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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Daenerys had made a mistake, but she would not make it again. She would not betray Daario again, but her resolve wavered every time she saw Jon. So, the best she could do was to avoid him. But she hadn't expected her own body to betray her. Every night images of Jon devouring her pussy, like a hungry wolf, or ravaging her mouth with his thick cock, invaded her mind. She could still feel him pounding against the back of her throat.

Her slender little fingers were insufficient relief, her body demanding Jon's rough, masculine hands, his long, expert tongue. She shuddered and her pussy throbbed, at the mere thought of his thick cock, filling her, stretching her, ruining her for any other man. And with each passing day, it became harder to ignore her burning desire for Jon. No matter how often or aggressively she touched herself, she could never achieve satisfaction.

Frustrated, tired, and completely aroused, she plops down on her pillow and a thought runs through her mind.

Just once, if I had him just once, my desire for him would be gone. Everything would go back to normal, when I return to Kings Landing, I'd be a good girlfriend for Daario.

As she finished that thought, she heard someone knocking on her door. She put on her silk dressing gown, covering her naked body, and went to open the door. As if by fate, there was Jon. He says nothing, his gaze trapped on her body, she realizes her state. Her long hair falls over her, a thin layer of sweat covers her skin making it glisten, her hard nipples push against the thin fabric of her dressing gown, and most of her milky legs are on display for him.

When his eyes return to hers, his pupils are fully dilated with lust. And she gave up, she couldn't resist him any longer. She stepped back a little opening the door for him, Jon walked in, his gaze never leaving hers and as the door closed, she gave her boyfriend one last thought. 'I'm sorry Daario, it'll only be once, I promise...'


As soon as the door 'click' sounded, the two of them rushed towards each other, engaging in a fierce and hungry kiss, Jon dominating her mouth, using his tongue to subdue her, as he used his hands to untie the knot of her dressing gown.

Daenerys moaned into his mouth, as she felt his hands caress her skin, from her hips, up her breasts, giving her hard nipples a light squeeze. Until he reached her shoulders, where he removed the thin fabric, making her fall at her feet. Jon broke the kiss, leaving her breathless and her lips puffy. He rested his forehead on hers, as he lowered his gaze back down to hers, as he ran the back of his finger down her naked figure. As if he was making sure everything was to her liking. She felt incredibly vulnerable and aroused under his predatory gaze.

Until finally, he lets out a deep wolfish growl and lifts her easily off the floor, and she instinctively wraps her arms and legs around him. He carries her to his bed, and throws her there, making her squeal.

Jon begins to undress, and it was her turn to admire his body. He removes his shirt, lifting it over his shoulders and tossing it to the floor, revealing his chiselled abs and muscular torso, making her bite her lip hungrily.

Jon knelt before her, grabbing her waist, and pulling her to him. He began kissing her feet, moving down her well-shaped legs to her toned thighs.

She leaned back on her elbows, watching as Jon ran his hands down her thighs, until he reached her knees. Where he grabbed her and made her spread her legs wide, exposing her drooling pussy to his hungry gaze. Leaning down, over her sensitive womanhood, he blew a breath of cold air over her, making her shudder.

"Please, Jon. Don't bother me," she pleaded and whimpered, making it impossible for him to resist her.

He ran his tongue sinewy across her wet lips, from bottom to the top, teasing her clitoris with the tip of his tongue.

Daenerys gasped and moaned loudly, as she clutched the bed sheets tightly, plunging back into her, he sealed his lips around her hot pussy, as the tip of his tongue attacked her clit.

"Gods Jon" Daenerys gasped.

Her hands moved to his curls, clutching them tightly, as her legs closed tightly around his head. Jon looked up from between her legs, watching her writhe, gasp, and moan loudly, getting closer and closer to her orgasm. He moved his lips around her clit, and sucked on it as he slid his tongue across it. Daenerys let out a gasp and arched her back. Her legs flexed almost painfully around his head, as she desperately thrust her hips against his face.

Daenerys cried out in pleasure, as her body trembled and squirmed violently beneath him. Releasing large amounts of delightful nectar, soaking his face and the sheets beneath her.

Finally, Daenerys collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily. Her hands and legs lost their grip around him. Releasing him from her grip, he moved to lovingly kiss the inside of her thighs as he let her recover from her orgasm. When her breathing began to calm, he crawled on top of her. Kissing her stomach, until he reached her breasts. Leaning over them he took one hard nipple into his mouth, kissing and sucking the sensitive nub. Only releasing it when it was red and swollen, covered in his saliva, but not yet satisfied, he blew a stream of cold air, over the nipple, making Dany shudder a little and moan weakly. Now with a satisfied smile, he moved on to the other, giving him the same treatment.

When he finished playing with her nipples, he continued to climb the rest of the way up her body. As soon as he came into Dany's vision, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him slowly and deeply. Moaning as she tasted herself in his mouth. Jon shifted his hips, rubbing his cock against her hot, soaked pussy, bathing it in her juices.

Daenerys broke the kiss, looking down, watched his cock move over her pussy. Her vaginal lips opened to embrace his length, until the head of his cock pressed directly against her entrance.

Daenerys turned her gaze back to him, and held it there. Staring at each other. Jon thrust his hips forward, finally invading her depths. Daenerys gasped loudly, and threw her head back in pleasure, her nails digging into his back as she felt Jon stretch her insides with his thick shaft. His warm, slick walls clung tightly to him.

"Fuck Dany, you're so fucking tight," he said raspily into her ear, moving down to her neck, kissing and nipping at the delicate skin.

Daenerys arched her back, seeing stars in the back of his eyes, when she finally felt him bottom out. Jon let out a deep grunt, at the pleasurable sensation of her velvety walls massaging his cock. He held there for a while, giving her time to adjust to his presence.

But Daenerys surprised him, when she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even further into her, and saying in a lustful tone.

