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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon was lying on his bed, waiting for his female guest who should be arriving any minute. He had already set up the video cameras in their places, making sure they were all on full battery and placed in the correct locations, so they could capture the best angles. He had tested the microphones making sure they worked, and recorded every moan and erotic sound that would come from his date's lips. Rose, the woman he chose to be the first 'follower' with whom he would make a collab video.

When he published the announcement that he would choose a fan to invite her to his apartment and make a video with her, he received an endless stream of e-mails from women wanting to be the chosen one. But it was Ros who undoubtedly stood out from the rest, after seeing dozens of videos of women who were pretty enough, but not interesting enough. Especially when he had done collabs with similarly or even more beautiful women before, he needed something different something that stood out and he found it in a redhead who began to speak with a slight northern accent through his laptop.

"Hi Jon" she said, with a flirtatious smile and pronouncing her words more than necessary, "I'm Ros, I'm 22 years old and... I think you're very hot and handsome, and I think you should pick me, I'm very pretty and fun, and there's nothing I wouldn't let you do to me."

Ros finished her statement with a wink and folding her arms under her breasts, causing her large bust to rise and stand out even more.

"Don't you think I'm pretty?" she asked looking at camera, while blinking her long eyelashes, after that she stood up, so Jon had a better view of her outfit. She wore a tight pink mini dress that clung to her curvaceous body like a second skin, Ros gave a sensual twirl allowing him to see her body from all angles, her legs were long with thick thighs, wide hips, and large breasts. But what stood out most was her round ass, which her little dress could barely reach to cover, and even more so when Ros leaned forward bending her knees and resting her hands on them, she began to shake and wiggle her ass towards the camera, causing her dress to slowly lift up each time revealing more and more of her fat ass, which was only covered by a thin black thong.

She continued to wiggle until her dress, had almost gone up to her waist, revealing the fullness of her milky buttocks rippling at her erotic dance, after a few more seconds, Ros finally stopped and straightened up, straightening her dress, and sitting back down.

"I want to do that on your cock, honey" she told him seductively, "I want to do so many fun stuffs with you. Pick me, baby and I assure you, you won't regret it."

Before the video was over, Jon had already made his decision, he had found his perfect slutty bimbo, and he was sure that the video that would come out would be a hit.


Jon recalls that it was that very day, that he informed Ros that she was the one he had chosen as the winner. Somehow, he could feel her excitement through the text messages they exchanged, they talked some more and agreed on a date for their meeting, and a few days later here he was, waiting for his stunning redhead to arrive.

Grabbing his cell phone and checking the time, he saw that it was still early, so with nothing better to do, he started checking his OF profile. He still found it amazing how fast he had grown on this platform, and how popular he had become, with 363 thousand subscribers he was ranked 17th in Westeros, only 4 positions behind Val, the same woman who introduced him to this world.


She was a friend he had met in the north, and they even had a relationship for a short period of time, until they parted on good terms, when she told him she was moving to Kings Landing. A year later Jon, in search of a better job, he also moved to the capital of Westeros, and they met again. Although they did not resume their relationship, they were still good friends, and as they were both single, Val suggested that they should continue 'seeing each other'. Jon agreed without much thought, Val was a beautiful woman, with her golden hair, pale grey eyes, a face with shapely features and topped it off with a curvaceous hourglass figure.

They saw each other and fucked on a regular basis, sometimes in her place, sometimes in his. Once, when he was staying at her place, as he came out of the bathroom, he found her on the bed, still very naked taking pictures of herself. Amused he walked over and sat down next to her, running a hand down her soft, milky thighs, until he reached her full ass and gave it a squeeze.

"Those are for me?" he asked her with a smile.

Val dropped her phone and turned her head towards him, amused she walked over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, to give him an affectionate kiss before pulling away and answering him.

"No, those are for my followers. I just posted them, with a message that said that 'I just had an amazing night with my lover', I'm sure they're jealous of you."

Jon furrowed his eyebrows and asked her.

"Followers, what followers?" he asked confused.

"From my 'only followers' site, didn't I tell you I work from that?" she told him, tilting her head as if trying to remember something.

"You told me you were doing modelling" he told her, reminding her of her words.

"And I am a model. I take pictures of myself; I look pretty in them, and I get paid for it" she explained with a proud smile.

