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As to mention when I finish this fic, I was thinking of adding more chapters involving more characters, later I will do a poll so you can decide which one it will be.

All characters involved are over 18 years old. 


Daenerys was being dragged north by her brother, normally when he went on a journey with his wife, she stayed with Viserys. But Viserys had run away to some place in Essos and as Dany now had a fiancé. Rhaegar didn't want his little sister to be left alone with her boyfriend. It also didn't help that Rhaegar didn't like Daario at all. But Daenerys was sure it was only because her brother couldn't see past his peculiar appearance, with dyed blue hair and a false golden tooth. But they didn't know him like she did; Daario was charming and thoughtful, always treating her like a queen.

During their journey Lyanna tried to cheer her up, saying that maybe she could have fun in the north, she didn't respond, just crossing her arms and looking angry.

She tried again saying, "You won't be alone Dany. Rhaegar and I, we thought of someone perfect to keep you company and give you the 'Northern Experience'." She finished with a big smile, which made her roll her eyes and focus on her phone, only to get even more depressed, when she saw that she still had no signal.

She reread the messages she had with Daario, putting a small smile on her face, until she got to the last message he sent her, where he dramatically begged her not to forget him, along with several pleading emojis. Her smile turned sad, remembering that the first time she read it, she replied telling him that she could never forget him, but unfortunately, she lost the signal, and the message could not be sent.

It took them a few more hours to finally arrive at Winterfell, she had spent the whole journey looking at her phone, until the battery died, and all she cared about now was finding a place to charge it. But first she had to meet Lyanna's family. They entered the huge old Stark property, inside a small group of people were already waiting for them, a tall man with classic Stark features, and a red-haired woman, along with two small children who resembled the woman. Lyanna was the first to approach, greeting and embracing the man and woman, and giving affectionate kisses and hugs to the children, Rhaegar was next, greeting the man formally, and greeting the woman with a gentle kiss, and the children more casually.

When Rhaegar finished greeting everyone, Lyanna beckoned her closer. Lyanna stood behind her with her arms around his shoulders. She introduced them, the man was her brother Eddard Stark, he looked very much like Lyanna, but unlike Lyanna's wild and unrestrained attitude, he seemed very calm and collected.

"Lyanna told us so much about you, we're glad you've finally come to visit us," he said, his voice firm but very kind.

She didn't have the heart to say that she had been brought against her will, so she just smiled and nodded as she shook his hand. Next to greet was the red-haired woman, who was his wife Catelyn, and the children were his sons, Bran and Rickon. When the introductions were over, Lyanna look all around, as if looking for someone, unsuccessfully she turned to her brother.

"Where's Jon?" she asked him.

At that moment the doors opened letting someone in, everyone turned to the man who entered the room.

"Aunt Lya!" the man greeted loudly, with a smile on his face.

Lyanna ran to meet the man and they greeted each other with a tight embrace. When they parted, they murmured a few words to each other and returned to them. The man also greeted Rhaegar in a friendly way, with a firm handshake and a hug. She felt Lyanna take her arm and drag her towards the man.

"Jon, this is my good sister, Daenerys. Dany, this is my nephew Jon, he will make sure your time in Winterfell is as pleasant as possible," Lyanna declared, with a bright smile.

Daenerys could not help but glance at the man in front of her, he was tall, even taller than Rhaegar, with wide shoulders and strong arms that pushed against the fabric of his shirt. He possessed the classic Stark features, curly black hair that reached his shoulders, stormy grey eyes and a handsome face with a neatly trimmed beard that accentuated his sharp jaw.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought her out of her daze. Looking at Lyanna she noticed that she had an amused smile on her face, making her blush, having been caught, gawking at her nephew. She reached out her hand and greeted Jon, her strong, rough hand easily wrapped around his, and she tried to hide the sudden shock of electricity that coursed through her body as their hands touched.

"Nice to meet you, Dany." He told her, his voice was deep and marked with a strong northern accent. Bringing his hand up to her lips, he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles, without taking his eyes off her.

