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Heya my PRECIOUSNESSES! :> Having a good January so far? At the moment there is one theme a month (or at least ideally!), with the second-most voted theme in each vote not really getting any spotlight. I had asked about this last year already and got some very good input from you on that matter. Stuff like at least doing one pic at the end of each month that corresponds to the theme that did not win the votes, but was on the second place. Etc! The thing is, this has not happened yet because there is a limiting factor: TIME. Or rather, how Patreon's fixed monthly cycle forces me to stick to it, no matter what. I have to do lots of administrative stuff around the beginning of each month (and new theme), wait for the votes to be closed, then compile reference and get up to speed with the new theme. By the time that is done, a week will easily have passed. That's 1/4 of the entire time D: And interruptions are not accounted for in that yet. So what about this proposal instead: The vote will be for a 2 month timespan. During this timespan, TWO themes will be done. The number of pictures that each theme receives is not fixed (so one theme might have more characters and get some more pictures, while another theme perhaps only has 1 or 2 interesting characters). The minimally guaranteed number of pictures per theme would be 2, either way though. (With the same average number of 3-4 pics per month total) This would open up the chance for the majority (>75% of all voters on average!) to get something they wanted to see for certain, and it will also greatly reduce the number of themes that I have to put back into the theme pool because they only made second place in two consecutive votes. Lastly, this would also allow for themes to be put up for vote that I would not have put up otherwise - because they only have 1 or 2 characters and otherwise are pretty ill-suited for a pr0nzy art project. Does that sound reasonable? You can either leave a comment or give a quick YES or NO in this mini-poll here: http://strawpoll.me/3419306


Straw Poll



That sounds good to me. Something you might consider if you switch to doing it this way is a simple yes/no poll after the themes are decided to see if the overall opinion would favor getting a crossover image for the two themes or not. Maybe around the end of month one, and a majority yes earns a crossover for the next image.


Oh that is an interesting thought. So not only have two themes, but one picture has them clash together in a sexy way if people want that. Yush, sounds interesting!


I got no real input other than "yes", heh. You seem to know what yer doin', and that aside, I've little creativity in that department so my suggestions aren't so notable. Whatever you do, just don't overwhelm yerself. Haha.


Well actually having two themes at the same time helps with that. So I can switch from one to the other when I'm running out of ideas and don't have to torture myself~