sigh and speak loud enough for all to hear.

"Lord Commander, if you could join me. I think before the feast can continue; you deserve to be honoured before everyone."

Jon stood up and began to walk towards the centre of the great hall, standing in front of the King.

"On your knees, if you would," he said.

Jon heeded and knelt in front of the King, watched him draw his sword and hold it out in front of him, slowly lowering it over his shoulder.

"For your service and bravery, shown in defending the wall. I, King Tommen Baratheon the first, declare you Ser Jon Stark. You may rise."

Surprisingly the hall exploded in cheers, men toasted the new knight, Jon was incredulous he did not expect to be knighted, much less legitimized. Rising to his feet he thanked the King, who only nodded and left.

The feast continued, a little more animated after the show her husband had put on. She had not expected him to legitimize Jon, even after he had confessed his intentions to take him as a lover and use him to sire her children. But she was happy for him, she always thought it was a horrible thing, the stigma of being a bastard, marginalized for the fact of having been born.

"Sir Jon Stark, that's quite a name" she told him, drawing his attention and giving him a smile. He thought it was cute when he seemed a little embarrassed by his new title.

"I never thought I would be a Stark, I had long ago accepted that I would be just another bastard, that I would spend the rest of my days on the wall" he said sounding wistful, as if he was remembering a life, that was now passed.

""You are a knight now, and a Stark" she reminded him, placing her hand on his thigh she leaned in to whisper to him, ""And though people don't know it, we will also add lover of the Queen, as one of your many titles"".

That made Jon smile, for a moment he had forgotten his deal with the queen, he would sleep with her, until he left her with child, a son. He never thought he would have one. That he could ever give a child he was a bastard, with no land, gold, or name to inherit to him.

But now his son would be raised as a prince, heir to the throne, his child. Though no one would ever know, a feeling of sadness came over him as he remembered that he would not see him grow up, could not teach him to hunt or the ways to be a proper man. As his father had done for him.

"Are all northerners born with the skill to be good at brooding or is it just you?" the queen asked him in amusement, snapping him out of his thoughts again.

"I was thinking about the child," he admitted to her.

Margaery was silent for a moment before flashing him a slight smile.

"I had a feeling you were a good man, Jon Snow. I'm glad I chose you" she told him, moving her hand to take his under the table. "Most men couldn't care less about the children they leave behind, after sleeping with a woman," she said.

"My son will be a prince, I will raise him myself, he will be tutored by the best masters and in it the path of the Faith. He will grow up to be a good prince and a great King" she promised him.

Jon nodded, knowing it was the best he could hope for, for his son.

He would be fine; he doesn't need me.

The sound of a chair backing up made him turn to the queen, who was standing up. As she passed behind him, she placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down so she could whisper in his ear.

"Don't keep me waiting long, Jon. We have a prince to make."


Jon stayed in the great hall for a few more minutes, some Lords and nobles who used too much perfume approached him, congratulating him for being legitimized. Even some ladies and maidens approached him, some were quite beautiful, but not as much as the queen.

When he saw that no one was paying attention to him, he took the opportunity to sneak into the castle. He walked for a few seconds, before stopping to think about how he would find the Queen's chambers, fortunately Margaery seemed to think of that. Her brother, Loras if he remembered right, was waiting for him and with a simple 'follow me' he led the way.

He followed him until they reached a large double door, without saying anything else, Loras walked away to stand guard at the end of the hallway. Jon opened the doors and entered the room, which was wide and nicely decorated. And in the middle of it was the queen seated, still in her gown and with a glass of wine in her hand. Jon closed the doors and approached her, until she gestured with her hand for him to stop.

"I think you are overdressed, my Lord" Margaery indicated, flashing him a smile over her glass.

Jon began to undress, unbuttoning his doublet and removing it over his head, showing her his muscular torso and defined abs. He felt the queen's satisfied gaze over his body, as she took another sip of wine. Removing his boots, now only wearing his pants, he began to work on them, undoing the laces and holding his gaze on the Queen's eyes, he let them drop. Revealing his flabby but still impressive manhood hanging between his legs. He chuckled as the queen's gaze, lingering on his cock unable to look away, only reacting as he began to approach her. Standing in front of her, with his cock level with her face, he took the wine glass from her hands and drank the contents in one single gulp, tossing the glass away when he was done.

Lowering one hand to the queen's face, his palm holding her jaw and his thumb circling her cheek, he made her raise her gaze to his.

"I think you need to get him ready for you, my Queen," he said, giving her a smile in return.

Margaery kept her eyes on him as she reached out, wrapping her hand around his cock with her small, soft hand, and began to rub it. Up and down, her hand ran his length, making him hard. Until Margaery leaned down enough to kiss his swollen head. Making him let out a deep groan, Margaery kept her gaze on him, just before she leaned down again and opened her mouth, taking the head of his cock inside her warm mouth. Jon tilted his head back in pleasure as he felt her tongue circle around him and suck him hard before pulling back.

