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Join Producer Chris and me at 7p ET as we go through the most disgusting chapter in the book yet.


Bonus #38 - Easy For You To Say Part 6 (Livestream)

Join Producer Chris and me at 7p ET as we go through the most disgusting chapter in the book yet.



Will the Rochester police be joining tonight?

Christina Heberger

I blame you for my Twitter-Block Karl!!! He won't even let me watch Beer on Balconies anymore. What is this world coming to!!??!!


Let’s talk shit!!!!!


Karl, post on Dabblers with clip of him mentioning the cop call, all nonchalant like. Any news with this yet? Any guesses on what he’s attempting??


Producer chris go to henrys?


If John put half as much effort into his podcast as he did trying to sabotage Kevin, he’d be pulling in Red Scare money.

Principled Uncertainty

Probably trying to claim cyber stalking and harassment. In the UK they would probably execute Karl for that, in the US I doubt they care.


Hey Karl, you are correct in NOT being afraid of the Dabbler contacting the cops. Before the Young Matthew incident, your buddy, Shuli’s friend, Brent Braveheart, tried to go after a group of people for harassing him. Like SJ, it was a waste of Police resource money. The idiot, claimed that people were calling and harassing him, amongst other things. The calls were spam calls, ie, car warranty calls. He tried to get injunctions and they were denied. He also denied the Police Report, even though it is on record. He is a laughing stock to the St. Pete PD. That is why a lot of people don’t particularly like Shuli. He is a hypocrite for his SJ bashing, when his buddy attempted the same thing. Young Mathew was the 2nd attempt. In that first police report that Brent Braveheart filed, he added names of people that literally did nothing but troll him during his Twitch Show. He is an asshole, like SJ.


I can't find this Rogchester John is talking about


Cyber Stalking, wow. Thank you for the reply, never occurred to me, but that would be a StuJo move. And yeah, we would see the bottom of Karl’s club foot if we were across the pond.


"Enhanced my sex life" that phrase makes no sense. Who edited his book lol?

Ruth Fabiano

That song is desperately trying to be "Asshole" by Denis Leary.