"Ni- Nice to meet you… Jon," the words came out of her awkwardly and she was sure she was red as a tomato. Trying to compose herself, she removed her hand from Jon's and tried to focus on anything other than the man in front of her. At that moment Rhaegar approached them.

"We trust you to take good care of my sister, Jon." He said putting his arm over his shoulder and looking up at him with a smile of confidence.

Jon returned the smile, and his gaze fell upon her, before returning to Rhaegar and Lyanna.

"She's in good hands, you two have fun in White Harbor" he replied, waving goodbye to both.

Daenerys was outraged at the ease with which Rhaegar seemed to trust Jon, she never gave that kind of trust to Daario. Jon approached her, when the others left and it was just the two of them, and it seemed he was about to say something, but she interrupted him, annoyed by her brother's behavior.

"Take me to my room, I need to charge my mobile phone," she said in an annoyed manner.

Jon raised his eyebrows at her sudden and unexpected request.

"Are you one of those southern girls, who can't live without their phone?" He asked looking disappointed.

His words infuriated her, "How rude, I can live perfectly well without my phone, but now I need it so I can talk to my boyfriend." She emphasized the word, for some reason wanting him to know she had a boyfriend.

but he didn't seem to care at all, he just looked at her with an indifferent face, until he held out his hand and asked for her phone. She gave it to him.

"I'm going to ask Bran for his charger, and I'll leave it in your room," he said. "Now, you can stand by your phone and wait for it to charge for a few hours, or you can come with me. That way you can see and appreciate something real nature instead of looking at a screen."

She was sorely tempted to turn him down, but he was right that it would be a while before she could use her phone, and she was a bit curious to see more of the North. From the car window she could see the vast and beautiful landscapes, very different from the artificial and urbanized King's Landing, and it had nothing to do with her spending time with him.

She tried to look nonchalant but ended up accepting his invitation.

" Good, why don't you wait for me outside? I'll be there in five minutes," he said.

At least he didn't keep her waiting, but as soon as he caught up with her, he told her to follow him.

"Where are we going?" She asked after a few minutes.

"I'm going to show you the North."

"Rhaegar always told me not to get into strangers' cars," she pointed out with a smile.

"Who said anything about a car" he replied.

Dany stopped in her tracks and immediately regretted agreeing to come with him.

"So, what you're going to make me walk all over the North on foot?" she snaps angrily.

This time he didn't even turn to look at her, nor did he stop walking, when he replied.

"Don't worry princess, I'm not going to make you walk, gods forbid" His voice sounding sarcastic and a little annoyed.

She decided not to insist and to trust him. It did not take them long to reach their destination, which turned out to be the stables. A boy who seemed to be ready for their arrival greeted them there. He held a beautiful black steed, the boy handed the reins to Jon, she took the moment to approach the horse, watching and caressing the beautiful animal.

"Have you ever ridden a horse before?" Jon asked approaching her.

She shook her head.

"Then you're coming with me," he said, and before she could process his words, his strong hands wrapped around her waist and lifted her with extreme ease onto the horse. Jon quickly and expertly climbed up behind her, gripping the reins tightly, and ordered the horse forward.

Jon led them around Winterfell, and they entered the Wolfswood, Daenerys lay against Jon's muscular chest as she enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the North, it was so peaceful, almost magical, a place trapped in time. It was a pleasant change from the noisy, polluted, busy city that was King's Landing.

She was disappointed when she realized they were returning to Winterfell. Jon was the first to descend, she looked at him expectantly, wishing he would lower her into his arms. Fortunately, he did not disappoint her, he held her in his arms as he helped her down, she stumbled a little on the way down. Falling on top of him, her face buried in his torso, her hands clutched his biceps, and she could still feel his strong hands around her slender waist.

She slowly stepped back, creating a little distance between them, but not quite pulling away. Looking up at him, she said, "Thank you... and for the ride, it's a beautiful place.

"Yes, it's a beautiful sight" he says, his gaze riveted on her. She feels his hands grip her tighter. And she forces herself to pull away from him. She says a hasty goodbye and runs off.