"Agh, that's true, I guess. It's just that I never heard of it, how did you say, Only Fans? He asked.

" Only followers, though. Only Fans, sounds better" she said amused, and proceeded to show him her cell phone to show him what the website looked like, "I just had to create a profile and connect it to my Westergram, from there my followers can access it and subscribe if they want to. My subscribers of course get the spiciest content".

Val logged into her OF profile, and it showed her the pictures she had posted. The first one that popped up was the one that she had just taken a couple of minutes ago. Most of them were mostly similar, Val in small lingerie sets, posing erotically towards the camera, others were simpler, like a simple selfie in front of her bathroom mirror completely naked, although she was covering her breasts and her femininity with a towel, but leaving her bared ass exposed and displaying it towards the camera.

"So, this is your job?" he asked her, to which she nodded with a smile.

Curious about all this, he couldn't help but ask. "And how much do you make, doing this?"

Val's smile only seemed to grow and scrolling through her phone, until she found what she was looking for and when she found it, she turned the screen of her phone to him, showing him what she was earning.

Jon was sure his eyes widened, and his eyebrows rose past his forehead, as he saw the ridiculous amount of money, she was earning for taking pictures with her phone.

"This is what you make monthly?" he asked incredulously, his voice coming out shriller than he had ever heard it before.

Val laughed in amusement, seeing his reaction, and nodded.

"'Bloody hell" he exclaimed in surprise, then asked, "How many people do you have subscribed, a million?"

Val scrolled his cell phone screen again and replied, "279 thousand subscribers, but that's nothing. You should see how many subscribers the women in the top ten have or what they earn."

"And what rank are you at?" he asked.

Val tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows, as if trying to remember something. "If I remember correctly, I'm ranked twenty-first" which she then confirmed by looking at her phone.

"That's impressive Val" he told her truthfully, before remembering something, "Is this why you didn't want us to be a couple anymore"?

"Would you be okay, with me doing this?" she asked him, as she gave him a piercing look.

Jon only had to think about it for a few seconds, knowing that he wouldn't like it at all if his girlfriend uploaded pictures in various states of nudity to the internet, for the enjoyment of a bunch of pervs.

"There's your answer" Val told him, as if she could read his thoughts. To then wrap her arms around him and kiss his shoulder, as she sat down next to him. "We're good like this, I can post all the sexy pictures I want, and you can still fuck me silly as many times as you want. It's a win-win."

Jon couldn't argue with that, first of all Val was his friend, and sex with her was great. He had no right to tell her what to do with her life, or what to work on, it was her decision. Turning his head towards her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss, which quickly grew heated.

"Wait, wait," Val told him, pushing him off his chest separating them from the kiss. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you, for a long time."

"What is it?" Jon asked her.

"Make a collab video with me" she told him, an excited smile on her face.

"A collab video?" he asked her again, not understanding what she was referring to.

"You would be my guest, and we would make video having sex. So, I can post it on my OF" she explained, an excited smile stamped on her face.

"No" he replied sharply and got up to start getting dressed.

Val quickly stood up and began to chase after him, "Please please please, Jon you are perfect for this. You are handsome, you have a great physique, and you are fantastic in bed. I'm sure they will love you and our video will be a hit."

"Val, you are free to do whatever you want. But leave me out of it" he told her, as he finished putting on his pants.

"You told me you hated your job" she reminded him.

Stopping his actions and turning his head, so he could look at her, he asked her.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You saw how much I make doing this, and I'm sure you'd be perfect for it. Especially if we do explicit content together, you can even fuck other girls I don't care" She spoke in a soft and enticing voice, moving closer to him to grab his face with her hands and look him in the eyes "Imagine being able to quit and tell your boss to fuck off, and even make more money than him. And all you'd have to do is film yourself while you fuck the most beautiful women in Westeros."

Jon ended up accepting.


Jon remembered perfectly his first time in front of a camera, he couldn't help but be a little nervous, as if it was his first time with a woman. Standing only in his boxers as he finished setting up the camcorder, for Val. Who was sitting on his bed, wearing a sexy blue lingerie, with garters and stockings.

