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“Um…yes?”  Dot answers then looks to Prince.  “If you still do Prince.  I’m sorry I said what I said.”

I could see the gears turning as my boyfriend looks at the pair of us through his extra wide 4K gaming monitor.  Eventually his expression relaxes again, most likely because he was thinking with his dick as usual, and he gives us a big thumbs up.  “I’m game.  What are the rules?”

“We tell you what to do then you tell us what to do.”  Dot says excitedly.

“Easy enough.”  He says, nearly bursting at the seams to see his fantasy come to life but trying really hard to keep his cool in front of us.  His poorly disguised lust was kind of adorable honestly.  However this all ended up going I was glad to have found out about this deep fantasy of his and get to play it out for him.  Feigning casualness he asks.  “And how do we win?”

“You must be careful what you wish for.”  Dot swirls a finger in the air.  “Whoever tells the other to do something they aren’t willing to do loses and the game ends.”

“And the call ends.”  I add, upping the stakes.

“How am I…we, how are we supposed to know what’s too much?”

I shrug.  “Common sense.”

“No warning?”  He bargains.  “No three strikes?  No time-outs?”

“No nothing.”  I state.  “Game over.”  God I was loving seeing him squirm like this.  We already had the poor boy wrapped around our pinky fingers.

“Damn, hard core mode.”  He gripes.

“More like soft core mode.”  I quip right back.  “I know you too well, pervert.”

A slave to his desires Prince just nods as us two gals giggle on our side of the divide.  Dot shimmies closer to me and holding my arm in her hands, perhaps for courage or perhaps just for the physical contact.  I liked this arrangement.  If Prince tried to ask for something totally raunchy he’d lose the game and end the call.  This would rein in my impatient and horny boyfriend from asking for too much too fast.  Without limits God only knows what Prince would ask of us.  This might actually be a lot of fun to see him have to control himself for a change.  Despite the secret that would surely be revealed along the way, probably leading to my swift expulsion from this amazing place, I found myself getting caught up in the innocent kinky fun of what we were doing here.

“Any other rules?”  He asks.

“Just one.”  I say.  Still holding out some hope something could be salvaged here I add.   “My skirt stays on and nothing happens on me from the waist down.”

This takes them both off guard.  Dot looks at me with the cutest damned pout I ever saw.  “Awww.”

“That’s two.”  Quibbles Prince.

“Those are my conditions.”

“Jo…I swear…”  Dot starts to say before I cut her short.

“Those are my conditions.”

“She’s very self-conscious.”  Prince says.  “She’s always been that way.”

I look to the screen and into the serious blue eyes of my partner.  Clever boy!  Prince might not have figured it all out but he was picking up on things enough to back my bluff.

“Okay.”  Dot says, taking my hand and squeezing.  “But…just know that I think you’re really beautiful Jo.”

“Thank you Dot.”  I kiss her cheek.  “Thank you for understanding.”

“Alright!”  Says Prince, clapping his hands.  The little peck to the cheek he’d watched reigniting his urgency.  “Who goes first?”

“Whoever can say Phi to the most places.”

“Huh?”  I look at Dot.

Prince cocks his head.  “Pi to the most places?  Seriously?”

“Pi!?  No way, everyone knows that one.  Too easy.”  She says.  “I’ll start…one point six one eight zero three three nine eight eight seven four…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”  Prince laughs and shakes his hands.  “You win!  I give!”

“Ha ha!”  Dot claps.  “That was easy!”

I chuckle and pat her hand, happy for her victory even if I didn’t really grasp what had just happened.

“Alright girls.”  Prince sits up with a humongous smile plastered across his face, arms out wide.  “I am all yours.”

I roll my eyes as Dot giggles.  “What should we make him do?”  Dot whispers through her titters.

“This was your idea.”  I say.  “Go ahead.”

“You don’t mind?”




“Come on Dot.”  Prince beckons.  “Do your worst.”

She covers her mouth with both hands, her huge eyes as wide as they could go as her cheeks slowly go pinkish brown as she blushes furiously.  She looks at me, she looks at him, she looks at me, she looks at him, and then all at once she parts her hands to blurt out.   “Take off your shirt!”  The hands slap right back over her mouth as if she’d said something forbidden or shameful.