She enters her room, they had already left her luggage there and her phone charging on the bedside table, she grabs it and verifies that it is already fully charged. She should call Daario; tell him she misses him and hopes to see him soon.

But how could she talk to her boyfriend when another man was occupying her thoughts, she put down the phone and headed for the shower in the hope that some cold water would clear her mind.


Not having slept well the night before and ignoring Daario's messages. She was late for breakfast, with the Starks already on their way out, although Rickon and Bran decided to stay and accompany her, which she thought was a nice gesture, they asked her many questions, which she gladly answered. Especially Rickon, who was the most outgoing, reminded her a lot of Lyanna, unlike her brother Bran, who seemed a bit more reserved.

Rickon also told him more about his family, his brother Robb who was now living with his girlfriend in the Riverlands, his sister Sansa who had gone on vacation to Highgarden, and his other sister Arya, who was in Braavos.

By the time he finished talking, she had finished her breakfast. Not having seen Jon anywhere, curious to hear from him, she asked them.

"Where's Jon, hasn't he woken up yet?"

"Jon always wakes up earlier than everyone else" It was Bran who answered. "He's probably outside doing some work."

She nodded and got up, leaving the plate in the dishwasher, thanking both children for their company, and left. She should go back to her room, return Daario's calls, or respond to his messages, but she did none of those things. Instead, she went out to find Jon.

It didn't take him long to find it, he was in the yard standing between two piles, one much larger than the other. He took a thick piece of log, from the smaller pile, and placed it in the middle of one base, raising the axe above his head and bringing it down with extreme speed and force, he split the log in one blow, with both halves falling sideways, the axe embedded by the force of the blow, holding itself up. Jon moved to pick up both halves and added them to the larger pile.

It was at that moment that he noticed her presence, she shifted nervously on her feet, not knowing what to say or why she had really come looking for him, so she said the first thing that popped into her head.

"I thought it was your duty to make my stay more pleasant." She asked him with excessive confidence.

Jon raised an eyebrow and an amused grin formed on his face. Mentally berating herself for her poor choice of words and cursing him for the way he seemed to affect her.

"That sounds like an important duty, and I'll be happy to do it. But right now, I have important things to do so you must wait, princess," he said, finishing with a mocking bow and went on with his task, picking up a log again and splitting it in half.

She had the chance to leave again, but she didn't, she folded her arms and stood watching him work. Her eyes couldn't stop roaming over his body, how his strong arms squeezed against the fabric of his shirt every time he swung the axe, how small beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, and when he lifted his shirt to wipe away the sweat, revealing a six-pack of toned, chiseled abs. She was so engrossed in admiring his physique that she didn't notice him watching her with a wide grin on his face.

"Want to give it a try?" his voice snapped her out of her stupor.

"Wh-what" she replied awkwardly.

"I mean, I saw you staring, I thought you might want to try it," he says, amused by the situation, "Oh, why else would you be staring so intently at me?"

"Yeah, I wanted to give it a try. It looks fun" she says, not quite sure of her words, but she'd rather do the work, than admitting she was ogling him.

He drops a piece of log onto the base and hands her the axe, she holds the tool awkwardly. Jon steps back and looks at her, crossing his arms over his chest. Daenerys glances at him before turning her attention to the piece of wood in front of her. She tries to mimic Jon's movements, raising the axe above her head and swinging it hard. But failing to get the same results, she drives the axe into the log, but without cutting deeply. When she tries to withdraw the axe, she notices that it is stuck in the trunk, so she lifts both, tries to shake and strike the trunk down, but is unsuccessful, until she feels Jon's hand on her and simply tilts the axe forward, allowing her to easily withdraw it.

"Thank you..." she murmurs softly. But he doesn't pull back, for a moment thinking he would take the axe from her, but he doesn't. He places his hands on her wrists, changing the position of his hands. One at the base of the handle and the other closer to the head of the axe, then he positions his body behind hers.