"Move, Jon. I can take it" she pleaded.

Smiling at her enthusiasm, he began to move his hips. Slowly at first, then increasing his pace as her moans grew louder and louder. He began to thrust quickly and hard inside her, creating a slapping sound each time their thighs collided. Daenerys let out long, continuous moans each time he slammed into her, bringing her closer and closer to a new orgasm.

"Oh, gods Jon. You're so deep," she gasped each time he slammed deep into her.

"You're going to cum all over my cock, aren't you little slut?"

"Yessssss, please. Jon deeper. I'm so close. Make me cum, make me cum, please. Make me fucking cum" she chanted loudly.

Grabbing her hips, he lifted her lower half off the mattress, holding her in his arms, making her legs hang uselessly in the air and sank back into her depths. Fucking her harder and faster. Her walls fluttered around his cock as he pounded her wildly.

"Oh Gods, Jon. I'M COMING!"

Jon let out a groan as her walls tightened around his shaft. Daenerys' body went rigid, her hips and legs trembling uncontrollably, her toes curling, as she let out another scream.

After that, her body went limp, with an expression of ecstasy. Jon leaned over her, propping himself up on his elbows, making her let out a pitiful moan as she felt his still stiff cock move inside her.

"You didn't finish?" she asked in a soft, disbelieving voice.

Amused by her cute expression, he couldn't help but leave several kisses on her angelic face, moving his mouth over her ear.

"Not an easy task, love. Especially with this tight, greedy pussy, clutching me like it never wants to let me go," he told her before giving her a final kiss on the lips.

He grabbed her legs again, but this time he threw them over his shoulder. He leaned over her, bending her in half and began to pound against her in a furious pace, seeking his own release. Daenerys moaned and mewled, burying her nails in his biceps trying to hold on to something. As her body swayed and her heaving breasts jiggled each time their bodies collided with a meaty slap.

Jon leaned in, capturing her lips in a hungry kiss, his tongue plunging into her mouth. Making her legs tremble against his strong shoulders. Pulling away from her lips he rested his forehead against hers. Watching her eyes cloud with pleasure and begin to murmur desperately in a language he did not know. Only moments later, Daenerys was cumming again, her body and voice trembling as she moaned in pleasure.

His vicious grip of her warm, tight walls, the sight of her overwhelmed with pleasure and muttering nonsense in a sexy, foreign language, was enough to push him to his own climax. With an animalistic grunt he buried his length as deep as he could in her as he cummed. Massive loads of hot cum burst out of the tip of his cock, painting her walls white and filling her to the brim.

They both gasped heavily, Jon dropped his legs from her shoulders, and let himself fall to the side, finally pulling his now flaccid cock out of her heat. Daenerys quickly followed, curling up next to him, resting her head on his chest and placing one leg over his, a small stream of cum leaking from her. A tired but satisfied smile appeared on his face, wrapping an arm around her before falling into a pleasant sleep.


When Daenerys awakens, feeling as if she is floating, lying against the best pillow in the world, she clings to it, never wanting to leave it. Out of nowhere she feels a rough, calloused hand run over the soft skin of her back, making her purr and arch against it. Making her wake up more from her reverie, feeling a pleasant ache between her legs, bringing back the memories of last night.

Jon kissing her, Jon taking her in different ways throughout the night, giving her the best orgasms of her life, until she slipped into unconsciousness. But she also remembers the promise she made. She should tell Jon to go away and ask him to pretend that this never happened, that it should never have happened. But she doesn't, she can't. How can she ask him to leave, when she fits so perfectly against him, as if she belongs here.

Jon snaps her out of those thoughts when he lowers his hand just enough to give her bottom a light squeeze and leave a tender kiss on top of her head before he says.

"Good morning, princess," his voice sounding huskier and more accented than normal.

Lifting her gaze to him and seeing his handsome face, caused a bright smile to form on her face.

"Good morning" she replied cheerfully, forgetting about the rest, and just focusing on Jon. And he made it easier, as he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her, slowly and lovingly, making her melt. His tongue intertwined with hers, as he felt his hand move back down her back and squeeze her curvaceous ass, pulling her even tighter against him. Her hands didn't stay still as they began to move down his ripped abs, until she held his semi-hard cock in her hand and began to rub it.

Jon let out a grunt against her mouth and pulled away from her lips, both moving their gazes to where her small hand rubbed his huge throbbing cock, the tip starting to spurt pre-cum, still amazed at how this had been inside her, and feeling a little bad as she compared it to her boyfriends who wasn't as gifted as Jon in size or thickness.

"Fuck Dany, that feels great love. But if you keep doing that, we're going to be late for breakfast" Jon said.

That gave her an idea, and she began to move on top of him, and leaving a trail of kisses over him, as she lowered her way down to his cock, laying down on his stomach, lifting her feet in the air and swinging them playfully, she began to stroke his cock with both hands, and placing it against his face.

"I think I want my breakfast in bed" she said with a smirk. Before lowering her lips onto his cock and enveloping him in her warm, wet mouth.

They were late for breakfast, but both with big smiles plastered on their faces.


The days that followed were some of the most joyful and relaxing of her life, at times when Jon was out doing work or busy. She spent them in the company of the Starks, playing with the hyperactive Rickon, or with Bran who showed her the library at Winterfell, or drinking tea and chatting with Catelyn. But most revealing and unexpected was when he was spending an afternoon with Ned and Catelyn, she asked them if they could show her some pictures of Jon as a boy.

Catelyn said it was a brilliant idea, excited to show her the family album. She took the opportunity to show him her other children, the first thing she showed him was a family photo they took a year ago, they were all present. Catelyn pointed a finger at a handsome young man, with red hair and bright blue eyes, looking with a charming smile at the camera, that was Robb, then followed a pretty tall redhead, looking sweetly at the camera, that was Sansa, and then followed a slim teenager with the same eyes as Jon, looking bored, that was Arya. Jon, Bran and Rickon were also present, and with them Mr. and Mrs. Stark standing in the middle of everyone.

