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SfH now has more chapters than Slave Girl.  I never imagined it would go this long when I started it!  I hope y'all are still having a good time.  😄


As my excitement grew so too did my licking and sucking of the toy that would soon be inside of me.  Shamelessly I let out little needy mewls as I lap at the fake cock and rattle around helplessly in my chains.  Evelyn watches me with a radiant and powerful dominant energy as she finishes cinching the harness tightly onto her.  When she is done she turns in place to give me an all around view.  The bottom harness matched nearly perfectly with the top despite one being leather and the other being lace.  The straps of the outfit covered nothing.  They only framed and focused attention to her big beautiful booty and big beautiful milkers and big beautiful schlong and balls that all hung free.

“How do I look?”  She asks.

“Like a goddess.”  I whisper.

“You say the sweetest things.”  She beams as she steps closer and puts one knee up onto the bed.  With the back of her fingers she strokes my cheek.  “You treat me so good baby.  You are everything I ever wanted…and so much more.”  Her other hand appears with something in it.  It was a black silicone ring with straps running off to the left and right of it.  “Open up baby.”  I obey, obviously, and the next thing I knew the ring was being slid in to fit snugly just behind my top and bottom front teeth.  “This way you can’t hold any of those cute little moans of yours.  Your Mommy wants to hear them loud and clear.”  She tilts her head, pure love pouring from her glimmering hazel eyes.  “May I use this on you my prince?”

“Hahh.”  I try to say yes but the ring gag denied me the ability.  Instead I nod.

“You give of yourself so freely.  You spoil me my love.”  She croons as she sets about securing the strap around the back of my head.  “Can you snap your fingers for me baby?”

While my wrists were bound down between my ankles my fingers were free.  I give her a few quick snaps.

“That’s my boy.”  She fastens the gag strap.  “If anything is wrong, ANYTHING at all, you do that.  Okay baby?”


“Good boy.”

With the gag in place, which I find surprisingly soft and comfortable despite it being stiff enough to deny me closing my mouth, that absolutely delicious feeling of helplessness is magnified even more.  Without my mouth to articulate I was physically reduced to grunts and groans.  I couldn’t run away, I couldn’t fight back, I couldn’t even talk anymore.  I was quite literally as defenseless and vulnerable as a baby.  She had taken everything from me, everything that made me an independent man, and somehow repaid me with so much more.  It hits me then that this bliss of bondage was more than merely sexual, it went so much deeper than simple lust.  I wanted to cry, I wanted to sing, I wanted to be fucked until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Hannghhh.”  I moan in delight as I squirm against my bonds.

She chuckles at seeing my joy.  Taking the dildo she teases its tip near my mouth.  Unable to close or purse my lips I cannot suck at it.  Extending my tongue through the ring I reach for it and tap at it.  Her smile grows as she watches me.  She places the tip inside the ring, momentarily filling my mouth with it, then pulls it away again and watches my futile efforts to reach for it.   She wipes my bottom lip with a finger.  “You’re drooling baby.”  It wasn’t a criticism, she very much liked what she was seeing.  With a playful smile she wipes up my drool just like a doting Mom would do.  “He he he.  My boy.”


Stepping away and back off of the bed she feeds the eight inch dildo down and out through the steel ring at the crotch piece.  She secures it with the balls and base keeping it solidly in place.  She twists it so that it sat correctly then tighten everything up one last time.  I would have smiled if I could.  Despite the toy being bigger than me it looked laughably dinky sprouting out above the monster that hung below it.  She was somewhere between a semi and a full erection yet she still dwarfed the phallus that most men would be envious of.

From the magic bag she produces a bottle of lube and, with a bit of showmanship, she slowly drizzles the crystal clear goo up the shaft and around the tip.  Her other hand grips it and starts to stroke, lathering the thick dick with a healthy helping of lubricant.

“I bet you’re excited, mmm?”


“He he he.  Almost there.”

