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Meet your new demon boyfriend! Your very own Wrathguard, summoned to do whatever you wish. Want him to use his sexy muscles in battle and defeat your enemies? He can do that! Want him to unleash a thick load of demonic spoo all over you? HE CAN DO THAT, TOO! :P Out of all the summonable creatures, I'd say that those sexy Wrathguard demons are the hottest ones. They even pose in a way that makes them look like "CUM AT ME BRAH" .... or rather... "I WILL CUM AT YOU, BRAH" >:D But you catch my drift!~ Of course with lovingly totally over-shaded manbits because they have to look juicy and hot ;D -- There are other summonable demons of course, but somehow they're rather weird-looking.. One has a mouth in the stomach @n@ Anyways! Tried something new with the skin coloring here, but we'll see how that works for lighter-skinned characters :P Check your file locker ( https://tdxlabs.owncube.com ) as usual, lemme know whatcha think! AND ENJOY >:D




3 things: 1. I'm pretty sure Infernals/Abyssals are the hottest ones. (*ba-dum-tish* *is shot* XD) 2. Yea, the Terroguards (the stomach-face ones) are kinda freaky. Especially when they belch Fel Flame at ya. (new meaning to indigestion) 3. Felhunters will never be weird to me despite the antennae and no eyes things. They'll always be adorable due to the first one I ever summoned being given the name "Flaafum" by the game. It's like a demon-sheep. :D lol In other news, swell piece all-around. Ya did a real great job on the weapons (both of'em; heh) and armor. :)


Wish I had some sort of witty comment that matches pervyness and humor but this is WoW porn deviating away from the most commonly pornified stuff~ Not at all a bad thing, of course! Did a sweet job on him~ I just gotta fill in a lot of his holes with my imagination. Take that as you will :P


You know the names of those things >n> You must spend a LOT OF TIME in that game XD


>.> Well don'tcha worry, the next pic will be more along the lines of whatcha like :P