" Bloody hell" Jon growled.

Moving his hands upward on her head, running his fingers through her silky hair until it was gathered into a ponytail to keep her hair from getting in her way. As Margaery took him back into her mouth, moving up and down his length, each time taking more of him and taking him deeper until she took half of his cock.

Margaery always kept her eyes on him as she worshipped his cock, licking and sucking every inch of it. Really enjoying having him inside her mouth. Jon marvelled at the beautiful sight of the queen, looking seductively at him, as his cock stretched her lips.

Jon tightened his grip on her hair, and forced her further down on his cock, until his head hit the back of her throat and stayed there, choking the queen with his cock for a few seconds before pulling back. Her tongue massaged the base of his cock, while her lips trailed along his shaft to the head, releasing it with a loud, wet pop.

A long string of saliva still connected his cock to her lips. The queen looked up at him, bright eyes bathed in lust, dipped back down on his cock, centring herself over his head, worshipping it with her tongue and stroking the rest of his cock with her hands. Jon gasped a deep moan, grabbing her by the hair again, this time pulling her away from his cock, aware that if he let her continue, he would cum in her mouth.

The queen let out a whimpering moan as she was pulled away from his cock. Jon laughed and compensated her by lowering his lips to hers and capturing them in a brief but heated kiss. Separating from her he pulled her to her feet and began to help her with her dress, fortunately the dress she had chosen was not such a complicated one and was easy to remove. The thin fabric fell to the queen's feet, leaving her in her naked glory.

The queen had a slim, athletic figure, long slender legs, a small fringe of brown hair above her pink slit, her waist was slim, and her breasts were of considerable size and decorated with hard, pink nipples.

Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her toward him, his cock resting against her belly and her breasts flattened against his torso. Margaery wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him down to her for a hungry kiss, their tongues danced around each other, Jon took the opportunity to grope her firm, perky tits, squeezing the soft flesh and teasing her pale pink nipples.

When he finished playing with her tits, he reached down with both hands and grabbed her under her ass and lifted her into the air. Margaery wrapped her legs around his waist as he led them to the bed. Where he dropped her, making her bounce softly on the mattress. Jon pulled her legs to the edge of the bed, beginning to kiss her long, shapely legs until he reached her already wet pussy.

Leaning down he ran his tongue across her lips from bottom to top, until he reached her swollen and aroused clit. Margaery moaned loudly as she writhed on the bed, holding the sheets in a tight grip, squealing, and gasping each time he sealed his lips around her hot pussy.

"By the gods, Jon. Yes" She moaned loudly, rapidly approaching her orgasm.

But before she could reach her peak, Jon pulled away from her throbbing, needy pussy. Standing up, he towered over her, placing his cock against her horny entrance as he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. Staring into her lust clouded eyes, Margaery still needy for her release wanted to open her mouth to speak again, but only let out a choked cry, when he decided to thrust his hips forward, burying half of his cock in her. He felt her warm, slippery walls open around his cock, trying to adapt to his girth.

Margaery threw her head back and arched her back, as her velvety walls massaged his cock, Jon leaned his head forward to kiss her on the lips, as he continued to thrust even deeper. Both drowning their moans in each other's mouths, until he finally bottomed out. Where he paused for a moment, to give her time to adjust to him. Margaery reached out her hands, clinging to his shoulder digging her nails into him, as she wrapped her feet around his waist, preventing him from pulling back.

"Keep going, don't stop" she pleaded to him.

With a grin, Jon began to push her quickly. Creating a loud, wet slapping sound each time he hit her dripping pussy, the queen's perky tits bounced wildly on his chest. A constant flow of moans escaped her mouth as her body was tossed back and forth by his savage thrusts.

Margaery's orgasm built quickly again, her pussy clenching around him viciously, her back arching impressively, as her body tensed. With a loud gasp, the queen finally reached her peak, Jon continued to pound her twitching cunt. As he rapidly approached his own orgasm. Margaery continued to shudder beneath him, as his hard, rapid thrusting prolonged her orgasm, causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head.

With a deep grunt, Jon buried himself deep in her tight cunt as his cock twitched inside her, shooting massive amounts of thick hot cum, directly into her womb. Jon dropped down on top of her, resting his face in her neck hollow, as he instinctively thrust his hips forward with each pulse.

They both gasped heavily, for a few minutes, recovering from their orgasm. Jon kissed gently, her neck and shoulder, as he stood up not wanting to crush her any longer than he needed to, pulling back his cock escaped from her, lowering his gaze, he watched as a small stream of cum escaped from her overflowing pussy.

"You let so much" he heard the queen murmur in fascination, as she lowered a hand down to her dripping pussy and scooped up a bit of his seed with her finger and bring it to her lips.

"Hmm, you taste delicious, my Lord," she told him with a seductive purr, which was enough to get his cock hard again.