Catelyn went on to show her several pictures of her sons in various stages of age, one showed a teenage Jon and Robb hugging each other by the shoulders both looking very handsome, although her eyes were more focused on Jon, another picture was of a very young Sansa and Arya as a child, sitting next to each other looking very cute in their dresses, Sansa smiling brightly looking like a princess and Arya looking very awkward. Another picture she found very cute was of a Jon as a boy, looking stern, but very cute with his long curls falling over his face, she wanted to hug and kiss him until his scowl was wiped away. And it only got worse when they got to the baby stage, where she screamed with tenderness at the sight of a baby Jon, all chubby and a little clump of curls on top of his head, she just wanted to hold him and shower him with kisses. An errant thought crossed her mind, about an adorable, beautiful baby that looked like Jon and a little bit like her. She shook her head, trying to shake off the beautiful but dangerous thoughts.

Catelyn kept showing her pictures, until she came to one where a beautiful woman, with lustrous black hair, who was carrying a newborn Jon.

"Who is she?" she asked curiously before Catelyn could turn the page.

A stony silence filled the room for several seconds, until Ned's deep, tired voice answered, "That's Jon's mother.

Daenerys was stunned and confused; Catelyn began to close the photo album looking a little guilty.

"I thought he was your son." She said her voice sounding weak and bewildered by the abrupt revelation.

"He is my son" Ned stated strongly, causing her to flinch a little. And looking regretful when he saw her reaction. He continued this time more calmly "He's my son, I carried him and raised him since he was practically a baby, but I'm not his biological father."

"His biological father was my older brother, Brandon. He was a man with addictions and problems, especially when it came to women. And when he got a woman pregnant, he ran away from his responsibilities. Fortunately, Lyanna found out about this and sought out Jon's mother and convinced her to come to us. She refused at first, not wanting her son to be related to the man who abandoned her, but we insisted, she was carrying our nephew, she was family and thankfully she accepted our help. We were there for her, when she had Jon." Ned paused, taking a long, slow breath, and rubbing his face with his hands as if gathering strength for the next part. "Unfortunately, fate didn't find it enough that Jon didn't have a father, only a few months after Jon's birth, a drunk ran a red light, taking his mother's life. It was a hard blow for everyone, especially Jon, he was just a baby, not even a year old, when his mother was taken from him."

Daenerys felt tears streaming down her face, and a lump forming in her throat at the tragic story. Catelyn patted her shoulder and handed her a handkerchief, which she took.

"You care for him very much, don't you?" Catelyn said. Daenerys nodded weakly, causing Catelyn to flash her a small smile.

"I know Jon's story seems tragic and sad, and it was at first. But we took it upon ourselves to give him a happy ending," she said, as she took Ned's hand.

Ned squeezed his wife's hand and continued, "We took care of Jon, and raised him as our own. Catelyn was a mother to him, as I was a father to him, he grew up surrounded by a family that loved him and when he turned fourteen, I told him the truth, it was a lot to take in, but he was always a very mature boy. He only asked me for one thing, when we adopted him, I made him take my name, he asked me to change it to his mother's name and I respected that. Especially when he told me that, 'even if he doesn't carry my name, I'll always be his father'.

"You are wonderful parents; Jon was very lucky to have you. You raised an exceptional man," she said with as much sincerity as she could muster.

Ned gave her a small smile at her words, and Catelyn stepped forward to embrace her, "Thank you for your words, my dear. You're a wonderful girl as well, Dany. Ever since you arrived you've been a ray of sunshine to this house, especially to Jon. I've never seen him smile so often at that boy; I don't know how you do it."

Daenerys tried to smile, but a blush quickly spread across her face. Having a clear idea of how she was making him 'happy'. Wanting to change the subject she asked something she was very curious about.

"You said Jon decided to use his mother's name didn't you, may I ask what it is?"

Catelyn was the one who answered her.

"Of course, dear his name is Snow. Jon Snow."


Her favourite days were when Jon was free, and he could spend the whole day with her. Especially when he took her horseback riding, even teaching her how to ride, which she turned out to be very good at, learning very quickly. And although it was fun and very stimulating to ride on her own, she thought she enjoyed it more when, riding alongside him, with his strong arms around her, she could lean against him and enjoy the ride.

He also kept showing her interesting places within Winterfell, though she did not enjoy very much the last place he took her. Which was the crypts of Winterfell, where the ancient Kings of Winterfell were buried. The place was so vast and mostly inaccessible to the deepest levels that it forced the Starks to build a new mausoleum for the most recent generations.

Daenerys spent the entire walk clinging to Jon as they passed ancient statues of the Kings of old, adorned with their bronze swords, others with giant direwolves. She could not pay much attention to Jon, as he told her the stories of the more familiar Kings, walking uncomfortably, swearing that she could feel the hard, cold stare of the ancient Kings on her, making her feel that she did not belong here.

Jon seemed to notice this, and covered her protectively with his arm, pressing her against him. She felt better and was able to enjoy the rest of the ride, listening to Jon talk about her ancestors.

Of course, every night ended with the two of them wrapped around each other, in his room or hers. With Jon fucking her as hard and as enthusiastically as if each time was his last, making her scream until she was hoarse. Mentally thanking Brandon Stark for making the walls of Winterfell so thick.

The days passed like a blur in front of her, the evenings spent with the large, warm company of the Starks, surrounded by the tranquillity of the North, waking up every day with Jon. It felt like a dream, but sooner or later she had to face reality. Her days in the North were about to end, Rhaegar and Lyanna would come for her, and she would have to return to Kings Landing, bustling, stressful Kings Landing, and her boyfriend Daario. It was funny how things had changed in such a short time, not so long ago that would have been a wish she longed for. Now the mere thought of leaving the North, of parting from Jon, made her feel a terrible ache in her chest.


