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“Mmmm.  What a hot little ass you got baby.”  She subtly gyrates her hips, stirring the thick rod around inside me.  “That’s deep, huh?”

“Hannghhh!”  I whine in bliss, my ass pushed back tight against her.

“Ready for more baby?”  She whispers, her hands gripping my hips harder.

“Hangh.”  I nod.

“Okay, here we go.”

Slowly she pulls the fat eight inch cock back through my taut sphincter.  She’d used plenty of lube so it glides like a dream allowing me to feel the veiny texture and the ridge of the knob withdraw, pause at my entrance, then push back into me once more.  It filled me so much better than the first dildo, incredible as that had been, or even the plug.  Even though there is a bit of burn as my ass stretched to accommodate my second trainer, there was just something soooo satisfying about the extra girth and depth.  Once all the way in she holds it a few seconds then begins another long slow stroke.  After that comes another, and another, and another.  Each one feels better than the last.  Sliding along at my wrists, just below the cuffs, is her own real hardening cock.  Curling up my hands I touch her shaft with my fingers to feel and stimulate the flesh and blood penis I wished were inside of me.  My mouth held open by the ring gag I sing my bliss, holding nothing back from her.

“Mommy loves hearing your cute moans baby.  Don’t ever stop.”

“Anngh!  Haanngh!  Laahhh!”  In and out that wonderful schlong glides.

“That’s it baby.”  The thrusts are smooth and easy as she finds her rhythm.  “You look so pretty taking Mommy’s cock.  You are such a beautiful boy.”


“You are so beautiful.  You are so sexy.  Look at you taking it soooo good!”  She plunges in extra hard.  “I am such a lucky Mommy to have you.”  Already full hilt, her hips tight to my ass, she bucks hard into me to really let me feel the depth.  “I am so proud that you are mine.”


The bondage, the praise, the sex…my glowing heart was even fuller than my dildo stuffed ass!  Leaning down she lets her weight come down onto my body, her soft heavy breasts press into my back and my chest and the side of my face are forced even harder into the bed.  Flexing my arms and setting my legs I welcome her weight on top of me.  It made me feel smaller and even more helpless.  Her left hand slides up my side and into my hair…where she grabs it.


Evelyn being Evelyn she doesn’t hold my hair hard enough to hurt, not even close, but it was a good firm dominant grip and the most aggression she’d ever shown.  I love it!  Her long silky hair tickles my bare flesh as her supple lips kiss my shoulder then drag across to the back of my neck.  There sucks and nibbles and whispers.  “Mine!”


Her other hand slides around my flank, down my belly, and finds my cock.  Taking it in a light grip she oh so gently rubs the tip with just the pad of her index finger, right at the hole, as her hips rock steadily to move the dildo in and out in short deep thrusts.  Pinned and bound all I can do is take it.

“I bet you are so pent up from yesterday.  Mmm.”  She kisses my neck, her thrusting speeding up.  “All those cummies just begging to come out, aren’t they?”


“Are you gonna let me fuck all that good cum out of you my Prince?  Mmm?”


“Good boyyyy.”  She hums, somehow understanding that that moan meant yes.

My body trembles beneath hers as a high warbling whimper drifts out of my open mouth.  The cock stuffing my ass just kept feeling better!  My body had completely surrendered to it now, relaxed and aroused I could only feel the good of it.  The way it grinded against my P-spot without pause and plunged so deeply that I could almost feel it in my belly made me feel just like a proper little fucktoy.  There was something so special about being on the receiving end, to have my dominant actually on top of me, pinning me down and penetrating me, that made my subby soul soar.  With each bum filling thrust I let out a naughty yelp or a pleading peep of absolute joy.

“I could listen to you all day.  Mmm.  You are taking this so well my sweet.”  She runs her hand through my hair and then grabs higher up my head.  “You’ll be onto number three in no time!”


“You are leaking.”  She giggles warmly as her gliding finger is made slick by my precum.  “My leaky boy, making a mess on the bed.”


She kisses me.  “Don’t worry, Mommy’ll clean it alllll up baby.  You make all the mess you want.”

It wasn’t just precum making a mess.  I was drooling like an overheated pup and with my gag there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop myself from slavering all over the blankets.  She bites the back of my neck lightly then soothes it with a kiss before letting go of my hair and rising back up again.  The finger on my tip taps twice as her hand grips hard before sliding down to grab my nuts and massage them.

“Mmm, I feel how full you are.”  She pats them then gives my steel hard cock its first honest stroke.  “Ready to…burst.”  She then lets go.  Both her hands are back on my hips as she straightens up tall.  I already missed her soft warm weight on top of me but seeing her tower over me so imperiously was almost as good.  “Here we go.”  Her hands grip…and the pace begins to increase.

“HANNGH!  GNAHH!”  My moans fill the air.  Warmed up and opened up the cock slide easily in and out and in and out, each thrust just a bit quicker than the last.  Not only was she fucking me faster, she was fucking me harder.  Still gentle, always gentle, yet with a strength and authority she’d never shown me before.  “HAHHHH!!!”

