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I hope the typos aren't too bad.  It was either release it today as it is and fix after the fact or wait until tomorrow so that I could clean it up properly.  I could be wrong but I figured you'd rather have the chapter earlier and as is.


Sarah: Saturday, 11:19 am

I’m in the bedroom putting away our freshly folded laundry when Alfred comes shuffling into the room all sweaty and flushed from mowing the lawn.  He goes to the antique chair in the corner and falls back into it, a perplexed look on his face.

“What’s up?”  I say as I slip a stack of t shirts into a drawer.

Alfred sits there for a long moment before finally whispering.  “He kissed me.”

I laugh.  “What are you talking about?  Who kissed you?”

“Cody.”  He says with a shake of his head.  “He just kissed me.”

Sliding the drawer closed I approach my husband.  By the befuddled look on his face I could see that he wasn’t pulling my leg.  “Like on the cheek or…?”

Another disbelieving shake of his head.  “The lips!”  He swallows and looks up at me.  “Not just a peck either.  I’m talking full on, tongue and everything.  I can still taste him.”


“We were by the house and we got to talking about stuff.  He asked if I enjoyed the show.  I insinuated we might be interested in their open invitation.  He misconstrued my words.  He thought I was coming onto him.  Just me.  The next thing I knew, BAM.  I’m in a big ol smooch.”  He wipes his lips and looks at his fingers.  “Cody likes watching other guys with Crystal alright.  But I don’t think it’s Crystal that gets him all fired up.”

“Oh my goodness!”  I gasp.  “Cody’s gay?”

“Or bi or something.  I dunno but…whatever he is he likes me.”

“Hmm.”  I think.  “I definitely got the impression that while they do threesomes and stuff Cody’s only ever been with ladies.  The guys he just watched.  If he’s just coming out we have to be gentle with him.  He needs our support right now.”

“Our support?”

“Yes!  If you haven’t noticed he looks up to us Alfred.  He takes our words to heart.”  I sit down on my husband’s lap and boop his nose.  “The truth will set you free.  Remember?  He told Crystal about Kenji because of us.”  A light goes on.  “Kenji!  I bet you anything that Kenji was his first crush.  Ohhh, and he’s been pining after him ever since. That’s so romantic!”

“Well Kenji might have been his first crush but I think I’m his lastest one.”


“You should have seen the way he was looking at me Sarah.  It was intense.  I think the lad’s in love.”

“That it so…CUTE!”


I straighten up.  “That is so HOT!”


Before my wide eyes images flash of Alfred and Cody in situations that I had never imagined my husband in before.  The recent memory of Alfred so eagerly sucking on Rocco adding fuel to that fire.  A flush runs through me leaving me fanning myself with my hand.  “Golly!”

“Are you kidding right now?”  Alfred says.

“Sorry, just…whooo, gosh.”  I flap my shirt to help cool the steamy flash.  “So wh-what happened after the kiss?”

“You’re actually turned on by this.  Aren’t you?”

“Well, erm, maybe a little.”  I say.  “So what did he do next?”

“Wait a second!  You’re turned on by this?”


“I thought you’d be jealous.  I thought you’d be furious.”

I giggle and cover my face.  “Stop.”

“Look at you!  Aha ha ha.  What the heck?”

“I just think it’s really cute is all.”

“You think it’s cute that I just got smooched by a dude.”

“Well…yes.  Since it was Cody.”

“Would have been cute if it was Crystal?”

“No!”  I cross my arms and pout.  “Stop teasing me.”

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.  He gets me smiling again with a nuzzle to my cheek.  “You are more naughty than I ever imagined.”

I give a little peck to those same lips that Cody had just kissed.  The thought of that gets my coochie glowing.  “Tell me what happened.”

“I told you.  We were by the house talking about sexy stuff and bam, smooch.”

Bringing my legs up I curl up on my husband’s lap.  “Yeah, but what kind of smooch?”

“A hard smooch.  A manly smooch.”

