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The CMLL guys are already paying dividends.
A roving Bounty Hunter has found a home. This is the way.

Two Women's Matches!
DGFTR vs The Patriarchy!
HOOK vs The JobJobbers!
A Swerve Face Turn?

Death Metal Dutch Kickboxing vs Delaware Redneck Kung Fu!

(Also, The Rock might be in the midst of a full takeover of WWE?)

Everything sucks. But not all the time. Let's talk about it.

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt5JmCLR92E


Darren Lloyd

While I love the scenario to get Cody in there’s one thing that they can’t redcon Cody said “Not at Wrestlemania”


I think Alex is spot on. Bucks are costing Sting/Darby on Wednesday. Starks becomes only man to pin Sting in AEW and then Sting/Darby get to win the main event at Revolution to send the crowd home happy.


That’s easy. He can just say that he had people in his ear, people he trusted, telling him this was the way to go and he later realized that was not what his heart truly wanted.