"It's not just lifting the axe and dropping it hard," he says over her ear. "You need to have the right stance and hold the axe properly."

As she listens to him talk, he repositions her whole body. Moving her legs, one in front and the other behind, placing one hand on her waist, he makes her arch a little, making her ass push against his crotch and causing her to bite her lips, stifling a moan. With his other hand, he helps her lift the axe above her head, this time holding it more firmly.

"Drop it," he says hoarsely in her ear, and she obeys, dropping the axe hard against the trunk. It doesn't split it in half, but this time it chops much deeper.

Bent in half and trying to free the axe from the trunk. Her round ass pushes even harder against Jon, making him let out a deep grunt, his hand gripping her tightly around her waist, probably leaving a bruise. But Daenerys doesn't care, holding her position for longer than she should, even wiggling her bottom against him a little, until she finally straightens up again.

"Good girl, now you understand," he growls gutturally in her ear, as he holds her against his chest. But he unexpectedly pulls away from her, leaving her without his presence and warmth, vulnerable to the northern cold.

She looks at him angrily, and he just smiles back, returns to her task, and focuses her anger and frustration on the piece of wood in front of her. She holds the axe firmly and brings it down in fury. It only taking her three more swings, to finally split the log in two.

A smirk formed on her face as she watched both halves fall, and she turned to Jon and saw that he was looking at her with a proud smile on his face. She tried not to think about how excited she felt when he looked at her like that.

"Well done, I think you deserve a reward for your hard work" he said not being able to help but annoy her a little.

She rolled her eyes but was excited at the thought of a reward.

"So, where are you taking me?" she asked, unable to contain her excitement.

He seemed to contemplate it for a moment before a smile formed on his face.

"I know the perfect place to relax after a day's work," he said, as he took a long glance at her body, as if he couldn't wait to see what was underneath.

She followed Jon, back to Winterfell, where he led her down several passages, until they came to a door that seemed hidden. Jon opened it and they descended the stairs, until they came to a large, well-lit room.

But what struck her most was the huge pond of steaming water sitting in the middle of the room.

"What is this place" she asked Jon, staring fascinated at the room, which looked more like a cave.

"There's a reason Brandon Stark decided to build Winterfell in exactly this place," he said, using his hands to emphasize the pool. "Hot springs. Hundreds of them, they're underground, their heat rising through the walls of Winterfell, keeping the castle warm, even in the harshest winters. This is one of the few we have access to."

As soon as he finished explaining to her the nature of the waters, he began to undress in front of her, removing his shirt over his head, showing off his athletic and muscular physique to her.

"What are you doing?" she asked shocked, blocking her eyes with her hand, but still able to see perfectly well through her fingers.

"I'm going for a dip, the temperature of the water is always perfect for relaxing the body," he explained casually, finishing removing his boots and trousers, leaving him in just his boxers. She was unable to take her eyes off him, her heart stopped when she saw him take the elastic of his boxers and pull them down, leaving him in all his naked glory.

Daenerys' jaw dropped and her mouth watered at the sight of his impressive manhood. Moving towards the pool, she caught a glimpse of his back, which was just as impressive, especially his perfect, shapely ass. Jon jumped into the water and dipped into it for a few moments, until he stood upright and looked at her expectantly.

Droplets of water ran down his muscular body, with one hand he brushed aside some loose strands of hair that fell over his face, making him look like sin itself, and as such he invited her to join him.

"Come Targaryen, if you come to Winterfell. You must try their hot springs," he said, splashing some water at her.

She knew it was a bad idea, a terrible idea. She has a boyfriend, and women who have boyfriends, shouldn't be skinny dipping with another equally naked man. Especially one as attractive and handsome as Jon. Though that they also shouldn't be rubbing his ass against his crotch or wanting to feel his rough, strong hands on her. A treacherous part of her brain reminded her.

Jon noticed her clear internal struggle, debating between the idea of getting naked and joining him, or staying faithful to her boyfriend. But he was sure that with each passing second, she was convincing herself more and more, that there was nothing wrong with bathing naked with him. But he decided to make it easier for her.