Grabbing her around the waist, he easily flipped her over, placing her on her hands and knees. Moving behind her, he ran one hand over the smooth skin of her back until he reached her nape, using it to push her down, pressing her chest into the soft mattress and lifting her perky apple-shaped ass into the air. Using both hands, Jon cupped and massaged her soft cheeks, spreading them apart, exposing her pink, puffy pussy lips, which still dripped a little bit of his seed.

With one hand gripping her waist, and the other holding his cock, placing it against her entrance, teasingly brushing it, causing her to let out little whimpers.

"Jon, please... AHhhhhh."

The queen was viciously cut off during her pleas, as with one brutal thrust, he plunged into her stifling depths. Moving his hand from her waist, to again hold her by her nape, crushing her face against the mattress to suffocate her moans. As he pounded her quickly and brutally, making her cheeks ripple mesmerizingly, each time his thighs slapped against her ass, filling the room with an erotic clapping sound.

Margaery clung with a white-knuckled grip to the sheets, clawing at them as loud, choked moans escaped her lips, each time Jon hammered his throbbing cock, into her tight little pussy.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it? For me to take you like a wolf takes his bitch?" he asked mockingly, as he continued to pound her into him on the mattress.

When the queen just gasped lamely and didn't answer him. Jon grabbed a handful of her silky brown hair and pulled her head back roughly.

"Answer me" he demanded in a deep, husky voice, stopping his thrusts.

"Yessssss, please. Jon, don't stop, please. I need it, I need it so bad" she pleaded with him, as she pushed her ass back, tempting him to fuck her again.

Using his grip on her hair, he pulled her back. Resting her back against his chest, Margaery arched her back and threw her head back. Jon couldn't help but bury his face in her shoulder, biting the delicate skin, surely leaving a mark, as he continued to penetrate her incredible depths with increasingly furious thrusts, closer and closer to his climax.

Finally, with one last thrust of his hips, he buried himself deep inside her once again and came with a Wolfish grunt. Margaery feeling the warm sensation of his seed filling her again was enough to trigger her own orgasm again. Her body quivered, as she reached a sudden and startling orgasm. Jon released his grip on her, and they both collapsed forward, Jon holding onto his elbows not wanting to crush her again. Both panting and tired, covered in a thin layer of sweat. Jon withdrew his now spent cock from her, and pulled her to the head of the bed, settling her beside him, Margaery dropped her head to his chest, as well as her arm and one leg intertwining with his, both quickly falling into a pleasant sleep.


Jon extended his stay at Kings Landing, using the excuse that he was discussing ways to improve the Night's Watch with the King, though in reality, he spent his days, and more specifically nights, with the Queen. In reality, he spent all his nights with the Queen, he had not used the bed in his room since the first day he arrived in the city.

Nearing the third week of his stay, he found himself resting comfortably next to the queen after one of his sessions. They had become close, getting to know each other more deeply, of course with lots of sex, comes lots of pillow talk. She told him about her childhood in High Garden, and he told her about his time in Winterfell, and how despite being so different in status or family. Their fates were already sealed the moment they were born, as the daughter of a great lord she was bound to marry, to whomever her family would choose for her. And he, being a bastard, had only one place to go, the Wall.

And somehow, he had ended up here, in the bed of a Queen, with said Queen resting on his arms, making circles with her fingers on his chest and his seed still spilling from her femininity.

"Jon" he heard Margaery call out to him, causing him to turn his gaze to her.

"Hm?" he murmured in a questioning tone.

"There is something I have to tell you “She spoke softly, giving him a slight smile, she told him, "I am with child."

Even though that was their objective and the reason why she was sleeping with him, he couldn't help but be surprised, a feeling that was quickly replaced by one more of joy, instinctively moving his hand to her belly, foolishly hoping to feel something.

"You still won't be able to feel anything, Jon" she reminded him with an amused smile, placing her hand over his, "but it's definitely there, a little wolf is growing inside me."

Jon reached down and positioned himself to lovingly kiss the queen's still flat belly, making her laugh.

A son, a prince, a king. Forgive me for not being able to be by your side son. But I know you will be all right, you have the blood of Kings, the blood of the first men.

Kissing his son for the last time, he climbed back up to the queen, to be at eye level with her. Looking at her earnestly he asked.

"I know you cannot tell him about me, but I beg you. That you teach him about him north, our ways, our gods. Where he really comes from."

Margaery reached out her hand and placed it on his cheek, marvelling at the man in front of her, he was not asking for something selfish like gold or some worldly title, her only thought was of her son, how could she deny him anything.

"I promise" she assured him, taking his face and lowering it to hers. Sealing her promise with a kiss.

For the first and last time, Jon and Margaery made love. Their bodies embraced each other, slowly and lovingly. Without any purpose or reason behind it, but for the simple fact that they loved each other, and since they were unable to say it out loud, they let their bodies speak for them.


The next day, Jon left the capital, the queen's warm bed and his unborn child. Returning to Castle Black, and his duties as Lord Commander, feeling colder than ever before.


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