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Hot and bothered and chomping at the bit to take out my frustrations after Harry had left me hanging I grab a handful of Ernest’s collared shirt and grip it tightly the moment we are inside of William’s small house, so tightly I could feel a few of his chest hairs tear free beneath it.  His eyes bulge and he swallows hard as I lock my gaze on him like a tigress on her next meal.

“You first!”   I announce just before I turn and pull him along behind me.

“Huh!?”  He stumbles but quickly follows.  “M-m-me?”

“Good luck champ!”  Laughs Danny.

“The bedroom’s just down the…”  Williams starts to say.

“I know.”  I say, already making straight for it.

I chose Ernest next for a very particular reason.  Having been used and discarded like so much trash by Harry, which honestly still got my juices flowing to think about, I wanted some payback against the opposite sex and Ernest was just the guy to take it out on.  Not because he deserved it or was somehow responsible for Harry’s actions but because I KNEW he would enjoy it.

While William was my best friend I’d actually known Ernest the longest having met him the summer just before moving onto high school.  Even back then he made no secret of his attraction to powerful dominant girls and that preference had never wavered and only evolved with him.  No matter how mean they were to him he crushed so hard on the female bullies of our school that it was pretty cringy just to be around him, though it did make for some good laughs.  His fetish became something of an open joke about him but one he never shirked away from.  I kind of admired how unapologetic he was about his sexual preference, though truth be told I think the embarrassment of being an out in the open simp was part of the thrill for him.  Had his very particular fascination been for show all these years?  I was about to put it to the test.

The moment we are through the door I pull Ernest round in front of me then roughly shove him back onto the bed.  Tipsy from the beer he staggers back to land ass first then rocks back up to a sitting position gawping up at me like I were the second coming.  I laugh at his dumbfounded expression.  With my inside knowledge this was almost unfair.  Using the dynamic Candace as my inspiration and embracing the lesson from the car, to keep things moving fast so that I can’t dwell on my thoughts too long, I take control.

In one graceful motion I kick the door closed, though not latched, then bring that same foot around and up to plant it squarely on his barrel chest.  “Call me Mistress…bitch!”

He audibly gasps then sits up taller.  “Y-y-yes Mistress!”

Oh, this was going to be easy!  For Alex Ernest was a stiff and stubborn bastard, for Alexis he was silly putty.  Slipping my bare foot from the sandal, letting it drop to his lap, I drag the sole of my foot up his chest and neck then right up across his face.  Not only was he not upset his whole stout body shudders with swelling lust.  Without hesitation he begins to kiss and suck and lick at the bottom of my foot.

“Thank you Mistress.  Thank you.”  He whispers between passionate kisses.

“What’s that?  I didn’t hear you, worm.”

“Thank you Mistress!”  He says loudly, not caring a bit if the others heard.  To my surprise that subtle darkening of his chocolate brown cheeks that he got when Alex would tease him about this stuff was not there, under Alexis’ control he wasn’t embarrassed…he was proud!  “I am yours Mistress.”

I pull my foot down his smiling face, a bit squeamish as he extends his tongue to full on slurp the bottom of my foot and toes as they go.  I skip past his chest to wipe the wetness off at the crotch of his trousers, behind the fly I find him already as hard as tempered steel.  I grind down into it, my heel twisting into his balls as he only widens his legs and hisses at the abuse.  “Yessss!”  Caught up in the energy of dominance that he was feeding me us I bring my foot down, step in, and tear his nice collared dress shirt wide open.  Buttons spray as his thick brown hairy torso is exposed.  He throws his head back and cries out.  “YES MISTRESS!”  

From out in the living room I could hear the snickers of William and Danny.  Again, if Ernest heard it too he showed no sign of it.  All he cared about was what would come next.  I slap his round belly then one of his meaty pecs.  “What the fuck is this ya fat fuck?  Your tits are almost as big as mine!”  With that I pull my sweater off and throw it to the ground.

His eyes somehow widen further.  “I’m sorry Mistress!  I’m not worthy…”

“Shut the fuck up bitch.”

“Yes Mistress!”  I unbuckle my jeans and pull them down over my curvaceous hips then let them fall to the floor.  I stand before him in all of my naked female glory.  His huge eyes start at my toes and slowly pan up my smooth pale flesh.  In utter awe he whispers.  “My goddess!”

I shove him by the shoulders so that he laid back on the bed.  “I said shut the fuck up.”  I crawl onto him and over him.  “This will keep that simping mouth busy.”  With that I pin his arms down with my legs and grind my hot snatch down onto his mouth.

“MMMM!”  His face beaming with joy Ernest goes at my cunt like a starving man.  What he lacked in technique he made up for with sheer enthusiasm.  He sucks and slurps and plunges his tongue deep in my slit.  “Shhrrmmm!”

