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“I mean if you want to stay here smacking each other’s balls around…”  I start to say but, the moment the guys realized I was actually serious, there is a flurry of yeses and hell yeahs.  Without the hour of getting to know each other and joking around, or without the free flowing pitchers of beer, there might have been more suspicion at this too good to be true proposal but as it was it was damn the torpedos and full speed ahead.  

“All of us!?”  Ernest couldn’t quite believe what was happening.

“One at a time tiger.”  I say, putting some limits on this crazy night.  I’d never even been with a guy before, I wasn’t even sure I was ready for one...never mind an orgy with four!

“We could go to my place…”  Begins Danny.

“My place.”  William states, answering the question I’d posed with authority.  “If I’m driving you drunks I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight.”

“We should call Alex.”  Ernest says.  “He’s a cool guy, you’d like him.  He’d usually be here with us right now.  What a shitty night for him to get sick.”

“His loss.”   Laughs Harry.

“Wait until hears about this.”  Danny snickers.

“Beats his Candace story.”

Ernest shrugs.  “Just doesn’t seem right without him is all.”

I was touched!  Genuinely touched at Ernest’s wanting to include me in this once in a lifetime good fortune.  I didn’t hold the laughter against Harry or Danny, I’d probably do the same with them, but I would not forget Ernest’s uprightness anytime soon.  I felt like a spy within my own friend circle, which is exactly what I was I suppose.

“No worries Ernie.”  William says, rubbing his square jaw and continuing to study me.  “I think Alex is with us in spirit.  Besides, I texted him earlier.  He knows what’s up.”

“We going or what?”  I prod.  Like Cinderella at the ball I knew that this fantasy had a hard time limit.  At the crack of dawn I would be my old self again…and I sure as hell didn’t want to be in the middle of something when that happened!

“Let’s roll!”

The bill is paid and we all pile into Williams SUV as one great mass of giggling humanity.  William and Ernest sit up front while Harry, Danny, and I take the back.  For an honest upstanding gal these were the worst two to be sitting with.  But I knew that even as I take the middle seat.  We all realized at this point that I was not the kind of girl you took home to meet Mom.  Even my experience with the aggressive Candace hadn’t prepared me for the mauling I received at the hands of these two horny drunks.

Any second thoughts or hesitation I may have had was taken out of my hands as the guys quickly took control of the situation.  It started with a touch of my knee by Danny and an arm around my shoulders by Harry.  Once they realized that I wasn’t about to rebuff their advances…they were all over me!  Within minutes Danny’s hands were up under my sweater groping my tits as Harry kept his arm around me and thrust his other hand down into my jeans.

“Shit!  This slut ain’t even wearing panties.”

I might have had comeback for him had he not slipped his two middle fingers straight up into my hot cooch.  “Nnngh!”  I whimper as his fat male fingers felt so much nicer than my own.

“Bitch is wet.”  He chuckles.  Finger curled in he firmly and steadily goes straight into finger me.

“Oh gah!”  I gasp as my already lust filled body lights up to his rough touch.  “Ohhhhh!”  Danny’s hands were feeling pretty fucking good too as they squeezed and pulled and pinched at my sensitive tits.  He pulls my sweater up to expose my breasts, with his teeth he holds the shirt up as he continues to fondle and slap my big fat tits for all to see.  Peering back over the front seat Ernest’s wide brown eyes are glued on the action.  Caught up in my desire I could barely believe that these were my friends fondling me and ogling me and fingering my hot wet snatch.  “OHHHHH!”

With a hard heave of his arm Harry pulls me away from Danny and the next thing I knew I was face to tip with his half hard cock!  The next thing after that it was suddenly stuffed into my mouth!!!   “MMMF!”

“That’s it ya fuckin slut.  Suck it.”  Jesus Christ!  I actually had Harry’s smelly hairy dick my mouth!  His hand grips my long hair and pushes me down to take it all in.  “Suck it!”

I…suck it.  It was spongy and tasted of salty sweat.  There is a moment of gut churning revulsion as the realization of what I was actually doing really hits me, but thankfully that moment doesn’t last long.  I just hadn’t the time or attention to linger on it.  Danny had pulled me up onto the seat and pulled down my jeans to pick up where Harry had left off.  I was kneeling between them, head on Harry’s lap and ass pointed at Danny.  I feel him kiss my smooth butt cheek as his fingers gracefully glide up my wet slit.  He wasn’t nearly so crude or rough as Harry but Lord…he knew how to touch a woman!  Two of his fingers slide into my pussy as the other hand masterfully plays with my button.

“HMMMM!”  I groan.  Like a woman possessed I blow Harry as an outlet for all for the wild passions flowing through me.

“God damn!  The whore can suck a cock.”  Harry holds my hair tightly and guides my head up and down his rapidly hardening manhood.  I couldn’t believe how he was treating me or talking about me.  I had a good notion to kick his ass the next time I saw him…though I did have to admit the more he did it the more I kinda liked it.  Reaching down he grabs at tit and squeezes as he fucks my face faster.  “Yeah, suck it bitch.  Suck that fat cock.”

“HMMMM!”  I hum wantonly as behind me Danny had spread my pussy lips apart and begun to eat me out!  Oh WOW!  “HHHMMMMMM!!!”

I was just getting into it when my world is a spinning blur once more, strong hands and arms moving my body around and spin me back the other way and onto my back.  I lay there stunned a moment with my shoulder on Danny’s lap, lips wet and panting, as I watch Harry roll a rubber down over his member.  He pulls my pants up my legs, grips his cock, and moves in!  Fuck this was happening fast!

