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With Winona’s sultry voice still fresh in my ears I head to bed.  That night I have a heck of a time getting to sleep but it wasn’t the usual anxieties keeping me awake but a giddy anticipation of seeing her again.  She said she wanted to hold me and kiss me!  And the feeling was more than mutual.  God how I loved how straight forward and honest she was.  There was no mystery or subtext to interpret.  She said what she meant and she meant what she said.  And I could not help from smiling at the thought of her talking about me so much that she gave away her interest in me.  When she said that I knew that she was thinking about me just as much as I was thinking about her. Which was all the damn time!

The night isn’t all floating on Cloud Nine though as Grandpa’s sporadic but persistent coughing, a sound I had not thought anything about until now, brings me back to earth.  Thankfully, between my excitement and my fear, I somehow manage to get a decent chunk of sleep.

The next morning Grandpa and I are enjoying some sausage and eggs that he made us when he reaches across the table to pat my hand.  “I’ve decided to tell the family.”

“Oh?  A-About your…health?”

“Mmm.”  He nods as sits back and chews on some toast.  “A secret’s not an easy thing to bear.  Especially a big secret.  It’s not fair you having to hold that inside.”

“I-I’m okay Grandpa.  I-I don’t mind.”

“Nah.  I gotta do it sooner or later anyway.”  He sighs.  “It’s gonna change things though.”

“I won’t change Grandpa.”

He smiles a warm, fatherly smile.  “I hope not Buttercup.  I’m gonna need you to keep me sane.”

I smile back.  “When?”

“I dunno.  Soon.”  He says.  “I don’t want to take the luster off of Jack and Lauren’s news though.  I’ll tell your mother first then wait to tell the others.”

“She’ll tell them.”

“You think?”

I nod.  “Yeah.”

“I’ll tell her to keep a lid on it.”  He says then takes another crunchy bite of toast.  “How’s that Winona girl doing?  You talked last night?”

“Yeah.”  I swoon back.  “She's amazing.  She said she’d like to come out with us sometime.”

“Or with you?”  He smirks.  “Better get on that license.”

“Yeah.”  I giggle.  “I can’t wait for you to meet her.”  I turn and look up at the picture of Grandma.  “And you.  I think you guys’ll really like her.”

“Hear that Anna?  We’re gonna have some company.”  Scooping up some egg he snarfs it down.  “You workin today?”

“Yeah.”  I say.  “Then we’ve got the game right after.  Full day for me.”

“I’ll drop you off then.”  He says.  “I think I’ll take Bella out for a good run today.”

“Ah, I wish I could join you.”

“Next time Buttercup.”  He says.  “I’ll get another bunk ready, just in case.”

I pilot Bella most of the way back to Haven Point.  The day is cool, the sky gray, and you could feel a coming rain on the wind.  As we near the harbor I hand over the wheel and after many kisses and hugs I bid my Grandpa goodbye and hop onto the deck.  I stand for a few minutes to watch him pull away again.  A feeling of deep gratitude swells inside of me.  Not many people got to meet their hero.  I was lucky enough to be related to mine.

Slipping my rain poncho over both me and my backpack I head to back to my bike and I as I pull out from the harbor the light patter of the rain that I knew was coming begins.  Back at home I come in dripping but refreshed from the cool, wet ride.  Rain always perked me up a bit.

“Duuude.”  Brayden greets me from his usual spot, the ever present controller gripped in his hands.  “Another hot and nasty fuck sesh with Winona?”

“B-Brayden!”  I exclaim.  “I was at G-Grandpa’s.  Geez.”

“Too bad.  Ha!”  He says, his eyes never leaving the screen.  “Hey, I got that job.”

“Oh really?  The shoe one?”

“Yeah man.  They totally remembered me and I guess they needed someone quick.”  He says.  “I’m starting tomorrow.”

“That’s awesome!”

“Meh. The pay is shit and I have to work weekends.”  He says with his usual pessimism.  “I get Tuesdays and Wednesdays off.  What the fuck am I gonna do with Tuesdays and Wednesdays?”

“Hey!  R-Regular days off.  At least you can plan for them.”  I say.  “And full-time it sounds like.  That’s p-pretty sweet.”

“Gonna cramp my whole vibe.”  He gripes.  “But they seem cool enough.  And I get a little bonus based on sales.”

“There ya go.”

“If you know anybody needing shoes send them my way.”

“I will!”  Setting down my backpack I go and sit next to him on the sofa.  “I knew you c-could do it B-Brayden.”

He gives me a side-eyed glance.  “Yeah.”

“Hey, um, I’ve got something to a-ask.”  I say nervously.  “Or t-tell really.”

“If you want the place to yourself so that you can bring Winona over, forget it.”  He says.  “Where the hell am I supposed to go?”


“Feel free to bang her brains out but I ain’t goin anywhere.”

“Oh, no. It’s not that.”  I say.  “W-Well, I mean, Winona is c-coming over.  B-But not like that.  It'll be Winona a-and a bunch of others.”



“What!?”  My distraction causes him to get killed in his game.  “Fuck!”

“W-We’re starting a FoF game a-and Winona wants to host it h-here.”  I motion to our table.  “W-We’ll be in the dining room.  You c-can stay in here if you k-keep the sound down.”

“FoF?  Pfff.  No way man.  No fuckin way.”

“I-I-It’s my place too.”  I say.  “I c-c-can have company if I want.”

“I don’t want a bunch of nerds over here.  Go somewhere else.”

“They’re coming here.  And they’re not n-nerds.”

“No way.”  He states unequivocally.

I knew it was conniving but I say it anyways.  “Kayla’s part of the group.”

This gets him to stop.  The controller lowers and he looks over at me.  “Kayla’s coming over?”

“She’s part of the g-group.”  I say.  “If this becomes a r-regular thing she’ll be over all the time.”

“All the time?  Kayla plays FoF?”

“It’s her and Cain and Riley…”


“And this r-really cute new girl named Briar.  Sh-She’s going to the college.”

He does some quick math.  “Two guys, four chicks.  Hmm…”

“It’s not like that.”

He looks back at the screen then back at me then back at the screen and begins to play again.  “I’m not cleanin shit.  Your company, your problem.”

I smile. “I-I’ll have everything ready.  Thanks!”


“Winona m-might be showing up early.”  I say.  “If I’m not home from w-work will you be around to let her in?”

“I ain’t lettin her in.”  He grumbles.  “Not until she apologizes for screwing me on that head gasket.”


“Fine!”  He groans.  “I’ll let her in.”

“Thank ya r-roomie.”

“Mrm.  Don’t mention it.”  He says.  “But you owe me one.”

“Er, sure B-Brayden.”

Before work I start getting texts from a new number, Briar, asking me all sorts of questions about Althea and her spells and abilities.  She apologized for pestering me but she wanted to get an idea of what my character could do before she finalized any decisions with her own.  I assure her that I didn’t mind.  Even through text it was impossible not to get caught up in her geeky enthusiasm.

Work goes excruciatingly slow as I counted every second before getting to see Winona again.  Though it was slow it was a good day, probably because my own positive mood was being reflected back at me by my customers and coworkers.  At long last my shift is over and I am so excited that I darn near take off for home before dabbing a fresh layer of concealer over my bruised eye.  In the staff washroom I smooth it out to a flawless finish.  I wanted to look as good as I could for Winona.

With my backpack stuffed full of snacks and drinks for the game I slip back into my poncho and ride home through what had turned out to be an all day rain.  My happy little heart is doing back flips when I turn the corner for home and see her truck parked out in front of the building.

Chapter 60 


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