It feels fucking AMAZING!  “Mmmm.” I grind my whole weight down into his face.  “You call that eating pussy?  Come on eat me like you got a pair you fucking loser!”

“HMMMGGHHH!!!”  Ernest redoubles his efforts, rooting into my sex with smacking lips and lapping tongue.  He slurps and swallows every precious drop of pussy juice he could get to.  The raspy stubble scraping against my tenderest region only made it all the better.

“Nnnngh.”  It was so good!  I thought a blow job was great, this was even better.  I grab his thick curly hair and ride his face like it were a saddle.  Good as this was though…I wanted more!  Harry had left me with unfinished business and it was time Ernest picked up the slack for his friend.  I crawl back down him, leaving him wet from cheek to cheek and a huge smile on his full face, and jerk his belt open with hard impatient pulls.  Down come his pants and boxer and up pops his hard cock, sprouting up like a brown mushroom from a bed of thick black moss.

His stout dark manhood was a match for his burly body, a bit shorter than Harry’s but noticeably girthier.  Next comes the weirdly humbling realization that his was thicker than mine too.  God damn it, simp Ernest was bigger than me?  No guy ever wanted to know that about a friend.  I quickly push that from my mind, I was Alexis right now and Alexis had needs that needed filling.  I waste no time mounting on top of him and reaching down between my legs to rub his fat knob against my achingly hungry pussy.  I glare down at him.  “If you DARE to cum before I say…”  I let the unspoken threat hang in the air, allowing his lust fueled imagination come up with its own punishment.

“Yes Mistress!”

He’d barely gotten that out when I sink down and impale myself on him.  Without meaning to I let out a low moan as the hard inches penetrate me.  “Ohhhhhmmmmmm.”

Oh my God!  His fat cock felt like heaven!  So much so that I had to hold back more whimpers of joy just to maintain my stony bitch facade.  In a flash I understood Candace’s gripe ‘You’re barely six and not even that thick.’  I could feel Ernest’s extra girth stretching my tunnel just that little bit extra and sweet Jesus did that little bit extra make a difference.  They alway told me that size didn’t matter…LIARS!

“Ohhhh fuck.”  I breathe in a hushed voice as I grip his shoulders and begin to ride him.

“Do I please you Mistress?”

“No!  No.  Little pencil dick bitch.  You’re even smaller than your friend.”

“Yes Mistress!  I am nothing!  I am pathetic!”  He moans, inside of me I feel his cock harden as he flexes it to maximum.  “Ohhh thank you Mistress!”

“HNNGHH!”  A groan escapes me.  My belittling words to him were, of course, pure bluster.  The truth was that my oldest friend, the weird oddball Ernest the simp, was fucking owning this hot wet pussy.  I struggle mightily to keep my dominant cool as I ride his thick satisfying manhood at my own pace.  “Mmmmmm!  You are pathetic.  So fucking worthless as a man.”


I grab his hands and bring them to breasts.  “Come on fuckmeat, touch me.  Touch me like a real man.”

His plump hand squeeze my heavy hanging titties, but they squeeze respectfully.  Worshipfully.  He cups my big breasts and lovingly runs his thumbs across the stiff nipples.  His touch was…nice.  As strong and as sure as Harry’s hands but so much more attendant to my pleasure over his own.

I sneer and scoff and hiss every insult I could think of at him…just so that I wouldn’t cry out in wild passion.  “Come on, is that the best you can fuck me?”  “That all you got you fat pig?”  “You are only good to me as a cock, and even that ain’t great.”  “God you are worthless!”  These are the words I tell him even as inside my head I am wailing.  ‘God YES!  Fuck me you beast!!!’  Treating his body as Harry treated mine I slap his chest, pinch his nips, and run my nails down his bare flesh.  In all my years I had never seen a man so utterly and completely happy!  This was a man in his element.

“Yes Mistress!”  He cries.  “Use me Mistress!  I am yours Mistress!”

Even through the rising passion I was glad I could do this for him.  I remembered about how he thought of me when the others hadn’t.  Ernest deserved a bit of joy.

“Little ass-licker, useless panty-sniffer, you are only good as a fuck stick.  Hnnghh!  A human dildo.”

“Yes Mistress!”  He huffs, his hips start to thrust up to meet my downward riding.

“MMMMMM!”  I growl as the building pressure of an approaching orgasm reaches a boiling point.  “You think you can make me cum?  Huh bitch?  You think your little dick could actually make Mistress cum?  Huh?”

“Yes Mistress!”  His thick hands slide down my body to grab my hips.  Moving with the fast hard rhythm that I established he rams up into me, our bodies clap at the thunderous impact of our strength combined.  Plap!  Plap!  Plap!  Plap!  By breasts swing and bounce to our hard steady coitus.  Plap!  Plap!  Plap!  Plap!

