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Ep313 - ID10T (Livestream)

We're recording at a different time and day than usual. Tab Bert will be joining us to discuss Chris Hardwick, Radio Gunk, and more.



Late again!


Here we go!


Shuli is so much better and funnier on WATP than he is on Miserable Men.


Am I the only one that wants to see Monique peg John on a stained, roach-covered mattress with the fragrant smell of litter box in the air?


I cant tell if Monique has huge tits. If so I'm in.


Karl, the next time Shuli is on your show, please ask him his opinion of the Brent Braveheart debacle. Two failed police reports…. Plus their cuckng…. I am flabbergasted. You may like Shuli, but he acts so tough, attempts to call out people, DM them and then block them. Talk to our friend, SketchyPress.

Principled Uncertainty

One of my few 7 out of 10s. Not the guests or the hosts, the subjects were weak. When it's your fault, I'll have ya!

Colin Henderson

I like Hardwick, but he was always the James Cordern of podcasting, His shows were nothing but inconsequential fluff. He's never going to challenge anyone. His Tom Cruise episode was the biggest load of fluffy bullshit ever. Oh, and Chkoe Dykstra is just another Amber Heard. A hot, crazy whore. She thought that trying to cancel Hardwick would lead to a grand career. But where is she now, while Chris married a supermodel heiress.

LC Brock

I had to laugh at Madrigal's idea for a comic book - comic books "written" by celebs are rarely good -


Talk about that idiot speaking for funny who did a terrible hit peice video on cumia. Hate the bloke


Between Schuab and SJ it's a toss up for who is worst.