“OHHHH FUUUUCK!”  I cry out as six rock hard inches of manhood are rammed into me to the hilt.  It beat fingers by a country mile.  “OHHHHHH!”

Harry sneers and chuckles at my reaction.  “That’s what you’ve been wantin, eh slut?”

“Jesus.”  Chuckles William in the front as she shakes his head.

As he settles into place Harry says.  “Drive me home Will, I’m fucking this bitch right here.”  The nerve of this guy!

I gaze up at Harry’s familiar smug face and feel him flex hard inside of my tight virgin cunt.  My whirling mind could barely grasp that at this very second Harry, coworker and drinking buddy, was balls deep inside of me and calling me a slut.  And it felt so fucking good!  Would I ever be able look at him the same after this?  Who knows, who cares.

All at once he begins, slamming into me with fast powerful thrusts as Danny pulls my sweater up to start fondling my boobs again.  Harry licks a thumb and grinds it down into my clit like it was a sticky button on a controller.  His roughness hurt, but it hurt good!  There was so much happening I was a slave to it all.  Most incredible of all though was that wonderful magical feeling of fullness as Harry’s erect penis moved inside of me.

“Ohhhh!  Ooooh fuck!  God yes!  Yes!”  The moans and words came out of me on their own, his hard thrusting cock forcing them from me through sheer pleasure.  Had I been of my right mind I never would have gave this braggart this kind of satisfaction but I simply could not help myself.  He was fucking me too damn good to stop.  “OHHHHH!  Fuck me!  Fuck me!  Ohhh fuck me you son of bitch!”

“Ha ha ha!  Yeahhhh!”

“Fuck her Harry, fuck her good!”  Danny cheers him on, pinching my nips as he says it.


“Yeah!  Take it!  Take it slut!  You fucking whore!”  He grunts through smiling gritted teeth.


He fucks me good and he fucks me hard.  He fucks me like the whore that I was.  His hard thrusts slap against my ass filling the vehicle with the loud wet sounds of sex.  The city passes by out the windows but I am oblivious to it all.  Right now all there was my swiftly approaching bliss.  Some bit of me was thankful it had happened like this, given no time to think or regret it allowed to be just taken.  Seeing my friend humping and heaving on top of me as his cock pounded me was fucking weird to say the least, but it didn’t change how god damned good it felt.


“Forget God.  I own this fucking pussy now slut!  Say my name whore, say my fucking name!”

The words come beyond my control.  “Harryyy!  OHHH YESSSSS!  HARRYYYY!”

Somehow he fucks me even harder!  I am nearly out of my mind with pure pleasure…when all at once the hammers home, giving me all he had to give, and holds there, breaking the rhythm that I so desperately needed.

“Yeahhhhhh!”  He growls as his face contorts with ecstasy and I feel inside of me a deep powerful throb, throb, throb from his pulsing cock.  “FUUUCK YEAAHHHH!”

God damn it!  GOD DAMN IT!  He was cumming already!?  I was so fucking close!  I hadn’t even gotten mine once yet and there he goes busting his nut.  I try to hump back against him, chasing my own orgasm, but he holds me still and stays still and deep as he blasts his entire load.  I lay there watching this selfish bitch sneer down on me like he owned me.  I felt a bit miffed, a bit offended, a lot frustrated, and suddenly Candace’s words echoing in my mind made a lot more sense.  ‘You BETTER not be about to cum!’  Amen sister, now I understood.

His race run he pulls out and give my cunny a stiff slap with his wet dick.  I flinch and my soaked freshly fucked pussy twitches, desperate to be full again.  “Slut.”  He pulls the used rubber, full of his creamy load, off and downs the window to toss it out to the street.

I lay there panting after such a wild hurricane of activity as I stare at him in disbelief.  That actually just happened.  My buddy Harry just fucked me silly and bust his nut.  And he’d been good too!  He’d been so amazing…right up until the end.

“That’s it?” I huff.  “You’re done?”

I catch William biting his lips to hold in a laugh.

“I got mine bitch, not my problem if you didn’t get yours.”  He zips up and sits back looking as self-satisfied as the cat that ate the canary.

“You are such an asshole.”  Danny chuckles, still massaging my big soft titties, as Ernest snickers.

I suddenly felt used.  Taken for granted.  I can’t believe I gave that bastard my cherry!  Though honestly…as much as I tried to deny it…I kinda liked it!  I couldn’t explain it…but it was kinda hot.  I pull my jeans up and sit up again between the men and pull my sweater down.  I glare at Harry not sure if I wanted to kick his ass or suck his cock.

It isn’t long before we are pulling up to Harry’s house.  “Been a slice.”  He says as he hops.  “Enjoy your sloppy seconds boys.”  With that the door slams shut and he swaggers to his front door like the alpha Chad he believed himself to be.

“You still good Alexis?”  William asks, checking in on me through the rear view.

“Sorry about him.”  Mutters Ernest meekly.  “He’s like that.”

“You want to keep going?”  William presses, wanting to make double sure all was still cool here.

I let out a huff and smooth my long hair.  “Not if you all are as piss poor as that hair-trigger shrimp-dick chump.”  

After a second’s silence…the guys explode with laughter.  Hearing the hilarity from his front step Harry turns and waves back at us, thinking we were seeing him off like a conquering hero.  We all laugh and smile and wave back.

“No worries Lexi.”  His arm slipped around me Danny pulls me in and assures me.  “I think we can raise the bar.”

Part 7 


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