Prince laughs, only too happy to oblige.  He doesn’t just peel out of his snug t shirt, he hams it up and makes a meal of it for us.  Dot eats it up!  He rolls his chair back an stretches his lean body just to show off, Dot’s big golden eyes are glued to the screen not daring to blink so as not to miss a second of it.  Grabbing the hem he pulls it up about half way, giving us a glimpse at his soft fair belly before pulling it back down again.  I have to stifle a laugh at his corny showmanship but he had Dot enraptured.  He looked way too smug as he sees the effect he is having on her through the screen.  I loved it.  Again he pulls up his shirt, this time to take it off for real, but he does so slowly and sensually.  Well…by his usual rushed standards at least.  He reveals his smooth lithe torso as Dot nearly falls forward and into the screen.  She moves her hands down to her knees as she watches, her mouth hung open.  My babe was an outdoorsy guy and relatively fit but he was no ripped athlete by any stretch.  Slender and nearly hairless Prince’s physique was more boy band than traditionally rugged but what he had he flaunted well.  Once up to his chest he then whips the shirt off with a flourish and tosses it to the wind.

“You…are so…hot.”  Dot whispers before licking her lips hungrily.

He runs his hands up and down his twinkish body.  “You like?”

She swallows hard and nods.  “I like!  I LIKE!  I…I wanna…”  She hesitates…then gasps.  “I wanna lick your body all up and down.”

He tweaks his little pink nips.  “What a coincidence, my body wants to be licked all up and down.”

Prince is positively beaming after such an ego boost and Dot is mesmerized, meanwhile I’m trying to hold back my laughter.  These two were too much.

“Your turn.”  Dot whispers.  “Make me do something.”

I chuckle.  “What about me?”

“Huh?  Oh…oh yeah.”  Her lust filled eyes turn to lock onto me.  “Make us do something Prince.”

He rolls back closer to his screen.  I could see in his eyes he already knew what he was about to ask.  “Dot…take off Jo’s shirt and bra.”

“That’s two things.”  I protest, weakly.

Dot disagrees.  “It’s only fair Jo.  We have to do what he says.”

“That’s right Jo.”  Prince smiles.  “You have to do what I say.”

I shake my head, though my smile wouldn’t go away.  “If you’re recording or anybody walks through that door…”

“We’re good.”  He insists.  “Dad’s on duty tonight.”

Kneeling up I turn to face the ebullient Dot.  “Alright then.  Go ahead, but nothing below the waist.”

“Mm hm.”  She nods.

One by one she unfastens the remaining buttons of my blouse.  In a soft supportive voice she says as she opens the front.  “You have nothing to be ashamed of Jo.  Your body is so beautiful.”  She slips the blouse down off of my shoulders and I let her remove the shirt from me.

“Thank you Dot.”  I smile.

She lingers before moving on.  Her eyes explore the soft flesh of my belly and chest and shoulders and arms.  Her desire for me was less intense as it had been with Prince but it was there.  There was no mistaking that look.  She licks her lips then lightly nibbles on the bottom one as she admires my body.  Leaning in close to the screen my boyfriend watches on breathlessly.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

The way she said I almost believed it, even though I knew I wasn’t anything special.  “Would you stop, silly girl.”

“I agree Dot, she looks incredible.”  Prince pipes in.

“Shut up you.” I laugh embarrassedly.

Dot scooches closer.  Reaching around me she unfastens my bra and reverently pulls this off of me too.  A little shiver runs through me as I face the pair bare chested.

“God I love your tits.”  Prince says.

“I love them too.”  Dot whispers with a pure and honest smile.  My boobs are not quite as big as hers, though they were close, and not nearly as perky but they were nicely symmetrical with prominent subtly conical nipples and a pleasant pouting shape.  They weren’t pin-up worthy but in the breast department I really couldn’t complain too hard.  “I love them so much.”

“I dream about those titties every single night.”

“You do not.”