"You don't have to strip, princess." He said with an amused smile. "You can keep your panties on."

Her thoughtful face changed to a more confident one, as she listened to his words. Without a word she began to undress, starting by removing the brown jumper, which covered her top, followed by the long-sleeved T-shirt, revealing a blue bra that covered her firm, perky breasts.

Then he followed with his wool boots and a little more slowly began to work on her jeans. She unbuttoned them and began to slowly pull them down, each time revealing a little more of her milky thighs, until they were completely removed. Leaving her with only tiny matching panties.

Jon couldn't help but gaze at her incredible figure, from her toned legs, slender waist, flat belly, and perky tits.

Daenerys felt a little embarrassed by the intensity of his gaze, and instinctively tried to cover herself, placing her hands on her breasts.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed Dany, you are beautiful". He said, his voice leaving no place for doubt, "I even think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen".

Making her face turn a pretty shade of pink, and barely hearing her murmur a soft "thank you".

"Come on in, before you freeze."

She listened to him and finally got into the water. She was much smaller than Jon and the water reached up to her breasts, the temperature of the water was perfect, although she wouldn't have minded if it was a little hotter.

She saw Jon begin to approach her, with a wolfish grin on his face.

"You know something funny Targaryen, me and my brother Robb. We made up a sort of tradition we did every time we took one of our little brothers to bathe in the hot springs, for the first time." He said slowly approaching her and still with a smile on his face.

Daenerys instinctively recoiled as she saw the amused and dangerous look on his face.

"Looks like you two had a good time," her voice came out with a nervous tone, "And out of curiosity, what exactly were you doing'."

"Aye, it was fun," he said as he seemed to remember funny moments, "We put them over our shoulders and jumped into the water.

"Oh, sounds like a fun family tradition," she said sounding a little more relieved.

"It's good that you feel that way, because you don't know how happy I am that you're family, Dany," he declared, standing in front of her.

Daenerys tensed and her eyes wide.

"You wouldn't dare." She said, as she tried to pull away from him.

"You really think so?"

She tried to run away, and Jon started chasing her, like a wolf chasing a cute rabbit. It didn't take him long to catch up with her. Letting out a squeal as he catched up to her, she tried to fight him off, but Jon easily overpowered her, picking her up and placing her over his shoulder.

"Jon! Put me down, now!" she screamed at him, as she kicked and struggled, trying to free herself. Jon's only response was to give her a hard spanking.

"Relax princess, you said it yourself, it's going to be fun," he said as he pulled them out of the water.

"Ready?" he asked, as he stepped back a little, to get some momentum.

"Wait, Jon, don't do it," she tried to say desperately.

"Too late, here we go" he announced amused. She screamed and clung to him, as he ran and plunged them into the water.


After several seconds, both emerged from the water, Daenerys breathing heavily and Jon laughing loudly.

"You! brutish, savage Northerner man, you haven't the slightest idea how to treat a lady" she barked at him, hitting his muscular chest. Jon grabbed her hands and held then.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I'm just a brutish Northerner who doesn't know how to treat Southern ladies," he said, as he brought his face close to hers. "Then why are you still here, princess. You can push me and walk away. But I don't think that's what you really want.”

Daenerys blushed deeply and wanted to deny his words, her mouth twitched. But no words left her lips.

Jon brought his face even closer to hers, his forehead resting on hers. His lips so dangerously close to hers, Daenerys did not pull away. But as he was about to kiss her, Jon avoided her lips, moving his mouth to her ear.

"But don't worry Dany. If you want to be treated like a queen, I will worship you like one," he whispered gravely and lustfully against her ear.

Jon let go of her hands and lowered them to place them under her ass and lift her into his arms, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. And this time it was she who lowered her lips, down to his, they kissed heatedly, their tongues dancing around each other. Daenerys clung to him tightly, clutching a handful of his perfect curls, not wanting him to pull away from her.