“Oooo!”  I wriggle excitedly and press myself against his chest.  “So he really took charge, huh?”

“Well, sorta.”


“Once we were kissing he was sorta pulling at me.  Like he was trying to get me to be the aggressor.”

“Because you’re his King.”

“Would you stop.”  He tickles me which gets me giggling.

“It’s true though!  He always talks so highly of you.  Always trying to impress you.”  I sigh.  “So did you?”

“Did I what?”

“Take charge and kiss him back?”

“No!”  He laughs and gives me a shake.  “I’m a married man.”

“He he he.”  I rest my head on his chest as the repeating fantasy I’d been having about a threesome with Cody was evolving right before my mind’s eye.  Having two men to give me attention, two men to play with, two men to entertain me…ohhh, I liked that idea a lot.  “Did you like it Alfred?  The kiss I mean.  Was it a good kiss?”


“Ignoring who it was and how it happened.”  I cut off his objection.  “Just, as a kiss, how was it?”

“You are incorrigible.”

“Tell me.”

“Fine.”  He nuzzles my hair and kisses my head.  “On a scale of zero to you…I dunno, like a seven.”

“Oh!  Seven’s good.”

“The guy can kiss.  What can I say.”

“Mmmm, I bet he can.”  Against my butt cheek I could feel Alfred getting hard.  “So you’re kissing him…”

“He’s kissing me.”

“So he’s kissing you…then what?”

“You are too much.”  He says.  “You really want to know, don’t you?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I nod and give him pleading eyes.  Alfred could never deny my pleading eyes.

He rolls his and lets out a laugh.  “Fine.  So I pull away and we just kind of stand there for a second.  Neither of us knowing quite what to do.”

“Yeah?”  I could see it perfectly in my imagination.

“And then…he took off his shirt.”

“OH!”  A flash of erotic desire rushes through my womanhood.

“The sun was glistening off of his hard body.”

“Oh gosh!  Oh golly!”

“You ever notice how fit he is?”

“Yeah!  I noticed.”  I say.  “What did he do next?”

“It gets kinda crazy at this point.”


“I better not tell you.  It’ll just make you jealous.”

“What did he do!?”  I protest.  “Just tell me Alfred.”

“Well…if you really want to know…he got down on his knees!”


“Oh yeah.  Right there between the house and fence he was on his knees.  He looked up at me with those perfect blue eyes of his.”

“Yeah?  Yeah?  Then what?”

“You’re not going to believe what he said next.”

“What?  What did he say?”

“I can’t even believe it myself.”

I shake him impatiently.  “What did he say!?”

“He said…”  Alfred pinches my nose.  “…gotcha.”


He throws his head back and busts a gut.  “Look at you!  Ha ha ha ha!  You look ready to burst!  Ha ha ha ha!”

“Wh-Why did he say gotcha?  I don’t get it.”

“He didn’t say anything.”  Alfred chortles.  “He kissed me then took off back to his place leaving me standing there and very confused.  Then I came in here.”

“What!?”  Only then do I realize I’d been had.  “Alfred!”  I shake him and give him my hardest power pout ever.  “You’re teasing me!”

“Ha ha ha!  I’m sorry baby.”  He hugs me and smooches me.  “I couldn’t help myself.  That look on your face!  Ha ha ha!  Oh my God, you’re really turned on by this!”

“Hmph!”  I scowl, even as few of my own giggles sneak through.  “You’re so mean.”

“Well…”  Just by the tone in his voice I could tell he was about to say something frisky.  “…since we’re both already heated up…”

“Oh no.”  I shake my head.  “After that?  No way.”

“Come on baby.”  He reaches for my breast but I push his hand away.

“Nuh uh.”  Slipping from his arms I stand up and point at the door.  “You’ve got a yard to finish, cuckold.”

“Excuse me?”  His brows lift and so does the tent in his shorts.  His eyes glimmer with lewd excitement.

“You heard me.”  I say while stifling another giggle.  “Get to it.”