“Sing for me baby.”  She says.  “We’re not stopping until you give my a nice big load.”

I am beside myself.  I pull and whine and wriggle in helpless ecstasy as the eight inch cock hammered my prostate and filled me like nothing before it.  I put my face into the blankets and scream then turn my face the other way.  What I see makes me wail for Mommy.  On the mirror of Evelyn’s vanity I see myself, not the man who had walked to breakfast this morning but myself as I was right now, actually making eye contact with that submissive boy in the glass.  In those hazy brown eyes I don’t see the guarded pain that usually greeted me but a sublime joy reflecting back at me.

Feeling it was one thing but actually seeing myself bent over, bound up, body being rocked, gagged, tongue lolling and drooling, as the most beautiful woman in the world took me from behind…well, it was intense.  Like the world’s greatest porno with me as the star.  I could hardly believe that lucky happy boy was me.  Evelyn’s fair flesh glowed from a subtle sheen of sweat that now covered her voluptuous body.  Her thrusts had picked up even more.  She was throwing her weight behind these thrusts, enough to make her big tits bounce and the her thick body jiggle on each impact.  The shaft of the flesh colored dildo glistens as it pistons in and out of my booty hole.  Her long glorious red hair washed down over her shoulders and back, her huge and now fully hard cock swing in and out between my spread legs and through my light grip, brushing my balls as the erectness caused it to rise higher.  Her body was perfection, but it was the way she gazed down on me with lust and love that shone most beautifully.

She had found a good hard steady rhythm that she could maintain.  “I’m not stopping until I get my cummies.”  She says with a kinky and encouraging grin, made all the more lovely as she did not realize that I was watching her.  “I’ll fuck you all day if I have to boy.”


From the rapidly growing pressure in my bowels and nuts I knew all day would not be necessary.  In fact, all I had to do is give myself over to the pleasure and it wouldn’t take long at all.  But I hold out, I hold out as long as I can, just because the sex was too damn good to let go of.  Evelyn fucks me, she fucks her simpering little boy toy, with a carefree abandon.  Her laughs, her smiles, her reactions to my mewling noises, her many compliments and uplifting praise, all speak to the FUN she was having right now.  She had wanted to fuck me since the moment she met me and it looked to be everything she hoped it would be.  God how I loved her.

I do hold out for as long as I can but I was a very horny and pent up boy.  What I hoped would be hours turns out to be mere minutes.  That pressure, that nonstop erotic pressure, just kept building and building and building at the relentless ass pounding.  I am panting and moaning as the fires of lust ignite at my prostate and my ass begins to climax on its own.


“Yes!  Here it comes!”  She thrusts get that much more intense as she takes me over the edge.

Still I try to hold out.  Chomping at my gag, tongue out and panting, I cry in wild rapture as the spasming orgasm in my hole washed into my balls even as I fought against it.  I would hold out until the deep thrusting cock FORCED the cum from me.  I didn’t want to surrender, I wanted to be defeated by my superior Mommy.  My body heaves against its bonds, my ass fucks back onto her as it instinctually and desperately tries to relieve the sexual pressure that ready to explode.


“OOOO!  That’s it my love!  That’s it!”  She fucks me hard and good.  “Show me how good you can cum on Mommy’s big cock.”

Her voice goes distant and the world around me disappears into a white fog as…BOOM…the balloon is popped.  I can hear myself crying out as if from three rooms away, I can hear Evelyn cheering and praising me as if from a memory, I can feel her hands hugging me tight as she leans down on me again to hold me through my climax, but all of it is filtered and muffled through the roar of my orgasmic rush.

I cum…HARD!  Fighting the orgasm and losing had made it twice as powerful.  Without being touched my hard jerking cock blasts great wads of its hot sticky load onto the bed, my arms, and Evelyn’s big cock below it.  It goes on and on and on and all I can do is tremble at its power as Mommy holds me close and milks my prostate with her toy.  My cock flexes and jerks over and over, gradually weakening as the cummy squirts got smaller and smaller.

“I am so proud of you.”  She whispers as her strap on empties my balls.  “Good boyyyy.”

“…nnnahhhhh…”  I whimper and tremble once it is all over, feeling like a very happy and very empty husk of the man who had walked in here.

She kisses my neck and pets my sweaty hair.  “Such a goood boyyy.”

“Nggahhh lahhh yahhh.”  I sigh, my body collapsing beneath her.

“I love you too baby.”  She croons softly.  Staying deep inside of me she guides me down to the bed so that we were laying on our sides, her spooning me and holding me close.  I am a puddle of man in her loving arms.  She kisses my back and pets my trembling body as I drift into a state of post-coital glow.  “Good boy.  Don’t fall asleep now my Prince.”  Reaching around she feels the load I had just deposited all over her dick.  “My goodness, that was a big one.  Such a virile man.  Wow.”  She gently pinches my earlobe.  “Now, just three more of those to go.  Then you can rest.”



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