Still stroking she disappears from my sight as she walks around to the foot of the bed.  Shoulders and face down, ass up, I sit there curling my toes and gripping my hands as I awaited the pleasures to come.  Yeah I was a bit intimidated by the new dick but, as Evelyn had said, I had handled that butt plug well enough that I was confident I could handle this.  The new toy really did feel like a reward that I had earned.

I feel her weight shift the mattress and sense her presence behind me.  Her knees come up beside my feet.  Straining my eyes I peer back over my shoulder and can just see her kneeling at her full height behind me.  With her dry hand she gently pets the small of my back and across my bare bum.

“So beautiful.”  She whispers to herself as her hand caresses me.  “So beautiful.”

I was bound, gagged, and ready to be fucked in the ass…how did she make even this feel so damned right and wholesome?  She really was a goddess.  I shudder slightly as I feel a fresh squirt of lube dribble down over of my anus.

“Nngahhh!”  I groan as she doesn’t leave me waiting long before sinking two fingers into my needy hole.

“Oooo, you opened right up for me.  You’re getting so good at this!”


Unhurriedly she fingers me with a long full strokes.  She pulls and twists and spreads her fingers as they thrust, fingering me more to loosen me up than to elicit pleasure though both were happening in abundance.  With her other hand, still coated with lube, she reaches under to grab my cock and begin stroking it in time to the fingering.

“Nnngahhh!”  I groan at the twin pleasures, spittle already streaming freely from my open lips.  “Nnnnaaaah!”

“You sound so fucking sexy baby.”  The F bomb landed hard.  My Mommy-Domme swore so little that when she did it had ten times the usual impact.  She adds her ring finger to open me up further.  “That’s it.  God you’re doing so good!”

“Hahhh!  Hahhh!”

“Alright sweetie, here it comes.”  The hand on my dick lets go, the fingers in my butt pull away, her knees shimmy closer touching the outside of my calves, her heavy hanging cock brushes the insides of my forearms.  Closing my eyes I ready myself.  Her left hand comes down over my hip and an instant later there is something new at my entrance.  Thicker, fatter, bulkier than I was used to.  Even the butt plug had a nicely conical tapered tip, the fat knob of this dildo was no nearly so accommodating.  She rubs the knob up and down my slick sphincter.  “Come on baby.  Open up for me.  Let me in baby.”

“Hanngh!”  I whine as I tilt my hips, desperate for penetration.  “Aaaghh.”

“That’s it.”  She applies a bit more pressure.  “Oh yes baby, that’s it.  You’re getting there.”  I flex my anus tight, holding it a few seconds, then let it relax as I will myself to gape.  I don’t gape but am able, through sheer force of mind and desire, open myself a crack.  “Hah!  I see that!”  She slaps my hole with her strap on.  “Good boy!”

“Hanngh!”  As a reward for my good deed she fills the aperture with the silicone knob.  My mouth wide open I pant loudly as the ass stretching thickness of the new toy enter me.  “Annghh!  Annghh!  AAAHHH!”  Slowwwwly she pushes into me, letting me feel and savor every blessed inch as it glides through my tight gripping asshole, and she does not stop until she had all eight buried to the hilt!  It stings, it stretches, it probes into new regions…it is ecstasy!  “GGNNAAHHH!”

“Yessss.”  She brings her other hand to my other hip and grinds deep.  There she stays letting me feel the new size and allowing my body to adjust to it.

Openly, wantonly, pitifully, I whimper and tremble helplessly impaled by Mommy’s new bigger cock.  “AAHHH!”

It was so good!  It was so fucking good!  It had all of the wonderful prostate pressing girth of the plug but delved so much deeper than my first dildo.  I was already in heaven thanks to the bondage but this had taken it to a new higher cloud.  I never realized what a massive mind-bending difference a couple of extra inches in length and an extra half inch in diameter could make!  It filled me, satisfied me, like nothing before it.  Bigger really was better!

Chapter 86 


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