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Tune in for our first-ever mid week episode at 6p ET.


Ep314 - Stuttering John with Tony Michaels (Livestream)

Our first mid-week episode is happening today at 6p ET.



I’m just here to vote for bringing Tony on 👌🏻


Love the extra bag slapper episode concept! Just upgraded my membership. Thanks Karl!


Karl. For the love of Christ. If you are going to keep bringing up the “scandal” with Swalwell and a spy that donated to several campaigns a decade ago, google it and read for five seconds. This time you have claimed the spy “worked” for him and it makes you look like John talking politics.


it was revealed that a suspected spy for the Chinese Communist Party worked as a prominent Swalwell fundraiser for years—to the point she was able to influence a job hire in his Congressional office


Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2020/12/19/heres-what-we-know-about-rep-swalwells-connection-to-a-suspected-chinese-spy/?sh=5291f69a2050


Working “as a fundraiser” in any political campaign is just having money sent to a campaign. Since you read the article you posted, I’m sure also read the part about “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person—whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years—to the FBI” I have no idea why you’ve brought up this three times on your show. Wasn’t your claim last episode that he was banging her?


Well there is a classified report that details their sexual relationship. I'd rather not make this too political, I'm just saying John's guests are pieces of shit just like he is. And before we go after GOP, they all suck as well. I agree. https://www.foxnews.com/media/swalwell-affair-chinese-spy-us-intel


The boring segments like voicemails, review girls, and internet news should be relegated to the mid-week episodes, and the Sunday "real" episodes kept more concise. The post-show nonsense grates on me sometimes.


Is this episode available for download?


Yes, wherever you get podcasts and also here: https://whoarethese.com/ep314-stuttering-john-podcast-with-tony-michaels/.


Tony Michaels sounds like a douchey 30’s gangster


Stop being such a faggot and enjoy the John train wreck


You should clip John telling Monique we need “to say some freakin thoughts and prayers for those kids”.. then getting mad that politicians are saying to give thoughts and prayers literally a minute later


The podcast, for whatever reason never showed up on Google Podcasts.


Great work Kevin, love the extra content!


Karl, please stop apologizing for the Stut Jo clips taking so long to get through, it’s literally what we pay you for!! I will be upgrading my monthly financial contribution because you are bringing it!!!! My husband already accepts you’re my podcast boyfriend, might as well start paying you like it.


What!!! You have become my podcast boyfriend as well lol .. you have me listening to Stujo now just so i can send you clips!! Its Brutal !! Im the one who sent you the roach crawling up his shirt !!!😜