He stands and looks down at his crotch.  “You’re gonna send me out there like this?”

I waggle a stern finger at his stiff penis. “It serves you right.  Teasing me like that.”

“Aw baby.  I didn’t mean nothin by it.”

“Mm mm.”  I shake my head.  “Too late.”  From the dresser I produce Rocco.

“Wh-what’s that for?”

“What do you think, cuckold.”  I say with a haughty tone.  “Now, if you don’t mind…”


I point at the door.  “Get!”

“Y-Yes Ma’am.”

I hold a hand over my lips so as not to laugh as Alfred and his hard on skulk from the room.  “You beauty.”  I kiss Rocco’s shaft.  “You’ve got him wrapped around my finger.”  I go to return him to the drawer…until the image of a shirtless Cody on his knees in front of my man flashes through my mind.


Alfred, 11:43 am

I am back under the hot sun pushing the mower, now sporting a boner the refused to go down, when I feel my pocket vibrate.  Checking my phone I discover a text from Sarah.  No words, just a single purple heart.

“Oh you little…!”  I let out a hiss and look to my house.  As I toiled in the sun my wife was in there getting off on Rocco’s cock.  I had a good mind to march right in there and reclaim that naughty little vixen for my own.  But I don’t.  I found myself wanting to savor this feeling of…helplessness.  My body abuzz with desire I deny my urge and force myself to return to the lawn.

As I run the mower back and forth over the grass I can’t help but thinking about that look on Sarah’s face when I told her that Cody had kissed me.  I thought for sure she was going to be angry but it turned out her jealousy was reserved for females alone.  Not only had she not been mad, she’d gotten downright horny about it.  That flush to her cheeks, the way her pupils dilated, the faster breath, her nipples suddenly becoming visible through her bra and shirt, it couldn’t have been more obvious if she climaxed right there on the spot.  And much like last night I discover that Sarah’s arousal had lead immediately to my own.  There was something about seeing my wife turned on or pleasured that touched on some deep husbandly need inside of me.

The kiss with Cody had happened so quick and unexpectedly that I hadn’t even been able to process it as it was happening.  But now, looking back at it through the filter of my wife’s desire, I consider it again.  It actually wasn’t an unpleasant experience.  His body felt different against mine, leaner and not as soft, but his lips were just as supple.  Cody was a fine kisser.  And he really did have perfect blue eyes.  And sucking on Rocco to get him ready for Sarah had been kinda fun.  If Cody was really interested in me…he would probably let me do that to him.  He’d let me suck on his big dick so that I could get him hard enough to take my wife.

“Hah!  Oh man.”  I shake my head.  “What is happening around here?  Has everyone gone mad?”  Just then there comes another buzz from my pocket.  I don’t even need to check it this time to know that it’s a another heart of release.  My jaw clenched, my dick straining and leaking precum, I play the good cuckold and do what my wife says and wait my turn.  In the meantime I power through the rest of the yard with a ferocious intensity.


Sarah, 12:13 pm

As Alfred and I munch on our tuna salad sandwiches I am as loose as a goose and absolutely aglow with good feelings.  A couple of hard orgasms will do that for a gal.  The purple hearts I sent Alfred had been not been a bluff this time.  I tried to hold out again and resist temptation, to just use the texts as a tease like before, but the thought of beautiful Cody and my King locked in a passionate kiss was too powerful for me.  The more I gave into my coochie the harder it was to deny it.  So I decided to let Rocco work his magic and ohhh golly did he ever.

Opposite me my poor Alfred was red-faced and as tight as a drum.  And I just KNEW that erection under the table hadn’t gone down one tiny bit.  Despite me really, really, REALLY wanting him to reclaim me I had decided to make him suffer just a little bit longer for his teasing of me earlier.  This new power over him that he’d so willingly given me was heady to say the least.  The funny thing was, despite his obvious torment, Alfred was actually loving the punishment.  I snicker as I think about how quick he was going to be when I finally let him off his chain.  Just for fun I think I’ll count the strokes.