They only parted when they both felt the compelling need to breathe, but Jon didn't pull away from her, moving to worship and kiss her delicate porcelain neck, trailing kisses up to her collarbone and down to the top of her breasts, moving one of his hands over the silky fabric and down, exposing her milky breast, and her pink nipple, already fully hard.

Jon bent his head down to her breast, leaving several kisses around her nipple, before finally taking it into his mouth and sucking it hard. Daenerys let out soft moans, as she ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to her breast. With a final kiss to the milky flesh, he moved to the left breast, giving it the same treatment.

Daenerys writhed and moaned. Pushing her breasts into his mouth and letting out a moan when Jon stopped worshipping her. Jon

began to move up, leaving a trail of kisses over her body, until he reached her mouth and kissed her hungrily.

As he kissed her, Daenerys again felt his hand move over her, down her belly. Stopping just above her pelvis, moving his thumb over the damp fabric of her panties, teasing her.

Dany bit her lips, throwing her head back in pleasure. The slightest touch from Jon sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her body, she couldn't take any more.


"Please what? Dany" Jon said with a smile.

"Please make me cum, please, I need it .... I need you" cried Dany in a needy tone.

What man could resist that, holding her firmly, he carried her to the edge of the pond. Laying her down on the warm, raised rocky surface.

Daenerys pulled back and propped herself up on her elbows. Jon began trailing soft kisses down her toned belly, until he reached her panties. Grasping the waistband of her panties, he slid the thin blue fabric down her smooth legs, tossing them. Delighting in the intoxicating aroma of her arousal. He kissed the interior of her milky thighs as his hands roamed the exterior. She spread her legs eagerly, until he reached her moist, tender womanhood.

Pulling her legs up over his shoulders, he leaned down and began kissing her pussy, while her hands hooked into his hair. Extending his tongue, Jon ran it over her vaginal lips, licking her from the bottom and working his way up, stopping just before he reached her clit. Daenerys tightened her grip on his hair, pulling him slightly forward where she needed him most. But he wouldn't let her move and went back down to the bottom of her lips, deeper this time, and licked her all over again, stopping just before he reached her clit. But this time he gave her what she wanted, kissing, and worshipping it, her needy pearl. Dany let out a loud moan and lifted her hips, trying to prolong the contact.

"Jon" Dany whined.

He planned to tease her some more, but hearing her sexy, needy moan made his cock painfully hard, so he decided to speed things up. Sticking out his tongue, he licked it again from the top of her lips and slid it all the way down to the bottom. She moaned again and wrapped her legs around his head. Opening his mouth, he circled her mound with his lips and flicked her clit with his tongue.

Daenerys moaned and arched her back. He closed his mouth over her pussy again and with his tongue lashed her clit with rapid movements.

"Fuck! Jon," Daenerys cried.

Her hips jerked against his face, her legs tightened around his head and her hands clutched at his hair. Jon could feel her juices spilling down his chin as his breathing became rapid and agitated. With one last lick, she climaxed.

"Oh, GODS! JON!"

With her hands gripping his hair, pulling his face against her pussy and her legs closed around his head, Dany cummed hard. Jon stopped lashing her clit so hard and began to gently slide his tongue around her pussy as her body began to calm down. A few moments later, her body relaxed, and her hands and legs loosened. He gave her sensitive pussy one last kiss, which made her shudder, stepped out from between her legs and out of the water.

With a proud smile, he licked his lips, savoring the sweet nectar she sprayed over his face and beard. Daenerys, coming out of her bliss, looked up and her eyes widened. Jon stood over her, fully erect. His huge, thick cock loomed over her.

Daenerys rose to her knees. With her face just inches from his cock, it looked even bigger. She reached out and wrapped her hand around his cock. Jon let out a slight grunt as he felt her soft hand wrapped around his cock, Daenerys looked up at him and smiled at his reaction, adding her other hand began to stroke him.

His hands ran up and down the shaft. Her small fingers could barely wrap around his girth. Jon enjoyed the enthusiastic handjob but seeing her pink lips so close to the head of his cock, he could not wait any longer to see them stretched around his cock. He put a hand on her head and forced her to look up at him.