When everything was ready, she gave Val a thumbs up and pressed the button to start recording. Val cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Hi guys" her voice coming out with a silky, seductive tone. "I'm happy you can join me, in my first video collab. I have chosen a very special guest for this special occasion, let me introduce you to my good friend. Meet Jon Snow."

Taking a deep breath, Jon walked forward, and joined Val. Who quickly rose excitedly to greet him, hugging him and resting a hand on his abs, while lifting one leg femininely, and smiling at the camera.

"Isn't it wonderful, Jon just like me is from the North and I have known him for a long time, but I finally convinced him to make a video with me, so you guys can see all the things I let him do to me" she said to the camera, as she put a hand around his neck to pull him down into a hungry, heated kiss, Jon lowered a hand to her delicious ass and gave it a good squeeze, as Val's other hand, began to slowly descend on him, until it reached the tent that was forming in his boxers.

"Hmm, looks like someone is excited to start" she purred seductively, breaking away from the kiss.

Flashing a flirtatious smile at the camera, Val knelt in front of him, and grabbing the waistband of his boxers with both hands and pulled them down, freeing his hard cock, which shot out hitting her on the chin. Causing Val to let out an amused squeal, as she grabbed his cock and began rubbing it using both hands, while keeping her eyes on him.

" Such a big cock" she said excitedly, as she bit her lip "You're going to show everyone, how you fuck me dumb, with this huge cock."

Jon let out a deep grunt as Val leaned forward and eagerly devoured his cock, being as loud and slurpy as possible, while massaging his balls with her hands. Releasing him from her mouth, she turned back to the camera and looking at it, she swallowed his cock again this time sideways. Making it push against her cheek, as she used her tongue to rub the base of his cock, until releasing it from her warm mouth again with a wet pop.

Forgetting about the camera and tiring of her teasing, Jon held her by her golden mane and brought her back to his cock, making her gag as it hit the back of her throat. He held her there for several seconds, until she felt Val tap his thigh. Letting her pull back and allowing her to take deep, needy breaths, before pulling her back to his cock.

He fucked and used her throat, until he finally cum in her mouth. Jon pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside her mouth, cupping her cheeks, she sucked him wanting to get every last drop. When he finally finished shooting his load, Val let go his cock and looking at the camera, she opened her mouth showing the big load of cum he left behind, then swallowed noisily and opened her mouth again, now showing her mouth completely clean. Jon helped her to her feet, and they moved toward the bed.

It was a good night, Jon recalls. He made her cum three times, finally ending with Val back on her knees as he cum all over her pretty face, while Val stuck out her tongue out and lifted her tits up at him.

It was a good take, Jon thought amused.

After she posted the video, they made together on her OF, it turned out Val was right. Not only the video was a hit but also, many people, especially the female audience was very interested to know more about him and see him again. They recorded a couple more videos, until finally Jon decided to create his own OF account.

Val gave him a lot of valuable advice on how the platform worked and of course she was also the first woman with whom he made his first video collab. It also turned out that she was serious when she told him that he could sleep with other women, even she was the one who introduced him to them, women who also had their own OF. His good looks and physique, along with his multiple collaborations with different beautiful women, made his popularity grow like wildfire, he was able to quit his job and five months later here he was, in the Penthouse of one of the most luxurious buildings in Westeros, resting on his comfortable and spacious king size bed, waiting for his beautiful redhead.

Who had not yet arrived...

With nothing else to do, he decided to continue wasting time on his cell phone, looking at the OF leaderboard in Westeros to see if anything had changed, not at all surprised when he saw that everything was still the same.

The leaderboard was still led by the same woman, who had been leading it since she made her appearance a year ago, the woman who broke the record for getting the million subscribers in a single day, Daenerys 'The Queen' Targaryen. The most beautiful woman in Westeros, as many called her, and they certainly had reason to do so. Her beauty could only be described as ethereal, magical, and perfect. Her hair was a platinum blonde, bright purple eyes, and porcelain skin. Her body had the perfect proportions, smooth and toned legs, a round and perky ass, a slim waist and her breasts seemed to be the perfect size to fit his hands. Just by her looks and personality alone she managed to amass such a large legion of followers that she never felt the need to do any kind of explicit or nude content, her most spicy pictures consisted of her wearing some kind of sexy lingerie or very revealing dresses. Jon would sacrifice someone else's left arm, for the opportunity to have those milky and smooth thighs around his head and have the chance to worship this goddess the way she deserved, just imagining the moans Daenerys Targaryen could make, made his cock throb.

