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FEELING SATISFIED ALREADY?! THINK AGAIN! As part of the extra versions, you not only get spoo versions, buuuuuut also a version where he has pulled his foreskin back~ For those of you that prefer to take a look at the cockhead instead of the beefcurtains :] Though I doubt many can honestly hate a proper uncut demon wang UwU After all we're all dick connoisseurs here, rriiiiiight? RIIIIIIGHT? The extras are waiting in yer file locker as usual~ Don't perform any unholy rituals with your groin-totems or you might summon this fella! >:V I'd actually be curious which version you prefer :D SO LET ME KNOW @N@ ENJOY~




I'm actually conflicted on this one. XD I'm normally a fan of the uncut side, but in this Wrathguard's case I think he looks better without it. Only reason I can come up with is ya did a REALLY nice job on the flare, and that's of course covered up in the other version.


I'm a fan of spurters. And it seems in all the porn I've amassed over the years, the best launches from the glue gun happen the moment that skin is yanked taut. If I had to choose, it'd be pulled back, but only for that reason. I set these up in a folder to see foreskin-pre lead into pullback-spoogun. Very satisfied with it. ;]


Foreskin up-or-down when splooging-- the choice is ours, now! :O


Or maybe you just have been corrupted by the wang force and want it all now @w@


Yes you sure love your spurters, good Sir XD Glad you like it, Charkman!