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Hello my beauties,

I can't believe it's the end of July already!  Where did the month go?  For me it was a great one both in my writing and just in general.  I hope it was good one for you too.

I was going to write this later in the weekend but I just found out that I've got to head out of town for a couple of days so I thought I'd get this out today.  This also means no new chapters until Monday.  Just so ya know.

The two serials are chugging along nicely.  A Simple Life has been an absolute joy and still feels like it is just in its infancy.  Slave Girl 2 has been very interesting and I think we are beginning to near some sort of conclusion, but we shall see.  American Dream has been a hell of a lot of fun although it has turned out to be WAY longer than I meant it to be despite trying my best to power through it.  Things are happening now though so hopefully I can get it wrapped up in a reasonable number of chapters.  I should be moving onto a new short at some point in August but I can't promise that for sure.  And although it's going to take an absolute age to tell it, the tale of Morgan seems to be off to a really cool start.  With all the cylinders firing I expect next month to be much the same as this one.

Also, we have a 'Good One' this month!  I won't name him or call him a Good Boy as he's (totally understandably) asked me not to but I just want to give a special shout out to him.  You know who you are.  Your support and kind comments leave me humbled me my dude.  Thank you.

And, as always, a HUUUUGE thank you to everybody here.  You aren't just supporting smut you are fueling a crazy dream here and I fucking love you for it.  ❤

Stay kinky, curious, and kind.  And I hope you have an awesome August.




Oh shiz, I hope Slave Girl 2 doesn't conclude too soon, or at least that its conclusion isn't too final. I've grown too attached.