Following close behind, in the number two position, was none other than another Targaryen, Rhaenys 'The Princess' Targaryen. Although related to Daenerys, they looked almost nothing alike, except for the eyes, which Rhaenys' appeared to be a darker violet, but where Daenerys possessed the classic features of the ancient Valyrians. Rhaenys had taken on more of her Martell heritage, her skin seemed to have taken on a permanent tan, her hair was a chestnut that fell to her hips, and even her figure was very different from Daenerys', where she was slim and slender. Rhaenys was tall and possessed a more curvaceous figure, with wide hips and large breasts. She was also more revealing with the content she posted, although she had not made any explicit videos, she had done nudity. Although not full, always covering her femininity, but letting her turgid breasts show, her areolas were a darker shade than her skin, and her nipples were a dark cinnamon colour. Jon had masturbated a couple of times to those pictures alone, imagining having those big breasts wrap around him massaging his cock, while Rhaenys worshipped the head, with those succulent pink lips.

Fuck, he was getting hard, and just by looking at a couple of pictures. There was definitely a reason why these women were in the top positions. Jon thought.

Following in the top three was another exuberant woman, Arianne Martell or 'The Mistress of Dorne' as many called her. As her nickname indicated she was a woman from Dorne, who possessed the classic features of her country, dark skin, brown eyes, and lustrous black hair. Arianne was short and slender, with a curvaceous body and a large bosom, her breasts were round and adorned with dark nipples. She was a woman who had no problem exhibiting herself fully to her followers and was the only one in the top 5 who made explicit content. She had a variety of videos, where she was often joined by amazing and equally beautiful women, where they kissed and adored each other, it was a highly erotic collection of videos and her most popular. She had also made videos together with men, but Jon easily saw that they could not handle or keep up with a woman like Arianne, where you could clearly see that it was, she who was dominating and practically using them as simple dildos. Jon wondered if he could one day do a collaboration with this woman, if only he had the chance, he could show her the pleasures of being with a proper man.

Putting those thoughts aside, he moved on to the woman in the number four position, the very gorgeous Ashara Dayne. Unlike the others in the top five, Ashara was a mature woman, but that wasn't a disadvantage at all, on the contrary, it only highlighted how beautiful she was despite her age. A tall woman with immaculate skin, long black hair that fell over her beautiful face and her vibrant purple eyes. Not to mention her figure, with killer curves, long svelte legs, wide hips, prominent butt, and huge breasts that always seemed to defy gravity. Only with her shapely figure and mature looks, she managed to stay in the top 5, even though she was the most reserved of them all. Most of her photos consisted of her posing in tight jeans along with the occasional low-cut top, or summer dresses, which would look completely normal if it weren't for her stunning figure, her most revealing pictures consisted of her when visiting the beach, wearing a sexy bikini. Jon was sure that this woman was every teenage boy's fantasy, or at least he was sure she would be his.

Curiously, the woman who followed her could not be more different from the mature and voluminous Ashara Dayne. Myrcella Baratheon ranked number five, in the Westeros leaderboard, she was the youngest among them all and the one who had most recently joined the platform, as she was already well known for her Westergram account, when she created her OF account, it grew rapidly. And Jon had no doubt why, although she was not as voluptuous as the other women, she overcompensated with her aristocratic beauty, one that closely resembled that of Daenerys. Her hair was a golden blonde, with emerald, green eyes and a beautiful angelic face. Her body was slim and athletic, with toned legs, a slender waist, perky ass, and small, firm breasts.

Jon wanted to keep watching, but just then his apartment doorbell rang, indicating that his female guest had finally arrived. Putting the phone aside he stood up to greet her. Walking to the door he opened it, revealing an excited, smiling redhead.

"You're late," he told her, glancing at her from the doorway.

Ros sensually strutted towards him, as she let herself in. Giving him a peck on the lips and rubbing his crotch as she walked past him, saying.

"I'm sorry, handsome. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Jon watched her walk in as if it was her house as she wiggled her wide hips exaggeratedly. With a predatory smile, he closed the door and followed her inside.


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