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A rolling snarl echoes through the room as the demon prowling the darkness begins to circle her prey.  A moment later a pair of faint and flickering pinpoints of green light appear in the void, so pale as to be barely be seen at all.  Slowly they move from left to right, disappearing occasionally only to reemerge from the black a few feet on.  A lick of cold swipes down my face, chest and shoulder.  My Lady was manipulating the cooling magic of the beads that had been placed around the room.  In a reversal of the usual she could see me but I could not see her.

“He he he.”  Another giggle in the dark as the cooling magic spreads down my naked flesh.  “Somebody’s excited.”

My dick flexes at the mention.  “Yes my Lady.  HAH!”  Just then the tip of a finger brushes lightly up the crack of my ass yet still the giggling persisted in front of me and ten feet away.  I spin and reach for who I assumed must be either Cassie or Colly but my hands find nothing but air.  “How?”

“He he he he.”  Lilting laughter comes from off to my left.  “Rawr!”

“Ooo!”  I jump to the sharp nip of two fangs sinking into my right buttock.

“He he he he!”

I try to rub the bite, my bound wrists making it difficult, and chuckle.  “You’re getting good with that bracelet.”

“Aren’t I?”  She says.  “I’ve got you surrounded my boy.”

“I am at your mercy my Lady.”

“Indeed you are.”  She purrs as she continues to circle me.  “Ohhh, you look so…beautiful.”

“Hah!”  I gasp as suddenly my testes are gripped between slender fingers and thumb, then gone again just as quick.  “Oh!”  An instant later comes the lick of a long tongue along the edge of my ear before it coils around it as its tip teases at the canal.  Once more it is gone in the blink of an eye.  A soft breast brushes across my lips, away before I could kiss it.  A hand pushes up my inner thigh, then pulls away before I can even spread my legs.   Hands grope and paw here and there and there again.  She was all over me!  A horn scrapes across my nipple, a pointed ear flicks my nose, and a warm, wet mouth gives my stiff manhood a single hard suck.  “Ohhh!”

“Here I am.”  She whispers from above and to my left.  My head snaps that direction to look but another whisper was already coming from below and the right.  “No, over here.”  I look, seeing only more blackness.  “Up here my sexy boy.”  I look straight up to see two glowing green pupils staring back down at me like faint stars.  “I seeee youuuu.”

“My Lady!”  I smile.

“I’m everywherrrrre.”  A sweet trill of delight turns into a lusty snarl and then straight into a frolicking giggle.  “Tee hee hee!”  My Lady was having fun.

Rosa’s older, wiser, gentler support had cleared the gray clouds from around my sullen soul when I got home today and now her natural playfulness and joy for life was the rejuvenating sunlight that brought the color back into my world.

“Reach for me my boy.  Reach for you Lady.”  Obedience came as naturally as breathing, not even a conscious choice anymore.  I reach up toward those verdant eyes with my bound hands and as I reach they recede, staying just beyond my fingertips.  “That’s it.  Reach.  Stretch that beautiful body baby.”  Her voice is two at once, coming both from above and across the room.  On my tip-toes, ever sinew stretched to its limit, I reach as high as I am able.  There is a brush against my forearms and I feel the short length of rope she had left to be a lead pull away and a moment later slip back down into my outstretched hands.  “Hold on my boy.  Hold on with all of your great strength.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I say and obey.  In both hands I grip the rope belt and find myself suspended by my own power through the magic of the bracelet of Janus.  After being bent over for large portions of the day in my work the strain of being extended like this actually feels good in my bones and joints.  But the good feelings went so much deeper than the physical for this submissive Roman.  As my weight settles and the binding around my wrists creak yet become no tighter thanks to my Lady’s masterful rope work the thrill of bondage surges through me.  “Ohhhh.”

A warm breath washes over the cool skin of my chest as Rosa is suddenly directly in front of me.  Gods could she move quietly when she wanted to.  She comes so close I can feel her heat and the heavy bulk of her aroused female cock brushing across my thighs.  I hang there stretched out, helpless and very, very happy.

“Mmm.”  She nuzzles into my pec then lays a long, lingering kiss upon it.  Another follows just below the other pec and her hands glide up my flanks.  “I’m gonna eat…you…up.”  Her mouth wide she chews down my ribs, each bite gentle and sucking.  “Num, num, num.  Tasty boy.”  She finishes with a wet lick of her long flanged tongue back up the section that just got nommed.  “Delicious.”

“Hahhh.”  I sigh in bliss.