“I do!”  Prince objects.  “I’m crazy about your tits baby.”

“I see why.”  Dot says.  “I think I will dream of them too.”

“They’re perfect.”

“Perfect!  They’re so wonderful.”

“Would you two stop!”  I cover myself with an arm and feel my cheeks warm with a blush at their over the top praise.

Dot rests a hand lightly on my forearm and looks up at me.  “Please?”

I sigh and roll my eyes and lower my arm again as the horny duo ogle and stare.  Honestly I think hoots and jeers would have been easier to handle, the way they gazed at me with such affection was almost too…real.  It was as if could feel their eyes touch me and explore my supple flesh.  The warmth of my blush spreads down my body to coalesce around my breasts that continued to be the center of attention as well as in my aroused pussy.

“Ahem!”  I clear my throat.  “Anyway, it’s our turn again.”

“That’s right!”  Dot peeps, her eyes lighting up as they turn back to my boyfriend.  “Our turn.”

I laugh. “Go get him Dot.”

Her confidence building hesitates less this time.  Her hands grip, her fingers rubbing her sweaty palms, as she gathers her gumption.  “Pants!  I want…your p-pants!”  Before Prince can reply she quickly adds.  “And shoes and socks a-and…anything not your underwear.  And…then…spin around so we see you.”  The little islander was as impatient as Prince!

“That’s a lot for one turn.”  He says.

“You have to!”  She insists, before looking down at her nervously twiddling fingers and adding more sheepishly.  “Please?”

“Yes Ma’ams.”  He salutes, only too happy to do as she asked.

Vibrating with excitement Dot snuggles right in beside me.  I rub her back with one hand and hold her hand with the other then kiss her head as she watches my boyfriend strip for us.  As dramatic as the last time he pushes back from his desk but this time he hops off part way back and let the chair roll off without him.  I can’t hold back the laughs this time.  I am busting a gut as Prince wiggles his tush and prances about in a strip tease that was somehow simultaneously the most terrible and the cutest fucking thing I’d ever seen.  His confidence and cockiness more than made up for his lack of moves and his less than poster boy physique.  My silly man was a sexy bastard, I couldn’t deny it.

Poor Dot grips my hand with white-knuckled intensity as he watches him spin and gyrate and twerk his tight little man booty for the camera.  Very quietly she whispers to me.  “I am so wet and hard right now!  Ohhh Jo!  I want your boyfriend so bad!”

Leaning in close I whisper in her ear.  “He wants you too Dot.  He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t.  He’ll do ANYTHING you ask him.”

Her legs press hard together.  “Ohhhh!”

His ass pointed right at us he slaps his buns then spins back around and falls back into his chair.  He grabs his crotch, his erection clearly visible through his shorts, then rolls back in toward the desk only giving us a tease of the front before it disappears from view.  He leans to the right, chin resting on his fist, and gives us his most dashing grin.

“I wanna have your babies!”  Dot exclaims before slapping a hand over her mouth and blushing all over again.

“Woah there girl.”  I laugh, moving in to hug her from behind.  “Slow down.”  Prince chuckles along with me.  We were both having a good time with Dot.  I’d expected more jealousy or insecurity but everything about this just felt…fun!  “Nice strip show fella.”  I say as I slowly slide my fingers down through the neck of Dot’s pajamas.  “What’s next?”

To my surprise he does have me undress Dot, instead he says.  “Suck on her titties Dot.”

“Um…okay.”  She nods.  

“Wait a sec?  Don’t you want to see her naked?”  I object.  I’d started this whole thing to demonstrate what the ‘sisters’ really were but Dot hadn’t lost a stitch of clothes as of yet as Prince and I were getting more naked by the minute.

“Yes!”  Prince says.  “Oh my god yes!”  Dot giggles, flattered by his enthusiasm.  “But first…titty suck.”

She turns around to face me, getting to her hands and knees as she does so.  Her back was to the laptop though she makes sure to sit off at an angle so Prince could see.  “Both or just one?”  She asks.

“Both.”  Prince answers.

“I never agreed to this.”  I say.  “Could be game over.”

