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We're starting early this week with Chrissie Mayr and Jim Florentine in studio. See you at 1p ET.


Ep327 - Red Scare (Livestream)

We're starting early this week with Chrissie Mayr and Jim Florentine in studio. See you at 1p ET.



Let’s talk shit!!! GD especially excited for this week Karl!! Awesome guests and great show theme!!! Only thing missing, Trucker Andy, the man!!


Ive been waiting for 3-4yrs for this review. Anna & Dasha make me wanna Simp!

Brian Varvaro

Chrissie Mayr AND the guy who did Special Ed on Crank Yankers? Maybe I'll sit this one out


Nice job Kevin, next time check the UFC schedule.

Principled Uncertainty

I have read most of what Curtis Yarvin has written, but that was so embarrassing. Never interview writers, they write because they cannot talk. I might cancel his substack after this.


He was great on Malice's podcast a while back, I don't know what the fuck was going on here.


Education majors are as f@cked up as psych majors. Summers off? You can always be roofers.


You NEED to save “Mental illness will LITERALLY drive you crazy” as a drop.


Okay…heard a little more. Mission accomplished


Florentine is great !!

Rex Sexton

Jim Florentine isn't "acting like a retard," he's actually a real one. He didn't say one funny thing but he sure did give the I'M A REAL COMEDIAN!!!! line no less than five or six times. Would rather listen to Tom Myers. Jesus.


Hungary is in Europe. Also vito is not a comedian, he is a pedo tho.