Over the next several minutes my Lady explores every part of her boy’s exposed body with her hands and mouth, every part she could reach at least.  From my armpits down to my knees, minus my privates and boy hole, I am lavished with kisses and sucks, gropes and grasps, claws and tickles, and so many nibbles that my whole body is left tingling.  As I hang there with just my toes and grip to support me I discovered the brilliance of what my Lady had done.  Every time I found myself drifting away to Morpheus’ siren call my grip would begin to slacken and as I felt my suspension begin to weaken I would be forced back into the present to reassert my grip.  If I did ever succumb to that submissive bliss of bondage my Lady would know right away as I would surely slump to the floor.

Eventually she finds her way to my right nipple where she begins to suckle on it in much the same way as I do to her.  It felt nice.  Really nice.  Her tongue laps and swirls as her locked lips rhythmically suck, suck, suck away.


“Mmmm, I was STARVING baby.”  Her tongue flicks at my aroused nipple.  “Famished for boy flesh.”

“Ohhhh yessss.”

“But your Lady wants more.”  Reaching around she grabs my butt in both hands.  “I’m gonna eat that ass so good baby.”


Smooching and nippling around my left side Rosa was on the move.  The muscles of my calves were beginning to burn and shake but I hold strong.  For a moment I sway at an unexpected separation but my Lady is quickly back again, her hand gripping the backs of my legs.  As she begins to pepper my bottom with a series of soft humming kisses I realize that she had slid something to sit on behind me.  She was making herself comfortable back there.

She cups my cheeks and spreads them apart with her thumbs.  Wasting no time the wet flesh of her tongue paints up and down my freshly cleaned crack two times before it tip finds my eagerly waiting anus.  With no real pressure she taps and flicks at my entrance and it already begins to relax and open for her.

“Mmm.  You’re getting good at this.”  She whispers with a proud kiss to my cheek.  She sucks on her middle finger and with ease pushes it into me.

“OHHHH Yessss!”  I moan as she penetrates my ass.

She fingers me for a time, slowly and lovingly, before withdrawing it so that she could have her anal indulgence.  She spreads my cheeks as wide as they would go then plunges her tongue into my tunnel with power, thrusting in at least eight inches at a go.

“GODS!”  My body quivers in pure pleasure at the depth and girth and shape of my Lady’s incredible appendage.  “OHHHHHH!”

“Nnngh.  Nnngh.  Nnngh.”  Her tongue twists this way and that as it plunged in and out of my happy hole, those wonderful ribbed protuberances along the sides pounding along that magical spot inside of me that she never failed to find.

“Huhhhh!  Huhhhh!  Ohhhh!”  I mewl in my high subby voice.  “Ohhhh Lady!”

“Nnngh!  Nnngh!  Nnngh!”  In and out, in and out, her slick muscle splits my ass.  Inside me it curled and explored my nethers in a way no human ever could.

“Ohhh godssss!”

My muscles are on fire.  My legs are trembling from both fatigue and sexual ecstasy.  Still I hold strong.  Until permission or total muscle failure I would hold this position with all I had.  “RRRRMM!”  She snarls as she roots her face into my ass, her nose and chin buried between my cheeks, and her demon tongue slithers deeper.  Deeper even than her mighty penis.  My anus is alight with delight as those twisting bumps along the flanks of her tongue meant that my opening could never fully adapt to one thickness, to say nothing of what they were doing to my special spot.  It was absolutely humming!  Precum streamed down my achingly hard cock and rolled down through the pubes of my balls.  Her fingers and thumbs sank deep into the meat of my bum as faster and faster, deeper and harder, and ever more ravenously she went down on me.  She wasn’t eating my ass, she was FEASTING on it!

“OHHH FUUUCK!  OHHHHHH!”  My mewling whimpers echo off the walls as my hips try to rock with her intense rhythm.  Suspended as I was however I am denied even that motion as it took all I had just to hold my position.  Truly at her mercy all I can do is hang on and hang steady.  “HMMMMM!”

“Rngh! Rngh! Rngh! Rngh!”

My senses are assaulted in every direction.  My calves and forearms are melting in agony, my insides blissfully glowing, my cock threatening to erupt without permission forcing me to concentrate on it to tamp the pressure back.  It was torture!  Such…sweet…torture!

I look to the heavens and cry out my gratitude.  “OHHHHHH GODSSSS!”

I damn near pass out when all at once the tongue snaps back, the hands come away, and the anal assault stops.

“Gods damn boy!”  She slaps my ass like she owned it, which of course she did.  “Now THAT’S a meal worthy of a Lady.”

My mind swirling and my whole body vibrating uncontrollably the only reply I can muster for my Lady is a puling little squeak.  “…eennnghh…”

Chapter 76 


clay william

My god, Grim. Just....thank you. Straight up fire coming out of my phone rn, it can't handle how hot this chapter is....


Cliffhanger of the century xD