“No, pleeease.”  Dot pleads.  “Not yet.”

“Come on Jo, that dance had to earn me a little suck.”

“You suck!”  I say.  “Fine…go ahead.”

“He he he!”  Dot bounces, her eyes locked on my breasts.  “Um…I…I’ve never…um…how do I…?”

“It’s not complicated.  Ya just suck’em!”

“Right!”  She nods and pops her lips, studying my titty like it were an equation.  “Uhhhh…”

“For goodness sake, come here.”  I grab her head and pull her into my chest, smooshing her face straight into my left breast.  With a tit right in her face instinct seems to take over.  Dot opens her and latches onto me.  Her hot wet mouth engulfs my pert tawny nipple and then…she takes my breath away!  “Oh geez!”


Virgin that she was, and with no guidance from me, Dot simply does what comes naturally to her.  She does not lick, slurp, nibble or suck…she suckles!  Like a baby on a teat Dot begins to nurse on my breast in a firm steady rhythm.

“Dot…Dot, that’s not how…oh fuck.”  My hand grips her hair but otherwise I am frozen in place as the firm but gentle suckle, suckle, suckle sends a bolt of raw erotic energy from my breast straight down into my womb.  “Oh Jesus!”

“Good?”  Asks Prince, his blue eyes bulging.

I nod rapidly.  “Yeah…yeah…it’s good.”

“Oh God Jo, you have no idea what this is doing to me.”  His hands disappear beneath the desk as he leans back, his eyes unable to tear from the screen.

Now I LOVED having my breasts played with but this was something else altogether.  Instincts that I’d never truly felt before, primal urges as old as time, course through me as Dot’s soft plump sucking lips and her steadily rubbing tongue lights my body up like a Christmas tree.  After our incredible hot and steamy kiss I figured it would be different having a girl suck my titties, but I did not expect this!  Nor did I expect it to feel this good!  For her part Dot had her eyes closed and a look of sweet blissful peace had come over her as she suckled on my sensitive breast.  To see a spirit like hers, usually so frenetic, brought still and made so happy was…well…it was simply sublime.

“Mmmm.”  She coos softly, her body settling down over my knees.  “Mmmmmm.”

“Ohhhh Dot.”  I whisper and gently stroke her hair.  “Ohhh.  That’s…that’s soooo nice.”

“Mmmmm.”  Opening her golden brown eyes she looks up at me.  Our eyes meet and we begin to gaze.  Mere words fail to describe the power of that fleeting moment.  I knew how weird and twisted this was, having a new female friend nurse on my breast, and yet, for an instant, nothing could have felt more pure.

I blink, breaking the gaze, and give her a warm smile.  Still petting her wavy hair I bring my other hand to caress her smooth cheek.  “Now the other one.”

Reluctantly she gives up the teat.  “I liked that.”  She whispers.  With the sleeve of her pajama she carefully daubs my wet nipple dry.

I hold back on my own confession.  My body and my spirit were soaring but my mind didn’t know how it felt about this yet.  Right now I just wanted to get this over with.  Leaning in I kiss her forehead.  “Come on baby girl, keep going.”

At my guidance she moves to my other breast.  Eagerly she roots into me and latches, her big beautiful eyes batting up at me as she begins to suckle.  I don’t look at her this time.  Her head cradled in my arms I just close my eyes and, for a brief time, allow myself to enjoy the ride.  I only let it go on for a minute or so before I pull her off again.  

“Nngahh.”  She whimpers and her lips reach for my engorged nipple as if she were pained by the separation.  She looks up at me again…then all of sudden thrusts upward into a hard lip to lip kiss.  “Mmmmm!”

I hold her and kiss her passionately, my breasts still throbbing to the heartbeat like rhythm of her suckling.  When the kiss parts we both let out a long breath and then start to laugh.  We’d just shared a moment neither of us could have expected.

From the laptop comes a groan from Prince.  “Ohhhh wow!”

Chapter 12 



Wow! the writing in this chapter is just amazing! The sentences flow so beautifully!

Jason D Fluffer

Dot is so precious! I love her so❤