“Ohhhh God!”  My voice rises as his fat thrusting cock makes me forget everything else.  Who he was, who I was, and who I used to be.  Unlike Harry he would see the job done!  In an instant I am the slave and he the master as my body is flooded with pure female orgasmic ecstasy.   “I’m cumming!  Ohhh…OHHHHHHHH!!!”  The climax, my first proper climax as a woman, is DEEEEP and powerful and so much more intense and long lasting than my male one.  “GOD!  OHHHHHH!!!”

“Yes!  Yes Mistress!  You are a goddess!  You are a goddess!!!”  My old high school chum huffs and puffs beneath me, his hips keeping that good steady rhythm as he brings the woman out of me in a way that made the masturbation back in the bathroom seem like a mere appetizer to the main course.

“OHHHH ERNESSSST!!! HAHHHHH!!!”  My pussy squirts and spasms as my orgasm goes on and on.  And then, all at once, everything gets REALLY sensitive.  Reactively I recoil up off of his penis.  Hovering over him my whole body trembles and shakes at the incredible aftershocks of the orgasm he’d just fucked out of me.  I stare down on him in shock.  “Holy shit…Ernest!  Jesus Christ dude!”

“Mistress?”  He whispers, reminding me again of what was happening here.

I swallow and shake my head as I focus my mind back to the moment.  My pussy was too tender to mount him again so I use that in my Dominatrix act.  Slipping to his side I reach down and start wanking his pussy drenched cock hard, fast, and in a super tight grip.

“HNNNNGH!”  He groans, his body arching to my rough handjob.

“You actually thought I was gonna let you cum inside of me?  Hmmm?”  I scoff derisively.  “A worthless, useless, dickless pig like…YOU!?”

“No Mistress!  Of course not Mistress!”  He groans, staring into my eyes like a helpless puppy.

“You better hurry bitch, I ain’t fucking doin this all day.”  I tease as my hand goes faster and grips harder, so hard that I KNEW it would have to hurt.  “Come on loser, you have ten seconds to cum starting…”



Too late, no countdown necessary.  My merciless hand and that last bit of bitchy dominance had taken him right over the edge.  Great creamy gouts of hot thick cum was already blasting up onto his belly.  I laugh.  Not simply laugh with the moment, but I laugh at him.  I laugh at his goofy expression and his silly noises and, most of all, I laugh at his erupting manhood.  

“AAAOOHHHHHH!!!”  He howls as I milk his potent load out onto his own skin.

He cums so hard!  He cums for so long!  I honestly start to worry about the dude.  I wouldn’t have been surprised to see his testes themselves come bursting out his tip such was the intensity of his nut.

“Ha ha ha ha!  That’s it bitch!  Keep going.  That all you got little man?  Keep cumming!”

“NNNNNGHHHH!”  He moans as if in pain though his face is a mask of unfiltered ecstasy.

When I at last squeeze the very final dregs from his now empty balls I give him one tiny moment of tenderness.  Kissing his flushed cheek I whisper.  “Good boy.”

“…ohhhhhhh…”  His voice warbles as he stares up at the ceiling in a state of stunned rapture.  “I…think I love you.”

I laugh and wipe what mess did get on my hand off on his chest and open shirt.  “Get the fuck outta here.”

He huffs and tries to catch his breath as he nods.  “Yes Mistress.  Anything Mistress.”

I crawl up to the head of the bed and lounge back like the heavenly goddess he believed me to be.  I fold my hands over my belly and close my eyes.  “Send Danny in on your way out.”

I feel him scrambling about as he cleaned up his cummy belly and tried to get dressed at the same time.  “Yes Mistress.  Of course Mistress.”  There is a moment of quiet before he says.  “Mistress?”

“Mmm?”  I crack an eye to look at him.

“M-m-may I…see you again?”  He falls to his knees, literally worshiping me at the foot of the bed.  I’d never had a lover do that before!  It was ego boosting to say the least.  For the first time I actually thought Ernest looked…cute?  “Please Mistress, please.  Please may I see you again!?”  His begging bordered on the desperate.  “L-let me serve you.  I will help you, with your other lovers, I’ll clean, I’ll cook, m-money, I’ll do…anything…please!”

I close my eye and with a casual wave of my hand I cast him away.  “I am done with you.”  I could hear the bitter disappointment in his sigh.  With a wry smile I add.  “Until next time.”

“HAH!”  He lets out a gasp of joy.  “Yes Mistress!  Oh thank you Mistress!”

I chuckle.  “I’ll find you when I want you.  Now…leave me.”

“Yes Mistress.  Of course Mistress.  I cannot wait to see you again Mistress.”

Though my eyes were closed I could imagine him bowing and scraping his way the whole way out of the room.  I take in a deep breath then slowly let it out, a big smile appearing on my face.  My pussy still glowed.  Fuck, my whole damn body felt good.  I had thought this might be a one time thing with the boys, but cock that good!?  Fuuuuck, I already knew I’d be back for it.


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