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Producer Chris and I listened to the craziest chapter yet. It's called "My Wild Sex Life," get the barf bag ready. This is so poorly written, uninteresting, and unfunny that it's great! Man, I missed this book.

We also address John calling the cops on me and trying once again to have our Patreon taken down. The harassment from this guy is really ramping up.

There's also a whole segment with Jerry Banfield teaching us how to make millions of dollars on the internet. I wish I understood it but it has something to do with videos and the planet Earth. 




Thanks a lot, Karl!!!


Thinking the same...


The hyperlink text is uncolored for some reason


Karl is trying to make downloading this as hard as possible so Stuttering John can't figure out how to download it

Principled Uncertainty

I've been online this entire century, yet I have no idea how to download this file. You have my eternal gratitude if you can explain how.


I had to click the link described below and then click the back button and suddenly a link to download it appeared below. Weird.


Talk about a life and career that is totally tee’d up for you whether it be Howard or Jay’s connections and then THIS is where he ultimately landed.


For anyone who hates the "I have a problem and need it fixed. Edit- nevermind, I fixed it" posts that have been scourging the internet since 1995, click the post title and the download link will be available below the title. It's the same name, just uncolored.


"Hey I have a problem and want it fixed. Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it." This kind of post has ruined the internet for decades. Great job.

Reese Broten

I'm tired of pretending that Jerry Banfield isn't infinitely more entertaining than John at this point.


I'm waiting for the return of Jamarmalade. He was funny, humble & his beats were good.


This was so tough to get through. I only heard up to the Kentucky question part of his act. From opening to that point, there was an hour of dissecting and laughing from much funnier people. Karla and Vinnie, thank you much for this review.

Ruth Fabiano

OKay, I gotta say this about it, and I second everyone else, BUT he was so scared of AIDS, he wouldnt hold his girlfriends hand, but he slept with random strippers with no protection. And HE was the one with STDs! He's inconsistent.