Daenerys stood in front of the mirror, analysing her outfit. Jon had asked her out tonight, saying he wanted to take her somewhere so they could have some fun and a good time before she had to leave. With a last glance in the mirror and satisfied to see how her tight black dress, which accentuated her curvaceous figure and accompanied by some sexy black pantyhose, which she had bought to surprise Jon tonight, finished the look with some high heels and a small leather jacket over her shoulders, she left the room ready to meet Jon.

Jon was waiting for her outside, he was leaning against his car, which was an Audi R8, of course painted black. And just like his car Jon was also wearing all black, combat boots, tight jeans and a shirt and jacket over his shoulders. He had also tied his curls up in a knot. She bit her lips at how incredibly hot this man was. She was glad to see that she also had the same effect on him, watching as his eyes didn't leave her figure.

When she was close enough, Jon took her in his arms and pulled her towards him and trapped her in a deep kiss, warming her from the cold northern weather. Jon's hands moved down her back until they gripped her ass. Making her moan into his mouth, it wasn't long before she felt his growing erection rub against her.

"Fuck Dany, how about I just take you to my room, get you out of that cute little dress and fuck you till dawn" Jon told her, tantalizingly.

But two can play that game, moving her hand down his chest, crawling down his abs, until she reached his cock, she began to rub it over his trousers.

"But you promised to take me somewhere nice and have some fun" she said pouting prettily and blinking her eyelashes at him.

Holding back a growl, at his teasing she told him. "My room is quite nice, and I'm sure we could have a lot of fun."

"Mhm, is that what you want Jon? You want to take me back to your room to use that big hard cock of yours, to pound my tight hot pussy." Dany whispered lustfully in his ear, as she stroked his cock harder and faster.

"Fuck Dany" Just when he thought he was about to make her cum in his trousers, her petite hand left his cock, and the pleasurable sensation of her body pressed against his disappeared, confused and aroused. He opened his eyes and saw that Dany had slipped out of his grip and was standing by his car, opening the passenger door, an amused grin on her face.

"Then first you have to take me somewhere nice, and show me a good time," she told him before getting into the car.

Daenerys watched Jon take a deep breath, probably trying to calm his raging erection, and after a few seconds he began to walk to the car, open the door and climb into the driver's seat. He started the car, and put on his seatbelt, but before he started, he turned to her and said in a deep, dangerous voice.

"You know by the time I'm done with you; you're going to be walking funny for the next few days."

Making Daenerys wet her panties.


Jon parked near what appeared to be a popular nightclub, due to the long line of people waiting outside. Jon grabbed her by the waist and walked her straight to the entrance. The security guard was a gigantic red-haired man with a full beard and an intimidating appearance. But the moment he saw Jon, his scowl turned into a giant grin, and he greeted Jon with a tight bear hug, managing to lift him off the ground a bit and slapping him hard on the back.

"It's good to see you too, Tormund" Jon said sounding a bit choked up due to the tight hug.
Laughing loudly the huge red head finally pulled Jon down, and turned his gaze to her, "Ah, I see why I didn't see you around. You've always had a thing for blondes," he said, with an amused smile, "This one's even prettier than Val, I hope you haven't forgotten tips, Snow. Slick as a baby seal."

"I haven't needed your advice since I was ten and five Tormund" Jon said, making the red head laugh again and turning to her he said, "I know he seems, all confident and cocky now. But you should have seen him the first time he came to the wall. He was as green as the spring grasses, we made him believe that chastity oaths still existed and made him recite the whole oath" he said laughing loudly, slapping Jon on the back heavily, but finally he lifted the security cordon so they could pass.

"Interesting friend you have" she said still a bit surpassed by the previous interaction.

"Tormund, he can be too much for some people. But he's a very reliable individual, especially in the worst situations. I knew him from my time on him wall."

"Were you really going to take an oath of chastity?" She couldn't resist asking with an amused smile on her face.

"I thought it was only going to be for as long as I was there" he said defensively.

Making her laugh amusedly, they walked over to the bar and sat down. Jon ordered a beer and she had a Gimlet. Remembering the rest of what Tormund said, sipping her drink in almost one go, trying to muster up some courage to ask what she was nervous about, but as usual Jon seemed to be able to see through it and beat her to it.

"She's an ex" he said.

Turning to him a little confused and surprised she said "What?".

"Val, she's just an ex," he explained.

"And was she a blonde too?" she asked weakly.

Jon snorted in amusement at her question and replied "yes, a more golden blonde."

"So, I'm just one more blonde, on your long list of conquests. Would you tell the next one who sits next to you that I was a more platinum blonde" Daenerys spat, turning her gaze to the other side of the bar.

The smile quickly wiped off his face and he moved closer to her, placing his hand over hers, causing her to turn so she could look directly at him.

"You know that's not true, Dany," he told her firmly and sincerely, "You're not like the other women."

Daenerys kept her gaze fixed on his, until she turned forward and rubbed one of her hands against the side of her eyes. "We're supposed to be having fun," she said with a faint smile.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have joked about that" he was quick to say.

"No, no. I overreacted" She too apologized.

Jon stood up and walked over to her, holding her face in his hands and lowered his face towards her, and pecked her lips lovingly.

"What do you say, if we dance a little" he suggested.

That made Dany's smile spread brightly, "You plan on teaching me your moves, Jon Snow" she said amused.

"No, I'm a terrible dancer. But I'm sure you're not, so only one of us will look bad" he told her.

Daenerys, smiling, took him by the hand and led him to the dance floor.

They danced around each other, Jon trying to keep up with Daenerys' graceful, hypnotic movements as she sensually twirled and wiggled around him. Until he could not bear for her to be away from him, and taking her hand he pulled her close to him, pressing her back against his chest. Daenerys rested her head against his shoulder, giving him a sultry smile, as she began to buck and grind her ass against his crotch. Lifting his arms, wrapping them around her neck so she could lower his head to her and give him a heated kiss.