"Suck my cock," he said, in a deep, wolfish voice.

Daenerys licked her lips and slowly leaned forward, licking the tip with her tongue, before pulling back. She leaned forward again, this time placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. Jon tightened his grip on her silver hair, pulling her forward.

Daenerys looked up at him and opened her mouth allowing him to slide a couple inches of his cock into her warm mouth. Jon moaned at the pleasurable sensation of her lips closing around him and using her tongue to lick the base.

Daenerys began to move her head back and forth on his cock, each time faster and deeper, taking more of him. Until it hit the back of her throat. Making her gag and pull out quickly, coughing and panting heavily.

"Fuck, Dany. You suck me so good." He leaned in, kissing her messily.

"I'm going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, and you're going to take it like a good little whore, alright?" he told her. Daenerys nodded eagerly, her excitement clouding her mind.

Grabbing two handfuls of her silver hair, he placed his throbbing cock against her swollen lips. And pushed his cock all the way down her throat.

Daenerys let out a loud gag, as a little more than half of his cock lodged inside her mouth and throat.

He let out a deep grunt as he worked her up and down his cock. She looked up at him, the sight of her with her lips stretched around his girth and her beautiful purple eyes, watching him was almost enough to make him cum. When Jon pulled out and she was able to take a deep, much needed breath, her hands rested on his muscular legs, when she recovered, he brought her full lips back up to his cock.

He gagged her repeatedly with his cock, gradually increasing the rhythm. Saliva dripped down her chin and her eyes watered. Jon enjoyed watching her choke on his cock and feeling her throat shudder around him each time he bottomed out and held her there for several seconds.

Only releasing her when she patted his thighs, letting her pull back so she could recover. She coughed and breathed shakily, but each time she recovered faster, returning to her position, looking up at him anxiously, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue for him.

Jon laughed at her enthusiasm, making her blush. Running his fingers lovingly through her silky hair, he moved them down to the nape of her neck and brought her mouth close to his cock. She opened her mouth and received him eagerly.


The sound of his cock hitting the back of her throat was incredibly stimulating. Closer and closer to his limit, he increased the pace, fucking her mouth roughly. With short, sharp movements he reached his climax.

"Fuck!" he said with a long, drawn-out moan.

He came hard, pushing against the back of her throat. Dany tried to swallow as much as she could, but still a trail of cum escaped her mouth and spilled out onto the floor. Moaning as his orgasm ended, he released her, and she was able to slowly withdraw from his cock, but not before giving him one last suck on her sensitive head, making him gasp. And drawing an amused laugh from her, Jon smiled back and helped her to her feet. She shuddered slightly and bent down to rub her knees.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, it only hurts a little" she replied. He approached her and gave her a little kiss before saying "Sorry, I promise to put something soft next time."

She smiled at him, but he could see her smile transform into a small grimace of sadness, with the cloud of lust fading he deduced that certain details had returned to her mind, like she had just cheated on her boyfriend, but not wanting to let her dive into those thoughts.

"I think we need another bath" he spoke in a light tone, but she did not even seem to hear him.

"I think we should go," she said quietly, and he just nodded. Knowing that it was for the best and they both began to dress.

They walked back in an increasingly heavy silence.

"Dany..." he tried to say, but she interrupted him, "I need to go" she said and walked off with a quickening pace.

Daenerys ran to her room and locked herself in, stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the cold-water wash over her.

She did not know how long she stayed in the shower, it could have been minutes, but it seemed like hours, just long enough for the water to cool her body.

Daenerys could not fall asleep, staring at the ceiling of her room and reflecting on her actions, she had done something horrible, something she never thought she would be capable of, she had cheated on the man who loved her. And worst of all, the guilt she felt for doing it did not last any longer than her shower did. She felt she could go to Jon's room and finish what they did, without feeling the slightest remorse. She covered her mouth with her hand, stifling a pitiful moan.

"I'm sorry Daario. I am a terrible girlfriend" She murmured to herself through tears.


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