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Don't tell John but this is actually his show where he had Tony Michaels on to talk about me for an hour. Hopefully I'll get to leave this up for a little while. 

Hughezy joined us to drop a bunch of "c bombs" and fart a lot. 

Also, a kid who was hit with a restraining order by Brent Hatley joins us to discuss that whole ordeal. My takeaway, Boomers suck at the internet. 




Not a fan of the Irish guy


Downloaded! Fuck you Stut Jo!


Hughezy is funny as hell once u learn his humor.


Love the idea of ACDS

Colin Henderson

I like Hughezy, apart from the 15 minutes of ads at the start of his shows and his obsession with Cumia. I love Ant too, but jeez...


I heard John on his podcast claim he was moving to Texas, he heard there was a couple of openings for substitute teachers there now.

Nicholas hartman

Cant wait for that federal lawsuit, also holy fuck he still thinks ur last name is hamburger

LC Brock

First Tony Michaels comes up with the "funny" joke that's supposed to demonstrate how dismissive he is of WATP by deliberately misnaming the host and the podcast but Stuttering John immediately clings to it and acts very proud of it, as if he was the one who came up with the kneeslapper of "Kevin of Why Do I Podcast".

Dark Nut

Starting a go fund me to get hughezy some new pants Jesus Christ, admittedly I laughed at that out loud


Pardon my boomer ass, but where is everyone seeing the video? I'm only getting the audio.


We did a livestream on Wednesday that's still available for Patreon subscribers. Just scroll down to the next post.


Gotta get rid of the intro. Jesus fucking Christ on a pony.


Hughezy has a phenomenal stuttering John impression considering he doesn’t even speak English

Herman Manly

I'd argue not speaking English is the qualifier for having a good stuttering John impression