Jon moaned against her lips, wrapping his arm around her slender waist, his achy hard cock being friction and stimulated by her round, full ass cheeks.

"Fuck woman, stop teasing me or you're going to get me arrested for public indecency" Jon warned her pulling away from her lips.

"Then take me back home, Jon" she said with one last kiss, and leaning close to his ear, she whispered lewdly. "I need you to fuck me so fucking bad."

Jon stifled a deep moan and making a Herculean effort, not to spill in his pants.

This is the second time she has almost made me cum, just with her words and a little foreplay. This woman will be the death of me. He thought, But what a sweet death.

He grabbed her hand and practically ran her out of the club. Jon was sure he broke some record, as he led them back to Winterfell. Walking inside, unable to resist the urge to feel her, he pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her, they would walk a few feet and kiss again, bumping into something or knocking something over on their way to their room. Hoping that everyone was already asleep. When they finally reached her room, she tried to open it, but it wasn't easy with a Daenerys kissing and biting his neck while undoing the knot of his hair and letting his curls fall.

Finally, they entered the room. Jon spun her around and leaned her against the door, pulling her jacket off her shoulders and tossing it aside. With one hand he took both her hands and placed them on the door, and with the other he grabbed a fistful of her golden-platinum hair and pulled, making her let out a squeal and forcing her to bend her neck back so she could see him.

"You've been nothing but a tease, all night Dany. What should I do with you?" He said huskily, as he stood over her. "I should fuck that cheeky little mouth of yours, or I should spank that naughty arse, until it's red as a plum."

"Please be good to me, Sir. I bought something for you." She said, her voice dripping with seduction.

That peaked Jon's curiosity, moving his hand from her hair, down to her throat and applying a little pressure, forcing her to arch even more against him. He spoke.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

Still with his hand exerting pressure on her throat, she managed to flash him a cheeky smirk and grinding her ass against him, she told him.

"Why, you don't see for yourself. Sir."

"Don't move your hands from the door" He warned her with one last clench at her throat, before he began to descend on her.

Dany's dress was incredibly sexy, but unfortunately it didn't show much skin, so he didn't give him much to kiss on his way down, finally on his knees, his face in front of her ass. He stood admiring it for a moment, even through the dress it looked stunning, his hands rested on her calves, slowly moving up her toned legs, across her thick soft thighs, lifting the dress higher, until he finally reached her ass, his eyes widened at the sight in front of him, finally settling her dress over her ass, and only a few words could come out of his mouth.

" Bloody seven hells."

Jon always thought the stockings were hot, when he saw Dany in them, he knew later that night he was going to fuck Dany in them. But he had never seen a pair like this, it had a large slit in the crotch and in the back, showing him the entirety of her creamy round ass, with only straps attaching her thighs to the waist.

Daenerys looked over her shoulder at him, still leaning against the door and her hands on it she asked him.

"Do you like it?" she said amused, while wiggling her ass at him.


Dany let out a shriek as she felt Jon's hand come down hard against her butt.




The sound of Jon smacking her ass echoed throughout the room. Leaving a slight sting in her ass and marking the red handprint of his hand on Dany's milky skin. Jon soothed the sore skin, showering her with kisses and a playful bite.

"You're a temptation, woman," Jon said, his face buried between her buttocks, one of his hands moving to her crotch, finding her panties already dripping with arousal.
"Look at you, what kind of woman gets wet for a spanking" Jon told her as he used his other hand to rub the cloth over her pussy.


"Jon, please. Fuck me" she begged.


"Say it, and maybe I will," he said as he moved her panties to the side and slid the first digit into her.

"A slut."


"Your slut, who loves to be choked with your cock and get her ass whipped" She screamed.

Jon groaned behind her, stepping back a little, to grab her tiny panties and snap the thin fabric easily. With no obstacles in his way, he held her soft cheeks and pulled them apart. Burying his face in them again, running his tongue up and down her wet slit. Dany moaned and pushed into him, causing Jon to bury his tongue deep in her and lick her, his fingers furiously rubbing her clit.

Daenerys's orgasm was building rapidly, and when she felt Jon move his tongue out of her pussy, up and licking around her anus, he reached her peak. Her thighs trembled, as pleasure coursed through her body.

Bent in half, with Jon holding her by the waist, her hands were still on the door, but her head hung down, as she recovered her breath. She could see Jon move behind her, standing up, taking off his jacket and shirt, unbuckling his belt, dropping his trousers to his knees.

A few seconds later, she felt his rigid cock press against her entrance and bury itself in one thrust, forcing her tight walls to stretch around his huge cock. Daenerys let out a loud gasp, and her legs struggled to support herself.

"Jon, wait. I'm still sensitive" she tried to beg, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Jon placed one hand on her shoulders, forcing her to arch her back and the other holding her waist, he began to thrust into her increasing the pace rapidly. Creating a steady clapping sound each time his hips hit her bubble butt, making it ripple wildly each time he slammed against it.

Loud gasps and moans left her lips, growing in volume rapidly, the sexy sounds she let out and the sight of her still red ass, smacking against him. They drove him to fuck her harder and faster, chasing his own climax. Moving his hand from her waist and up to her hair, grabbing a handful of her silvery mane, he pulled her to him and pressed her against his chest. Lowering his lips to hers in a messy, hungry kiss, squeezing one of her full, firm breasts in his hand, he thrust desperately into her until he felt the walls of her pussy clench wildly around his shaft. Her body went rigid, and she stifled a loud moan into her mouth, able to feel her fluids soaking his cock and balls.

Jon followed her, with one last thrust into her tight pussy and he cummed, streams of hot cum, splashing against her walls and filling her fertile womb. Daenerys let out a final moan of satisfaction against her mouth as she felt his virile seed, flooding her walls.