“What’s that?”  He asks.


“You were laughing.”

“Oh.”  I smile and nibble my sandwich.  “Nothing.”


Alfred, 12:31 pm

After thinking about nothing but sex, sex, SEX all day long, especially over this past hour or so, I am the most grateful man in existence when out of nowhere Sarah bends over the sink and says.  “Go ahead.”


“Reclaim me.”

“Here?  Now?”

“If you don’t want to…”


In the blink of an eye I zip from my spot drying dishes to behind Sarah’s soft, round ass.  I lift her dress and pull down her panties.  Her pussy never looked so good!  And the cheek of this woman, as I whipped out my dick and got ready to mount her…she continued to wash the dishes!

“Ohhhhhh, fuuuuuck.”  I groan as I slowly enter into her hot, tight, wet pussy.  Having had some time to adjust after Rocco she was every bit as tight as she normally was.

“Mmmm.”  She hums as I glide in balls deep then whispers.  “One.”

“What’s that?”  I snort.

“Nothing.”  She sighs.  “Keep going.”

As slowly pulls back she cleans and rinses one of the plates we’d just used then nonchalantly places it into the drying rack.  Her casual actions, the way she continued doing her chore as if I wasn’t even there, drove me even more wild.  With a bit more force I drive back into her.  Her pussy felt soooo fucking good!


“Hmm.”  She lets out another soft hum then whispers again.  “Two.”

She was counting the thrusts!  She was keeping track.  She was letting me know that my performance was being noted.  This piled on top of everything else buzzing through my lust mad mind proves too much.  As I start to pull back again I buck back into her.  “GNNNNNGHHH!!!”

“Alfred?”  She looks back over her shoulder at my quivering face.  “You’re not actually…!?  Oh my goodness!”

Her surprise is as good as mockery to my cuckold soul, taking my orgasm to another level.  “Hnngh!  Hnnngh!  Hnnnnngh!”  I grunt and groan and fill my wife’s pussy with my cum.

She giggles and wriggles her ass against me and carries on washing the next dish.

“Ohhh my God.”  I huff as I come down the other side, deeply embarrassed by what had just happened.

“Err…two and half?”  She quips oh so sweetly.  “You’ve certainly become…efficient.”

“Ohhh Jesus.”  I clap her ass and lean in to kiss the back of her head.

"Makes me feel so sexy."  She coos and squeezes my dick with her creamy cunny.  “Thank you for reclaiming me.  I love you my King.”

“Hohhh.  I love you too.”  I swallow and let out a hard breath.  “Here I always thought the term two-pump chump was just an expression.”

“Pff!  He he he!  I’ve never heard that one.”  She titters.  “Is that what they call premature ejaculators?”

“Er, yeah.”  I kiss her again and pulls out, a few dribbles of my load following with me to drip down onto her panties.  “Hohhh, God damn baby.”

As I tuck myself away and go to pull up her panties she glances back.  “What are you doing?”

“Uh, I was gonna dry the dishes?”

Her face dips lower beneath her shoulder so that just her twinkling brown eyes peeked over.  There was mischief in those big innocent eyes.

“You aren’t done already, are you Alfred?”

I look at her, confused.  “I…I mean I…I came.”

“Well, YOU got to cum.”  She mewls sweetly.  “But what about little ol’ me?”

I look down at her wet, pink pussy, dripping with my hot seed, then back to those mischievous eyes.

Part 19 


Michael Dierks

Excellent story space, again. I guess we have answered the jealousy problem ... Working out well. Thanks for not figuring out how to close this off quicker 😘 This episode cements my next curiosity ... How will the dialog flow in the epilog where Sarah and Alfred discuss their torrid night with Cody while Faith is over for dinner? I mean, not suggesting a fini already, maybe that would be a mid-story intermission. That conversation might be too much out-of-character even for our liberated couple. 😜