Jon held her during her orgasm, with one hand on the door and the other around her, until they both came down from their climax. After a while Daenerys turned to face him, making his cock slip out of her, letting a stream of cum flow out of her, down her thighs.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lowered his head so that she could place several long, slow, passionate kisses on his lips.

"Let me clean you" she said, as she knelt in front of him. Taking his half-hard cock and holding it from the base, she gave the head a quick, teasing lick, before taking it into her mouth.

Daenerys moaned, as she tasted his cock bathed in her own fluids, mixed with traces of his cum. She began to move her head back and forth in quick, short movements. She felt his cock grow inside her mouth, and Jon put a hand over her head, but without forcing her to go deeper, she ensured to suck and slurp deeply on his cock, making her hollow her cheeks and creating lewd suction sounds.

She began to pull back, when his cock grew big enough to hit the back of her throat. But not before giving it one last hard suck, and releasing it with a loud, wet 'pop'. Now his cock was rising above her face, full mast, and completely clean.

Satisfied with her work, she looked up at Jon and with a smirk on her face. She began to kiss the base of his cock, all the way down to his balls. Holding them in one hand, she sucked and kissed his balls, even taking one into her mouth. While using her other hand to stroke his cock.

"Gods, Dany" Jon moaned, his fingers tightening in her hair.

" Such heavy balls you have honey, so full of cum for me. I must make sure I drain every last drop" she said lasciviously.

Finally, Daenerys dropped his balls. Now glistening, covered in her saliva. And she stood back up, one hand still on his cock, rubbing it slowly and thoroughly, as she whispered to him.

"Let me ride you honey; I want to ride my stud."

How can he refuse, they both helped each undress. Making sure she kept her stockings on, they kissed one more time, before Dany used his cock as a leash and led him to the bed, where Jon lay on his back and settled on the pillows.

Daenerys climbed onto the bed after him, with a smile crawling towards him on her hands and knees. Until she was on top of him, his big hard cock settled pleasantly between her ass cheeks. She leaned her head down to kiss him deeply. Jon's hands moved over her, running down her figure, from her waist to cupping a handful of her round ass, using it to lift her up and position her directly over his cock.

The fat head of his cock stretching her tight lips. Daenerys kissing him fiercely as inch by inch of his length sank into her tight heat. Both stifling their moans into each other's mouths as Daenerys was able to take his entire cock inside her. Parting her lips, she rested her hands on his chest and began to move her hips slowly and sensually. Letting cute moans escape her lips, her walls hugging and massaging his cock beautifully.

"It's so big, Jon. I'm so full of your cock" She moaned.

She began to bounce on top of him, rising enough to pull half of his cock out of her before falling back down, her eyes closing and her tongue escaping her half-open mouth as she gasped, each time her depths swallowing his length.

Making her tits bounce wildly from her frantic movements. Jon grabbed her ass again, and pulled her forward, making her fall on top of him and just keeping the head of his cock still in her. In the new position her breasts were over his face, and he only had to lean forward a little so he could take the stiff nipple in his mouth. Planting his feet on the bed, he lifted his hips and thrust into her again, setting a brutally fast pace, pushing his cock deep inside her with fast, deep thrusts. Creating a rhythmic, wet clapping sound, each time he slammed against her ass.

"Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. Please don't stop, keep fucking me, fuck me like you own me!" Daenerys screamed loudly, tilting her head back.

Seconds later her body went rigid, and her arousal-soaked Jon's cock, as her body trembled, and she fell on top of him. Jon groaned and fought against his own climax as his walls clenched around him, desperately trying to drain him.

Daenerys lay on top of him, Jon began to caress her back and ass, waiting for her climax to ease. With his cock still painfully hard, eager to reach his release. Lifting his hands to her neck and holding her to turn her head towards his, he kissed her deeply, his tongue plunging into her mouth, making her moan weakly into his mouth.

Daenerys pulled away from his lips as she felt his erection brush against her thighs.

"Why are you still hard, my love?" she asked, with a cute pout. "Don't you want to fill your little slut with your seed?"

"You know I do, love," he said.

"Good, because I want to feel it inside" She answered him, giving him one last kiss and starting to move.

Getting off him, she moved to his side, laying down on her stomach. Gathering her legs together and passively presenting her ass for him, as she lifted both feet and crossed them at the ankles, very femininely. Taking only one pillow to lay her head on, and turning it towards him, looking up at him with sparkling eyes.

"Come love, use me until you cum" she said alluringly.

Moving towards her, he began kissing her shoulders and moving her silky hair to one side so he could attack her pale neck. Planting his arms on the side of her head, he climbed on top of her. Daenerys tilted her head back so she could look into his eyes, Jon leaned his forehead against hers and stared down at her, burying his throbbing erection in her with a single thrust, causing Daenerys to let out a high-pitched cry.

Jon slammed his hips into her at an exhausting pace, each thrust making her ass ripple hypnotically. Creating wet slaps that echoed through the room, mingling with Daenerys' screams growing louder and louder, until she buried her face in the pillow and bit into it, clinging to it as she stifled her loud cries of ecstasy.

Jon thrust faster and faster into her, with short, shallow thrusts, making her round, red still ass jiggle more wildly, as he leaned almost all of his weight into her. Daenerys began to mutter incoherent gibberish in Valyrian, a haze of lust blanketing her mind, emptying them of any rational thought save for the sensation of her lover's thick girth, thrusting so deep inside her, reaching to hit the entrance to her womb.

"Uhhh, Jon. No one has ever fucked me like this" she moaned dumbly, her eyes turning white at the incredible pleasure she felt.

Jon stopped, leaning down and resting his weight on top of her, still burying balls deep in her. Moving his face, he moved to her neck, and bit down hard, leaving a mark. As his pelvis continued to grind into her ass, still grinding his cock deeply inside her.

"It's yours, it's yours, it's only yours, Jon" she declared loudly.

Jon let out a pleased grunt, and moved again, holding his weight only on his fists and the tips of his toes, he withdrew his cock until only the head remained in her, and drove his huge cock back into her.

Slamming into her with reckless abandon, causing Daenerys to bury her face in the pillow again, until with a loud, muffled cry, she cummed. Her hips trembled uncontrollably, as her walls throbbed and strained around his shaft.

He kept pounding her through her orgasm, and with only a few more thrusts, he reached his peak. Dropping down on top of her, crushing her with his weight, he buried his cock as deep as he could into her sensitive pussy. Grunting against her ear, as his cock throbbed while emptying streams of hot cum deep inside her.

Daenerys moaned in pleasure, as she felt his seed flood into her. Her walls massaging him, trying to squeeze every drop from his cock. As his climax came to an end, Jon rolled off her, his flaccid length sliding out of her. Putting an arm around her waist he pulled her to him, resting her back against his hair, his cock resting between her cheeks. Both exhausted and still gasping, trying to catch their breath.

They stood there for a while, Jon hugged and held her trembling body, which was still suffering from the after-effects of the multiple orgasms he had given her. Leaving a few kisses on the top of her head. As the minutes ticked by their breaths began to level out, she was ready to go to sleep, but she felt Jon pull away from her.

"Where are you going?" she whimpered.

Pulling her close, and kissing her shoulder softly he said.

"We need to take a shower, princess. We can't go to bed like this" he whispered in her ear.

"I can't move" she whined. Then demanded, " Carry me."

Jon snorted in amusement and holding her by her shoulders and the back of her knees, he lifted her up and carried her towards the shower.

The water felt excellent, washing away her sweat and fluids and relaxing the tired muscles in her body. Jon had to keep one arm around her at all times, to keep her from dropping like a sack of potatoes. Her legs felt like jelly, a small smile appeared on her face, as she remembered his promise. She was sure she would walk funny for a couple of days.

Jon seemed to notice her smile and moved his hand over her face, making little circles with his thumb.

"What's funny, love?" he asked.

Daenerys put her hand over his and rested her face against it, and kissing his palm lovingly, replied.

"Nothing, Jon Snow. I'm just happy," she said with a bright smile.

Jon stared at her radiant smile, how beautiful she looked. How perfect she was, the way she made him feel, how his days were better by just seeing her smile. And he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I love you Dany."

Daenerys stiffened, her eyes widened and stared at him at the sudden confession, her mouth opened and closed several times, but no words left her lips.

"I'm sorry, I just, I had to say it, I couldn't let you go without you knowing. I wanted you to know."

" That's not fair, Jon. You can't say that to me a day before I have to leave" she said in a weak voice, feeling herself begin to tear up. "Rhaegar and Lyanna, they will arrive tomorrow, and I will have to leave with them."

"Do you want to leave?" he asked her.

"My brother will never let me stay," she said.

"Do you want to stay? I asked her.

"I have a boyfriend," she answered evasively.

"I know that you shouted it to me the first day we met, I'm asking you what you want, Dany" he asked.

She was silent.

"What do you want?" he insisted.

"It doesn't matter what I want" she spat.  "I can't do this, I can't."

She leaned over him and began to cry weakly.

Jon held her and hugged her, closing the shower. He carried her back inside and laid her on the bed and covering her with the blanket, he gave her one last kiss on her forehead.

"I think you can do it, Dany. You just have to say it," he finished saying that and walked away, leaving her alone.


Daenerys after a long time of waking up to a warm and solid presence beside her. She found herself waking alone in a cold bed. She did not move to get up, staring at the ceiling, reviewing the events of the previous night. As one of the best nights of her life, it had ended with her sleeping alone. Jon had confessed to her that he loved her, and she had responded by telling him that she couldn't stay with him.

'She just had to say it'. Her last words echoed in her mind. But would it be true? If she told Rhaegar how she felt, would he let her stay in the North? With Jon?

Did she love him, or was it just passion and lust? You know the answer to that, she answered herself. She was happy as she had never been before, she felt secure and at ease whenever she was with Jon and the passion she felt for the man. What she felt for Daario couldn't even compare.

She regretted greatly that she had not accepted Lyanna's invitation to visit the north long ago.

She was lost in thought, until the alarm on her mobile phone went off, snapping her out of her thoughts. Reaching down to pick it up from her nightstand, she saw it was a message from Daario.

Happy to see you again, love. I'll be waiting for you, and don't worry I'll be sure to make up for our lost time ;)

Daenerys sighed wearily, as she read his message. What she once felt for Daario had evaporated as if it had never existed, but at least he deserved the truth, she thought. And with a sudden impatience to get it over with, she decided there was no better time than for him to be present, even if it was through a text message.

When she was halfway through the message, she heard a knock on her door, followed by Catelyn's voice, speaking to her through the door.

"Daenerys, are you all right, dear? You haven't left your room all day. she asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Stark, I'm sorry I wasn't feeling very well, but I'm better now," she replied.

"Oh, that's good, dear. Lunch is ready, feel free to join us."

"Okay, thank you. I'll be right there" she said.

Daenerys changed and went to join the Starks, everyone was present except for Jon, which didn't help her situation at all, she wanted to be able to talk to him alone before Rhaegar and Lyanna arrived. She decided to discreetly ask Rickon about his whereabouts, but since he didn't know his whereabouts, he thought the best way to help her was to ask them all out loud where Jon was.

With an amused smile, Ned replied. "He'll be here soon."

And he was right, a few minutes later. Jon entered the dining hall, but he was not alone, Rhaegar and Lyanna followed right behind him. Everyone stood to greet them, the only one who remained in place was Daenerys, not expecting her brother to arrive so soon.

Rhaegar was the first to approach her, "Dany" he greeted her with a brotherly hug.

"Rhae, I wasn't expecting you so soon," she said awkwardly, still in shock.

Her brother laughed and giving her a kiss on the cheek said.

"It's good to see you too, sweet sister."


Rhaegar and Lyanna stayed behind to talk to Catelyn and Ned, while she was sent away so she could pack her things. It was all so sudden, she couldn't even talk to Jon. It wasn't fair, was her last thought as she finished packing her bags.

When she returned to the living room, she found Rhaegar and Lyanna, saying goodbye to everyone. Rhae told her to say her goodbyes as well, she hugged and said goodbye to all the Starks, she was really going to miss them all. Until finally she reached Jon, and like he did the first time they met, he held out his hand to her.

"Goodbye, Dany."

"Goodbye, Jon." she said, trying to hide the quiver in her voice.

Breaking away, Daenerys turned and walked away. Fighting back tears all the way out, she felt Lyanna approaching her.

"So it's 'Dany' now. I see you and my nephew became close," she said amusedly.

Daenerys could only nod, not trusting herself to speak.

Rhaegar loaded his luggage into the car, and closing the boot. He climbed into the driver's seat, Lyanna sitting beside him. But Daenerys did not get in, frozen in place next to the door of the back seat. Lyanna noticed this and opened her door.

"Daenerys, is everything all right?" she asked. But Daenerys did not answer. A little more worried Lyanna got out of the car and approached her, asking. "Daenerys, what wrong?"

"I want to stay" she whispered faintly. Lyanna not being able to hear her properly.

"I'm sorry dear, I can't hear you" she said. Rhaegar also getting out of the car and approaching them, "What's going on" he asked.

"I want to stay here" his voice rising in pitch, gaining strength. "I want to stay, with Jon. Because I love him."

Rhaegar and Lyanna were shocked and stunned by her words, but Daenerys didn't even seem to care.

"I love Jon!" she exclaimed happily, before running off. She heard Rhaegar shouting after her, but she couldn't care less, she needed to see Jon and tell him she loves him.


Jon was chopping wood, wanting to distract his mind with anything but Daenerys. Not wanting to think about her bright smile, her intoxicating taste, the feeling of being inside her. Fuck now he was thinking about her. He tossed the axe aside, and threw his head back with a defeated sigh, he was fucked. Daenerys Targaryen had ruined him.


Yep, he was definitely losing it now, he could still clearly hear her voice screaming his name.


Wait, that wasn't his imagination, he realised. Turning and looking to his sides, he saw Daenerys running towards him, until she collided with him almost knocking him over.

"Dany?" he asked awkwardly, excited to have her in his arms again.

"I love you too Jon, I love you. I want to be with you" she declared, happy and excited.

Jon lifted her in his arms, and Daenerys closed her arms and legs around him. They both gazed lovingly at each other, as they slowly drew their lips towards each other, finally joining in a profound kiss. Only parting when they heard someone clear their throat.

They both turned and saw that they had a small audience, all the Starks along with Rhaegar and Lyanna. Standing a few feet away from them, looking at them some with amused smiles and others with looks of surprise. But Daenerys only noticed her brother's expressionless face.

Dany climbed down from Jon, and they began to walk inside, but Jon kept his hand in hers, which she appreciated. As soon as they entered the living room, Jon was swarmed by his family especially a hyperactive Rickon who jumped up and down as he asked if Dany was now his girlfriend, while Rhaegar approached her asking to speak to her alone, nodding. She gave Jon a smile and squeezed his hand and followed her brother. While Jon stayed to speak with his family.

Lyanna of course, joined her and Rhaegar, running up to her and hugging her excitedly.

"Oh, gods Dany, why didn't you tell me. I always had a feeling you two were perfect for each other," she told him, with a smile.

Daenerys smiled back, glad that Lyanna was happy for her.

"I must assume, then, that he is the reason you want to stay," her brother's deep voice filled the room.

Turning to him, Daenerys looked at him firmly as she nodded.

"We love each other, and I want to be with him," she said.

"And what about your weird boyfriend," he asked her.

"I'll tell him the truth and be done with him."

Rhaegar ran his hand through his hair, and leaned back against a wall. Lyanna moved closer to him and placing her hand on his chest, and causing Rhaegar to lower his gaze to hers, they seemed to have a conversation with each other, with just their eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Rhaegar turned his gaze back to her and looking into her eyes asked.

"Is this really what you want?" his voice sounding caring.

"I have never been happier. This place, these people, him. I don't want to leave any of them," she replied.

Rhaegar walked over to her, and hugged her, breaking away to press a kiss to her forehead and tell her.

"I'm really going to miss you, little sister," he said, as he leaned down to give her another hug.

Happy to the point of tears, she hugged him back.

"Thank you, Rhaegar, thank you. I'm going to miss you too," she said, as she felt herself jumping with happiness. Lyanna came up to her, and they also shared a hug.

The three of them walked back into the living room, where the entire Stark family was still in attendance. She ran straight to Jon, with a smile on her face, and told him he could stay. Fortunately, the Starks seemed glad for their stay.

Rhaegar and Lyanna, for the second time, took their leave, though this time they lingered longer on Jon. This time his brother looked him full in the eyes and more sternly, and again asked him to take care of Daenerys. And Lyanna warned him not to do anything stupid, and to be sure to always make her happy.

As they both left, Jon took her hand again and led her inside. Stopping when it was just the two of them, he picked her up and carried her in his arms, princess style. She let out an amused squeal and clung to his neck.

"So, where are you planning to take me?" she asked amusedly.

"Well, I just promised I'd take care of you and make you very happy, didn't I, princess?" he said.

"Hmm, yes, you did," she purred in his ear.

"And you should know, by now. That I'm a man of my word" I proclaimed confidently.

"Then you'd better get to work. Jon Snow." Amid laughter and a few shared kisses, Jon carried her up to his room, where he had no trouble making her very, very happy.


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